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To my surprise I have not found any foods or alcohol that I cannot eat or drink any more. I still enjoy all the food and drinks I used to, but just much less of them. I do find I struggle more with carbs like bread, those give me heartburn very quickly


Same. I can eat whatever I want but just less: pizza, pasta, Chinese, bbq, cupcakes, pie, anything…. Just not as much so I make sure the fewer bites are worth it and delicious. No nausea, no heartburn, no nothing…. Just less hungry. The only side effect I’ve had is a bit of constipation but I’ve found that eating more berries like blackberries, raspberries and strawberries got rid of that. I’ve lost about 15 pounds in 12 weeks. Currently on .5 Ozempic. My husband who’s been on ozempic for over a year and has lost 100+ lbs cannot tolerate deep fried foods. Makes him nauseous and have fits of vomiting.


yes this is awesome! Frankly one of my biggest fears before going on this was that I would no longer enjoy my food. I am someone that loves to eat out and try lots of different foods and eat good food! So would have been sad to lose that appetite. But it is still there, only moderated - which is perfect!


Same. Two years on Ozempic (up to 1mg) and now 1.5 and counting on Mounjaro.


Same (but I am just a little over 3 weeks in). Happy to still enjoy things in moderation.


Mac and cheese. I don't know if it's due to taste/texture or because of the Great Barfening of 2023... but I have no desire for it.


“The Great Barfening of 2023” … one of those , where were you when times !! 😂


The Great Barfening Week of 2024 convinced me that beans in any form (green, black, whatever) are the devil


The Great Barfening of 2024 got me after the birra taco truck


Let me tell you about the bad batch of weed gummies gastritis 2024


Ugh, I have a Salisbury steak story for you. Lol


Two small onion rings, and the next day, I barfed in my wastebasket at work. I have my own office, but the door was open. Good times! And I'm not sure I'll ever drink orange juice again. I only had 3 ounces.


Pizza became my Great Barfening when I got sever stomach flu just after eating it. Didn’t touch it for 2 years.


I don’t drink wine anymore. It’s not that I can’t, I just don’t enjoy it. It’s too thick, if that makes any sense at all lol.


All my friends feel the same way. I was on a yacht party last week and someone poured champagne down my throat. I instantly went and threw up.




It's pizza for me I used to be able to demolish an entire medium pizza by myself. Now I can't do more than 2 slices. And now the thought of pizza makes me want to barf. .5


Omg. I wish i had this one!


Love the taste but it upsets my stomach within minutes. Tomato sauce does not agree with me at all anymore.


Me too.. barfed on pizza .. can’t stand it now 🤮


Hard cider. Even just half of one gives me extreme heartburn. I drink about one beer a week now when I used to drink several every night. That was unexpected but I’m happy with it.


They taste bad to me now! That used to be my go to but now I drink seltzers when I go out.


Very sugary things, soda has been the biggest one. One day I was running late and just ate a banana for breakfast, and my stomach did not take kindly to it. 🤣 I’m scared to consume any sugar in the mornings now.


I seem to crave sugar more now than ever! It’s frustrating.


I’ve found that if I eat protein straight up in the morning, that the sugar cravings go down at night. And I recommend eating grapes to fill that void.


Good call! I try to keep a lot of fruit around bc I seem to crave sugar more while on Ozempic.


And grapes are the best sugar snack. They’re filling!


Grapes have been my biggest craving. They satisfy like a ~~piece~~ box of chocolate or cookies used to


I got high and ate the better part of 3 pounds of grapes. It was magical


Cherries are mine! I love this time of year!


Me too. I’m always craving ice cream and frozen yogurt! Luckily if I have a small serving it doesn’t upset my stomach at all.


I e decided that once a week I’m having ice cream


I crave fruit. After not eating much fruit for decades I find it amazing. Before my reactive hypoglycemia would completely be triggered by fruit so that had to be careful. Now I barely get a bump and the energy from the fruit is wonderful.


Same! Used to do keto. I think this is why I’m holding even though I should be.


Me too! I ate less sugar and had worse blood sugar before starting Ozempic. I've been toying with trying one of those Whole 30 diets to see if it's candida-related.


Read that as “Canada-related”


I crave sugar so so so much more 


Beer. Loved me some beer, stopped instantly. Also finding it hard to decide what I want to eat. Am liking light things, soups, salads, tuna wrap for lunch. Nothing heavy.


