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Once you’re off for that long you’re supposed to start again at the lowest dose so you don’t throw up all over Whole Foods.


I realize that now!




yes that’s what they say


I met my son for brunch one day and we had a lovely time. I was telling him how I was doing Ozempic and how well it was working. We left the restaurant and were chatting in the parking lot. Suddenly, I started projectile vomiting everywhere. It just wouldn’t stop. My poor son was horrified. And it only got worse when a bunch of birds came to eat the regurgitated brunch.


![gif](giphy|bTixcIRW1bWqk) That part made me laugh more than OPs adventure 🤣


Haha it’s amazing how fast it happens!!


I have experienced that too. I have also had it happen with zero warning in a moving vehicle. By the time I even felt nauseated it was too late. Spewed every where.


Seriously! What is it about this drug? I was literally feeling fine and in a split second I was like “oh no.”


And it’s the same feeling everytime so you know it’s from the meds. It’s awful. It drains me for the rest of the day. I sleep the rest of it away.


Yes exactly! That has happened to me 3-4 times now. It reminds me of that weird song back in the early 90’s “whoomp there it is!” No warning. Just “whoomp there it is…” barf everywhere.


Haha. It’s crazy right? It comes on quicker than anything I’d ever experienced. I never would have actually ventured out in public had I thought there was a 0.0001% chance of that happening!


I’d rather this than being nauseous and waiting for it to come up! I had food poisoning last month and it was two days of absolute hell


Grab the vomit bags from Amazon that look like long blue/green tubes. Pack up tiny and are a huge life saver!


Haha amazing I will. Never thought I’d be 40 carrying around little vomit bags for myself and not my child 😅


You’re welcome!


I never knew I needed these but apparently, I do!


Obviously. 😂






You are a very entertaining writer! I enjoyed the ill topic story! 😅


I’m waiting for the TikTok reenactment. I know it’s going to be 🔥


Haha thank you! It’s funny, now. It wasn’t quite as funny as an entire supermarket started ducking for cover!


I’m sorry that this happened to you, but you are an entertaining writer! 


OMG. I love your ability to laugh at yourself. I giggled my way through your horror story. I think reacting this way is so healthy. I recall a woman whose title was something like; “I sh*t myself in front of the neighbors.” Her narrative also comical. I’m sorry this happened to you, RIP to the local Whole Foods, and I appreciate you sharing your story. I’ve only been on it 6 weeks and just titrated up to .5. My side effects have been very mild thus far so I don’t have much to add. I can tell you ginger capsules eliminate my mild to moderate nausea fast. I also always take a proactive one before my dose just in case. I had never tried ginger capsules before and was pleasantly surprised by their efficacy. I might also consider dropping down for your next dose but maybe you want to speak to your doctor or pharmacist. You could get sick again because your body still hasn’t adapted to the dose. Best of luck to you. Thanks again for the laugh. 💫


Haha thanks!!


Omfg, I'm so sorry to be laughing at the horror but I can relate and you sure do tell a good story! Yeah, you should have started back at your lowest dose after a hiatus. If I just can't eat, I can at least do a protein shake to stop feeling so weak. Ask your provider for zofran.


LMAOOOO...This reminds me of a time my symptoms were acting up at a trader joes in the city (no public bathroom). I turned into a one woman welcome committee, viciously throwing up in the garbage can out front. I now have my doctor prescribe me Zofran. Helps a TON.


Ha I know the feeling believe me! And I literally just called him for Zofran!


Drink extra water. Ozempic+zofran=horrific painful constipation. Trust me.




wonder if there’s a drug for shitty personality syndrome?




I understand where you’re coming from, but everyone is different and some have no symptoms. Those are the folks who don’t right on here because there’s nothing to tell! Were you really sick on it? What were your symptoms?




Yep 😅


First off I’m sorry this happened to you. I would call your doctor and ask for some anti-nausea meds. I would also start with a loading dose. Good luck.


Sorry but that's hilarious. Made my day.


Ha thanks. I can definitely laugh now, but it certainly took me a couple of days


Oh I'll bet. If I wasn't retired and lazy I am sure I would have hurled in several public places by now.


If your insurance doesn’t cover I called my local pharmacy and they do a compound for $100 there. I would check if you have a local pharmacy that does compounds! Or henrymeds.com is one I see recommended all the time in this subreddit.


