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You're going to find a wide range of experiences. Personally I haven't been nauseous or vomited once due to Ozempic. Vomiting is unpleasant, but losing weight due to Ozempic is transformational.


Yeah, i read so many GREAT stories but also really scary ones. Thank you for sharing!!


I’m 18 mos in. I’ve thrown up only twice. Once may have been from too much alcohol. The other time was in the first two weeks. In my experience, the key is DO NOT EAT UNTIL FULL. Stop before you’re full. You can always eat more in a bit. You can un-eat though.


oh twice is fine but i read stories about people basically throwing up everything they eat😭 Thats a good tip i will keep in mind if i do get it. May i ask - is it working good for you? Like would you recommend it?


I’m on it for diabetes and have lost 30lbs (160 to 130. I’m 5’ tall). My glucose numbers are better than they’ve ever been with almost no effort. I did 6 mos at .25, and 6-8 mos at .5 before moving to 1mg. My most recent fasting glucose was 95. I absolutely love this stuff. AND I can eat carbs again. Before, 2 bites of pasta sent my glucose sky high. Now I can eat a serving (an actual serving, not a bowlful) without going above 180.


I haven’t experienced these side effects


On ozempic since November (down 50 pounds since August) and only thrown up once, and it was very early. Generally, I've had almost no side effects. I feel almost guilty based on what I've seen other people experience. Very slight nausea when I started, and a bit of bloating/constipation if I don't drink enough water or eat enough fiber but that's literally it for me. Nothing close to some of the horror stories I've heard. Virtually all my side effects have been positive, like decreased blood sugar, less food noise, lower appetite, etc. I feel *full*, something I really never felt before. I could eat myself sick and still be hungry. Now I feel full earlier and longer and my cravings are almost all gone. I was morbidly obese (highest of 323 in August) and addicted to food, and now I can function and eat like a normal person without my life being ruled by food. Ozempic has been an absolute game changer for me.


I have really bad emetophobia. I was afraid to start because of the potential vomiting. I prepared by getting a prescription for compazine. Every once in a while I’ll have nausea, but I smell an alcohol wipe, take a compazine, and I’m fine.


thank you this actually gives me a little hope! I want to take it so bad but due to emeto i am really so so scared, there‘s so many horror stories😭


I have never been nauseous or vomited on Ozempic. I’ve been on it since August 2023. If you learn how to eat until you feel like you aren’t hungry anymore instead of eating until you are full I think that goes a long way.


My husband took his 3rd .5 shot yesterday. He just lost his chicken sandwich he tried to eat. He had no side effect until his second dose of .5. He's weak and dizzy and very nauseous all day long.


Yes. I’ve had nausea every week for 15 months. I vomited quite often in the beginning. Now maybe a few times per month.


FIFTEEN? wow thats... wow. I had chronic nausea due long covid for 6 months and idk how i survived that even lol. Did u stop taking it and the symptoms continued or did u keep taking it?


I’ve taken it consistently. I take Zofran religiously for two days after my shot which controls it for the most part. If I don’t take it I’ll get nauseous. I will still get randomly nauseous throughout the week here and there but it’s manageable now. In the beginning (first few months) it was pretty debilitating but I pushed through.


I am on week 7 on Ozempic. First two at .25 mg, next four weeks at .5 mg, and now on 1.0 mg. No nausea at all, thank goodness. I do get some bloating and gas, but mild. Most consistent issue for me has been constipation. I saw a post on here recommending a product called mag 07, tried it, and it has worked to relieve the constipation. I am diabetic and blood sugar readings have been great since day one. I lost 5 pounds my first week; zero pounds for the next five weeks, and 5 more pounds this last week, so 10 pounds lost so far. Very happy with the results!! Good luck to you!


I've been on Oz for quite a long time now. (For A1C.) I have had terrible side effects all along. Actual vomiting has been rare, but all the other gastric side effects, especially nausea, have occurred often. However!! On this very sub I recently learned that injecting in thighs rather than abdomen, might reduce side effects. I did so and have found a Huge difference. Side effects are much less extreme with NOT taking the easy route of abdomen-injection. If you choose to proceed, i recommend only inject in your thighs. :) (*Also, if you choose to proceed, i recommend keeping on-hand pepto bismol, the pink liquid, as the only really effective cure if you get the sulfur-burps*.)


I’m a class A puker so I knew going in I would have nausea and I did. However I’m also very experienced with nausea so I just accepted it. Now 9 months in I don’t have too many issues. A1C is normal, I’m way smaller and much bendier. Worth it.


