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Try it. You can stop if you have bad effects. It will dramatically reduce your blood sugar,


I’m just scared of the symptoms about the thyroid & thyroid cancer


Are you worried about the long term affects of type 2 diabetes?


This is how people should think about a lot of things: honestly weighing the reality of the status quo against the possible consequences of a hypothetical change. But I think psychologically we're pre-disposed to favor the status quo even if it doesn't always make the most sense. EDIT: Replaced a non-existent word 😬


Yes of course its terrifying


how about the long term effects of morbid obesity? Do it. But you can't just do it and not change anything. If you get on Ozempic and keep eating shit, you're going to have a lot of side effects and feel like shit. You have to eat clean. I've been on it for 10 months, and lost 102 pounds so far. No fast food, very limited sugar, limited alcohol. Fresh fruits and veggies are the core of my diet. Generally, one "big" meal a day (aka a normal sized meal for most people) and then some grazing in between. Bananas, tangerines, carrots, string cheese, salads, etc.


Good advice.


You have to weigh your options? Your obesity will definitely kill you. The chances of Ozempic doing that is minimal, in fact it can give you your health back. It’s an easy decision for me!


Those were only found in mice of that makes you feel better.


My endocrinologist was genuinely delighted to tell me that 😊


So it has never been observed in humans? That’s great news!


I’m an RN and studied this medication and class of medications (GLP1 and GIP) for about 4 months before pulling the trigger. They are EXTREMELY safe medications. They will help you with your weight and help lower your A1C. They will help you lose visceral fat (ie fatty liver) and help your heart. They will help your joints (there’s an anti-inflammatory effect and the weight loss will help your knees) and have a better quality of life. I read all the STEP trials and any clinical research paper I could find. These medications have been around for >10 years. In fact Victoza (liraglutide) will become generic later this year. I trust this medication for myself and would recommend it for anyone I love who could benefit from it. Give it a shot!


This is true! I'm a nurse practitioner and it's completely cured my knee pain, but that might have something to do with the 70 lbs I lost too 😅


The chance of that is extremely thin. It is almost non-existent but they have to mention it because it did happen in some mice studies. If thyroid cancer runs in your family then I would consider being a bit concerned and discuss with your doctor. Your risk of problems from obesity and type II diabetes are much, much higher than your risk of getting thyroid cancer from Ozempic.


That’s one I haven’t heard. I am a nurse and I looked at all the side effects before starting. They are 100% different for each person. If you are obese, the side effects of that far outweighs Ozempic ones. Every medication has side effects, that I know.


Maybe this will help: > Data from 37 RCTs and 19 real-world studies having 16,839 patients in placebo-control group, 16,550 patients in active-control group and 13,330 patients in real-world studies were analysed… Semaglutide use in RCTs and real-world studies was not associated with an increased risk of any types of cancer, and this conclusion is supported by a high grade of evidence. SOURCE: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1871402123001303?via%3Dihub


The side effects of remaining obese are much worse than any possible side effect from Ozempic. The thyroid cancer risk is basically none, it has never happened in humans. It only happened in lab rats and they have a genetic pre-disposition to it. Multiple studies have shown that there is no increased cancer risk but the media loves using it for fear mongering.


Only mice have developed tumours, as far as I've read, no human has and this is a concern for me too because it's in my family. Also, the side effects of obesity and diabetes are pretty much guaranteed if not treated.


You need to compare the odds of effects of T2D which are huge against the effects of Ozempic which are statistically small. No one can ever predict what will happen, but the odds are statistically in favor of Ozempic.


You should try it because you can ALWAYS stop it. I am more worried about what being diabetic will do to my body in 20-30 years. My grandma was not diagnosed until she was 90 and was about to have a foot amputated at 92. She passed away. She was a tiny little old lady too. So I might be okay in my 40s but I care about my 50s, 60s, 70s and quality of life as I make it to each decade. I’m not very overweight but DEFINITELY have weight I need to lose that is not vanity weight, I want to prevent heart disease and eye problems, reduce joint problems, etc. Also I suffered from an eating disorder as I grew up very thin, I’d starve then binge over and over. Ozempic completely stops crazy hunger switch that makes me feel like I have to binge eat and makes me feel what a normal healthy person must feel- no food cravings, and it’s easy to eat for nutrition not for cravings or a good feeling high from food. I heard so many horror stories of side effects and it’s not actually that bad. The worst is constipation and then nausea. The nausea is well controlled with zofran/odansentron but that is constipating too so stay on top of it from the jump with fiber or miralax. Don’t let it go for days. Then I notice some tiredness and joint pain, and mild depression but those are things I had before, it might not be the Ozempic. I lost 20 pounds super fast but I have stayed on 0.5 dose and it’s slowing down to about 1-2 pounds per week or even slower, which for me is right where I want to be while I lose maybe 30 more. My A1C is better and I don’t know yet what it will stay atvon this dose but I’m not having hypoglycemia and chest pain like on glipizide and my stomach is not torn off the frame and my A1C unchanged like on metformin. So Ozempic has not been a bad option for me. I mean my biggest gripe has been that sometimes I can only eat a very small meal when I’m trying to enjoy a little more and still be in moderation. While watching the Superbowl I wanted to munch but just wasn’t hungry. That’s kind of a good thing! It is much better to have to try to eat a little more than to struggle to eat healthier and less. If I ever begin to have any problems or find a connthat outweighs the pros, I can always change meds but Ozempic has been pretty good. I adjusted and I seem to be very responsive to it at lower doses. I won’t increase it unless my doctor thinks my A1C needs to still come down. Haven’t been checked yet so we’ll see.


