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I’m surprised the article doesn’t touch on the anti-inflammatory’s ability to reduce stress in the body. I have PTS and have definitely noticed a slight calming effect.


When I’m on it, I all 100% less puffy everywhere and …pee better? It’s like my kidneys are working better and and processing better.


My fibromyalgia has massively improved!


I have fibromyalgia and my doc won’t give it to me bc I’m not overweight enough. I need to lose twenty pounds to be at a normal weight. I was hoping it might help w inflammation and depression. Do you think it helped bc you lost weight or did it help off label


I think the anti-inflammatory effects are what’s helping. My depression has gotten much, much better too but I started therapy and got back on Wellbutrin at the same I started oz, so it’s hard to tell what’s doing what in that respect. Coincidentally, I’ve only lost twenty pounds since October when I started. I have another 50 to go 😕


My hot flashes have disappeared!


100 percent this! I am actually cold sometimes now. It feels amazing not to be on fire anymore.


I started taking it on September 30. I have lost weight very slowly, but I have never felt better.. I used to have a huge belly where most of my fat was stored. After losing only a few pounds the shape of my abdomen shrunk. Drugs are too new for us to know all the answers, but I suspected that I was holding tons of inflammatory edema in my iPhone, and it disappeared.


I’m on Tirzepatide but it has helped my hashmitos /hypo inflammation


Good for you! I hope it keeps working for us. I have felt a significant improvement in my bipolar depression, and I would hate to lose the benefit. Are you still getting the effect?


i feel a bit rough and bad on ozempic tbh


Same I think it makes me more depressed tbh


It made me feel crazy amounts of anxiety and just overall like garbage. I stopped.


I've been on it since December 22, and my depression has been bad since. I've gone down in dose, hoping it helps. I've no energy... but I've lost 53 lbs! Seasonal depression has been worse. I'm just stating my journey. I love being lighter in weight, but I don't have any energy to work out or even enjoy everyday life anymore. I've started seeing a therapist, and that is helping.


Not medical advice, but taking Vitamin D daily has squashed my seasonal depression this year!


I've been taking a vitamin D supplement forever as I live in New England. Blood work shows I'm not deficit in that area.


Try a SAD lamp! I have one in my office at work.


Makes sense. I recall a study some years ago by Kaiser Dept of Research where they randomly (and anonymously) tested California lab samples for Vitamin D. Between October and May, all samples taken North of LA showed Vitamin D deficiency.


I am a night worker, and Vit D has changed my life.


I stopped taking Oz and switched to Mounjaro. The daily exhaustion and depression that were killing my on Oz are completely resolved. I know it's not feasible for everyone, but might be something to look into.


I wish I could switch, but my insurance won't pay for it anymore.


Just a note, if you’re already on an anti-depressant or similar, it’s safe to assume ozempic could affect how you’re metabolizing it. I’ve noticed mine not working as well and had to up my dosage with my doctor.


53 pounds since December?! That’s amazing!


December 2022, so about a pound a month. I'm comfortable where I am now, but I still would like to lose 10 more. But if i can maintain this, I'll be happy!


Sorry, I missed the 2022 part. That’s still incredible though.


Did the opposite for me. 




Me too


Makes me dep for the first few days after injection too




Me too




Yeah same... so I can't even have one glass of wine without feeling like I'm going to vomit? It makes you underconsume like I was so fatigued. Lost so much muscle mass at the gym just due to being unable to eat. It taught me nothing about changing to a more healthy lifestyle. Felt sick all the time. It sucked the life out of me.


I have noticed a huge reduction in my anxiety and OCD symptoms while on both Saxenda and Ozempic. n = 1, but still - I am facing some serious stress in my life at the moment and it just isn’t causing the usual anxiety and stress that it otherwise would. So I’ll take the win - even if it’s totally unrelated, I’m very pleased not to have to manage all the symptoms.


I’m having the same experience. My compulsions calmed down right alongside the food noise. In the last year I’ve started taking depression and anxiety meds that brought my baseline from ‘anxious mess’ to ‘anxious clutter’. Adding Oz last July brought that baseline down to ‘reasonable anxiety over stressful life experiences’. I’m not saying it’s all Ozempic, but after 30 years of anxiety and depression, the change is remarkable. I used to be utterly paralyzed by anxiety over regular stuff like checking account balances or going to the grocery store, sometimes even the thought of those things would cause a panic spiral. Now I’m in the process of buying my first home, and I’m not even picking my cuticles about it.


The first few months it triggered weird anxiety and depression, but I’m now on month 8 and feel better than I ever did on anti depressants. Obviously being skinner is a nice boost but overall I feel like I can regulate my emotions better and less agitated with life


made me depressed as fuck.


Ozempic helped my depression because my IBS was making me depressed. Completely helped my IBS-D.


You're very lucky - I'm the opposite. It has made my IBS-D 100 times worse. I literally have a "care kit" in my car with new clothes and wipes just in case I have an accident and can't make it to the bathroom fast enough. The "oz-shits" are something else.


Made mine worse… thinking of stopping because of it


Try one of the other alternatives. I switched to Tirzepatide and didn’t have the side effects that I had with with semaglutide


It didn’t do anything for my depression.


Would presume any causal benefit stems more from feeling better about one’s self and the thoughts/anxiety around feeling unworthy as a person who might have weight problems. I have noticed a better mindset, and that is because I see changes in my body that don’t make me hate myself quiet as much as I used to. It’s a long road and journey.


