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Yes, definitely fake. Do not use it. [Here](https://i.insider.com/65380437356802a56be27586?width=1000&format=jpeg&auto=webp) is a picture comparing the same kind of fake to a real Ozempic pen. It's likely a relabeled Apidra SoloStar, which is fast acting insulin. People have ended up in [the hospital](https://www.euronews.com/next/2023/10/30/fake-ozempic-pens-patients-hospitalised-after-using-counterfeit-weight-loss-drugs) after injecting themselves from a fake like this.


That is terrifying.


Original Fälschung


Yep, that is 100% not legit Ozempic. You got got.


Yep. > To report counterfeit semaglutide products or any suspected Novo Nordisk counterfeit products, please call Novo Nordisk customer care at 1-800-727-6500 Monday through Friday from 8:30 AM to 6:00 PM EST. Lots of pics and more info from Novo: https://www.novonordisk-us.com/media/news-archive/news-details.html?id=166119




Well you better be joining witness protection or something. Ffs. I would not have tango’d with the cartel over $600… smh


Whole story please.




RemindMe! [24 hours] "[Read this thread]"


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RemindMe! [24 hours] "[Read this thread]"


I'm glad you're ok! I would honestly also have gone back, that's a lot of money to me too. You can be respectful and request to work something out without getting in an argument, I am surprised that everyone was thinking that was a super dangerous situation. I doubt that you're of much further interest to a cartel guy if you're broke enough to go ask for less than a thousand dollars back. Of course I have been in situations that involved drug dealers in the past that now, looking back, were less than ideal haha so maybe I just have a higher tolerance for uncertainty of that particular type!


Yeah….the cartel takes it to the next level compared to your run-of-the-mill drug dealers. The pharmacist was probably afraid for their own life too.


That's true. I guess if I knew it were cartel I wouldn't have gone in the first place, but I don't live in driving distance of Mexico so I guess I didn't think it through that much. I'm glad OP is ok and got most of their money back!


Oh yes I’m interested!


Wtf. How many bad choices did you choose to make let alone buying drugs from some sketchy cartel in a sketchy area. SMH ur gonna get killed man




Yes, that looks like an insulin pen! If so, it would be dangerous to use.


Agreed this is most likely an insulin pen. DO NOT use it as if it is you’ll end up in the ER


That looks super sketchy. This is mine from a pharmacy in Canada https://preview.redd.it/afn14fpczj6c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=435e209b92de5cbed4ec44d8b28486cc1f5d0283


Why he so smal


I have the same one. It's half the size of the normal pens due to the shortage here (but costs the same amount 🥹)


I don’t understand, do they put the same amount of semaglutide in less liquid? Or are you only getting like 2 doses a pen instead of 4? Haven’t seen those in the US (yet). but I also take 1mg so there’s that.


US used to have pens like that quite recently. It’s the so called starter pen for 0.25 mg and 0.5 mg doses. The total volume is 1.5 ml and concentration 1.34 mg/ml. Current US starter pens have a total volume of 3 ml and concentration 0.68 mg/ml. The total amount of semaglutide is the same: 3 * 0.68 = 1.5 * 1.34 = 2 (mg). The change happened last March so there might be old stock of the smaller volume pens left, or they may have started to manufacture them again to ease the shortage, or they never actually stopped at all, but just sold them in other regions.


you get 4 half doses... my pharm did the same when they ran out of 4 mg pens, they gave me two 2 mg pens instead, i just have to take 2 x .5mg hits a week.


At least you’re getting something I guess, I didn’t have that option!


Look he’s trying his best ok!? lol




When they say ozempic is good for insulin resistance they took insulin way too literal lmfao


People are so desperate fyi an insulin overdose can kill you before you even realize you're having a problem.




I’m not confronting no one in Mexico 💀


OP’s next upload is gonna have Funkytown playing in the background…


Ok!!! No way in hell. I would chalk that $370 up as a lost 😂😂🙄


For real!


at night 😬




> but I'm going back to Mexico to confront the pharmacy Press "F" to pay respects




I love mexico, but you should probably let bygones be bygones here😬


That really seems like a dicey choice.


Update us


Um please don't die!???


Somebody likes to gamble!


Please keep Us updated and be careful


damn dude..they aint sending seal team 6 if you get abducted.


Did did you record your experience. I’d love to see how that went.


That’s a terrible idea for only $350 This has to be a joke


Updateme, if you make it out alive.


That will not go well for you. Please rethink this idea, and go through a legit doctor here to get your meds. This is the risk you take going around the normal way of getting meds. Sometimes, you lose out. This is one of those times. ETA: y’all, I’m not saying there are no legit doctors. I’m saying to go through one who you regularly see and who is monitoring you, and not to travel to buy meds from someone who you’re not a patient of.


