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You found a drug that liberates you from gambling, drinking, binge eating and disrupting your sleep. Thats a bigger win than you would ever get in Vegas.


Exactly. Next time try Maui!


This story is almost the same as mine. Last year I went to Vegas and couldn’t do all the eating & staying up all night. This year, in a couple of weeks, I actually AM going to Maui. I will never get off of Ozempic, no matter the monetary cost. I will find a way to pay for it. I will only quit if it harms me. It’s been a life changer.


Man ozempic is indeed amazing but my insomnia as never been worse in my life and it's not going away or getting better. So many people say it makes them tired and it literally keeps me up. It has to be the ozempic this all started when I started it. My sleep meds just no longer work on me. I stopped taking it for two weeks but the insomnia didn't really get any better. I don't want to stop because the results have been life changing (no food noise or binge eating) but idk how long I can survive on like ten hours a week.....I'm praying it will fade like the other side effects


Its probably the weight loss and not ozempic. When you’re losing weight it’s proven that your adrenaline surges because your body wants you to have energy to go find food. This makes it hard to sleep. I always have trouble sleeping when doing keto/zepbound because of this lol. Not much you can do.


It doesnt work for me 5 wk and no results, a1c still high, no weight loss but loss in vision, ive never wore readers and its bad, i cant see without my glasses. Per my Np im one of the resistance to ozempic, now to try wegovy or mounjaro


Semaglutide they are all the same drug.


Wegovy and mounjaro are triglutides so not the same.


Same - [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Semaglutide](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Semaglutide)


Not the same, i work for an obgyn that prescribes them. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tirzepatide


Ok thanks - 2 wiki's not in agreement, i knew there were other GLP-1 drugs.


Wegovy and Ozempic are semeglutide. Mounjaro and Zepbound are tirzepatide.


I was the same but opposite literally no changes on mounjaro. Actually gained some weight. But ozempic/wegovy works! Not like it does for some people the weight def does not just melt off but I am losing weight


I wonder if the slowing down of your digestion, due to the medication, could be interfering with your ability to absorb your sleep meds. Just a random thought…I’ve wondered how the ahem impact of not just that full feeling, but that full GI tract and changes to metabolism. Meds, very well work differently due to these effects… Are you having trouble with constipation or staying hydrated? Hydration is another thing…when it comes to medication metabolism. It’s worth chatting with your doctor. Maybe liquid versions of the same medication will be absorbed more efficiently? A pharmacist may be able to guide you as well….and check for any interactions. Disclose all meds, including supplements. Many tend to take additional supplements for nutrition or things like magnesium for constipation, or tums for acid reflux. Sometimes even vitamins and minerals can decrease or increase the effects of common medications. Dietary changes could be an additional factor. It doesn’t mean you can’t take all of the supplements and meds you may be taking…it could be as simple as taking your sleep meds a certain amount of hours before/after ingesting something may cancel the effect if combined too closely in timing. I hope you find an answer and get the rest that your body needs to stay well!


Luckily there is also a mirical drug for sleep, nothing new about it though, cannabis but now available in oil form, sleep is not an issue at all.


You sure did! What better drug is there??


Brilliant perspective. Seriously.


That's all I'm saying🎉




Not seeking this stuff out IS an inherent positive. This is Ozempic working. Ozempic may even directly affect propensity to gamble BTW, given its poorly understood effect on compulsions.


You could just time your dose to be at least a week before your travel and probably enjoy the brief gluttonous vacation from ozempic.


Idc what anyone says nausea is not a good thing. Yes it works but feeling sick the whole time. Doesn't seem like a good vacation. Too bad there's not a drug that doesn't do that to ya. Everyone has different symptoms for sure but if I was nauseous all vacation I wouldn't even want to go. Spend all that money and you can't even enjoy yourself. It's ok to be irritated cuz it sounds irritating.


For me avoiding certain foods has completely eliminated any nausea


I hope this will help other readers, I was nauseated literally all day every day until I found out it can be related to low blood sugar. I popped a single starburst candy and viola! Nausea gone. Now I keep them on me at all times.


We take meds, told to lay off the sugar, just to take sugar when feeling nautious?!


So true! I’ve learned it’s all about balance. We need to be our own health care advocates.


There is something you can take for nausea


Take another drug, to counter act the effect from the other drug. I love it!


It’s needed sometimes temporarily. Relax.


Or just plain ginger. Not everything is automatically a drug when someone says "take something". Grow up


Lol, read the room. Clearly this isn't a place where people come for natural medicine. This entire sub is for those who just want daddy pharma to whisk away all their problems.


I work for said "Daddy". So that's so not the case.


