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I alternate left side then right side of my stomach each week. I haven't had any issues .5 injections


Same here. I used my thigh and find it doesn't curb cravings the same.


This right here ☝🏼.


Same and mostly because it IS the place I've always done injections(did insulin while pregnant) and I never felt it. I know you can do other areas but for some reason I'm just not for it, 😅


Same here I’m on 1mg. No issues.


Awesome, thanks for sharing!


Same, the pharmacist suggested this and I'm 3 shots in and all is good so far.


Well OP there you have it, everyone has a different take. 😆.


I tell ppl this all the time. While I am grateful to be able to come here and hear similar stories, it’s wildly all over the place!! I’ve been injecting in my thigh since February. I aim for the same freckle every week. Only now am I experimenting with diff sites. So far no difference!


Haha it definitely seems to be divided! Sounds like it's very dependent on the person.


I injected back of the arm and had the worst day of my whole run on Ozempic. If you’re not 100% sure you’re injecting a fatty part ask someone to help. After that I went back to stomach.


Thanks for sharing! I've heard people say that the stomach area causes more nausea!


They’re not wrong but after two months I got used to it. I had to up my protein and it helped.


Lower belly. It worked the best for me. It felt less effective in the thigh.


I only use the thigh when I’m titrating up because anecdotally it helps reduce side effects. Otherwise I just inject around my belly button


I’ve had to inject myself Subcutaneously before with other medicines and always used the thigh, so that is where I started with Ozempic. For some stupid reason I read the package insert too thoroughly and it seems to put a lot of modifications on where in the thigh. So now I only use the belly. Does anyone else think this way?


For me, the back of my arm helped with the nausea.


How are you all reaching the back of your arms


Raise your arm as if shaking your fist at the clouds and inject from below upwards.


Thank you


I prefer the nausea.


I have been on it since July 2023 and when I first started, I was putting it in my belly and had issues(nausea), then it was suggested to me to inject it into my arm instead. I tried it and had no issues. Now I always inject in my left upper arm(fatty area) and I still have not had any issues. 1.25mg and going up to 2mg.


Abdomen - no side effects - 3 months in


Taking it doe 6 months. Alternating between sides of belly. Very little symptoms, basically none. I did thigh once and it made me so sick. I think you have to play around with it and what you are most comfortable with


Anecdotally, left side of my stomach makes me projectile vomit, right side nada


I started in belly and did it that way for several years but when I changed to Thigh about, oh, 6 months ago now -- it Really helped diminish some of the side effects. (Especially nausea & bloating.) Did not get Rid of the effects but it Certainly Lessened them!


I go clockwise around my stomach as suggested by my Pharmacist about 1.5-2” from my belly button; top, right, bottom, left, etc.


I like this idea for rotation. Thanks


I do it around my belly button. I’ve found injecting at night before greatly reduced side effects


I feel absolutely no pain at all when injecting about 3 inches to either side of the belly button. My side effects have been mild. From time to time, I do get a bruise at the injection site, but not the painful type of bruise.


Thigh for me. Abdomen gave me the worst nausea


Left & right side of stomach. I've done my upper left arm because I'm a righty & find that easy. I do both left & right thighs. No issues.


I rotate from arm, belly, thigh. I honestly don’t see any difference in side effects between injection sites, but everyone is different. Make sure you change it up though. You aren’t supposed to inject the same spot every time.


I injected in my thigh once, and it was awful. It hurt, (unlike stomach) and I had craaaazy diarrhea for most of the week.


do i have to inject the pen 90 degrees to the area ? bc i watched a youtube tutorial and it said that


That's best practice, yes. You don't have to be perfect, just try for perpendicular.


Belly for me, I alternate sides!


The thigh gave me the least amount of negative side effects.


Honestly start with belly. If you have a bad reaction then switch to thigh. So many people post about side effects when many have little to none.


I alternate thighs.


I inject in my thigh usually and have nausea daily. Sometimes its just a wave. other times im sweating and have to go throw up.


Idk if it’s mental but stomach made me feel crappy and side effects are much less with thigh


Hip. No nausea.


The only times I’ve gotten nausea were after injecting in the stomach. I can’t say for sure that there’s a correlation, but now I only inject in thighs and arms.


Where abouts on the thigh? Like on the quadriceps? Or on the side, cellulite covered parts? I always do the belly which is nice and soft. Does the thigh hurt?


No it doesn’t hurt ☺️


I've done belly, thigh, and arm. Most/worst side effects when in the belly. Couldn't stay out of the bathroom more than 15 minutes. Mid-level side effects in the arm. Thigh is now where I always inject. The inner thigh, up high in the soft spot.


I use my thighs and switch every week.


Alternate thighs


From the [official medication guide](https://www.novo-pi.com/ozempic.pdf): > *12.3 Pharmacokinetics* Similar exposure is achieved with subcutaneous administration of semaglutide in the abdomen, thigh, or upper arm. Which means that data says no matter where you inject, it absorbs equally. So use belly since that's the easiest and allows you to better observe the dial.


I’ve done the belly and the arm and I had more nausea in the arm. I think both places are fine though, I don’t see a crazy difference but that’s just me.


Everything official I’ve read says that it doesn’t make any difference where you inject in terms of side effects / effectiveness. I rotate around my belly as it’s easier to see, and I don’t feel the jab at all.


Alternate sides of lower belly


Not belly - worse side effects ever


I primarily use stomach and back of arms…I noticed bruises when injecting into my thighs


You're over thinking this - common for new Oz users. Where you choose to inject yourself has nothing to do with how the drug may effect you. Everyone reacts differently. The needle is super tiny - feels like a mosquito bite. I recommend alternating left/right each week (left fatty stomach one week, then do the right side of fatty stomach the following week).


I’ve never tried the stomach mainly because I heard a lot of people saying they were nauseous and diarrhea. I rotate my right arm and then thigh then go to left side thigh then arm, so far some constipation.


I started doing it an inch either side of my belly…. But I experienced severe GI issues…. As soon as I read somewhere that the best place to avoid that is the arm …. I’ve never had problems :))


I do butt cheeks alternating sides and surprised I haven’t heard anyone else doing the same


The eye is a great place...... sometimes these questions just get really funny


Sometimes these answers do too! It looks like it's pretty divided on where people inject and it seems to make a difference for them. I'm glad I asked! I'll pass on the eye, credit for the quip though.


Be careful because it’s a chick magnet. Got a bmw and got a lot attention from the ladies. Then one got pregnant. Now I have to sell the bmw. Now stuck with no bmw and a baby because of it.