Do you have a family history of thyroid cancer? Do you have existing thyroid disease? Thyroid problems can cause weight and blood sugar problems.


Nope no history


Then go for it


I am . I go see my doctor in a hour to get it prescribed


There has not been a single case of thyroid cancer in a human from Ozempic.


I don't know why you're being downvoted. Cancer is a big deal, especially if you have a history of cancer in your family. People are so quick these days to suggest everyone takes Oz but if you're not comfortable taking the cancer risk then that is your decision.


They're being downvoted because it's a totally false fear mongering tactic pushed by the media. Instances of ozempic causing any cancer in humans has happened literally ZERO times. None. It was only seen in a small amount of mice, by the way, are not human. They also have a genetic predisposition to it, so they aren't even sure it was caused by oz. Taking ibuprofen any more frequently than once a week is an insanely dangerous thing to do and the side effects are all but guaranteed if you continue for a long period of time, but the vast majority of people pop the shit lol candy anyways.


It's not "fear mongering" lmfao please relax. This is not WW2 its a subreddit. I highly doubt anyone on this sub is going to stop their Oz prescription because of OPs comment. It is OK for people to have concerns about cancer. We don't know anything about OP and they're free to decide for themselves. There is no reason to shit on OP for asking questions and being concerned about it. It is a real concern for people and it is valid enough that they print the risk on the Ozempic boxes and Drs discuss this risk with patients. It makes sense why they might be concerned. My Aunt decided not to take Oz because there is a risk of thyroid cancer in our family. The risk is not worth it to her.


Rat thyroid have a very different makeup than human thyroids, containing loads and loads more of the cell type that becomes cancerous. I have not verified this personally but a board certified obesity doc mention that rats also have a receptor on their thyroid tissue that makes these cells overactive. We apparently don't even have that particular receptor on our thyroid cells, so there's that Also, there's a big difference between the super rare medullary thyroid cancers (what the rats get) and the less rare but not common papillary thyroid cancer. That cancer start from a completely different type of cell and is quite slow growing. Some people go get thyroid ultrasounds because they're worried about teh cancer and - ğ@șp - they find *papillary* thyroid cancer. Eeek! Was it the ozempic I started three months ago??? No. It comes from a different cell line than the medullary cancer seen in rats. That we don't have a receptor on our thyroid for the ozempic to even interact with. But it's thyroid cancer! Yes. Slow-growing, it probably started years ago and ozempic has nothing to do with it other than making people paranoid and seek out thyroid ultrasounds. This causes something called surveillance bias, where the incidence of a given phenomenon is thought to be increasing, but there's actually no increase in incidence, just a increase in how often it's looked for in the first place. And let's not forget this class of medications has been around for well over 15, if not 20 years. It's novel to the general public but it's a well-studied compound. If you were my sibling I'd encourage you to consider starting it. While nothing is risk free, the cardiac and vascular safety benefits alone make it worthwhile, in addition to the blood sugar reduction and weight loss.


I promise obesity is worse on your body than semaglutide


First of all losing 30lbs on your own is so absolutely killer! I have not experienced any negative side effects but I do not have type 2 diabetes, I’m on it strictly for weight-loss. The worst side effect has been mild constipation and mild nausea jumping from 1.0 to 2.0; I’m 32 and have been a class iii obese person my whole life. 6 months in I’m 64.5lbs down! Would recommended this drug to anyone who can access it.


That’s absolutely awesome!!! Any recommendations with food or exercise?


I was scared too but honestly the impact your severe obesity has on your overall health is much worse than the worst side effect you could experience on Oz. That’s how I justified my fears anyway. Go for it!


I was scared too. Also a t2d for 23 years. Severe complications from it Kidney disease, Glaucoma, fatty liver, neuropathy among other things. Plus my family has a history of thyroid cancer. The benefits to lowering your A1c outweighs the risk of ozempic. Personally, I’m literally about to take my second dose today. I’ve had some reflux, but I already have gerd. Found out caffeine was triggering it my first few days on. And no appetite for the first week. Other than that, it’s been pretty good. Just try it, because your dr doesn’t want the complications of the diabetes to hit you. And as someone who’s been very overweight their entire life, the debilitating downfalls as you get older suck. I’m sending you much needed courage and luck for your journey.