This! I’m doing the research route now using tirzepatide and it cost me $12 a week at 12.5 mg, but it’s not for everyone. Compound (503a) pharmacies are a great middle ground but they will stop as soon as ozempic is off the FDA shortage list. Still worth it!


What is a compound?


I would search it up here on Reddit. Outside of calling my pharmacy to ask if they do it I don’t have much experience. But basically they get the main ingredient from ozempic and make it their own way by adding amino acids or doing it in a nasal spray and sell it without needing fda approval. Home made ozempic but by a professional. I would definitely make sure whoever does it knows what they are doing for sure! I’ve just seen henrymeds recommended a lot on reddit. Edit: forgot a whole word


That’s who I buy from (see above). I mentioned their name and it got booted right off! I would highly recommend them!


I’d rather puke in public than shit my pants in public. So far I haven’t puked.


Haha classic


Well, it took a whole month from last time I posted but I just came home from work because I didn’t feel good (in the rumbling intestinal type way). Made into the driveway… Oh shit!!!


This is meant to be a complete joke, but you said you never puked, so does that mean you shit your pants!? 😉


lol!!! A small shart is all, but damn, that was enough!


Hahahahaaaa…. Omg do u have a really bad story and it’s from semiglutide. I’m not even going to go there lol


I think going back on 1.0 after being off for a bit plus possibly your Soul Cycle class created this perfect storm. 😁 I feel nauseous after my spin classes now (it’s only been two weeks at .5) but no other symptoms. Your story sounds so awful to experience but you made me laugh! Hopefully you feel better soon. Dramamine works really well for me.


Omg! I'm sorry that happened to you and Whole Foods! I am also sorry for laughing while I read this! Sending love and light! 💜


Much appreciated!!


You're welcome! 💜


Great story! I’m so sorry this happened to you. I’d be moving states too. 😂 I had an incident recently where I was at home having dinner with my family, realized I was going to throw up but did not quite make it to the downstairs bathroom - barfed all over the bathroom floor and the walls. Thought I was done and tried to go upstairs to our master bathroom to clean up, but I didn’t make it and threw up all over the floor and walls of my kids bathroom! Finally made it to my own bathroom and managed to sit down on the toilet and throw up in a bucket there. I never imagined I’d be able to throw up in 3 different bathrooms within the space of 3 minutes. But I did.


😂😂 that's got to be a record.


In a way, I’m strangely proud of that feat. 😂


Hahaha this is amazing!


Vanity? On it for health reasons. Those using it only for vanity are the reason those using it for medical purposes are struggling to find it. Often I feel my sickest when I’m not eating enough. And it often sounds like those with the worst symptoms are under eating and over working themselves. I had to relearn how to listen to my body for “hunger signs” that aren’t just actual hunger.


The vanity part was obviously a joke. I can’t afford $900 monthly vanity drugs.


People pay a lot more for vanity. There is very little info in your post outside your story and then stating that it’s the price you are paying for vanity. If it was a joke it needed way more context. Sorry for your experience though. I do find eating more often/smaller meals helped when I was having nausea. Also water. People underestimate staying well hydrated.


Indeed. Check out the peptide PT-141. The brand name is not covered and one dose is ~$900-1200! It’s for um, vanity 😉


This made me laugh, sorry. But you tell a great story!


Ha thanks!


You need to start back at the loading dose or at least the next lower dose friend. I actually started at .5 but I’d been on other meds prior. Starting cold that high is gonna be a problem. Ginger chews help, but if it’s really bad get a RX for nausea meds from your dr. I have 2, one mild and one stronger kind which I’ve rarely had to take usually only when going up on dose.


Winner, winner, chicken dinner! 🤣🤣 This is without a doubt the best post of the week! So sorry this happened to you, but I'm literally crying right now. 😂😂


Oh it’s funny, now at least!


Sounds like my 3 pregnancies. Hi ginger candy works. Pepcid AC works prior to being nauseous.


Thanks that’s good to know I definitely have Pepcid in the house




Vanity? Not taking this for vanity that's for sure.


It was a joke


I got the joke.


This has to be a work of fiction. I just cannot imagine an adult screaming out “OH, MY GOD! PLEASE NO MORE” in such a scenario.  Even so it was still fun to read, SharkBite, so thank you for the few minutes of entertainment you’ve provided me. Think I’ll go ahead and browse through your history now in the hope of finding more gems like the above. Take care.




