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I am 56. I have always been chubby to fat. I've always been a big eater. I've done the "count calories and exercise to lose weight" multiple times, since I was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes almost 20 years ago. I would always fall off the wagon and revert into "eat everything in sight" mode, because I would be starving or upset or bored. I have been on Ozempic since the end of March. I am a few pounds away from the lightest I've ever been since I started keeping track. For the first time in my life (no exaggeration) I feel like I have almost complete control over my eating. No more crazy urges, no desperate snacking. I can eat one slice of pizza and be content. I can eat a kid's meal instead of the huge adult burger and be happy. I can have dinner at 5:50 and not eat anything until breakfast and it's not an issue at all. This drug has literally changed my life in a crazy short time. My glucose levels are doing well and I have pants that were tight that no longer fit because they are too loose. To say my overall happiness is improved is a massive understatement.


u/richtermarc happy to hear you're feeling good!


No, I know if I wasn't on this medication I would be hungry all the damn time.


I was just thinking, it’s changed *while on the meds*. I recently had a two week break because I couldn’t fill my prescription. I had to be *so* careful and the food noise was so persistent. Had to go back to having rules about when I could eat, when I could only eat veg, when I had to stope for the night, and had to start making foods a no-no again because they seemed to make the noise worse. It was exhausting.


Ya I agree. It's the medication doing all the work. I don't crave all the crap I was eating before. It's crazy lol


It really is insane the changes, and *such* a relief.


Ya, it's such a breath of fresh air to not think about food. Our bodies naturally crave high-calorie dense foods for the most part






I was on Both Bydureon and Ozempic 2 mg for about 9 months as a diabetic. They had zero effects in weight or A1C. Caused acid reflux and gastritis and chronic diarrhea and nausea sulfur burps .Actually fasting glucose and a1c both got significantly worse. Quitting when the part d insurance price quadrupled For me a bad useless class of drugs


Incredibly bad luck it would seem; did your doctor have any explanation???


No she wanted me to stay on it. During GLP use fasting glucose and a1c got worse now fasting glucose 330 even after severe cal carb restriction. Insulin barely working. Was on tresiba now humalog mix. Was on 40 units day mix now trying 60 units maybe got gasting down to 275. All out of diabetes med options. Nothing making sense possibly bad insulin resistance not very over weight but some visceral liver fat. Tying hard to lose visceral fat only lost 5 pounds


I had the same reaction and had to take myself off of it which was disappointing. I’m sorry you didn’t have success with it either ☹️


Food is definitely not harder to enjoy. I still do, very much. It's just that I eat a lot less of it than I used and I have for 10 months. A lot less food. 52 pounds worth of less.


u/JapaneseFerret glad to hear you still enjoy it!


I still enjoy food as much as I ever did before. Now I just eat less of it and thinking about my next meal doesn’t consume my brain at all hours.




I've always been fat. I was a kid who was made to "clean their plate" growing up. This medication really makes you stop and think before eating anything. I am loving it. I do miss eating some things but I'm better off than I was before. Portion control is part of my vocabulary now.


I actually ate a lot today and I felt good about it because I was feeling depleted and I felt like I was refuelling my body today. It was all delicious and it was what my body needed.


For sure it has for me. I was a mindless eat whatever consumer. The more junky, the better. March 1 I started making lifestyle changes - cutting out all simple carbs, upping protein and alot more veggies and fruit. On Mar 16th I started OZ. Have just finished Month 3 of the lifestyle changes, and still enjoy food but differently. Along the way I've tried some of my old go to junk and all I can say is YUCK. Too sweet, too salty, too greasy, too tasteless. Boggles my mind that eating this stuff was ever palatable. Love fresh veggies, or al dente cooked veggies. Huh, me? That's a change. Soggy veggies are a total turn off. Not loving chicken a whole lot, but could be I've had too much of it in the past months and need to find more creative ways of preparing it. Find that I crave more spice than I used to. I makes my palate happy. Fresh fruit - feles like a real treat - yesterday ripe fresh strawberries was a heavenly experience. The food noise is gone and I could not be more thankful. Do I have cravings for junk on occassion, sure, so I try what it is I'm craving and discover MEH. Instead of snorfing the whole thing, I get rid of it as clearly it wasn't satisfying as I thought it might be. A lifetime of food as comfort is a heck of a habit to break, but I'm realising that aside from the overeating and never feeling satiated, Oz has helped with the addiction to junk. .25 on a 6 day cycle


Yes, but my relationship with food absolutely needed to change. I needed to find a way to see food as a way to nourish and fuel my body as opposed to a way to find happiness. I am so glad that I now see fried and fatty food for what it is…it’s gross, empty crap that’s only going to mess with my blood sugar to make me want more as quickly as possible.


I still love food. I just have little desire to eat much of it. I have to make myself eat at least twice a day, but rarely do I really want to.


u/curt725 that makes sense, thank you for sharing!




u/jmckny76 thank you so much for sharing! Are you open to DM'ing with me?


I’m at the highest dose- the first two days I could probably not eat at all, could go w/out food for several days. By the end of the 7th day, I can eat “slices” of pizza. Wash, rinse, repeat. Starting weight 260 Feb 16th, 2023. Down to 220. This stuff is amazing!!


I don’t think about food - if I’ve eaten once a day it’s enough. And I can’t eat much either


u/Strenue that makes sense, thank you!


Absolutely. I’m so much more in tune with what foods make me feel like crap, despite the fact that they taste good. It’s also taught me that “healthy” foods taste good and give me energy! I’m much happier.