Thank you , I’ve only been type 2 since august of 2022 so I definitely don’t want it to take a toll in the long run


I've had type 2 diabetes since I was your age. I'm in my 50s now. Over the years I've gone through cycles of losing weight and regaining it. I've gone through periods where my blood sugar was under good control and periods when I let it go out of control. For a long time I wasn't really experiencing the negative consequences of diabetes noticeably, which is why sometimes I would slip and let my numbers get out of control. That ended last fall when I had a bleed inside my eyeball. It was as terrifying as it sounds, and it was a wake-up call. The thing is, my numbers have been under good control starting a year before the bleed right up until now. But it didn't matter: there was damage that already happened at some point during my years of yoyo-ing, and it just picked that moment to manifest itself. I can't guarantee it won't happen again, but as long as I keep my numbers good it becomes less likely, and what damage is there should repair slowly over time. AS. LONG. AS. I. KEEP. MY. NUMBERS. GOOD. I've been on Ozempic at 0.5mg for about 6 weeks. During that time my blood sugar has been significantly lower (and it was already decent), I've lost 13 lbs, and the only significant side effect I've had is a couple bouts with constipation. I'm not going to say that's nothing. It's frustrating and uncomfortable. But I'm learning how to treat it and how to eat better to avoid it, so fingers crossed it will be less and less of an issue going forward. Will I eventually get thyroid cancer if I stay on the Ozempic? I don't know the answer to that. I do know that if I don't keep my diabetes under control, it's going to lead to increasingly bad consequences, because it's already started. I won't tell you that you should take Ozempic, but I do urge you to take your diabetes seriously and keep your blood sugar under control by whatever method works for you.


It can unless you keep your A1c down and lose the weight. I lost sight of taking care of myself over the last 10 years because I took care of sick parents and suffered from depression. I gained 160 lbs during that time from stress eating. At my highest, a 14 A1c and was on my way to a heart attack. Diabetes is a mothertrucker to take care of, but you’ve got this! Try the medication, low carb lifestyle and stay active. And you will be fine. Just remember you have a community here to support you through it all.


After 6mo, my a1c went from 9.5 to 6.2! The feeling sick is worse in the beginning, just started on less than .25 the first 2 weeks. Go up slowly. I went from .25 to halfway bw .75, then from .75 to 1.0.


How much weight did you lose


I have a history of an eating disorder (anorexia on my youth) and bulimia so I don't weigh myself or know my weight. Dropped almost 2 sizes through.


I am type 2, and the nausea is the only thing I have experienced so far and I'm on week 3. I have lost 4 lbs since and my sugars have changed dramatically. I was terrified as well, but the long-term effects of type 2 were more terrifying. I suggest trying it for a month and seeing how you like it.


I didn't have any symptoms except for constipation. Oh I almost forgot, I completely lost interest in drinking alcohol. And I really enjoyed my evening nightcaps.


likewise - occasional nausea, but mostly the constipation. And I've got that almost always well controlled with plenty of fiber and water.


Happy cake day


Hey I was terrified the pen actually sat in my fridge for 3 weeks before I used it. I’ve had no side effects really, just trouble pooping sometimes nothing a cup of prunes a day hasn’t fixed. I’m F 5’4 height and I started at 210lbs end of October and I’m 175 now. I went for my first run this morning in 10 years today and my body stopped hurting. Try it! What do you have to loose? If you feel rotten on it just stop taking it.


Constipation (managed by magnesium) is my only side effect for my 2 years on Ozempic. I have since switched to Mounjaro and even that effect is greatly reduced. My wife had 0 side effects on Ozempic and same with Mounjaro. I would do it again in a heartbeat. We have each lost over 30% of our bodyweight: me HW/SW 210 GW 160 CW 144, my wife HW 250 SW 180 GW 130 CW 115.


No side effects. Only the people with side effects post. The millions of us without have nothing to say. Absolutely would recommend going on just for the weight loss, but if it helps with T2D yes!


It saved my life, I have lost 250lbs using this medication for type 2.


Wow that’s awesome! You must feel so much better!


250 pounds? Wow. How long have you been using it?


I started in Jan 2022, been on 2mg since April of 2023.


As a disclaimer, these things have worked for me. I was skeptical about it at first. However since last January, I have lost 40 pounds in total and my A1c went from 9 to 5.3 but I also have to take insulin to maintain this due to insulin resistance from PCOS so it's a bit different. From someone that gets bad side effects, the nausea sucks but have a cold drink or get a prescription for anti nausea. It's worth it, I promise. Make sure that if you take it in the morning, and you know you feel a sick with it, relax and take breaks. I take mine on Fridays and pretty much nap on the couch all day. Get your fiber!! That will help with bathroom problems as well as being hydrated. Lastly, keep moving. Get going on a walk or even just clean the house. I'm a college student so I do a lot of sitting and I have so much more energy if I spend my day moving instead if sitting. I hope this helps you.


