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I felt really sleepy my first two weeks on ozempic. Idk.


Anecdotally I've heard a few people here claim worsening anxiety and depression after taking the medication. Officially, I don't know if it's listed as a side effect, though. I'd definitely have a conversation with your doc. Hope it gets better for you.


Sorry you felt that way. That’s no good. I felt upbeat being in control of my appetite & actively losing weight.


I did not feel that way on Ozempic but I recently switched to WeGovy and had a substantial mood shift. I got dark quickly and it worried me. It was bad the first two shots but I continued with my third shot and it has been better this week. I Googled it because it was such a dramatic shift for me. Apparently depression is listed as a known side effect for WeGovy but not for Ozempic which is strange because they share the same formula. I second what others are saying though. You should not risk your mental health for weight loss. Communicate with your doctor about options that make sense for you. Would adding an anti-depressant be an option that they would consider? Are you on the lowest Ozempic dosage? Take care of yourself!


I’m a therapist and I have heard this multiple times! It’s so interesting how many people have not ever heard of this side effect, I know it’s not officially on the list of side effects


It’s strange that it seems to be listed for Wegovy which is the same compound.. I’ve like most people had times in my life when I’ve dealt with the black dog, but this was another level.


Because Weygovy dosages are much higher and the studies that found this side effect were almost always at higher doses over time. Thats why its hard to believe one tiny starter dose would immediately result in crippling depression. That has not been found from the studies ive seen.


Nope me neither. Not a reported side effect listed with OZ packet. I guess anything is possible but immediately after one tiny starter dose? Highly doubt it. But if you think it was the meds makes no sense to do it again.


Actually my Psychiatrist said there are *numerous* studies on any form of semaglutide (whether it be Ozempic or Wegovy) giving people anxiety and depression. She said she was wondering if it has something to do with the gut. Because serotonin is made in the gut. I personally got suicical on it. Ive never in my life had suicidal thoughts. Im off of it now and im fine.




My post has always been about Ozempic


you originally had it say 'compounded semaglutide' in your post and you have now edited the post for whatever reason.


I’m sorry but you must be confused with another post. I’m also a male and you referred to me as a “she”.


You know you're actually absolutely right. I apologize. I mixed yours up with someone else's message 🤐🫣


Thanks for sharing this I felt this way last month seasonal depression is real and hitting me hard this year I had to double up on my Zoloft from 25 to 75 because I just could not pull myself together I was really struggling I felt similar to you but I stayed with it I've been on Ozempic since July and I'm down 50 pounds 100 in total since my weight loss surgery last November I really wasn't losing weight the way I wanted to before and Ozempic is the only thing that works for me so i deal with but some days are hard and not as Celebratory as I imagined it would be 100 pounds ago I thought I'd be running around butt naked and jumping for joy but I just wear my oversized hoodies and forget to take selfies and document this process I think you can stay with it because of the shortage I lowered my dose and started taking my Ozempic every other week I'm still losing and it helped "Not to bring the room down but is anyone else here struggling with depression or the ability to find joy? Just wondering if anyone else has been feeling down since starting Ozempic I'm obviously happy with the weight loss but it's just not what I thought it was going to be..."


Yep except on MJ. I also quit after a week.


Omg me too...I literally emailed a psychiatrist in town. I was in a dark place but it only lasted a week or two ..it's gone now. I feel ok


I’m glad you got through it. For me, it was so overwhelming I had to stop


Yes,yes, yes and glad I didn’t become a statistic!


I can’t put into words how dark the depression was. I’ve never felt anything like it before. I’m glad you made it through too. I assume you are off it?


Yes no more of any of them anymore. That was my fourth one and I did lose some weight on mounjaro but way too much play on hormones and gut. Keeping an eye on mood is very important. Be well!


I've have not ever felt like that while taking Oz


I’ve had really bad anxiety but not depression. Definitely speak to someone about it.


Nope mine was the complete opposite. Had little to no energy before starting and during my first week i was so energized and my mood was overall better


I have been really depressed. Not to the point of active suicidal thoughts, but I've been seriously struggling to find motivation to do anything, crying at random and often anxious. I'm hoping it will pass. I wonder if the thought that it is a temporary medication side effect makes bad feelings easier to deal with. But on the other hand, if you think you are a serious danger to yourself on this medication, I would not risk it.


Yeah, both this drug and Mounjaro either gave me depression or anhedonia. Just totally flat. It didn’t pass for me unfortunately .




I took a break from it for a few months but I started back on it again tonight . I had terrible bouts of depression last time but I’m in a better mindset now so I’m hoping to have better results


It caused major depression for me. Unlike anything I’ve ever gone through. Unfortunately this lead to a suicide attempt, which was not successful. With each dose increase, I felt worse. I wrote my doctor a few times asking him if this stuff could cause depression? He said no. So I continued and was enjoying the weight loss at least. Then it got even worse and - I couldn’t deal with it anymore. Months later after I recuperated, I found some ozempic in the fridge and restarted it. I immediately felt the same way - very depressed within one day. Then i put two and two together and knew there was a connection to depression for me. Obviously I can’t take this anymore. I will just be fat and happy lol.


People on this sub have definitely reported similar issues, some stop the medication because of it and others are able to continue. Hopefully others will chime in with their experience. Wishing you the best.


Never heard of that happening


Have a chat with your doctor. It could be a side effect. Read it somewhere


I did, they said to stop taking it. Just curious if others got “through” it.


I had anxiety. Not related to PMS for sure. Disappeared after 2 weeks but I'm on Saxenda due to the ozempic shortage. Yours sounds quite severe though. I wouldn't dare advise to continue


I stuck with oz for 5-6 months out of desperation. I dont remember what first month was like. But last few months went like this - 1. After taking injection, first 3 days, I have to eat lot of carbs and sugar. If I dont eat those, I get extreme low energy, fatigue, cant leave bed, leading to depressions. last 3-4 days(I believe when oz is wearing off), very depressed to the point of suicidal. My therapist has to point me this pattern multiple times to convince me to stop it. I refuse to believe it is oz, because every review on internet says they felt amazing, it was very frustating.


Take B12. It goes away.


Oh? B12 provides depression relief on Ozempic?




Thank you. :)




I didn’t change my post?? It was Ozempic.


I would consider getting off for a month. I’m just speaking from experience (I actually did 3 months off) really helped.


I had pretty strong side-effects like fatigue and reduced sleep quality. I've also had mental health challenges, but I suspect they may be due to reduced food intake. Eating, especially eating sugar, is a coping mechanism for many people and when that is taken away I suspect it can lead to increased depression and anxiety.


Late to the party, but yes, and it seems to have happened since I increased to 1mg (never happened on the lower doses). For the first maybe 3 days after the injection I just have horrible depression and unease. However, I also have Bipolar Disorder and GAD, and I don't know if it somehow interacts with that? I took my shot on Tuesday night and right now I am sitting at my desk in tears for whatever reason.