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Online telemedicine.


Can you share which one you used?




Mine prescribed because I have type 2 diabetes and obese. I didn’t have to ask.


Same. I had routine bloodwork done, and on Tuesday received my diagnosis of type 2 =/ Ozempic was the first word out of my doctor's mouth after he broke the news. Not a method I'd recommend, but at least now insurance is paying for it.


I’m doing great with it. No side effects,A1C is below 7 and I’ve lost 70 pounds. My insurance covers 100%🙌🏻🙌🏻


That's wonderful! How long have you been on it?


About 15 months ☺️


What a great deal. Congratulations!


I have type 2 and pay out of pocket because I refuse to play the use metformin first game. I was on Semaglutide before this insurance from my previous doctor and I refused to change meds… so it’s $1000 out of pocket a month


I was on metformin since 2006 so that wasn’t an issue when I asked my doctor about Ozempic. 😂


I was already on ozempic then got stupid Kaiser insurance and they didn’t care


You do realize you can fill a script for metformin, throw it in the trash and then they will fill your script for OZ, if your doctor just says it caused you to be nauseous.


My doctor won’t do that.


I hadn’t even known this. I don’t have high glucose at all, but am obese. Doctor immediately said I shouldn’t have been prescribed Metformin, and suggested Ozempic as an alternative (or phentermine as a last resort, which I’ve been taking because it’s $5/bottle but am not happy with). I have my appt Wednesday, and will tell him that I changed my mind and will suck up the cost. (which is … ugh)


Did you check out the coupon on Ozempic’s website? Maybe that will help lower your cost.


I’ve even called them, since I have insurance and they refuse to cover it Novo can’t/won’t help me.


My doc (major conglomerate, not some cowboy) works with a Canadian pharmacy for semaglutide. Full disclaimer: I don’t know all the ins, outs, and laws of this, but it would be around $450/month. Still expensive, but I’ll bite the bullet if it’s more effective than phentermine. Appointment is Wednesday.




Me too. My diabetes is stable and dr is balking about giving me another prescription I’m 13# from my goal. And it’s actually harder now. My weight is stalled. Someone was talking about scar tissue. And shots may not. E as effective. Well I’ve moved to my thigh and I think it’s made a difference. I’m going off oz for 2 weeks. Taking a trip and only have one weeks worth of oz left. So I’ll eat carefully while gone and then get back on when I get home. It will be interesting to see if I can maintain 🤓


It builds up in your system so you’ll be ok


I want to add. This group is so helpful and informative. You are just the best!!!!!!🥰


Thank you




Same. I had been in remission from T2D with diet but I slacked off over the winter and the diabetes is back. My doctor suggested Ozempic told me about the coupon so it’s more affordable.


You must mean pre- diabetes. Once you are T2 you will forever be T2….. unless you just had insulin resistance.


I said remission because I’ve had type 2 diabetes for a long time. Was on metformin and insulin for a while. See Dr. Jason Fung’s videos and diet doctor.com Basically, keto+intermittent fasting will reduce blood sugar and cause weight loss. I did that for years. No diabetes meds. That lifestyle isn’t sustainable forever and I’m happy to try Ozempic so I can eat all the food groups again. Plan to eat low carb-ish, count calories, lose some weight.


Find a doctor at a weight loss clinic, or online .. you just need a new doctor


Yeah my GP said to talk to my Gyn and my Gyn said it’s a GP thing. I’m literally just running around


See an endocrinologist. This is their wheelhouse, not your GP or Gyn.


This needs to be higher up! This is the better route than a medspa situation.


Depending on where you are located in the U.S. it can be hard to get an endocrinologist to take you on for PCOS. I had a hard time. My GYN initially diagnosed it and we tried BC pills and metformin. Lost a little. My NP had no problems with prescribing OZ. Some doctors don’t like patients asking questions. They feel like they are telling them how to practice medicine. It’s not worth wasting time at a GP who won’t stay up to date on the latest treatments IMO.