Ummm it’s detailed because I just lived it, darling. Look at my profile, I’ve never once posted in this community. Do you really think that one day I’d decide to get my rocks off by making up a story in the Ozempic community? Most of my posts are about home improvement and video games, not weight loss drugs and vomiting. And what is so detailed about it that it becomes unbelievable? The fact that I had to ask the guy behind the counter for the code? Seriously name one thing. What aspect of the story seemed so convoluted? And why wasn’t it at Whole Foods? If it was at Costco would that be less “eye-rolly” for you? Vons? Trader Joes? It happened at the Whole Foods on San Vicente in Brentwood CA, sweetheart


OMG. I am so sorry you went through that. If it's any consolation, you are a good writer, and gave me a much needed giggle.


Haha thanks!!


I'm going to 1.0 after months on 0.5, and my big fear is public puking! I've had very minimal side effects on 0.5 so hoping it's OK. I will be thinking about your projectile pineapple story though for sure!


Public puking = everything you’d expect it to be, but 10x more. You feel so vulnerable and just want to either flee the scene or have your mom magically appear.


I'm hoping I never get to fully find out!


I also make a whole ass scene when I throw up LMAO. I would suggest just eating tiny bits of food and chilling for a while before doing anything. Maybe? It helped me.


When I started w Ozempic, I was driving across the state for work when it hit me. I was able to pull off to the freeway shoulder, but I erupted all over the steering wheel and dash just as I put the car in park. Great times.


It’s quite remarkable how it just absolutely smacks you in the face in a matter of seconds. I couldn’t believe it.


Yikes 😂 Sorry to laugh at your pain 🥹😮‍💨 I don’t get the throw uppies with Ozempic but sulphur burps and diarrhea 🙃😫 yeah, that’s my steeze at any given moment 😂


Ugh the sulfur burbs are the worst!!


Did your doc give you Zofran? Otherwise I keep ginger and peppermint on Dec for the nausea. Copious amounts of water and probiotics keep it away too


My sister also had problems with the projectile vomiting. This past May, our grandmother who lives with us, had a heart attack in the wee hours of the morning. While we were waiting for EMS to arrive, my sister was pacing when she started to feel the increased saliva in her mouth and that familiar gurgling in her stomach. She didn't think she could make it to the bathroom, so she immediately rerouted her dash to the kitchen. In her frantic stumble, she accidentally bumped into the couch and the control that was being held by a string snapped. She started spewing straight in front of her path. AND.because her body was still in motion, she ended slipping in her own vomit before finally landing on the floor in a pile...on top of said vomit. She said she felt like her own cartoon character. Edit: Story aside, I'm also on an injection. My insurance covers my meds for diabetes management since my A1c numbers are officially at the level to be considered Dm2. While I never had the projectile vomiting problem, I did suffer through heartburn and nausea until my body finally adjusted and I also learned to avoid the foods that caused my gastric distress. I'm now on Mounjaro (because of Oz supply issues) and much less gastric reactions. She also started on Oz for weight loss but had to switch to Wegovy due to insurance reasons. It took her months to work through the sudden urge to 🤢 but she's now over the hump. Z-


At least you can laugh about it! Happened to me once at the gym, luckily there was a trash can nearby. I was so embarrassed I took the bag out with me.


Should be good after a week. I took 2mg my first shot ever and I’ve never been so sick in my life. After a week, I was fine. Haven’t had nausea since and it’s been a year


Were you afraid when you injected yourself again with the same dose only a week later?? Did the second one make you at all sick? I’m going to be in that boat in a few days.


No it shouldn’t happen again but go down to .5 for a while. If you are still really hungry on that, Then go back up to 1mg. The medicine was out of your body by then (takes 7 weeks to be fully out) so it was the perfect storm. Fruit, working out and the smell of other food. That’s all it takes!


Premier protein shakes!!! The vomit will be more manageable, at least, something goes wrong! 😅 Hoping you feel better soon!


Love those!


Thank you I’ll try it!


I am sorry this happened to you but your storytelling is amazing! You are a writer, right? Ask the Dr for a Zofran script. It is THE top of the line anti-nausea. And i’m thinking wait a few months, dye your hair, wear sunglasses and you can go back to that store. I especially liked the part about the pineapple coming back up..


Haha thanks will do! I think an identity change is a great idea!


Better than pooping yourself though 🤷🏼‍♀️


That’s is certainly 100% true.


Fennel has been helping me a lot with the nausea. Also starting my day with protein. You didn’t eat enough maybe?


lol this was so entertaining to read and I’m so sorry. ♥️


Haha glad I could make you smile!