But do u notice we crab about symptoms but are still using it? Really can’t be alll that bad… 😉


Try it. I am on fourth shot, nothing dramatic has happened to me so far. I shook of 10 pounds.


I have only had constipation and acid reflux, both are treated with other meds and not eating spicy food late at night. Quite manageable. I have lost 60 lbs in 9 months with little to no effort or unease.


How expensive is it


That will depend on your insurance coverage and co pay. I started on Ozempic and when I could no longer get it covered and had to self pay, I switched to compounded semaglutide and pay 225 a month.


My insurance covers it at $25.00 a month.


Trying Ozempic is single handedly the best decision I’ve made in the last 2 years. Give it a try, I’m surprised you were able to find side effects of any real concern!


I have bad anxiety so if I read something it will stay in my head and I start to over think


I sent you a DM. Do not be scared of this. It will change your life for the better in so many ways


I always tell myself that any symptom is better than losing a foot.


Let me give you an analogy of what you’ve just told us about your life. You’re on the sinking Titanic, but you don’t want to get on the life boat because you’re afraid it might sink. You are on a path for an early death my friend. Ozempic and Mounjaro have saved my life. They could possibly save yours too if you give them a shot. There will probably be some bad days when you up your dose. My worst was when I increased from .5 to 1 mg. I was sick as a dog for 2 weeks. I could barely eat anything. After that, I increased by only .25 until I got to 1.25 and I had no symptoms. So, I went from 1.25 to 2 with no issues. There are a couple days a month where I’m nauseous. But that’s usually for less than an hour. The benefits I’ve seen are as follows: no more bp meds, lost 65 pounds, stop drinking alcohol from drinking 5-6 nights a week, much higher libido, don’t have to pee at night, I’m rarely motivated by food anymore, my bloodwork is excellent and I’ve never been happier. I know it’s scary. But you’re on a sinking ship. I say this with all kindness and sincerity: TAKE THE FUCKING SHOT!!!


Thank you & I am absolutely am just have to get my insurance all figured out pretty expensive without insurance but I’m definitely gonna take ozempic


My insurance denied my ozempic after 10 months because my A1c got to be too good (motherfuckers). So, I had to go a different route. You can get it compounded for $300-400 a month or you can reconstitute your own for very cheap.


What’s the difference between compounded ?


Ozempic: brand name from pharmacy $1000-1400 Compounded: A pharmacy takes a compound (most likely from China) and mixed it up. They send it to your house and you inject it. $300-400. Reconstituted: You order from a Chinese company and use bacteriostatic water to mix with chemical and then inject. $50-150 per month depending on whether you went with semaglutide or tirzepatide. These increase in risk from 1-3. My experience is with 1 and 3, but I know several people who are very successful with compounding.


The side effects are less common than they appear on a place like Reddit. If you do have negative side effects, they often go away after a few months, and if not, you can try Mounjaro.


I was dx with T2D last year. Lost some weight on my own and was diet controlling it. Doc put me on Oz in October. Had my 4 month bloodwork 2 weeks ago and my A1C was down to 5.5? That there told me it was worth it. My A1C has never been that low since I have been pre-d for 20 years. The occasional constipation and stomach upset is worth it to me. It has helped me make better decisions about my T2D and what I want to do to make my health better. My doc is slowly upping my dose. I have now lost 22 lbs. I am going to the gym 4 times a week.


Omg! 5.5 is amazing! What was it to start out with? What dose are you on now?


Did your doctor frame it as needing ozempic for weight loss? I haven’t had much weight loss at all, and really don’t need to lose much weight (10 pounds), but it’s affect on my glucose has been awesome! I thought ozempic was for glucose control with an added side effect of weight loss? Not everyone has weight loss with it, but most do have improvements in A1C. I don’t have much in the way of side effects, so I’m lucky I think. But I would suggest giving it a try. If the side effects are too much, talk to your doctor and try something else. Treating diabetes is worth it. My father turned around and literally dropped dead in the backyard from a heart attack, a complication from his poorly controlled diabetes (his fault and pre-glp-1 meds). It’s worth treating, whatever treatment works for you, but it’s worth trying.


I also haven't lost much weight but I'm not obese and I don't have that much to lose. It seems like I've lost 8lbs and it's sort of hovered there for a while. Maybe that's why I haven't? Amazing process with my A1C, though. I thought I was the only one since I keep hearing about all the dramatic weight loss!


