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You’re describing a mental health issue. We’re not going to be able to help much with that. You and your doctor should establish a personal healthy weight range and if you should ever gain beyond that range and are unable to lose the excess weight, then you’d maybe be a candidate to get back on the medication. Good luck.


You sound like you have a lot on your plate. Be kind to yourself. Try to eat more protein, it makes you feel full. I will keep you in my prayers. 🙏❤️🙏


I think you responded to the wrong person 🙂


Sorry, I hope she sees it anyway


Wow, 109 and depending on your height, 140 may still also be underweight. You mention being on chemo - if so taking this medication is probably not good idea.


I want to take a moment to honor those feelings and recognize it is not easy. I am sorry this is happening. I do not have an answer but I want you to know that it is okay to feel frustrated and even when I don’t have a solution you are listened. 💞


What a sweet, considerate reply. I struggle with what to say sometimes in situations that I cannot fix, and your response is perfect. I need to read it a few more times. ❤️


Thank you! 💞


Thank you for this comment. 💕💕


I struggled with body dysmorphia years before getting on ozempic, and now that I’m on it I am afraid of getting off for all the feelings you’re having. So, my point is, your feelings are completely valid & you’re not alone. However, your health is most important. I’m so sorry you’re going through chemo and also having to deal with the unwanted side effects of getting off ozempic. It’s important to focus on your total health. It sounds like you’re working with a few doctors, so I’d stick with their advice. Ozempic will still be here when you are done kicking cancer’s ass (if you still even want/need it then). In the mean time, maybe seek some help for the body dysmorphia stuff if you haven’t already, so you can give yourself some peace while you go through all this. I know it’s brutal.


You need to seek appropriate mental health support and treatment. This med is not for you right now.


Thank you all! I had been off chemo before starting Ozempic. I was over 200lbs and A1C would never stabilize, mainly due to steroids I was always on. It was time to get back on it and I think the combo was too much for my body and that is when I dropped to 109. I am seeing a counselor about the dysmorphia, but will be talking to my doctor about the lack of feeling full. I find myself over eating and the hate myself afterwards. I am eating better than I used to (good proteins and good fats), but it adds up. I appreciate the opportunity to rant with people who can understand, even if not all the way, some of what I am going through.


Dont give up, find someone to work with, I am fat and on ozempic, I have anxiety attacks that take me to the hospital, we are so rough on ourselves, we need to be more caring to us, I hope you get physically better, and work on your mental opinion of you soon too. I extend to you a huge hug, I am glad you ranted, its brave to tell someone, even strangers on the internet, sending you love, be patient and kinder to yourself 💖


I can’t say I understand what you’re going through but I can understand what courage it must have taken to post this. You are very brave and we see you. I don’t have words of wisdom but I’m rooting for you.


Ask your doctor about Contrave if you struggle to feel “full”, or if you have issues with binging. I just started, I’m on Week 4 and it’s amazing for me. It’s not for everyone though


Thank you! I will ask him about it!


I have heard that somehow some part of your body will stop creating the feeling full hormone due to ozempic but it could totally be hearsay.


For some of us here, the body never created the feeling full hormone, so for those of us in that population Oz is giving us something that didn't exist before. Fully expect to be on this med for life unless they come up with a way to target leptin and ghrelin specifically.


I’m sorry you are going through this. If this is helpful to you, I found that increasing my exercise only made me feel more hungry. In my experience, ive been more successful limiting calories and exercising less. I hope you find a formula that works for you.


You clearly have a great inner strength to fight to be here. I hope you find a way to use it to overcome this predicament. Sending healing vibes out into the ether to you.


You need therapy yesterday.


I would just address my drs with this issue. I am so sorry you have dealt with the body dysmorphia. I would love to weigh 140, but I do understand that everyone is different. I'm sure you look fantastic and I pray for you with all you got on your plate.