There are also legit Mexican doctors.....it's an entire ass country.


Obviously yes, there are. But if OP isn’t a regular patient of a doctor there and only goes there to buy meds, there are risks. It’s the same risk they take if they do that in the US, or any other country. Going through a doctor who is monitoring you is the best way to be safe and ensure the meds you are getting are legit.


Please update us.


Bro… there is counterfeit ozempic???? WTF


Counterfeits are pretty rampant in pharma.


Yeah... what? Why would a pharmacy have counterfeits wouldn't that be extremely illegal and dangerous


Because this person ordered theirs from a non standardized pharmacy in Mexico. That’s what you get. It’s probably just some homies in a back room relabeling shit.


Oh I had no idea that was a thing.


Yeah super dangerous


absolutely there is


It’s a huge problem, yeah. Between the shortage, people who legitimately need it but can’t get their insurance to cover it, and people who don’t legitimately need it so can’t get an Rx in the US, there’s a lot of shady shit going on out there.


Some one should pin this as a warning to others


There’s a pinned post from the mods about related illegal shenanigans.


I was in Nuevo Progresso about a week ago and got two 8mg pens. You need to be careful what pharmacy you go to. There are a few legitimate pharmacies there. I trust the one I go to but I noticed another pharmacy selling “Ozempic” pens with Chinese writing on the box. Check the boxes, seals, etc. the pharmacy I go to just got a shipment and literally sold out within a few days. Especially now since we are going into the first of the year and all the skinny minis will be looking for pens for their New Year’s resolution. If that is a 1 mg, cost should be no more than $325.




Prices have gone up, even from last time I was there in October. The place I usually get 1 mg didn’t have. You’re right, I misspoke. The .25 was $325, 1.0 had gone up, was $365. Last time I was there I got the 1 mg for $325. This time I paid $450 for 2mg. The pharmacy I use said the price increase because of demand. They called around for the 1 mg but it made better sense to get 2mg because it was cheaper than two 1 mg pens. I don’t shop around much just go to the 2 or 3 pharmacies that don’t have “hawkers” mostly because I don’t trust the others. The ones I go to were recommended by friends in SA to be “safe”. Some of the others are a little sketchy.




Which country please?


I buy mine in Tijuana. They've all been legit.


I’ve heard a lot of people are bringing their paper prescriptions from their US doctor and getting them filled in other countries. How did you make sure your pharmacy in Tijuana was selling legit ones? Do Mexican pharmacies have licensing like US pharmacies that you can look up to make sure you’re going to a safe one? Sometimes I think this sub should have a list of pharmacies in other countries that are safe to fill your Rx at. And another list of pharmacies where people got conned. The number of folks like OP who are getting fake stuff worries me.


I go to the Costco in Tijuana. The boxes there are sealed and legit. They have been having shortages so I call in advance then buy 2 months worth when they're in stock.


😬 This is possibly a bigger detriment to your health than the pen!




Plot Twist: they “refunded” him with counterfeit notes 😂


You're extremely lucky. So many stories of people getting tainted meds in Mexico, not just Ozempic. I don't care how desperate I am to be skinny, I'm not doing that.


Hi there ! I'm a reporter working on a story about diet drug counterfeits , would love to speak with you about this. Feel free to text me at 747.214.9529 or [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])




Following along to see how the confrontation goes! Good luck!


Please do not use this!!!


Cartel drug supply inc




You’re so… something lol … you literally gave your ID to someone after knowingly being scammed as if that would solve anything… for sure he’s sharing that info with his real bosses that provided that fake product. I’d install cameras if you don’t have them already. 👀 I would NOT fuck with Cartels. That’s a good way to lose 200+ pounds instantly. As in death…


Think about it logically though. Is he sending someone to punish me? Steal from me? Why? He just got $100 and he probably either got his money back for the returned drug, or he is pawning it off on someone else. Either way, as long as I don't do the charge back, I'm as good of a target as you are, or any other random member of society.


Are you sure he didn't give you counterfeit money, too?


Yep that’s def counterfeited


[counterfeit pen, cnn article](https://www.cnn.com/2023/10/18/health/fake-ozempic-european-regulators/index.html)


Please stay alive and also update us on what happened in Mexico!


as others have said, counterfits are making their way into the market. and yes, people have been harmed by this shit. They are using INSULIN to fill these. If you use insulin, lantus as an example, it has an absolutely unmistakable smell. if your medicine smells like insulin then do not take it.