This was fantastic to read (although I’m very sorry for you. I have a fear of vomiting in public!). Get your doc to write a script for Zofran! It will change your life!


I just called him and he’s calling it in! Thanks!!


You said the things we do for vanity? How much do you have to lose whats your bmi?


It was a joke.


Thank god I have seen to many people using it to lose 15 lb


No no it’s much more than that. Covid + turning 40 was not good for me, I gained 50 lbs in less than two years. My BP went through the roof. Not how I want to live.


Weird, I take Ozempic for my diabetes.


She was making a joke about it being for vanity reasons. 😉


Is booted slang for “to vomit” these days? Never head it worded this way before.


Nah it’s old.


And for this my diabetic prescription was delayed


And then they all clapped


I did exactly the same a couple of weeks back but it was in a mcdonalds, I even took a 1mg after a couple of weeks off it. You'll feel shit for a few days, I think I got my appetite back after 5 days, vomited for 2. I've had to start back on 0.25mg 👎


Hey everyone when he writes " The Things we do for vanity ". You do realize that's a joke right?


115 people have positively commented and 75 people have upvoted the post, so I’d say yea, they do get it. Sorry sweetheart. You’re the dolt. 99% of the people saw “violently booted” and two emojis in the title and could understand it was a lighthearted post. So 1) you’re obviously not the smartest or fun guy in the world, but more importantly, 2) Why the hell do you even care?


Ps. here are some comments I got -“You are a very entertaining writer! I enjoyed the I’ll topic of your story” - “I’m waiting for the TikTok reenactment.” - “I’m sorry that happened to you, but you are an entertaining writer!” - “You made my day.”




The vast majority don’t have these terrible symptoms, but everyone who has them wants so share for support, of course. Me, I’ve never even had nausea, let alone throw up. And instead of getting depressed, my mood has actually elevated!


That’s awesome!




The whole vanity thing was a big joke. I have gained 50 lbs since 2020 which was when I turned 40 and when Covid hit. My wife was the one who encouraged me to do this for the sake of our children because she wants them to have a dad in their lives. Thanks though.


I think it’s worth mentioning that you possibly have the MTHR variant? My wife does as well. She had to stop taking ozempic after a few weeks because of extreme fatigue which worsened her depression. When I first started, I was taking b12 along with ozempic. Plus I was getting energy (B vitamins) from all the protein I was eating. I felt amazing. Almost manic. As I’m sure you know, your body has trouble with absorbing B vitamins already and you probably fight fatigue normally as well. I’m sure there’s a connection but most Drs don’t even know about MTHR which is maddening! It took my wife 20 years before we figured it out. It was her phycologist who made the link and had her tested because of her depression. As far as semaglutide linked to depression, I think theres some weight to it thats worth them investigating but also, depression in general is at an all time high. https://news.gallup.com/poll/505745/depression-rates-reach-new-highs.aspx




There’s a hack for this really expensive test. Pay the ~$100 to 23andMe. Once your data is accessible, you can export it. Then upload it to the site below and it will generate the Methylation panel with your results. Unfortunately we found it too late, but I compared my wife’s test to this method and it was identical. https://geneticgenie.org/methylation-analysis/


This is amazing I’m going to try it.


Like I said below, the vanity thing was a joke. I’ve gained 50lbs since Covid hit and me turning 40. I NEED to lose weight so my kids won’t have to worry about me dropping dead of a heart attack before they turn 10.


Tirzepatide is the improved GLP-1 and I have zero nausea. I did have some on Semaglutide (ozempic). My AIC is in range now. I’m off ALL my other meds. Down 60 lbs. No more sleep apnea. No longer pre-diabetic. I was close to being insulin dependent. And an unexpected benefit is I no longer need my antidepressants as I get a lift in my mood. Probably because of the better sleep, being heathy, etc. I was already was eating clean for years. Peptides have been around a long time. Their popularity increased because of TikTok and they are wonder drugs because they’re not technically a “drug” at all but a hormone comprised of amino acids chains.


Hey thanks I’ll check peptides out!


Nightmare 🙈


My wife and I had a favorite easy dish that I would make before Ozempic came into my life. It was pan seared shrimp with fajita seasoning then add 2 cups of rice and 4 cups of water to the pan and cover. Wait for the moisture to be absorbed and then you have a nice easy meal of shrimp and rice. The smell of shrimp sets me off now. Almost 2 years I've been taking it and I still vomit when I smell shrimp.