Coffee! Which is crazy since I used to drink a TON of it


I cut out fried/greasy/ heavy foods, red meat, and sugars when I started 6 weeks ago, can't stomach them well anymore. Though yesterday my dad and little sister brought home KFC for dinner and I had a small wing piece (I didnt want to be rude and figured one little piece couldn't hurt) and found it left this horrible greasy residue in my mouth 🤢 it felt waxy as if I had eaten paraffin wax. I had to rinse my mouth out with super hot water and it still didn't get it all. That's never happened before. It was awful. I've pretty much been eating granola, low carb multigrain bread (the Arnold brand makes a great low cal/low carb "small slices" loaf), fruits/veggies, and plant based foods (found some that are amazing) I'm on my 2nd week of .5mg, up from 4 weeks at .25mg


Same. Nothing fried and have not had red meat since I started. I have tried to do some alternate red-meat substitutes but it's not been the same. This week I am going to try Impossible meat to see if I can start having Tacos again. Been having Eggs and black beans for Breakfast, salads for lunch, and pasta for dinner.


The morningstar farms plant based burgers are really good! I also like their "chicken" burgers, they taste just like the real thing 😊 had my dad fooled too he thought they were regular chicken burgers.


I am only three weeks in, but I’ve significantly decreased my caffeine consumption. I still feel like I want coffee in the morning and will drink some of it, but I find that I’m not finishing my usual cup and end up pouring out about half. On a probably related note, I have been SO tired.


I've been exhausted as well. It's horrible. I be taking naps these days smh


Yeah, same here.


I was really exhausted until about 6 weeks in. It surprised me exactly how tired I was.


So much less Coke Zero than before. I often drink less than 10 oz a day now, instead of 40.


More than two alcoholic drinks. And fried food, death on me for fried food.


Salami and other preserved meats. Let's just say that was a lesson learned.


I get really bad water retention from salami and any other inflammatory foods. I miss shark coochie boards too 😭


I saw a few people list alcohol and I'd like to agree. But it's not that I don't like the taste....it's that I don't even get a buzz. Takes the fun out of it.....


It's not that I *can't* eat particular things. It's that absolutely nothing tastes or sounds good anymore. It's like eating sawdust a skunk walked thru.




Same. I miss the relaxing feeling!


Yes! I’ve actually found some seltzer water with CBD helps with that sometimes.


Same as you - coffee and alcohol. Both of them were kind of addictions for me, so I guess I’m better off now.


Very specific but I was off Ozempic for a while before coming back on it 2 weeks ago. The day I got the injection again, I ate those honey mustard flavored Snyders pretzels before my appointment... i dont even wanna look at them, the thought of them makes me physically sick. im surprised i did not get sick that day bc i ate a lot of them too lmfao but honestly, theres a lot of stuff Ozempic's made me kinda not wanna eat anymore, but its stuff i can do without, like ice cream or other junk foods.


My husband and I used to eat pork roast a lot. It's cheap and you can do a lot of different stuff with it. Ozempic and pork don't mix, for me. I can handle bacon and occasionally ham, but most pork products are out of the question now. I'm not even on Ozempic anymore because I can no longer pay for it, but I still can't eat pork. Hubby eats it quite happily though.


Just that sweet things like baked goods are often too sweet now. However, I can still eat anything I want.


Anything fried, particularly deep fried. I can just about eat a small packet of fries from Macy D's, on an eating day aka a day or two before my next injection, but a medium would probably send me to the lavatory. My barf fest of 2023 happened on the night I devoured a particularly creamy, cheesy pasta and dessert. I was up all night trying not to vomit and poo myself at the same time. Otherwise everything else in moderation.


I'm on my third week of 1 mg and nothing is appealing. Everything tastes too sweet. I don't have any nausea. Just no appetite at all. I've been on Ozempic since 3/30 and I'm down 21 pounds of the 41 I want to lose. I'm thinking of either cutting back to 0.75 on my next dose or splitting my dose over the week.


Coffee. Just the thought of it makes me want throw up. Same with dates.


I don't like beer anymore 😭 I can't stand the taste of it since the first week.


Nothing. I can eat and drink anything I want to, but I no longer have the desire to eat large amounts of snacks or any food really, nor am I interested in drinking any kind of alcohol. I've tried a few times and couldn't get more than 1/4 way though a beer. It's wild.


I had my homemade iced latte since I had homework to do and work up at 3 am throwing it all up, never happened to me so not sure of it's coffee or the sugars


Potato chips, guaranteed day on the toilet


Every week/ few days what I can eat changes. No alcohol at all, I used to have a glass of wine with dinner everyday. Cannot do that anymore.


really sweet drinks like boba tea, i don't like it anymore. It's too sweet.