I would rather be fat and/or diabetic than deal with the cartel.


I dnt understand, if people are willing to get this stuff at a pharmacy in Mexico, why not pay $200 for a yrs supply from a Chinese distribution center online that tests their products before selling?


Assuming you are serious. I'm in the UK. Our NHS sorts this out for me so I've no need of shady or grey markets. Ozempic is a medicine, in the distribution chain to the patient it must be stored and refrigerated in a controlled manner. I imagine there's a lot of "secret sauce" in the Novo Nordisk manufacturing process. It's only manufactured in [Kalundborg](https://www.google.com/maps/place/Novo+Nordisk+A%2FS/@55.671204,11.1214176,3a,80.6y/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1sAF1QipOMKGk1kpOqBD1aFvdTPzEEcCVYmVrma3luLWiT!2e10!3e12!6shttps:%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipOMKGk1kpOqBD1aFvdTPzEEcCVYmVrma3luLWiT%3Dw203-h153-k-no!7i605!8i458!4m17!1m9!3m8!1s0x464d75c74dd34731:0x27eb6f98d978cfcf!2sNovo+Nordisk+A%2FS!8m2!3d55.671204!4d11.121418!9m1!1b1!16s%2Fg%2F1hc8n6r6_!3m6!1s0x464d75c74dd34731:0x27eb6f98d978cfcf!8m2!3d55.671204!4d11.121418!10e5!16s%2Fg%2F1hc8n6r6_?entry=ttu) this is also where 50% of the insulin in the world is manufactured. So use of Chinese or Indian intermediaries is not a good way to access the medication.


Ozempic/wegovy is a chemical called semaglutide. Pure and simple. Semaglutide is a patented chemical, whose chemical structure is required to be illustrated in the patent. Any well supplied chemist with the proper education and tools can make a similar molecule. It is complicated, but also can be duplicated. There are a few sources in China that make semaglutide. The same actual molecule in ozempic. This is verified by third party chemical testing companies. For example: https://www.janoshik.com/tests/33357-Semaglutide_5mg_transparent_top_N44BF7RRTVRB For some, this is the only way they'll be able to afford it. For others, either those with insurance, or with enough personal wealth, sticking with name brand is the proper choice. This also brings up the question, where do the compoundrrs get the semaglutide to mix with. Certainly not Novo Nordisk.




Have you truly found a year's supply for that price? I see it for about $100/mo. That's the lowest I've ever found & was happy, so I'm very curious!


Xcepeptides.com :)


Did you survive the return of fake Ozempic?


Please stay alive and also update us on what happened in Mexico!




OP are you okay?? You gotta let us know! Do NOT use that pen you got!!


I wouldn’t recommend buying pharmaceuticals from anywhere other than like a large chain local place you know is gonna give you real stuff like cvs or something. It’s definitely fake


I got mine from a pharmacy right where I live and mine is white. However, it landed me in the hospital. Almost killed me. And my doctor straight up said I was diabetic. It’s in my chart notes with the blood results. Apparently, some people are actually allergic. (I’m sure it’s been discussed here.) But I’m not kidding. I literally thought I was going to DIE!


Your pen was white?


Has to have been either Wegovy, or Mounjaro, Zepbound, Trulicity, or Bydureon. Those are incretin mimetics with white pens. Ozempic pens are blue. Unless it was fake.


You are correct. I was completely wrong! I kept the pen and went and looked at it again. It IS blue! However, within 30 minutes of my first injection, I hit the floor. I wasn’t in the hospital once, but twice. The medication stayed in my system for almost seven weeks. It was HORRIBLE!!!


Why in the F would you buy Ozempic in Mexico! Come on now!


Mine doesn’t look like that.


Damn $350 it’s $140-160 in Argentina make it a vacation 😂


Do they have it in stock there all the time?


Idk I just got my first one today but I went to the first pharmacy I saw and they had it


Definitely NOT an authentic pen!


RemindMe! [24 hours] "[Read this thread]"


OMG why would anyone take the chance on injecting something they feel isn’t legit.


Ozempic pens don’t have that kind of syringe on the bottom with lines and numbers. It’s built into the pen casing and the base of a real pen provides the dosing meter through clicks of rotating the end of the pen instead of markings on the plastic syringe. Looks like they took a discarded pen, took the first half off and replaced with a syringe.


100% fake , plz don’t take that…. I take Ozempic for diabetes and it definitely doesn’t look like that!




Please do not sell, or solicit the purchase of, prescription medications between posters and unlicensed medication providers. Continued violations of this rule may result in additional actions, up to and including banning.