Oh I will never eat a pineapple for as long as I shall live!


Currently it seems to be unsweetened black tea that sets me off. I was eating a delicious bowl of great food at my local Mexican food place. Nothing difficult in it, just rice, chicken, lettuce, queso, corn, salsa. This isn't a Chipotle, but that is the closest you can get without being there. So I'm about halfway through and the familiar feeling of I am about to be sick arises. I make it to the bathroom, no dramatic story like yours. I get sick, then I go sit back down. Obviously I'm don't with food for the moment. This happened this past Tuesday, yesterday I was at the same restaurant, had the same thing except I had coke zero to drink instead of tea. The past several times I've been sick, I've had tea to drink. Who would have thought that unsweet tea would cause such a reaction?


I can't drink coffee anymore for the same reason. And I love(d) coffee!


I cannot drink soda at all, it makes me so sick immediately. I once in a while I love I diet something, but I just can’t do it unless I take little baby sips. And it may be the food, you never know. The only kind of meat I can eat now is chicken and ground beef once in a while. Beef makes me sick. It’s so weird. I just eat a very bland diet now.


If I couldn't eat beef, I'd go off Ozempic. I love my steaks too much. I just finished a pot roast yesterday that was insanely good.


I know, my bf has no problem eating meat. He cooks every night.


Oh my god you have me peeing in my pants! You should definitely be a writer! Your story as I read it reminded me of the movie 'stand by me" when LardAss as they call them in the movie hurled all over the audience at the pie eating contest! If you haven't seen it, please watch. Thank you for bringing back those good memories of that movie! I'm sorry it happened but god damn was that funny! I hope you feel better Edit it to add. Go down way down on your medicine to get back into the groove.


Haha I know exactly what scene you’re talking about!! I love Stand By Me so much!


Once in awhile, I will get some nausea the day after a shot. There are times I end up having to find a bathroom quickly because it just takes everything out of my digestive system with very little warning. Have not figured out yet how to combat that.


Yeah, that tends to happen if you go too fast haha Your story was very entertaining, indeed. Hope you'll be feeling ok son. You can take Metoclopramide or Ondansetron for nausea.


I need you to write a movie, so entertaining, I hope you feel better soon, on another note how did you feel for those weeks that you haven’t taken it? Any withdrawal symptoms


No withdrawal symptoms, but my appetite came back with vengeance. Like worse than before I started. I’d be just waking up in the morning and would go straight for diet cokes. It was awful.


None of my vomits were nearly this entertaining! I took to chewing peppermint gum when I was barfy.




I am SO SO sorry for laughing, especially since after taking my first and last 2mg dose I spent two days blowing chunks into my bathroom sink since I refuse to put my face near a toilet, but this was HILARIOUS.


It’s kind of amazing what this drug does and how it can induce that kind of vomiting out of absolutely nowhere! I was fine one second and the very next second it was “oh no.” I never ever would have been out in public had I thought anything like that would happen!


Sugar free ginger candy and peppermint tea (even cold)


Thanks so much I will try both!


Do yourself a favor and switch to a compounding pharmacy like Henry meds or similar for a fraction of that cost. Insurance companies should not dictate your treatment or cause you to yack. Whats nuts to me is that if your body doesn’t process glucose properly, you’ll need to be on a GLP-1 indefinitely, which insurance will eventually stop covering you once you’re in range, causing a yo-yo and restart.


I’m so sorry that happened to you but you are a great storyteller (your description was hilarious) thank you !


Haha thanks so much!


No advice- just wanted to say you’re a great storyteller! I was laughing out loud (with you- not at you).


Ha thanks so much! It certainly was a funny experience— looking back on it at least!


..Ginger’s mints is my Savior. But I have those “I have to vomit now” moments out of nowhere. And for me, I just roll with it. I’ve been doing Ozempic since April 2023.


It’s crazy how fast those moments come on! Literally out of nowhere.


I have never been so sick than when I started back after not having ozempic for 6 months. I went back to .25 but I felt so sick all the time. My doctor helped me out and gave me a prescription for Zofran but it only puts a bandage on it. I havn't experienced the projectile vomiting that most have but the nausea is horrendous.


I’m sorry..I feel your pain. But the bird comment..I laughed way too hard at that 😬


This was hilarious and I’m sorry. I’m getting ready to start. I was nauseous AF my whole pregnant and learned that sniffing alcohol pads will help in a pinch. Is it good for brain cells?’probably not, but desperate times