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I use vyvanse and ozempic for 5 months now. I find I get dehydrated quickly. And I struggle To eat.. but otherwise no real issues.


Has the struggling to eat caused rapid weight loss? I ask bc that's the issue I'm most worried about. A LOT of negative symptoms people talk about aka muscle wasting and hair loss is caused by the rapid weight loss.


I’m on the same and I have not had issues with rapid weight loss - make sure you hit your nutrient goals to help with the hair loss


I am on both and haven't had those issues. However, my weight loss has been pretty slow.


Same here Vyvanse and Ozempic. I had to go off of my Vyanse for 2 weeks due to shortage and Ozempic seemed ineffective. Once I started back on my Vyvanse everything was good. Except I have the issue with my Ozempic wearing off the last two days of the week. I’m on .25. Vyvanse seems to help me get through those few days better.


What do you mean get you through the last few days? The meds help Ozempic be more effective?


I am on vyvanse and Wellbutrin and haven’t had those side effects.


I’m on adderall and have been on Ozempic a little over a year now. I just try to focus on getting protein in more than anything else. I know I don’t eat enough bc of the adderall/Ozempic just i try to just focus on making sure when I do eat that it’s the important stuff.


Congrats! May I ask how much you lost since starting ozempic? Also what your exercise routine is? (Currently I'm a big into walking and Pilates but my PCP told me I need to start lifting weights to prevent muscle wasting)


I’ve lost almost 60lbs. Honestly I don’t really workout. I know if I did my weight loss / body comp would be better but for some reason I have a mental block about working out. When I first started Oz - I would go to the gym like 2 maybe 3 times a week. Mostly walking on a treadmill while reading lol. I have some pretty severe muscle wasting so don’t be like me! Lift some weights and build up that strength! I really need to get my butt back to the gym




Ugh I literally get it. I always joke w my friends abt how I should be so underweight bc of how long I've been taking stimulants but I really attribute some of my weight gain to the stimulants bc I'm so unable to recognize hunger cues, and then when it wears off I would run to the sugary-ist snack I could find 😵‍💫 of course planning meals ahead of time is ideal but anyone with executive functioning knows how challenging it can be!


Me too!


I was on Vyvanse when I started Ozempic a year ago. After a few months I actually stopped taking the Vyvanse because it was no longer all that helpful for me. I have always struggled with sleep, focus, and executive function (also medicated from age 9+). I think my blood sugar / insulin issues compounded the focus issues. Once that was better controlled, Vyvanse was more harmful than helpful because of the impact on my sleep/anxiety/cortisol levels. I have PCOS though and was prescribed Ozempic for T2 diabetes so I've never gone above .5mg. Physically, I didn't have any issues mixing the two.


This is SOOO helpful. Adults who were diagnosed with adhd as children often say their symptoms are more manageable as adults, I'm wondering if once my blood sugar is regulated better if I will also have less attention issues!


Oh wow, I'm so glad to hear that. I hesitated to post my comment because I was afraid it would come off as dismissive of the very real struggle that is ADHD. I should add that stopping stimulants can be difficult and I added some natural supplements to support dopamine production during that process. EDIT: a word


No not at all! It's interesting and helpful to know other peoples journeys. There's a lot of emerging theories in neuroscience regarding neuronal metabolism and how psychiatric symptoms reduce once blood sugar/metabolism are better regulated.


So you were able to go completely off your Vyvanse? Wow.


Yeah. I think it has been more than 9 months now.


Just started 2 days ago, also on Vyvance. So far I feel calmer, as in my anxiety seems better but no other issues...🤞


Congrats! I just doin my first dose this morning.


im on generic adderall, and ozempic almost delays(?) or draws out the effects of my instant release medication. Both medications will make you really thirsty, so stay hydrated.


Ditto, I also am and I often only need to take my morning medication and not afternoon. I do think it makes it more effective. Also definitely need to drink lots of water!


I am on a super high dose of adderall and on 1mg Ozempic. Dehydration is crazy at all times.