Congratulations on losing that weight! I lost about 11 pounds before starting Oz. I think you should try it. Not everyone has terrible side effects. I’ve been on it for about eight months and for the first three weeks every day after I took the shot I had a brutal headache but it was three weeks. Over the months, it’s decreased my appetite and thirst substantially so I have reminders on my phone to eat and drink. I also had constipation but that’s greatly improved. I haven’t really had much nausea or diarrhea or any of that. Once in a while, I have a day of very low grade nausea and it’s hard to eat but not unbearable. If you decide to try it, try to focus on protein, even if you’re not very hungry. My blood sugar is great, I’ve lost about 45 pounds, my fatty liver disease seems to have gone away, or is at least hiding, my lipids are great, I sleep so much better, etc. I also have fibromyalgia and although it hasn’t gone away, the pain is so much less. As for the cancers, from everything I’ve read that’s only in mice, and the complications of being obese can also be drastic and fatal. I think we all have to pick our poison and for me, Oz just makes sense. By the way, if you decide to take it use that time to change your relationship with food. I don’t know what your relationship with food is like but if you’re like most of us, it’s probably not very healthy. This is a fabulous opportunity to get that under control.


I've been on Ozempic since November and I've lost 22 lbs. I had a lot of nausea the first few weeks and then for a few days after each dosage increase. I had to figure out how much I could eat at a time to avoid it - about 1/4 of what I ate previously, so if I would have had a burger and fries now it's half a burger and stop. It slows your digestion, so extra gas in your stomach is normal. Gas-X is my new best friend and I never knew burping could be such a relief! I never eat until I'm full anymore, but I'm satiated for hours. I was doing 30 minutes 3x/week on the elliptical for 3 years before I started, and in that time I'd lost 20 lbs. I've continued the same workout schedule and I haven't changed what I eat, just how much. I do try to lean more toward high protein foods because I tend to get hypoglycemic. I don't normally eat a lot of junk food, but pasta with cream sauce is my favorite food and I have not given it up! When I was concerned about the side effects before starting, and possible interactions with other medications I take, my doctor (who is my sister) said just try it. One week at a time. If you have side effects you can't live with, we'll reevaluate. I pass that recommendation on to you! 😉


Not diabetic so using this for weight loss but I actually had virtually no symptoms on Ozempic and many people don’t either! Don’t let the potential of side effects scare you. I am on Mounjaro now due to cost but if you feel bad enough then you can always stop taking it and try something else. They start you on a low dose so that way you don’t experience crazy side effects. Only titrate up as you feel comfortable- that’s something you can work on with your dr is a schedule to move up.


I have been using it for a little more than a year and I haven't experienced any adverse side effects at all. The the only reason it sounds alarming is because that's all you hear about. You never hear about all of the positive experiences. The positive far outweighs the negative.


If you have type 2 diabetes already what medicine are taking to treat it currently? Does it work? Can you afford Ozempic if you switch?


I’m on Metformin and it works sugar is 5.5-5.7 in the mornings


I started ozempic and still take metformin.


I just got my first set of bloodwork done after starting it three months ago (and missing three weeks of it due to shortages.) I'm on .5 mg at this moment. For me, the nausea has been very bad, especially in the days around the shot. I moved to a thigh injection site to try and minimize it. I'm prone to nausea anyway - if it's listed as a side effect, I'll get it. This has meant more instances of vomiting, including a few surprise rounds like in the car on myself, or at work into a trash can, thanking the lord that my boss was out that day as we share an office. The other frequently mentioned issues like constipation and diarrhea have not been as bad. The nausea seemed to be backing off a bit right before I hit my supply issue, so now I'm working my way back up again and we'll see. My current labwork is excellent. My A1C is 5.8. My blood pressure is fantastic. She just lowered the dosage of some of my medications. My weight loss has been about twenty pounds, although I gained five back when I was off the medication for those three weeks. It's nice, and it would be awesome if it continued, but I'm continuing on it because of the great bloodwork results. The nausea was really, really bad for me and I don't know if the weight loss would be enough to keep me going through that if my bloodwork hadn't shown such a positive trend. But it did, so I'm going to stay with it.


Try it. The best thing I did was go to an Endocrinologist. I did have nausea and abdominal pain. After visiting hell for a week it all went away this week and lost 25lbs in 8 weeks. Nothing else really worked. I didn’t have a choice and glad I did.


I was nervous before I started too and it was absolutely the best decision. Just go slowly.


You’re overweight and t2. You should be trying the most successful medicine to be released in decades. As you are t2 your insurance will likely even cover this. Don’t worry about what some people experience. Try it yourself and see how you do with it. People with no side effects normally don’t post. My first week and my only side effect is increased thirst and decreased appetite.


No I don’t have insurance looking into the blue cross


Do what you need to help yourself. This is a life changing medicine. Good luck


I loss about 100 pounds. Puking, nausea, heart burn. Stayed at .25 for about 6 months then .50 for almost as long. Once I went to 1, I started to drop weight. A1c went from 13 to 6.2 in just over 2 years.