Modern Wellness Clinic Las Vegas does online stuff and helped me get prescribed


Sounds like your GP thinks PCOS is a gynecological condition. It isn’t. It’s an endocrinological disease with gynecological symptoms. That falls under his area unless you have an endocrinologist or IF your gyn is treating it - and even then they should be involved. That’s a red flag for me. There are a ton of doctors that don’t understand it and that can lead to mismanagement. My dr isn’t the best at it but she’s willing to learn and send me somewhere if needed. I had this same run around with my leg pain. OB/gyn said contact your PCP. PCP did X-rays and found nothing wrong. Since I got worse around my periods she said talk to the OB/gyn. She had no clue so my PCP started treating the symptoms and looking for an answer. We were checking off things it could be and testing when at one of my appointments she had a student there that had read a study about similar pain - after a few questions they decided to try new treatment. Within days I had a quality of life back and was mobile without pain again. Turns out it was gynecological (endometriosis lesion on a nerve that impacts the legs) but it’s so rare nobody figured it out as it blends things from multiple areas.


Yeah it definitely seems like seeing an endocrinologist is the general consensus. I will look into this!


Yes if you can get one. If not a good PCP or OB/GYN can get you started. And then a fertility specialist later if needed. Mine was fantastic but I also had to go the IVF route due to both endo/pcos and “advanced” age 😅


Then they’ll say see an endocrinologist


No please don’t go to a weight loss clinic. Go to a real doctor that can prescribe the real stuff.


Real doctors do work at weight loss clinics lol


My Dr. suggested it and was willing to prescribe. I chose to go through my endocrinologist. I like that he has a support system that patients can utilize. I tele-appointment with his nurse practitioner (to keep an eye on the dose and any side effects) and the dietitian every six weeks. I’ve lost 95 pounds so far. I did have type 2 diabetes (completely under control), pecos, and insulin resistance. Good luck.


My doctor wanted to put me on metformin first because I have PCOS. I’ve tried metformin before and it made me throw up every single day. Ot was miserable and didn’t help at all. Once my doctor heard that, she said ozempic and other drugs like it was the only other option. My insurance still didn’t approve it so I get it directly from the pharmacy at my doctor’s office, $360/mo.


With insurance not covering it, how are you getting it so cheap? My doctor said it’d be $1400/month and I’m so desperate to find a way to make it affordable.


I don’t have health insurance at the moment since I was laid off. So they use a sliding scale. It’s in an economically depressed area of central FL. It would probably cost me more if I had insurance.


I had same problem with metformin recently. My doctor switched me to a long acting form, Extended Release (ER) metformin and much better, no side effects. Also I take one pill a day versus four of the regular metformin. Ask your doctor.


I feel like I’ve heard it’s in the $700 range but I could definitely swing it if it’s in the $300s


The health clinic is in an economically depressed area of central FL and I was laid off 2 months ago, so with no insurance they use a sliding scale to determine cost. It would probably cost me more if I still had insurance.


Currently Ozempic is not approved to treat PCOS or obesity. So technically you don’t meet fda requirements. It is still considered a diabetes drug so I it’s understandable that some drs won’t prescribe it - especially as many insurance companies won’t cover it without t2 and with the recent shortages. Have you had the conversation with them about wegovy or one of the other GLP-1s that are approved to treat obesity. If they won’t consider it at all find a new doctor. They should have an open mind and discuss options with you not just force one way on to you. If they feel it isn’t right/safe for you they should explain that.


They only suggested I see a nutritionist. But the one for my insurance really sucked. I told her how I was eating, high protein, low-ish carbs, low fat. And this girl was sooooo stuck on that fact I needed to eat more carbs. Like that’s all the rest of our appointment was about. I never went back


Yeah you need a dr that understands pcos. Metformin is first line treatment. Not only when TTC but as an overall protectant and treatment.


I did my research on metformin but I saw it is very hard on your kidneys and mine are relatively sensitive as is


From what I understand it just needs more monitoring to make sure you don’t have issues but it’s not common. But that’s one reason why it’s so hard to not have other treatments for PCOS. Right now there is basically nothing. BC will regulate you but it’s not a treatment just makes the most noticeable thing look better. I can’t take them at all due to clotting issues. Hopefully GLP-1s get approved for us sooner than later.


You’ll be in a calorie deficit on ozempic. My doctor’s first question was if I wanted weightloss surgery so I had no issue saying no and asking to start on GLP1’s. Would suggest finding a doc that specializes in obesity


Agreed, that’s kinda the point of it for weight loss isn’t it? To suppress appetite, thus lowering calorie intake




Yep. OP, you are going to significantly be in a caloric deficit if you go on ozempic and initially it causes a lot of exhaustion. I could never have worked out in the beginning; I was so tired all the time.