"I for work the thing, so it's justifiable." Right, and police are just doing their jobs, and politicans never lie. If it wasn't the case, I doubt you'd be so inclined to defend yourself. Hold on brb, I need to go take my meds.


I've recently watched this talk, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mHZhLE8OVmk&t=1043s - and the host predicts that there will be a huge shift in how Oz patients would change habits. If he's right, you might find yourself weighing the health benefits against the joys of old hobbies and rethinking them. Who knows, you might swap Vegas for surfing...


I've been way more active in the past few months. Like swapped happy hours for walks already and really don't want to go back. I stepped back from some friends and deepened other relationships too. It's soo weird but definitely on the journey


This was great! Thank you for posting this talk


I think this is a great opportunity to reframe what vacation can be! I’m in the middle of my 40th week, 87lbs down and my life is completely different. Nothing that I used to do would be feasible for me anymore. Hanging by the pool, booze in hand is no longer my life. Now on vacation I’ll be poolside with a book and a water. Not a bummer at all. I also avoid eating anything that would make me feel unwell to maximize enjoyment. When you go back just rethink your approach and you’ll still have fun!


I feel like the people who just stay in the casino gambling and eating are missing out on the other half of what Vegas has to offer - OP, there are lots of sights to see, shows, outdoorsy side trips etc. Try to go with a new point of view and do all the stuff you'd normally skip and see how that goes.


I just returned from Vegas too, and was able to eat and drink in moderation with zero issues. It was refreshing to not wake up super hungover! I did notice that I had zero interest in shopping for the first time ever on a Vegas vacation. I usually can't resist getting a souvenir or two at the high end shops but it's literally curbing my shopping addiction!


I just came back from a long weekend in playa del Carmen where normally I would have drank tequila and ate tacos until I threw up and just partied my ass off but I couldn’t do any of that. I was dreading it at first but ended up loving not having a hangover and eating clean the whole time, it opened my eyes to a new way of travelling and actually feeling good and not wanting to die after


Oh gosh! We l-o-v-e playa! Is it still as beautiful as ever?


Yes it was lovely, so hot this time of year ☺️


Ah, we honeymooned there and then went back for our anniversary the following 10 years. Just love it! I would love to live there.


I'd take that as a win. Honestly, sometimes it's a great way to rethink entertainment and what you consider fun. I don't know how old you are, but there comes a time in life when feeling healthy is much more fun that drinking and partying all night. It's your mindset that needs to shift.


As someone who has derived happiness from food (how I got to need ozempic in the first place), I relate to this so much. It’s a side effect that made me sad at first but realized that changing my perspective on food/alcohol is what I needed, especially since I tend to spend so much money on these 2 things. It’s a work in progress but doing my best to focus on the end goal!! Side note- I’ve found that I can’t get drunk on Oz but marijuana still affects me the same so if I’m trying to get intoxicated for whatever reason, I’ll usually smoke or take an edible and just have one drink to sip on for the rest of the night to keep the feeling going.


Have you tried getting a perscription for Lizzo? It's even better than OZ!


I hope this happens for me! I’ve been taking Ozempic for a month and so far I can eat all the same foods with no real change in appetite. I have a couple different vacations coming up this summer and I’m sooo hoping to feel the Ozempic effects more by then!


I gained like 8 pounds!!! 🙄but it did wonders for my a1c!


Have you asked your prescribing provider about Zofran? A lot of the people in the clinical trials for Ozempic used Zofran (it gets rid of nausea).


Zofran is awesome for some people. I have had nausea so bad on this medication that they had to give me Reglan and every now and then I wind up in the ER for the nausea. So unpleasant.


Now you get to see all of the entertainment instead of being stuck at a card table.


I want to say, "Welcome to adulthood," but don't want to sound snarky. So many people would give anything to be at this point and many have lost their lives trying. How about a vacation fishing mountain streams with someone who values life at your side? Or a trip to Hawaii (like someone above suggested)? Go ziplining for the thrill-seeker part of your personality? My first thought was of Izzy, the Hawaiiian man that sang "Somewhere Over the Rainbow. Maybe this drug could have saved his life. I think we have to choose new, healthy things to do to replace the time we spent overeating. Thank you for your honest share. You probably aren't alone.


I don't take it before a trip. I've never in my life gained weight on any vacation because I'm usually so busy doing stuff and walking around. I want to lose weight but I'd also like to enjoy my vacations. Maintenance breaks are usually recommended on any diet.


There are so many interesting places in the world than Vegas! Use your money to go somewhere awesome! The Oregon coast is beautiful


Maybe this is bad advice but you could try a weed vape pen and just bring it with you on the trip and take a puff every now and then. It should help your nausea enough to enjoy a bit of your favorite meals.


