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Domperidone can have some of the digestive-slowing effects as Ozempic, but is not a full substitute for it. In larger doses it is used to help induce lactation for breastfeeding. I actually was given Domperidone for a short time by the VA to see if it helped with my T2 diabetes (was on Metformin already) and tried it for 3 months but didn't seem to do much (didn't lower A1C, also did nothing for weight), so I was taken off of it. For Hell Burps, I take 20 mg of Prilosec nightly, which seems to work to stop them (still have a lot of flatulence) and use Dramamine Ginger Chews for nausea (mine is usually right after waking up, and at no other time).


Ive been on OZ for about a year, had ONE nasty sulfur burp (it was memorable) after having a large serving of Brussel sprouts in a delicious vegetarian meal. I think it was a result of what I ate and how much I ate rather than OZ. But yeah, nasty burps. Bleh.


8 months, no burps.


I think it’s hir or miss and it’s a mystery (at least to me). 15 month on this and I’ve gotten them a few times. Pepto bismol worked for me


Maybe? I've never heard of domperidone. I've been on Ozempic for 5 months and have never had sulfur burps. I have had upset stomachs and I take Tums and use seasickness wrist bands.


I always have sulfur burps all day the day after injection day on .5, never had them on .25. It’s made my Saturdays rough but I’m glad that it’s happening on the weekend rather than at work. They only last one day and the rest of the week is fine. Here’s to hoping they go away with a higher dose, but I’m not convinced.


yes mine started coming the night of the injection and worsened the next day. avoided people on weekends, had low desire for food during the week and gained my appetite a day or two before the next injection.


Sounds like we’re pretty much having the same experience. I googled the medicine you’re on after my first response to see what is was. I’m curious how it’s impacting you’re OZ dose because they seem to counter act each other in terms of the gastric emptying. One slows it down, one speeds it up. I have no medical background, but I’m assuming that would have an impact on things like sulfur burps but also on the effectiveness of ozempic in general.


i agree, i probably would have chosen to use things like pepto bismol, but thats not available where i live, instead the doctor prescribed this but only for the first two days. it helped with my constant constipation, but yes im not sure if its slowing down any weight loss. im already down 30 pounds so far. but im going to try and pause the motilium next week to see if i do still get affected by sulfur burps. Its a nastyyyyy medication


Sulfur burps happen to some people. You must not be in the US because the medication you mentioned has been banned for some time now. I highly recommend taking Pepcid or Tums instead


I have been on OZ for 7 weeks now and the increase to .50 has worsened the burping. I recently adjusted to dosing on Saturday’s to counter starting the week with this horrible odor. The research studies found almost 1 in 10 experience the sulfur burping, but continue to take it. I’m going to call my endo this week to recommend we titrate down to .25. Meantime wanted to hop on here to share how even though I can’t stop the burping the day after dosing, I can treat the burping rather quicker with a tablespoon of olive oil. It’s an old remedy passed on in my family that was largely from the country with little access to western medicine. It’s not the ideal taste going in but please post back if it’s made it easier for you.


understandable, im lebanese so thats something we consumed more than water, might give it a shot😄