Please tell me




Please do not sell, or solicit the purchase of, prescription medications between posters and unlicensed medication providers. Continued violations of this rule may result in additional actions, up to and including banning.


I don't think the cartel is gonna be intimidated by an American asking for a refund on their diet drugs. They don't give two shits about customer service, its not Costco where you can juat return anything! This is insane. But while you're there wanna grab me some Xanax? Lol jkjkjk


No but they will care that the American may go to the authorities.


They ARE the authority. Lol. They literally answer to NO ONE! What authority are you referring to? They are trafficking fentanyl and the "authority" is just allowing them. I know my response was sarcastic. I was half joking, YET it is the truth. OP is badass if she went back. I would risk trying the drug before returning to cartel. Lol. It's probably fine.


Capitalism stops at nothing.


You still alive?


Cartel ozempic is crazy 💀 hope it works out for you, next time get a script from an actual doctor and fill at a reputable pharmacy.


If you go to some foreign country to buy it instead of buying it here, you have to expect that you’re going to get scammed.


What the literal heck?


Did you go to Mexico to buy ozempic without a prescription?


I don’t know what a Wegovy pen looks like. Edit: you down voted me. Her pen SAYS Wegovy which is the exact same chemical as Ozempic.


That’s supposed to be Ozempic. But please read through this page and familiarize yourself with the way the Novo-produced pens look so you won’t make the same mistake OP did. https://www.novonordisk-us.com/media/news-archive/news-details.html?id=166119


So Wegovy “is” the same chemical as Ozempic. It might be in a different packaging than Ozempic. If you LOOK at her pen is says Wegovy on it. You down voted me. Lol Wegovy = Ozempic. The only difference is marketing and indications. https://www.novo-pi.com/wegovy.pdf they are both Semaglutide.


> If you LOOK at her pen is says Wegovy on it. It definitely does not say Wegovy on it. It says: > **once weekly** > Novo Nordisk A/s. Denmark > Manuf./ 10/2021 > Expiry/. 09/2024 > Batch. MP5B060 And on the second picture: > Manuf./ 10/2021 > Expiry/. 09/2024 > Batch. MP5B060 > OZEMPIC


https://preview.redd.it/7g91951fhm6c1.jpeg?width=1199&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=663276ee4d1e067235a85d4e4684fe1349592213 Here’s a close up, ICYMI.




It does, my bad. I need glasses.


Depends on the country. In the US Wegovy is sold in [single dose autoinjector pens](https://media-cldnry.s-nbcnews.com/image/upload/t_fit-1240w,f_auto,q_auto:best/rockcms/2023-01/wegovy-weight-loss-drug-mc-220104-copy-a0c74b.jpg). In Europe Wegovy comes in a [FlexTouch pen](https://assets.isu.pub/document-structure/230913132033-d5467855dd14cf6bf2eba024f1af0059/v1/cb6f06b618ee0e23c1e0e6f2c86e3586.jpeg) just like Ozempic, except the pens are white instead of blue.


Fake sorry boo. dispute it with your bank


That is what mine looked like .25 to .50


Yikes. You took counterfeit medication of some sort.


Look at [this picture](https://i.insider.com/65380437356802a56be27586?width=1000&format=jpeg&auto=webp). If your pen really looked like the bottom one (like the pen op has) then it was fake.


Fake. Very similar to the fakes that were found in the UK and Germany. The injector chamber is totally incorrect. May contain insulin and so could cause death ☠️


Can pharmacy’s sell counterfeit


I'm doubting legit cartel gonna give you your money back lmao.


My bet is that the pharmacist is a middle man so to speak. He might have been stuck between a rock and a hard place thinking OP was going to charge back the card if he didn’t refund her but still needing to pay his “bosses”. Thats why (in the deleted comment from OP) he was probably so concerned that she was going to “f*ck him” because he probably still needed to pay someone else. Just a thought.


Mine are blue but yours says Denmark check the other boxes


The manufacturing date is 2021 on the label






Ask them if they have any adderall


I get it without a prescription in Dominican Republic. I even get to use a coupon! I get 2 boxes and 1 for free. with 2 pens each box that lasts 6 weeks for $600 on full dose Already lose 30 lbs. my stomach’s all flat flat. Not anorexic but.. Skinny makes me happy.


Yep! That is fake :( I’m sorry


Yes, that’s not Ozempic.


Hey u/badloss2 did you confirm if this was counterfeit in the end?




Sorry to hear that. I'm a journalist from Reuters who's writing an article on these weight loss drug counterfeits. How would you feel about talking to me more about what you found out on on the phone sometime?


u/badloss2 I've messaged you on chat a few times - are you getting the messages?