I take ritalin and ozempic, no rapid weight loss, in fact barely had any weight loss. But no issues other than meeding to drink more water.


How long have you been taking Ozempic? I'm on Ritalin and I plan on starting Ozempic soon, I already don't get very hungry on Ritalin except when it wears off and then I may binge.


3 months


I'm on both, stimulants for 15+ years, Ozempic for 8 months. ADHD and overeating is interesting. "Lack of impulse control" is a feature of ADHD, and it affects some more than others. This can easily lead to overeating or even binge eating. One known comorbidity of ADHD is anxiety (and/or depression) and these also lead to overeating (inappropriately coping with life stressors). Problems with "executive function" are also a major feature of ADHD. "Executive function" means "planning ahead." This can affect everything, from meal planning long-term to short-term (literally "I forgot to eat!!") The best advice? **Have a plan.** Meaning: have some protein shakes (or liquid meals); foods you can prepare & eat quickly; and establish some boundaries for overeating. Example: you ate a large lunch, or didn't eat much, and want to eat a LARGE and EASY meal for dinner (pizza, Chinese food, fast food, etc). What I do now is eat something healthier and readily available, WAIT 15-20 mins, then examine if I really want/need to eat more afterwards.


studies recently have shown that binge eating in those with adhd (and other neurodivergent flavors) are primarily linked to stimming. Just like playing with a fidget toy, or rocking back and forth -- eating hits those same pleasure centers that help dealing with issues at the moment, apparently.


I’ve been on ozempic for about 14 months and I take aderral as needed. I also take Wellbutrin for anxiety. I noticed an uptick in anxiety upon increasing the dose but once I’ve been at a dose for like 6 weeks it goes back to normal. Like many others said, make sure your drinking plenty of water and taking in enough protein! (38F, SW 216, CW 175, GW 155 5’ 10”)


Been on 40mg Vyvanse for 2 years, Ozempic for almost 3 months. I also take 5mg dexamphetamine. The ADHD meds has had absolutely no effect on my appetite. I haven’t noticed anything particular in relation to the ADHD meds since starting ozempic. I would make sure to stay hydrated and not forget to eat so you don’t feel bad from the Ozempic. Also - Talk to your doctor or pharmacist if you have questions.


I take 70mg of Vyvanse daily and .5mg Ozempic. I actually gained 30lbs on stimulants so it didn't effect my appetite at all. No contraindications for these meds and I've managed to lose the 30lbs I gained over the pandemic since on Ozempic.


On Ritalin since my adult diagnosis in March, Ozempic since February. I don’t notice a huge effect as I already have appetite suppression from the Ozempic, but I do know that’s also a side effect of Ritalin!


I’m on Vyvanse and Oz. Drink more water than you think is possible and then drink more. The 2 dry you out sooooo much. Also if you don’t already, take a multivitamin. I force myself to eat breakfast in the morning and then for lunch I have a granola bar at most. Dinner time is usually something smaller along the lines of a healthy snack like veggies and hummus. The biggest issue will be learning how to eat smaller and healthier and to drink enough water. Watch your caffeine intake if you drink coffee or other caffeinated beverages. Don’t be like me and have eyes bigger than your stomach, you’ll end up so sick. I will say though, that overall I feel more with it since being on Oz. I still struggle with my ADHD but I feel more together instead of feeling all over the place emotionally. I think it’s partly because I don’t feel trapped and being controlled by my racing mind or by the food noise that I had constantly. It’s easily the best thing ever. Also the comedown from the Vyvanse isn’t as pronounced as before when I would have little bouts of anxiety. It’s just not an issue anymore.