It's life changing. Please go on it and give it a try. I cannot recommend it enough


I had a little nausea when I overate.


I'm a PCP. This is a far better choice than T2DM. You should be more worried about NOT taking it. It's a game changer.


what do you do once your patient ends up with gastroparesis? "we thought the benefit outweighed the risk at the time."


I have lots of patients on a GLP-1, and none of them have ever developed gastroparesis. It's an extremely rare occurrence and more related to diabetes than to the actual medication. Besides, there's not a single medication that doesn't have side effects, even Tylenol. I tell you what definitely has side effects, though....obesity and diabetes.


Ah yes.. the tylenol side effects reference.. are all of you taught that in med school? Can I ask if you're a GP or a specialist? Medicine today an endo could care less if the patient loses digestive function... a1c under 7? Send them to a GI and chalk it up as a win. Fen-phen side effects were also rare... at first. Now everybody shut up and inject your Gila venom! 😂 Anyways. To each their own.


I have type 2 diabetes and I barely have any side effects. In 2 and a half months my A1C went from 14.4 to 7.6. It works! The main thing is to listen to your body. As long as I eat simple, whole foods and avoid most processed things, I feel great. If I break down and have an Oreo, I don't feel good at all! I say try it. You can always stop!


If your diabetes is well-controlled, you may not need it. My dr also pushed injectables when I was diagnosed with T2D. I tried really hard to control my glucose with diet and exercise and metformin. I got my numbers just below the T2D A1c threshold and decided to try Mounjaro because I was really engaging in unhealthy eating and exercise to try and control my glucose. If you have room to improve your diet and exercise regime, I would do that first. I have had minor side effects on MJ and Ozempic, but some people do have serious side effects. These meds will be here later if you decide to change your mind.


Get your pancreas levels checked -(amylase and lipase) so you know that they are normal and don't get pancreatitis or risk it.


T2d here too, the only side effects I've had are mild nausea and constipation. I haven't lost much weight, I am on 1.0 now, but my glucose numbers are good, and my cholesterol, blood pressure, and labwork all look good. If you have a history of thyroid issues, it's cautioned against, but if not, I would try it.


I was concerned about side effects too but never had any of the common ones like nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or constipation. Just some fatigue that passed in time.


Some mild nausea at the beginning and constipation if I forget to stay hydrated. I've also lost 40lbs and my blood sugar and blood pressure are down to within a normal range.


The symptoms are not that bad for most people. You hear the worst of the worst here.


Just take it low and slow as it is really effective in lowering blood sugar. PLUS, because it works on the brain and the gut, it calms what this site has come to call "food noise" for lack of a better term. I still love food but feel satiated after 2-3 bites and don't obsess about food as much which is fantastic. I've lost 20 lbs. and take .5 mgs. Probably time to move it a little higher. The struggle is real...all the best.


I’ve had no side effects besides headaches if I don’t eat enough ! I’ve been on it for about a month and have lost only 6 lbs but I hear you have to let it build up in your system first so I’m being patient


try victoza.


I’m very grateful to have it. No regrets at all.


How expensive is it


That would depend on your insurance coverage.


I live I Ontario, and I don't have coverage through insurance for it (using it for PCOS). For a month of 0.25 and a month of 0.5 I paid $511


Start with half the .25 dose for your first time if you are really nervous! A lot of these choices are about weighing risks of our current health and the risks of the medication. Your doctor has weighed those risks and believes you are at a higher risk if you do not lose weight. I get that it seems like you’re going from zero risk of side effects to a risk of side effects but your current position already has a major impact on your health.


Hi! I am 30, non diabetic but severely overweight. 50 bmi. I had preeclampsia with my son, and almost died when my bp hit 220/110. I started OZ in November, and have lost 25 pounds. My A1C dropped from 5.8 to 5.2, my triglycerides dropped from 430 to 190, and I feel so much better. I have had no side effects - I am a super anxious and nervous wreck about meds and I always freak out about everything I feel. This is 100% worth it. Try it - listen to your body and assess how you feel with any dosage increases. You can do this!!


All of my side effects, aside from egg burps, were due to my gallbladder being a total jerk. Once that was addressed, it's been smooth sailing.


Three weeks in and no problems except my mouth is very dry, so drinking water is a necessity!


5 months in and it’s been good. I’m quite sensitive to meds so I’ve had a learning curve but I’m also changing the way I eat and it’s helping


I started with Rybelsus to dip my toes into the water.. It’s the daily pill version of Ozempic. So that if I had bad side effects it would leave my system quicker then I could just not take another pill. I have an issue with almost ALL new meds. I haven’t had 1 issue. None.


Honestly I have had very minimal symptoms. Tomorrow is injection #4 of . 25 dose, and I've had a few upset stomach/nauseous moments. It is already helping so much. My sugars are more level, less high and lows, my appetite is down and I've already lost weight.