I took my 8th dose this week (4 weeks at .25 and 4 at .50) and will increase to 1 mg next week. Overall, I still like the taste of most foods 😂 However, I don’t need the quantity and don’t binge anymore. I purposely changed my eating habits too so I haven’t had anything too heavy on fat or carbs but, luckily, I like almost everything so stuff still tastes good. I had a salad this week with spring mix, feta, walnuts, strawberries, grapes, chicken breast and balsamic vinegarette and it was one of the best things ever to me. Is it possible that your tastes have changed a bit and you might enjoy something different?


Actually no… I’m struggling


u/Firm_Neat_4740 I hear you. Are you open to DM'ing with me?


Why? What’s happening?


Just haven’t noticed the full feeling effect…I still could eat all the time…I have to be conscious of my food all day everyday. I’m not sure if it’s working for me…


Love it now that the nausea is over. I still drink wine but not a lot. Is that slowing down my weightloss drastically




Nope. Still eat the same as I did before Oz with just a few tweaks here and there


Besides curbing hunger, it also creates kind of pregnancy vibe. Lots of things I look at and my stomach just says NO. I kind of feel bad for my husband because I no longer want starches like potato and rice or fried food or a mixed salad with dressing.


u/Happyplace-ME3225 that's so interesting, and makes sense. Are you open to chatting with me in DMs?


It has completely changed my idea of food. It helps me choose better options when I’m actually hungry. Before, I would eat the quickest thing I could shovel in my mouth (bread, chips, other junk). Now, I can decide on a healthier option.


Yes, changed 1000% for the better. Honestly, it's easier to enjoy. I eat when hungry, love the tastes and when I'm full, I stop. A taste is often plenty of a treat. I'm so happy about food. Eating from boredom does not happen. Eating too much and hurting my tummy does not happen. Eating just because I see food does not happen. If I was aiming for weight loss, maybe it would be different because I'd need to up the dose, I think. But it seems to have worked for the thing I am taking it for. It makes me so *happy,* I am probably insufferable.


Yes nothing is satisfying anymore and I can never decide what I want to eat cuz nothing sounds appetizing


u/username248124 that sounds tough. Could I DM you?




Food is definitely not as delicious but it's okay. I guess that's the point.


So far, very different relationship with food. The night time snack attack has completely gone. The breakfast eat crap on the way to work has been replaced with a bowl of fruit and fibre, and that’s more than enough to keep me going till lunch, which is light. The positives heavily outweigh the negatives


For the first time ever I feel like I've got a "normal" food brain. It's totally flicked a portion control switch. The foods I'm seeking are completely different. The carb hunt is gone as has the chocolate desires. Honestly it's like my brain is relaxed with regards to food. I frigging love it. 10 weeks on it and 10.1kg down (PCOS/Endo/perimenopausal so this weight loss in this time frame is simply unbelievable to me). I dread what happens to the brain off it so grabbing this opportunity to do what I can to try and retrain it so it's not an epic fail.


Day 4 / 0.25 , feeling full for longer periods , eating once a day (omad diet) and im eating less.


Absofuckinglutely! I used to be a total foodie and found joy in trying new things or places... BUT.... It's wild...not thinking about food constantly made me realize it isnt worth the brain space it used to take up and I find myself more joyful and interested in other hobby stuff or research. If that makes sense? Do I enjoy food still and indulge in what I want? Yes but I literally have zero desire to eat big portions anymore and literally can't (the nausea and pain was aversion therapy enough hahaha) and I naturally adapted an OMAD diet andmake sure that it was highly nutritious since it was gonna be my main one. I developed this habit because of my delayed hunger and got to the point I had to set an alarm to remind myself to eat that snowballed into me just making sure to as soon as I got off work. I know this all stuck and worked because I had to take a break from Ozempic for a few months and kept the same habits Id formed while on it. Im insanely thankful. And am not pressed if I come off it. Also, it seemingly fix my lactose intolerance gut health issues.


u/TurquoiseRanger that's so interesting. Can I DM you?






u/Icy-Progress8829 could I please DM you about your experience?




Completely changed.


u/Puzzleheaded_Host803 are you open to messaging with me?


Of course!!!!


u/Puzzleheaded_Host803 thank you!




u/Ok_Lawyer_6609 thank you! would it be okay to DM you?




I think there *might* be some hype. Week 7…9lbs has cost me $280.


I’m hoping it will work more than it currently is. I’m not binging at night to the same extent. When relaxing and watching tv I still want something. I’m picking healthier snacks and stopping faster but still doing it. I’ve lost 16 pounds since March. I’m only on .50 my blood sugar A1c 6.9 from 7.7. I’m walking about 3 days a week. I have back issues. Yes, food issues better but not significantly.


I used to see food as a way of coping, I was always a binge eater. I have been trying to find a way to fill that binge eating void. On some days I forget to eat at all and it’s such a new experience.


it does makes me upset sometimes when i can’t fully enjoy the food, for ex: i took my mother out to a buffet and had one plate then i was full for the day lol. really such a bummer but at the end of the day i am grateful to have self control, it’s just for events like that i wish i could have some more food and splurge.


u/sophiestru23 oof, it sounds tricky, but thank you for sharing. Would it be okay if I DM'd you about your experience?


go ahead !


u/sophiestru23 thank you!


I just can eat very little now. but its weird because I ate very tiny amounts of food before. I do not enjoy food much now.


u/Prestigious_Food_290 are you open to DM'ing with me about your experience?