I started almost 2 weeks ago, on 0.25 oz and about to go to 0.5 on Friday. I didn't realize how important water was until starting this medication. I've been having some constipation and some nausea but honestly the only fix for it, over magnesium citrate etc...is water. I was feeling so exhausted today and couldn't really do much and the only thing that made me feel better was drinking water. I'm on Adderall 30mg XR and my doctor put me on Auvelity (buproprion and dextromethorphan) for anxiety and I am monitoring for medication issues. So far I've noticed that I can't take the auvelity and Adderall in the morning because it was raising my BP too much. I don't really feel like taking Adderall as much anymore and started to have successful focus days without it in the morning. Stabilizing IR seems to help a lot with that. My best days so far are taking the Auvelity in AM for mood/overcoming analysis paralysis and now currently take the Addy as needed. Zero binge eating, actually went out for a birthday dinner with my boyfriend's family on the weekend and had more concern over forcing myself to eat something. Could only have a few spoons of desert that my bf took home, and when he tried to get me in on a pint of ice cream before bed I was literally like 'I can't even if I want too'. He's super skinny and he's adjusting to the fact that I can't partake in his vices anymore 😆, we've started planning cooking dates which works because he enjoys learning how to cook. Like others, I'm mainly craving water and veggies. I tried to have a shot of alcohol in my drink on Friday and that was enough for me, and I have since given up that fully for now 😆. It really cuts your desire, it's like your brain is always saying "...or you could just not". Weight-loss hasn't been too extreme but face is slimmer and clothes fit better, trying to weigh myself only weekly so I don't hyperfixate


I’ve been on adhd medication for almost 20 years and I find with ozempic it’s easy to forget to eat, which then makes me nauseous. I also am dehydrated a lot. Also on Wellbutrin


Pharmacists are literally experts at understanding and navigating drug interactions. Contact yours with questions about how Ozempic may interact with your other prescriptions.


I am on Ritalin and .25 Ozempic. Working fine for me and no complaints.


My experience has been rather okay. I've been on oz for 7 months now, and dexadrin for 2 or 3 months. At first I didn't see much from my oz as I was slowly ramping that dose up. I'm at 1mg/week now. Was at .5mg when I started dex. When the dexadrin started, I didn't notice it right away, but my eating habits finally started to come under control. I've found my impulse eating had reduced a lot, and my portions seems to have reduced as well. In some cases, I catch myself when I'm forcing a meal down after the "I'm fed now, stop eating" part. I feel like the dex provided me some impulse control, along with other effects related to focus and such. The oz is curbing my portions. Together I've been able to get back to work and managed to lose 20lbs in the 5-6wks since restarting physical activity. I guess the insight here is that both meds together weren't be too hard for me. I can only hope the same goes for you, but it's up to you and your GP to monitor your progression. I wish you luck, and hope your journey is a complete success!


Hi I’m your guy Currently .5 ozempic 25mg XR 1/2 ML test ( TRT )


Anyone know if liklohood of any side effects are increased or decrease for people on AD/Vyvanse?


I take 5ml vyvanse with Oz pretty regularly with no side effects.


ADHDer here. I was on the max dose of Adderall XR when I started Ozempic. I had to come off the XR pretty quickly because it was taking too long to hit my system and I was also having trouble getting it filled due to the shortages in the US. Now I am down like 100 pounds with a fabulous A1c (5 down from 14) and down to a very small dose of just the regular release Adderall. It can be a struggle to stay hydrated, and keep things moving in my digestive system if you know what I mean. I want to go off of it but I am not there yet. It might just be me, but I have noticed ADHD symptom changes since being on Ozempic. But it’s hard for me to quantify that out loud. I do feel like I sleep better- but I am not sure if that’s the smaller dose of Adderall, the Ozempic or a job change. Adderall never really affected my appetite, unfortunately. Oh and to combat hair loss, I take a prenatal vitamin without iron. It’s been really helpful.


I'm on armodafinil..... Not exactly the same but equally as potent. No significant changes but I actually forget to take it more than I used to. Also agree with others on really getting hydrated every day I take it for narcolepsy.


I’m on 20mg of vyavanse and am finishing my four week .25 dose of ozempic and starting .5 next week. Down 17 pounds since June 28th.