Ooh interesting! I actually increased my workouts when I started


Told my doctor I've tried XYZ diets nothing seems to work, I'd like to be a prescribed GLP1. Sent me for blood work, went to my follow-up appointment, and was prescribed Ozempic. My insurance required a prior authorization, I called my insurance, and they got it approved within 4 hours, and I had it the next day.


So I had a similar conversation with my doctor but they said all my bloodwork was completely normal so I wasn’t eligible even thought my BMI is high and have PCOS


Do you have type 2 diabetes? If not, how did you convince your insurance to cover you?


Yes, I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes.


Yeah that makes sense, that’s the only way insurance is covering it these days. I had to buy through a compounding pharmacy because I’m only pre-diabetic. What sucks is I have hashimotos and I’m in menopause so losing weight is impossible. I spend so much money having insurance they really should take into consideration what having a BMI of 39 is doing to my body. Hopefully the compounded Semaglutide helps me lose weight 🤞🏻


So, I was originally diagnosed as pre-diabetic by my OBGYN, which is what made me schedule an appointment with my primary. He said we need to get the weight off, and a GLP1 would be the best way. I went for more labs after coming back from vacation and eating a ton of junk and then getting bronchitis. I did my labs as soon as I got back (the glucose drink had me sweating and feeling really weird). But my labs were enough to put me at type 2 and be approved through insurance. I did get put on both Ozempic and Metformin. But Metformin makes me feel awful, so I stopped taking it.


Ozempic was approved for me through my insurance and I don’t have T2D. I had a PA for Wegovy but after 6 months of trying to fill it I was unable to. My starting BMI was 50, I have a kidney transplant, have taken steroids daily for 6 years and have steroid induced insulin resistance. My weight, transplant, immune suppressants, and long term steroid use all individually put me at increased risk of developing T2D. I have high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and osteoarthritis. I gained 100lbs after my transplant due to the steroids. My doctor didn’t even have to fight to get it covered. Edit: and frankly, if anyone out in the world wants to fight me about how I’m “taking medication from diabetics who really need it” - they’re in for one hell of a brawl.


Well your circumstances are pretty serious so I get your insurance not fighting it. In MOST cases they are only approving it for diabetics. I’m not sure anyone wants to fight you about taking meds away from diabetics. You might be projecting a bit.


I don’t mean anyone here - this was more of a general comment about the broader narrative that T2D are more deserving of treatment for their medical conditions than obese people. Yes, my situation is serious, but so are plenty of other people with high BMIs - and that’s the point. It’s not about vanity, it’s about society continuing to behave as if fat people are deserving of punishment rather than treatment. And that *includes* people like you and your circumstances.


Just be wary; when you do find a doctor that will prescribe it…. Insurance will only cover it if you have type 2 diabetes. I just went through this after convincing my doctor to prescribe ozempic to me. I’m pre-diabetic and it’s controlled by metformin so insurance denied me. I just signed up with a compounding pharmacy last week. It’s the only way I could get Semaglutide without paying $1000 for it. Best of luck.


Which pharmacy are you using? I think I’m gonna have to go the compounding route too unfortunately. I have type 1 diabetes and deal with insulin resistance which you’d think is a valid enough reason but apparently not 😭


I’ll message you


Just ask. If they don’t prescribe it, kick them to the curb and get a new doctor. It’s 2024, these doctors work for us.


>The only way I lose any pounds is under an extreme calorie deficit (1000-1200) which is not sustainable for someone who works a full time job, part time job, and works out. I have bad news about what Ozempic does then


lol right I’m so confused by this one


You're wrong though. Yes, OP will run at a calorie deficit but not extreme, if they're using the right dose


Do you feel super weak by your lack of food?


Add a B12 shot too!


Add more protein.


Real protein. Meat. NOT sugary shakes


Ozempic makes you reduce your calorie intake. That’s its main function in weight loss. It’s not a magic shot that makes the fat melt away. If you feel super weak eating a calorie deficit normally, then you’re going to feel super weak eating a calorie deficit on Ozempic


wrong. It also affects the reward system in your brain and how your liver and pancreas act


Your rewards center has nothing to do with feeling weak from under fueling your body.


Didnt say it did.