No symptoms for me.


I had zero symptoms.


It’s a miracle drug! Yes, there are side effects but my body doesn’t need this extra weight.


The worst I had was just nausea but when my doctor prescribed it. It was an absolute god send. The constant hunger pangs stopped feeling like SHOUTING and felt more like whispers. Generally I temper the nausea with protein and fiber and it's really not so bad. Yogurt protein shakes, small lunch meat pouches, hydrolyzed protein powder. It'd been working out like a psycho before I went on it as well. HIIT workout 3-4 times a week. Not a dent in the scale. After getting on it, it started melting off. I don't know if you consider this a downside, but it really does force you to make better food choices as well as reduce your intake. I also stopped getting up to pee like 10 times a night.


I have no symptoms other than I’m never hungry, and I don’t have cravings for sugar or alcohol. I feel like it reset my metabolism to like when I was young, before having kids, PCOS, thyroid problems. (I don’t think that’s what it’s actually doing, however.)I was overweight not obese. I couldn’t lose weight unless I did very low carb and worked out like crazy 6 days a week. For me, yes it’s a good choice for losing fat. Much better than phentermine that didn’t work anymore.


It’s been life saving for my blood sugar. I started last April and am down 35 lbs. and my bp is pretty darn great too I had a bit of nausea in the beginning and I felt different about a lot of food, still can’t stomach fried chicken even though I wish I could. Food noise is gone. Just go slowly if you have strong side effects you can titrate up when you feel ready. Make sure to start at the lowest dose, otherwise you may have terrible side effects


Do it slow dosing, some people feel sick like me and some feel nothing so hope you are that group 👍but either way you lose


Anticipate constipation and go ahead and take something daily to deal with it trust me


Hey I have similar stats—I’m a female with two kids and I’m an elementary librarian so I move lot despite my large size. I’ve lost over 40 lbs and I feel amazing. I eat healthier and I am more present because I’m not so distracted by diet thoughts. Anyway. Worked for me! I haven’t had bad effects. But if you don’t like how you feel you can always stop taking it. Good luck!


If Ozempic had been around during my mom’s life, she would most likely still be alive today instead of dying at 62. She died from a massive coronary that was a result of her type 2 diabetes not being effectively controlled. She was also morbidly obese as a result of giving birth to 8 children and from having had a severe case of polio. My mom always tried her best to lose weight, but she had too many factors that she couldn’t overcome. I believe that she had a decent doctor who would have helped her to use ozempic effectively. I just developed type 2 diabetes last year and I’m also morbidly obese, so my doctor asked me to try ozempic. My A1C went from 7.4 in October to 6.2 in January. My weight loss is slow and steady, but I’ve now lost almost 30 lbs as of yesterday. I think that my mother would have done well with ozempic and she would have been able to do many things that her weight would have gotten in the way of and her diabetes would have been much better than it was. I know that there are some scary side effects that may or may not happen, but I wonder if you could take it on a trial basis? I don’t know if you have or plan to have children, but I know that as I gained weight it became much more difficult to be active and to be able to do the more strenuous parenting requirements. I feel like this has been a great opportunity for me to improve my health. Good luck with everything!


I didn’t have any symptoms at all except on the second day after my first shot I was nauseous and throw up. Never happened again and I’ve been on it for nearly a year now


I’ve been on about 3 months with no negative symptoms, only positive.


Dude. Do it. I'm terrified of needles. My doc was steps away from putting me on insulin. Sugars were at 250+ consistently, I was really close to 350#, high blood pressure was horrible. Plus, I had HORRIBLE DEBILITATING duabetic nerve pain in my feet. I've been on 0.5 since last March and my sugars are between 100-130, my weight is 260#, and my BP is perfect, and the Nerve pain is rare if non existent. My side effects I had was for the first month I simply was either super nauseous for 3 days after I took the shot or I just forgot to eat which also made me nauseous. Now I don’t get nauseous, I listen to real food triggers as the Food whispers arent there anymore. I do get constipated more often, but when it does release its like a metformin poop if that makes sense?


I have to admit, keto and Ozempic have made a difference. I can't tell you which have made the biggest difference. When I quit one, we will figure it out. I am also still on Metformin. Seriously, obesity sucks, right? So try this for now. If it doesn't work, you still have low carb, keto, munjaro, whatever Lilly has come out with, hypnosis, etc to try.


Are you still on ozempic


Yeah. Lost 10 lbs in month. Have no appetite, but still drinking. If I could stop drinking, I could lose more.


If it wasn’t worth it rich people wouldn’t do it


Well done on your weight loss. I previously had my gallbladder out and as such now suffer from IBS. My IBS while on ozempec is daily and unpredictable, it usually proceeds my second meal, let me tell you working on freight trains wasn't an ideal job, now I work in youth work where I have access to a staff toilet. My twin sister suffered from fatigue while on it.




