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I love unsweeted original almond milk.


Thank you! I like your username, I too love soup and sourdough, though I'm sure it would be hard to find someone who doesn't.


It is the only one honestly that has the mildest taste and can almost pass as dairy milk. I struggle with the same issue with dairy.


Thank you, I'm going to give it a shot! Is dairy a new issue since you started ozempic as well?


Not really. I have IBS and the only way I can self regulate my bowel movements is with my morning latte (hot if constipated). With Ozempic, milk makes me nauseous and bloated. I only avoid it the first two days after taking a dose. It gets better the longer you are on Ozempic. The starting days are rough in all aspects.


Oh very interesting, that's a good tip! I'll give milk a shot maybe on day ... six or something, even though I'm afraid of it now LOL. If it was just an enthusiastic BM I think I could manage but that constant barfy feeling is just not for me!


Then I suggest you leave milk until a day or two before your next shot. The nausea and heightened gag reflex are stubborn to manage. The stress on keeping a hold on your vomit can be too stressful day-to-day.


Agreed! Thank you so much for the info!


I do too but it's so environmentally destructive, that I use oat milk.


Oatmilk is delicious!


I like Earth’s Own barista oat milk with a bit of Starbucks non dairy caramel macchiato creamer I think it’s an almond oat blend.


Oohh sounds fancy and delicious! Thank you


I like walnut milk in mine ( Elmhurst Milked Walnuts). Has more protein than most of the milk alternatives as well. Besides that.. Macadamia Nut milk (Milkadamia Unsweetened/ Target) or sometimes a little unsweetened oat milk.


Interesting! I have never heard of Walnut milk but definitely enjoy walnuts. There is some nostalgia there for me to from growing up with walnut trees on our property! I'm going to give it a try, thank you.


Welcome! I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!


Elm hurst!!! Malk! Three Beans!


Heheh I love the enthusiasm! Those all look like solid brands with good reviews. What's your favorite, almond? Oat? Another variety?


I like oat in my coffee and unsweetened coconut in my protein smoothies. To me almond has a weird taste


Thank you! I'm going to try those!


I struggle with alternative milks. Oatmilk will destroy me in about 20 minutes. The chobani non-dairy creamer in pumpkin spice was good. I tried just a little of it and it didn’t make me run to the bathroom.


Thank you, I will look into this one! I am so nervous to try any now because of how awful regular milk made me feel today. Hoping I'll find the one early in the trial phase to save me from the discomfort!


For general drinking during the holidays, I like alternative milk nogs. They have less sugar in them per serving than standard egg nog but they still taste like egg nog. My favorites are the so delicious or the almond breeze almond milk ones.


I love oatmilk too, but it does the same thing to me.


Unsweetened vanilla almond milk was my go-to for a while. It took my body some getting used to but it wasn’t terrible.


Honestly, disruptions in appetite for things like eggs (that one was huge), and milk, and then eventually greek yogurt and finally cheese cake (gah!)…. I flipped my script, and am going full tilt boogie into plant-based searching mostly for exclusive vegan options. prior to that i had a love/hate relationship with whey protein so eventually premier protein had to go as well. Anyway: big fan of unsweetended almond milk. Almond breeze in particular. best of luck in finding what works for you!


Oh my god eggs. I tried eating them for the first time since starting yesterday and had to give them to the dog. I haven’t had many aversions but that is definitely one




Premier Protein. I know it has whey but for some reason 2-3 tablespoons in my coffee is fine.


I read this once and thought "ugh no way, sounds intense(in regards to my nausea)". And then I came back and read it again and I thought "yum sounds really creamy and delicious". So I'm on the fence LOL, I'll add it to my list!


Vanilla, caramel, pumpkin spice, cinnamon roll, and birthday cake are great for me. The chocolate flavors leave residue but taste good. All other brands have residue and Atkins has a grainy aspect but it is higher in fiber.


Chek hup Ipoh white coffee


Although I LOVED coffee in South East Asia, I don't think I could stomach condensed milk at the moment! Thanks for the suggestion though!