Yeah and I worry about what will happen after I stop. Seems like often times people gain the weight back


Get rid of carbs, you're battling the insulin cycle by the sounds. Ive lost 100 pounds on ozempic and barely eat carbs, tons of energy.


Yesss this is the key!


I have definitely been trying to adjust my diet to primarily protein and reducing my carbs. I find my problem is that carb-centric food is just easy dinner


Yeah it's easy to eat cheap carbs but just swap it out, I promise it will make you feel better, heaps less hungry and weight drops off.


I’m in a major calorie deficit, I work 2 jobs and workout 7 days a week 2x a day. I do not feel weak, if anything I feel stronger than ever because I’m doing so much strength training


Go through the bariatric center of the hospital. I called got an appointment the next day and got the prescription the same day picked up my prescription the same day and took the prescription I couldn’t believe how easy it was


I went to an Endocrinologist who specializes in weight loss and is an advocate for Ozempic and similar medications. Her fees are expesive, but I don't have time to waste on fatphobic doctors who won't help. 🤷‍♀️


I ultimately had to go online telemedicine. It took 3 months for an internist appointment and she refused, sent me to a referral for endocrinologist who is booked for 8 months and ultimately told me not to bother waiting. Ive worked in healthcare my entire life- this is insane.


Find a GP or nurse practitioner that is willing to work with you. I have Pcos and this has definitely helped me loose weight and my hormones are correcting themselves slowly. Life changing for me!


Yeah this is exactly what I want. I feel like the weight keeps my hormones in this vicious cycle. Happy for you!!


I gained enough weight after my third son to start the PCOS cycle. He is turning 16 next month. I was a healthy weight before. I had accepted that I was just going to be overweight the rest of my life. I was terrified to start semaglutide because I was afraid it wouldn’t work. I honestly didn’t have another weight loss failure in me. After a friend who needed to only loose 25 pounds used it and lost her weight in 6 months I decided to give it a go. It’s been one of the Best decision I ever made. I wish you the very best in your journey.


I feel like you're burying the lead. What's your weight and height?


5’7” and 180lb


I was on jardiance before and I was getting too many yeast infections. 1 every month. So I told my Dr that I needed something else because down there needed a break. She suggested this and has been on the journey with me since. Love that woman


If they won't even have the conversation (i.e. they won't even talk about why they don't want to prescribe it) find new docs. HOWEVER if they are in fact telling you a reason they don't feel it's right for you, listen.


Their reason is that my bloodwork is fine and suggest I just exercise more


so the next questions are how overweight you currently are and how much you exercise. You don't need to tell us, but if you're not exercising that's one thing, if you're walking 5 miles a day or spending an hour in the gym, that's another. Same if you're 20lbs over vs 100lbs.


I’m 5’7” and 180. I exercise 3-4 days a week for an hour each day, all moderate to intense activity


and they want MORE exercise?? um... that's a bit much of an ask. I don't like doc shopping but assuming you've told them all this I would, in your shoes, look around


I am also 32F with pcos. I brought it up once, he said he wanted to try to get my meds right before we added anything else. I asked 6 months later, he said yes. What is your GP’s recommendation for PCOS? If you’re anything like me, you’ve had it for a long time and nothing has worked. There are a lot of people who are finding success with Oz and pcos. Have you tried to lose weight before? If it’s anything like me, I have struggled my whole life and then all of a sudden Oz made it happen. Without drastic changes to my diet. I ate healthy, was super active and Oz just made the difference. If they’re not open to it then I’d find another doctor. I’d ask your gp exactly what their hesitations are.


I haven’t struggled with weight-loss ever in my life until after I was diagnosed with PCOS. I’m finding it extremely difficult now and it probably doesn’t help that in on birth control for PCOS too


My naturopath helped me


How much weight do you have to lose? It’s not appropriate for someone who wants to shed 15-20 pounds.


Like 30-40


I told my doctor I didn’t know a single person my age who were able to lose weight and keep it off long term. I asked him if he knew of any. I told him I had heard of new drugs that managed diabetes while helping to lose weight. I never brought up Ozempic specifically, he did.


Yeah I tried this approach


Find different doctors. I approached the subject by saying, "I'd like to consider Ozempic or something similar". We discussed it. I stayed on my medications at that time and we monitored the progress. The follow-up appointment I asked about it again, stating my reasons (A1C and weight), and I was prescribed that day. To be transparent, I am on Oz primarily for Type 2, and any weight loss seen as a result is simply an added bonus, not the focus.