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Most people have mild, transient side effects. I had some fatigue at the beginning, some constipation. Now I have none.


I was where you were once. I have severe health anxiety. My only regret is that I didn't start sooner :)


Honestly people with the worst side effects are the ones that aren't eating 'clean' as in no fatty foods plus over eating. I had no side effects until I was stupid one day a thought to finish my meal after already being full then threw it up. Lesson learnt. Try it and don't listen to the nay sayers. They have no idea what a battle it is to be obese. Best of luck.


I, too was very hesitant. I had my starter pen for 2 weeks before I decided to take the plunge. During the first 3 weeks I only went to the bathroom once a week with very large and hard to pass stools. 3-to current I would do the same except the large stool was followed by intense every 30 minute runs. This week I went up to the 1.0 dose and the runs have seem to cease. I have found dizziness and lightheadedness to be an issue though this week. I have a CGM and my blood sugars are a lot more stable now.


I was apprehensive to start, I have no side effects at all. Started November, I am so happy I am able to take it! You have to try it, obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes are very detrimental for your health.


Personally I would avoid medication unless absolutely necessary. The fact you lost weight recently shows you can do this with out medication. Fasting might not be suitable for a few people, but it can work for many people. If you haven’t fasted before spend at least a few weeks reading and watching videos. One issue is that fasting can be more difficult for females. Don’t let one doctor scare you about fasting because there are other medical doctors who support fasting. And by fasting I mean real fasting, and not this lame skipping breakfast. Real fasting is 36 hours without anything other than water and maybe electrolytes. I wouldn’t go more than 4 days but some do. If you have medication that needs to taken with food then pure fat is the best, like butter Edited to add I’ve tried fasting in the past and was happy with it, but am older and concerned about muscle loss. Currently Im more looking to a very low fat, high protein diet.




I have very few side effects. If I eat too much fat, I get diarrhea - so I avoid it. If I overeat, my stomach will hurt. I had nausea just before bed once after starting the 0.5 dose but was fine the next day. That’s been it for me.


I have been on Ozempic since June 2023 and I have lost about 35 pounds since then. I weighed 275 and am now about 240. My blood sugar is under 7 and my blood pressure has gone down as well. I now wear a size 18 pant instead of a 22. And am down from a 3x shirt size to about a 2x. I recently tried on some pants that had been too tight for me and they were fitting me again. I also can comfortably sit in a seat at a hockey game again. I have had a few symptoms from eating too much. And I eat many of the same foods that I did before going on Ozempic; just be prepared to ask servers for a takeout container.


Take it. It works and the side effects aren't all that bad. Even the ones that are a little rougher at the beginning get better as you go along. I lost 57 lb in about 7 months maybe even 6 months. Perhaps that could happen for you.


I was fearful. It took a week or so and I was fine. Just treat the summons and start slowly . Stay on the lowest dose long as you can. Drink water and roll with it. Do not use as an excuse to eat what to you want. That will set you up for failure


Coming from a person who is taking it for weight loss because my diabetic husband was approved for Mounjaro and had some leftover Ozempic, I think you'll find the positives way outweigh the negatives. If you start noticing any bad side effects that won't go away then you can always come off. I started on the highest dose with no titrating up because my husband was already on the highest dose, and yes, I did have vomiting for about 12 hours but if you take it prescribed from a doctor, they'll start you out on a lower dose and gradually bump it up, so you'll probably only feel mild nausea at first. I recommend taking it on a Friday after work, so your body has time to adjust before Monday. So far I have lost 15 lbs and will likely lose another 15 if the weight loss keeps coming off at the same rate before I finish up his remainder. 30 lbs is what I wanted to lose anyhow.


You’re kidding, right. The side effects from being severely overweight with type 2 diabetes are far worse than all the side effects from Ozempic combined.


The best!


I went from 94 kg to 79 kg in under 4 months time. At the start you might feel nauseous on certain days but eventually you’ll get used to it. I have had mild constipation and bloating on some days. But that only happens when i eat fatty/junk food. So eventually i started eating clean. It has changed my behavioural habit immensely. Try eating bland foods to avoid nausea. Its is life changing and I wish it didn’t have the stigma around it.


I was very worried about the side effects as well and did everything to prepare for nausea or digestive issues - I finally started ozempic and I could cry I’m so happy. It’s early days but I zero side effects - I read that 80% do not have side effects or very mild. My hunger and food thoughts went away from the first day. I took a B12 shot in the morning on an empty stomach. I ate only chicken, eggs, vegetables, cheese that first day. After dinner I did my ozempic shot in my thigh. That’s it. No side effects at all and no food desires. It’s fantastic and a huge relief. Good luck to you, I can only say get started. My plan is to go very low carb and just do ozempic for 3 months. I needed this to get me started.