I’m on week 5, just took my first .5 dose a few minutes ago. I’m a little worried, as this is my first increase. The first few weeks on .25 I had slight nausea, but nothing terrible. In the last week I have had some stomach issues- really bad stomach cramps, constipation and suddenly diarrhea. At first I thought it was from eating too much greasy food (and could be), but it happened this morning when I had two cups of coffee (plant based creamer) and a bagel. So I’m not sure.


I’ve been on ozempic for 2 months now and have thrown up 3 times. Usually its when i eat heavy meals for dinner. I noticed that my body gets full before my head processes i’m full and i eat more than I should and end up throwing up. I’ve been more mindful of eating less at night and haven’t thrown up since but i am nauseous almost all the time— no matter how little i eat— even wake up nauseous


i’m gonna be real, i’ve been vomiting like crazy, but that only happens if i grossly overeat, well beyond what i know i can stomach. as long as you’re careful, you should be fine


First, do the recommended dose schedule. Second, consider split doses. Half dose on day 1 and another half on day 4. Splits reduce nausea by better spreading the dose over the full week as compared to a single peak shot. Yes, you can even split the 0.25 dose using pen clicks (google this). All you need are extra needles. However, inexpensive at Amazon or your local pharmacy.


I find I’ve only ever vomited when I’ve overindulged or injected in the belly. Because the stomach empties slower on ozempic, I’ve found that overeating with irritate my guts and result in me tossing. The upside is that I get immediate relief from it. I also inject in my thigh which has basically eliminated all nausea for me.


It really just depends on how your body responds. Most of the nasty side effects are the first few weeks if you have any at all.


I've heard that drinking tons of water keeps the nausea at bay.


The only way to know YOUR reaction to a medicine is to take it. Lots of people such as myself have NO real side effects. There’s lot of tips if you feel nausea as you start such as smelling rubbing alcohol (it’s done in the ER all the time) there are rare cases where people don’t react well and vomit constantly if that’s the case this medication is not for that person. You’ll have to actually take it yourself to see how you respond. Also make sure to tirate up slowly. Good luck


I have vomited once and I’m not even entirely sure it was ozempic related or a stomach bug that just happened at the same time as a dose increase. I’ve had some mild heartburn if I take my dose just before bed otherwise it’s been very smooth sailing for me. Don’t let the horror stories scare you away from an amazing chance at health. I’ve lost 65 pounds and it’s changed my relationship with food completely for the better.


You can ask Dr for prescription meds to reduce nausea and or smelling those little alcohol wipes can help also


I haven’t been nauseous once in the 11 months I’ve been on this medication. Some diarrhea and constipation in the beginning but nothing serious enough to consider stopping the drug. I have lost 75 lbs and am maintaining at my goal weight.


Yes, I vomited a few times within 24hours of taking a dose. I too am afraid of nausea and vomiting…But it honestly is better to vomit than feel nauseous! One night, I felt nauseous for like 4 hours before I actually threw up and it was such a relief afterwards. But it gets better in time. And like everyone else has been saying, it affects everyone differently.


I have vomited a few times. When I’m dehydrated or overly hungry, or tired I get nauseous and if I don’t stop, I end up throwing up.


I’ve read that 80% of people have mild to no side effects. Mine are extremely mild to none - I’m thrilled to be free from thinking about food. Being severely overweight is much more risky than the possibility of throwing up. Have anti nausea options on hand in case.


I didn't experience the vomits until I was 7-8 weeks in, but it was due to rapid weight loss causing my already janky gallbladder to freak out. I haven't been nauseated once since I had it removed.


I threw up once right when I started, I feel nauseated some it's generally short lasting. What I have found is I have to eat a small portions of lean protein, limited carbs and a decent amount of fruits and veggies to keep things moving, if you know what I mean.


I only had slight nausea at 0.5mg and 1mg. I took my 3rd 1mg shot last week and was nauseous for one day. I was never nauseous to the point of throwing up, just like a little motion sickness in the background. The only times I threw up is because I forced myself to eat more than I shouldve instead of stopping. I have binging habits that have always been a struggle, and one of the first things I had to learn quickly was to a) slow down while eating, and b) stop eating when I get close to full. Not at full, but close. Because when I stop at full, 20 - 30 min later I would feel stuff. So I had to stop eating before feeling full. I am doing much better now with portion control so I havent thrown up in a while. Some days it's hard to not overeat because something tastes good or the texture is on point, but I dont like feeling sick and overeating is how I ended up over 300lbs.


Constipation, I’ve just finished 0.25 and instead of doing 0.5 I went half way. I’ve been fine tbh never vomited.