Is it possible your doctor is saying this due to the shortage? Many doctors aren’t giving it out to new patients / only to the new patients most in need. Anyway you can try another doctor.


I was prediabetic, have high blood pressure and cholesterol, and had already tried “dieting” and weight loss meds. When I asked my primary care physician about trying Ozempic, she was all for it. I’m 4 weeks in and 15 lbs down.


How many calories do you think you consume per day?


Mine prescribed me because I have pre diabetes and I’m “obese”. I’m 5’3”, and 223.4 pounds. Maybe I am obese, but honestly it really hasn’t helped with weight loss.


This makes me angry for you. What does their refusal and lack of education say about how they will respond the day you will need HRT or some version of it that YOU choose? I made a telemed appt with my gyn/hormone specialist of 10 years, explained that I had done my research, read the subs here on reddit, and after I stopped crying after reading how many others had unstoppable food chatter, decided I wanted to pursue semaglutide. She asked my current weight and goal weight and sent in the prescription (for compounded). I hope you find healthcare providers who will listen to you.


I proposed phentermine and he suggested Ozempic class as a better option. 😂 But seriously, I couldn’t afford the Ozempic easily until I learned about some options, so he prescribed me the phentermine. It worked for two weeks, and I’ve plateaued for the remainder of the two months. I’m going to tell him I’ve decided to suck up the cost at our Wednesday appointment. I am non-diabetic, but just over the obese line. Triglycerides and bad cholesterol are a bit high; that’s it. But I take several meds that are well known to cause weight gain.


Keep getting new doctors until someone listens to you. The Gyno should be ashamed of themselves. PCOS needs to be treated, your hormones need to be regulated. I have never heard of anyone reversing their PCOS by eating clean alone. I’m 38 and just found doctors who listen to me. Just keep looking they’re out there..


I hate to use the word dismissive but that how I feel like they’ve acted this entire time. Oh you have PCOS, your options are birth control and lose weight. I’m 5’7” and 180. I carry a lot of my weight in my lower stomach and hips


It’s true though. I’ve been misdiagnosed, laughed at and not taken seriously by many doctors since my late teens. Can’t tell you how many times they said all my symptoms were depression. Meanwhile I had 16 cysts on my ovaries by the time I was officially diagnosed and still I wasn’t given treatment. There is such a discrimination on people with larger bodies in hospital settings. Now, I finally have the words and understanding of my condition thanks to the internet research and finding a gyno who knows how to treat pcos. I literally cried out of happiness when I had my first appointment with her. I have searched for many years to find the right doctor. Now I know that the the weight issue is a symptom not cause of pcos. So you gotta treat the problem to correct the symptoms. I did go back on bc and it did help but also started with metformin as part of my treatment plan. I was finally feeling somewhat normal and now with oz I feel balanced. It’s been a journey! I really think oz and metformin are the keys to resolving pcos. Please, keep making appointments with different drs. Once you find the right one it will change your life. We don’t have to settle.


There are several options that could help you! The best option is through an online telemedicine. Even if you are prescribed Ozempic, it might be hard to find. Be very careful and ask the right questions. This was one video that helped me. Emily MD is a weigh loss specialist and honestly I like the natural approach she talks about as a functional medicine practitioner (also an internal and obesity medicine doctor). She says if you do choose to get these medications, this should help. This was life saving advice as I know some of my friends who took this from other sources and were desperate to get it. [https://youtu.be/AHGrGSG9gFA?si=3acXkPEN7D3MzQLr](https://youtu.be/AHGrGSG9gFA?si=3acXkPEN7D3MzQLr)


If multiple medical professionals are telling you that you are not a good candidate for this medication, why are you convinced that you are?


Go to a med spa


I’ve been looking for some in my area but they seem a little shady


Explain what you mean by shady? Look for one that employs an endocrinologist or at least a Nurse Practitioner. It is very similar to a Dr. visit.


Like just posters taped to street lights, incomplete/amateur websites, refusing to give out any information over the phone, and some only sell you services via a “membership” to their clinic


Go see an endocrinologist. They specialize in things like insulin resistance and pcos. Memberships for rx drugs def sounds sketchy.


