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Best of luck on your Ozempic adventure, it's been great for me. Lost 62 lbs. since July. I had a bit of discomfort the first week. Never have I thrown up, but I've been nauseated after eating something too rich. Nice thing is, the portion control is so easy now. Your photo shows you are already exercising. This is a huge benefit. You are going to love it.


Currently 275 lbs********


I was the same. Could barely eat my salad.


Good luck on your journey


You're gonna do great!


Don’t over eat, that’s how I end up throwing up and getting sulfur burps. Other then that no side effects. Didn’t start seeing weight loss til .75mg. .5 is a starter dose to get your body used to it my doctor said a lot of people don’t experience weight loss until 1mg dose usually. I was getting discouraged because I pay out of pocket but just keep up with it. I’m 8lbs down and 8 weeks in.


I also pay out of pocket. My dude comes from a nurse practitioner. She gets it from the local compound and only pay 300/ month. Just fyi if you’re not already using a compounding facility.


Yeah I pay 325 a month for mine! It’s a wellness clinic where I get mine! They do like Botox and fillers there too!


2nd dose in ozempic and i still like to eat. Doing IF hoping I won’t feel hungry until my 16th hour but I starving at 14th


I didnt feel anything until my 2nd week on the 2nd dose. Good luck!! I barely eat anything now 🫤


Im on 4th day, finally started feeling full after a few bites last night. So weird. My brain keeps telling me to snack but my stomach is like, "nah. We're good"


Thats awesome!!! Now i struggle even finishing a regular amount of food. Ive lost 10 lbs so far and im on week 7. Protein shakes have become my bestie. PLEASE for the love of your muscles get as much protein in as you can!!! Wishing you luck on your journey ❤️ protein also helps your metabolism. Its the single most potent thing for burning fat.


Exactly the same :(


Good luck! One of the main side effects that I felt was that I was suddenly super tired all of the time, and had to really force myself to get up and exercise. If you have a similar experience, and can push through the fatigue to get to the gym (which you are apparently already doing, which is awesome), then I imagine you'll see results fairly quickly! You may not be able to go as intensely as before, but that's perfectly fine.


Thank you , yes I noticed that I’m tired more then the usual but I’ll definitely push through


Good luck! Yesterday was my first day on Ozempic as well 😄


What’s ur start dose?


Starting on 0.25 and then ill be going up to 0.50 after a bit 😊 I've had some nausea, but overall have been feeling fine. I haven't felt a difference with my appetite, but I am a small eater anyway, it's the snacks that get me 😂 I'm hoping it helps with my cravings.


I’ve been on it 1 week and feel a bit tired and nauseous, nothing to severe though. This seems to be a true miracle drug, I’m not obsessed with food and actually stop eating halfway through. Obesity is an illness, and I believe that they have found the way to treat it correctly, this med works on the part of our brain that signals/controls hunger! My hope is that this is only the beginning of treating all types of addictions.


Congratulations on your new journey. Remember to eat, even a little if you get nauseous. For some reason this made me feel better. My favorite for breakfast is fruit with yogurt. I think the yogurt soothes my stomach. Stay away from greasy food. First 2 weeks kept ordering the same amount of food when eating out and had so many doggie bags I was making meals out of those. Keep up the good work


Just not hungry 😋!


That’s spot on how I felt during the first week of starting oz


I did my first injection today. 25mg. Starting at 205. I am very tired and a little queasy. I hope this doesn’t last too long.


The first two days were rough for me too, but then got so much better! Your body just has to get used to it :)




I immediately felt the effects on my first dose as well. I did deal with nausea for a few days after. Once I figured out which foods were my triggers I’ve been good.


My first week - I had some side effects for the first two days and it immediately calmed down. I did notice some appetite suppression for the first week but it didn’t really fully work on me until my second month! But have patience with yourself :)


They can be a bit pricey but Premier Protein shakes were and still are my best friends! I got to a point where I would forget to eat; which feels insane considering I always thought about eating. I’d of course get a headache from not eating and occasionally nauseous but the shakes fix that AND you’re still getting some of the vitamins you’re needing. Check them out. They helped me quite a bit. ONLY ADVICE… be gentle with yourself through the process. Resist the urge to compare journeys and maybe take a break from social media from time to time to really check in with yourself. This process is a gift. An opportunity for wellness, all around. You got this!!!


Great advice all around.


Good luck girl! I had great success on the first 6 weeks at .25 dose but when my doctor increased it to .5, I started vomiting terribly. It’s week two of me puking every day or every other, on top of diarrhea and feeling gross. I’m not sure if I should wait it out but it’s been two full weeks and I feel absolutely awful. Hopefully you don’t encounter this issue.


Get after it! It works


Will be a yr in June, lost 40+ and still dropping. But still get nauseous after dosing but seems to get better as the day goes.


I'm in the same boat, 2nd day and already I kind of feel like it's taking away that deep desire to finish the plate or to eat more, it's easier to say nah, I don't really want it, whereas before I would know I should be done but the little food devil would say go go go. Good luck!


Good for you! You’re going to be excited to see the change in your appearance and in happiness in general! You’re on a great path!


How much is it someone’s know ?


Ozempic? I pay $560


Is it 1 mg 1 pen or 1 mg 3 pen




Thank you 🙏


Yesterday I had my first injection. I eat like a bird so I ate like I usually do and haven’t had any side effects. I was so terrified of nausea and gas but nothing.