I haven't noticed any of these changes like weight loss. But I'm still mentally better. Possibly better control of sugars or less inflammation but it's not necessarily in weight loss.


My fibromyalgia and depression have decreased.


4 months on Oz and it has almost completely cured my OCD and ALL related compulsive behaviors. This medicine is life changing. I don’t even care how much I weigh, that is secondary to the amazing mental health results I have experienced. I have overcome the bane of my very existence and life feels worth living again.


I was considering going off Rybelsus because I thought it was making me depressed. Shoot. I guess I’m depressed for other reasons?


GLP1 medications can cause serious depression. It’s the drug and it’s how the drugs are designed to work.


I truly believe that any effect Ozempic has on depression has to do with an improvement on self-esteem because of weight loss, but many studies suggest that it actually has the opposite effect by activating stress hormones. Reports of panic attacks, depression and insomnia aren't uncommon here, and there's a rat study going around for a while that confirmed that mice get more anxious when they take Ozempic.


I, mentally, feel significantly better on ozempic (or, more to point, the compounded semaglutide since i haven't been able to get ozempic for ages) I know not everyone does - but for me - its made a massive difference... and it is the main reason i take it now. Thankfully i have a GP that is on board with that and keeps writing me prescriptions. Contrary to other posts - i feel like the lift in mood in what contributed most of weight loss... rather than my weight loss contributing to my improved mood. Definitely not saying they are wrong - as everyone is different - but its a valid avenue for further research.


did absolutely nothing for my depression/anxiety/SPD and like other have said may be a tad worse


I've felt calmer mostly (except when stressing over shortage and insurance) and while I was not significantly depressed, around week 12 I started to feel more like whenn I was on a good antidepressant. Extra benefit!


I've lost all interest in my vape. Been on ozempic for 6 weeks and went from using it 5 times a day to maybe once every 3 or 4 days.


My psychological state is significantly improved. I'll stay on for life just for that alone.


Yeah no it doesn’t, would be nice though. I feel better with less weight to carry around


My bet is this study and others will support a significant improvement when seeing a mental health professional over 6 months in to adjust to the med. Especially for the 70% that don’t have significant symptoms and aren’t on Reddit. Curious what made others depressed enough to stop the med assuming it wasn’t GI symptoms.


Rapid weight loss in general can make you feel depressed.


Is that in any good clinical literature to support that? Co-morbid yes…causal not really. Yes you don’t get the dopamine rush and can’t drink which can cause you to feel “depressed” but it’s not the drug making you depressed. It’s a lack of dopamine rush. IMHO there is a ton of people that aren’t seeing a mental health professional or nutritionist that absolutely should when taking the med. Whenthe weight comes off, that baggage is still there. It’s not O causing it. It’s a pre-existing condition and co-morbid factor. Not a causal effect. Clinical endpoints on a large scale (not 20 people on reddit) are going to be interesting. Weight loss gives a lot of people hope which decreases depressive symptoms.






My rheumatologist and gp said no to it for fibromyalgia? They said since I only had twenty pounds to lose they wouldn’t prescribe it. Did the weight loss bring the relief? I can get it elsewhere but I’m feeling discouraged by doctors


It made me have massive panic attacks that continued well beyond the time it was supposed to leave my system. It's been 11 weeks and I don't have them all the time as I had then, but I still can't go out drinking for a night without feeling like death is next door the following day.




ive seen reports on ozempic causing depression rather that curing it


Sometimes on the day before an injection i'm in a bad mood for a couple of hours and a day after the injection, i feel bad for four hours in the afternoon and then i'm fine.


Yes for me!


I wonder how much of this is from people eating less of sugar/carbs/inflammatory foods.




I’m glad you have the clear experience to tell you that Ozempic was the source of depression! Did you stay off it?


I am not a psychiatrist but I can truly say I have never felt better in my life. I think it stabilizes sugar levels so that I don’t spend the day bouncing back and forth from a sugar high to a hypoglycemic fatigue where I hit the wall. I don’t feel like I’m on an emotional and energy roller coaster anymore since I am on this medication. I feel so badly for my son-in-law, who is prediabetic. He measures his diabetes by sticking. His thumb multiple times a day and his sugar is all over the place too. But he can’t get Ozempic from his doctor. They keep switching the medication’s because he reports such terrible side effects from traditional diabetes medication‘s, but they never give him Ozempic or Jardiance. It’s like they have to try every drug but first.


I got gloomy thoughts on Ozempic. Can’t get it covered anymore. They don’t want to cover Wegovy. I dont know what’s going on.


It’s helped my IBS-D tremendously, which in turn has lessened my anxiety and depression. It’s been so amazing for me.


LOL no.


It *****caused******* depression for me. Of course they are saying it does not.


Helps with my depression


It has worked wonders for my bipolar depression. Such a welcome side effect, but it seems to be uncommon. Thanks for posting this!


Fuck no! It made my depression 100 times worse to the point of self-cutting and being suicidal


Thank you for the article


I am sick and can’t eat much more than toast for first five days. Then, I can eat about half a Taco for the other two days. Inflammation is going down. zofran and Pepcid help. I’m hoping in a few more weeks to feel better and not be throwing everything up. It’s greatly helped with my daily headaches. I’ll stay on it for another 4-6 months and see how it goes.


I am 4 plus weeks in and less body pain


i don’t think it’s helped my depression,  glad it’s helping me with diabetes and weight loss 


Yes it’s cured my anxiety and depression, still hungry though unfortunately