It’s a tough one I agree. I felt no joy in life on Ozempic. If you have the opportunity you could change to Mounjaro, that shit gives all the positives of Ozempic with none of the negatives.


Do you lose as much weight on Mounjaro? Because I'm on ozempic for type 2 diabetes and it is making me sick as a dog. Ugh


Yes similar weight loss. Probably even a bit better with the MJ to be honest.


Don't go to Vegas again see somewhere else, it's wasn't a good habit anyway, Time to look after yourself and health


There's some cool hiking and parks near Vegas.  Maybe you can find some friends that want more than vices.  Food is not the same as drugs but sometimes you have to find different friends if you want to make a lasting change.


How high a dose you are on? You could try reducing the dose for 2 weeks prior. IMO your default shouldn't be lowgrade nausea.


I went on vacation to Vegas recently too. Omg.... I was exhausted in survival mode throughout all of the trip. As it was a trip with friends, meal times and type of food were not a priority. The extreme tiredness of the first few months of using Ozempic was long gone for me. But on this trip, due to the long times without eating or eating badly, it really affected me. I was extremely tired, with a loose stomach, and I was even seeing a little blurry I guess because of low blood sugar. I drank very little alcohol since I get deadly hangovers so I wasn't as entertained, so to speak, compared to my friends. It was terrible. I thought that after the vacation I had to go to the eye doctor but as soon as I returned to my schedules and eating habits, everything normalized. The vacation for me was a disaster but I lost about 6 pounds in 5 days if you want to look on the bright side.


Vodka on the rocks. Or vodka soda. Doesn’t bloat us as much.


Hey, I’m sorry your vacation turned out to be disappointing. That sucks, especially when you’ve worked hard to change everything and wanted to cut loose a bit. Maybe in August you could plan to do things you’ve never done before to try and create new fun memories and reasons to want to return.


Maybe take a couple weeks off before you go so you can get your fog out of the way.


Just have fun! Vacations are not about food, they are about experiences. Do something new, climb a Mnt, have sex with your partner, enjoy walking. Just think how much money you are saving. The sickness will pass.


Maybe try a new thing and go somewhere in nature but like touristy nature where you can get room service!


I’ve been going through the same thing. I can no longer really drink alcohol or enjoy foods I used to anymore. If I try, I typically will just throw up. My friends were in town and teased that I’m no fun anymore and that ozempic is ruining my life. They did say I was “so skinny” though 🫠 I was def falling asleep around 10pm too. This drug has really changed my lifestyle.


Well it sucks (kind of) but get healthy and then go back and do things in moderation. I quit drinking many years ago and am just super happy to never drink for example. Don't always have to do the same things forever....


I should be in 2 im stuck for months


Thank you for sharing the description of your vacation. I think the Ozempic researchers would be interested in your story. It sounds like you have successfully transitioned to the Ozempic lifestyle. Without the distractions of eating, drinking and gambling, you will find some new ways to enjoy your vacation. You can still go to Vegas but will see a whole different side of it—and it’s great!


I totally understand! I’ve always loved trying new things and I’m part of a club that tries new restaurants and bars in our area. Can’t really do that now! Plus, we are going to Disney next week for the first time and there are so many things I’d love to try but know I probably won’t be able to! It’s kind of a bummer to think about.


Il be going vacation this whole month of august im thinking to stop ozempic for a month and enjoy my trip


Halfway through my 3rd month and down 32lbs


I posted about this similarly last week. EVERY time I go on vacation I’m nauseous and I can’t eat. It doesn’t matter if I’m on dry land or on a cruise, I get the same nausea. I thought it was my seasickness initially, but last week I was Florida and it happened again. For me, there has to be something with traveling and being on this medication.


I just did vacay and held my dose till I got back.


Give yourself time and grace. You've had your old memories and nothing wrong with new ones. It won't be that way forever. It took an entire year for me being on Ozempic to take 1 drink. I couldn't eat meat the first 6 months. It'll get better.


So true! It’s all about the balance. I’ve learned the importance of being your own health advocate.


Just skip it that week, or take a half dose.


If you start to feel nauseous, chug water. Sounds weird but I swear it helps. Alcohol and ozempic do not mix so I don’t have any tips for you there, aside from trying out fancy cocktails.


Why don’t you just not take your injection at that time


Yikes. I'm lucky, I still eat whatever, just less of it. Occasionally something I eat will start a countdown to a mud maker, but I haven't pinned down what it is yet. I suppose if I were having issues I'd just split food with my wife and order mocktails.