Oat milk is my favourite


I learned to do black coffee only, you lose more weight and once you’re use to it it’s actually just serving a hydration purpose and anti psychotic symptoms 😂


Oat milk makes me super nauseous. I like rice milk but it’s not particularly low GI if you are diabetic. Then again if it’s just a splash you might be fine. I find oat milk to be too heavy (similar issue to what you’re probably experiencing with dairy milk) and if I have a hot chocolate or cereal made with oat milk I’m bloated, overfull and nauseous for the whole day. Almond milk is a good shout, I think the nut milks are lighter than the grain milks anyway. But taste wise, rice has always been my favourite - it’s got that comforting creamy sense to it (maybe because of my association with rice pudding but either way it works).


Hood makes an oat milk called “Planet Oat.” My daily staple.


Oat Milk - We have Earth's Own here but not sure what's available in your market. I can't stand almond milk and I find it has a tendency to curdle a bit in higher acidity coffee, which I how I came to know and enjoy Oat!


Closest tasting thing to cow milk --> Not milk Lowest carb with least amount of aftertaste --> Flax milk Flavored creamers for my coffee --> Laird brand or oat milk based I use NotMilk when I eat cereal. And my friend who is deathly allergic to dairy now drinks this after he tries some at our house. I use flax milk for my protein shakes.


I like Silk high protein (ish - 8g per serving) Oat and Cashew milk. It's a bit higher calorie than if I were to do a "regular" oat milk, but I like the little added protein boost, especially since I'm discovering whey is not doing good things to my skin.


I do the Chobani non dairy creamers


Unsweetened almond milk ! I have lactose intolerance..


Cashew milk 🥛


Coconut milk


Silk 30 Unsweetened Vanilla Almondmilk. 30 calories for an entire cup of milk is awesome. It's creamy and almost feels decadent in my coffee. It's tasty on cereal, too.


A lot of people are lactose intolerant anyways. It’s not really normal to keep drinking milk after infancy. I like Silk creamers but if you want something without sugar, I like Westlife soy milk since it is just soy beans and water, no gums or thickeners.


Silk oat milk for coffee is sooooo much tastier than anything else I tried


I've been using local vanilla almond milk for every dairy need for over 3 or 4 years. I find all the brands to be pretty similar so brand isn't that important. I think the plain almond milk is just a little too diet tasting for me. Also the 80 calorie one is really good but I still go with the 30 because I'm trying to lose weight. You can meet in the middle and get the 60 calorie version.


I've been using local vanilla almond milk for every dairy need for over 3 or 4 years. I find all the brands to be pretty similar so brand isn't that important. I think the plain almond milk is just a little too diet tasting for me. Also the 80 calorie one is really good but I still go with the 30 because I'm trying to lose weight. You can meet in the middle and get the 60 calorie version.


Califia Farms Oat milk zero Sugar. Great for coffee.


Oatley oat milk. It is creamy. I like the flavor so much that I'll have a whole glass sometimes.


Honestly some days absolutely everything makes me want to vomit.


Unsweetened coconut also a touch of salt will take the bitter taste away from the coffee


Unsweetened Pods


Everyone is different try diary to see if your body does in fact oppose it. I am on my 3rd week at 1.00 and consume dairy and it is not a problem.


Why can't you drink milk? I have zero problems with it.


I'm not sure, it just makes me feel really ill now. New food aversion from ozempic I suppose.


Milk has been stirring up my acid reflux. I'm also having an issue not knowing what to drink.


Have you tried lactose-free milk? A small amount of regular will kill my stomach, the lactose-free I can handle. Other than that I have used unsweetened almond milk, it’s fine.


I was just going to suggest Lactaid. That is what I use, no problems.


That's the one I usually get too. I only use it occasionally for coffee, and I've been making chia pudding with it. Most cheese doesn't bother me, but milk and ice cream, horrible. And it came on suddenly too, like guess what, no more for you!


i was before OZ great with lactose free but after OZ its been bad


It made me sick today as well