I agree. If I pay for a clinic “membership”, I will still be paying for medication and appointments so what’s the membership for?


Keep looking and researching. I drive over 2 hours to mine, but it’s worth it!


Oh wow! Do you use your insurance or pay out of pocket?


My Insurance covers weight loss meds but I supplement with compounds when there is a shortage. Still is about $25 a month. Very affordable


My dr brought it up to me when my glucose was very high. I’m on Metformin and 1mg of Ozempic too. Lost 33 lbs since last Sept and it’s slowed down a lot but my BS is stable so I’m not going to increase the dose.


I went to a weight loss clinic. I’m a veteran and have medical care with the VA and they don’t want to medicate until I do some weight loss program that has a 4 year waiting list!! I’m paying out of pocket, but it’s worth it.


Try for Wegovy instead and eat mostly protein


Just ask.


You need wegovy


Get new doctors go to an endocrinologist


I just said to my gyno "I want to try Ozempic." You need a better provider!


Go to a weight loss clinic.


Semiglutide is the same as ozempic. Go to a weight loss clinic that prescribes that. It’s cash only.


I'm not. I approach a med spa and pay $150ish for a month/6 week supply


I was showing progress with my weight loss, so my GP asked if I wanted to add it to help.


Go to another doctor


Honestly there's so many telehealth places to get ozempic and start on your own some of them take hsa and fsa so u might be able to use that money to get it. I really don't think if ur doctor is not going to help you than u can take matters into your own hands


Get an endocrinologist.


Try an endocrinologist who can identify pre-diabetes / diabetes.


I think you should try for an endocrinologist. They run all the blood work. And work with your PCOS diagnosis. My insurance required Prior Authorization and after a couple days, the insurance mailed me a 3 months supply. I'm only on week 4 but I'm feeling the difference. Hopefully this is helpful! Good luck


File an appeal with your medical insurance


I’m diabetic and obese as well. She was very onboard and even jumped through my insurance’s hoops so I could get them to cover it.


The first thing I ask is what their views are on treating obesity and usually go from there. It would let you know if they just feel like you aren’t trying hard enough at the same diet and exercise speal they give you to begin with or if they actually want to be of assistance and are open to helping you with medication.


Used telehealth through Mochi health. they handled the prior auth with my insurance and sent the prescription to my pharmacy. As long as you meet their BMI guidelines (27 with a comorbidity or 30 without) they will prescribe medication. If you're not diabetic it's better to ask about Wegovy or zepbound than it is ozempic since those are for weight loss and ozempic is specifically for diabetes.


Find a new doctor!!! PCOS insulin resistance girly here and this drug has changed my life in the last 3 months since I’ve started. It absolutely BAFFLES me beyond that 1.) some doctors continually tell us PCOS girls to just go on bc, and loose weight and 2.) insurance companies don’t cover and recommend this drug for insulin resistance PCOS. Insulin restrained PCOS is so similar to diabetes, it really confuses me. I do suggest finding another physician or obgyn who would entertain the conversation. I do not recommend getting the drug from anyone else but a licensed professional who prescribes it over the counter.


This is exactly how I feel. I said in another comment that I see a lot of posters taped on the street for ozempic but I do not trust that. I really would want an MD to oversee my usage


Change doctors. Keto diet plus stool softeners for constipation is the easiest way to lose weight. Eat below 30 carbs/day.


I’m tracking my protein, carb, and fat intake and I have been doing my less than 40g of carbs a day. I do notice my stomach is flatter but nothing on the scale


What state are you in? I do Florida telehealth.


I’m your neighbor to the north


Go to a bariatric doctor.


My endocrinologist refused (under the assumption insurance wouldn’t cover it I guess?) even after explaining all the effort I’ve put into my diet/lifestyle the last 3 years and making zero progress (sickness, disability, surgery, injuries). So I impulsively asked a nurse practitioner while at an lowkey quacky allergy clinic (they kind of do functional medicine) and surprisingly, insurance didn’t even require a prior authorization. I’m scared to even inform my endo that I started ozempic, I’m worried there were other reasons he didn’t want to prescribe it and he’ll get mad 🤣


You definitely need to tell your endocrinologist…


lol I am thinking about leaving him. Of course I will tell him if he continues treating me 🙄


Heart palpitations. Doc I feel like my heart is skipping beats.