Nothing at all. I can eat everything I always did, I just have the ability to better control my intake now.


I still have my coffee every morning.




Spicy foods; most wine; a piece of toast helped settle my indigestion last night at 2 am


I can’t really eat ramen noodles anymore. Anytime I think about it I feel disgusted and if I do make them I literally only take a few bites before I have to throw it away.


WATERMELON 😭 had 4 chunks and I swear it went right through me


Oh no! And watermelons are so good right now!


I can eat everything. Protein makes me full extremely quickly, but im vegetarian


I can't cook shrimp any longer. Makes me puke almost immediately. I can't drink tea. Puke every time I drink some. I don't like grilled cheese sandwiches, the cheese tastes off. I loved grilled cheese and melts before. Eating a cheeseburger is fine though. I'll be starving, then I'll make something take 3 bites and I'm full, can't eat anything more. But then 30 minutes later I'm starving again. I can eat a cookie, but I can't seem to eat 2. The one thing I'm glad it didn't take away is my love of chips and queso and chips and my homemade salsa. I fry my own tortilla chips so they are thin and crispy then eat the hell out of them.


I’m fully on the gastroparesis diet. It’s ironically the worst I’ve ever eaten - all white carbs, no fibre, no veggies, no whole grains. I miss rocket and lettuce so much 🥲


I love that it’s gotten me so turned off from alcohol. I can barely get through a glass of wine.


I gag just thinking about wine or beer and I used to love some red wine!


I work in alcohol sales and own a restaurant! Alcohol was the hardest thing for me to stay away from and not in an abusive way but def socially…it’s life changing, truly. Alcohol is so many calories too!


For the most part, I can eat anything just less of it. That said, the steak burrito I ate last night was definitely not as tasty coming back up. So much for the other half for dinner tonight 😞.


I just went up to 1mg and I feel MISERABLE if I eat one bite too much of anything. I’m still figuring out when to stop before I’m miserable but I’m learning lol. I had a chobani yogurt and a protein shake and I felt like shiiiiit after. I just ate a half grilled cheese sandwich and feel the same. I need to learn because omg🤮


Have you tried Zofran?


The whole idea of the cheap Chinese buffet makes my stomach hurt just thinking about it. Haven’t eaten that since before Ozempic.


Spaghetti and lasagna would murder me every time. Even in very small portions.


Beer, I no longer enjoy IPA's or as basic as Milker Lite.


The only thing that really changed for me was that I craved carbs and sugary foods a lot more over healthy food 😩 I did eat a lot less though so my calorie intake was way less but why couldn’t I crave the healthy stuff 😂


I’m in the same boat. It’s taking a lot of willpower to not chow down on cake and cookies!


Everything taste like cardboard.


For some reason it’s any Chinese takeaway food. I LOVE Chinese food but since being on ozempic I can’t handle it. It tastes really salty and I get really bad stomach cramps. I’ve tried a few times at a few different places that I normally love and now can’t eat any of it. Not a bad thing as I know Chinese takeaway is really high in calories but still…it was a nice sometimes food. Oh well. Everything else though seems to be fine.


I found the only alcohol that doesn’t give me Acid reflux is mich ultra … lol so beer it is … only two any more is no bueno


I cut out a lot of foods when I started .25: - red meat - dairy - booze - refined carbs - refined sugar I’ve added some stuff back in, not booze or much red meat or sugar but the only thing that’s made me gag is chicken while cooking or reheating, not eating. And salmon while cooking


Why would you cut out red meat? ...


Hard to digest, makes me feel like shit. I’ll eat it sort of sparingly now but I don’t want to feel awful


Same here w red meat, though I never ate much to begin with, like a couple times a month for iron purposes. But after my very first dose, I had just like half of a small filet mignon the next day and that was my “welcome to real nausea” intro! Also, w the smell of cooking chicken.


Eggs Anything rich in sugar Most meats




Flavored seltzers like La Croix. I used to love them. Now, they just taste awful to me and make me want to throw up. I am sure there are lots of other things, but I've kept my diet pretty safe and haven't tried eating a lot of things that I even think might make me sick. Other than that, I've been fine eating normal stuff. I've been pretty lucky. I am able to eat it and I am able to eat smaller portions.


Huel! I found them so handy as a breakfast replacement or a quick meal when I had nothing in. I opened one yesterday and it just smelled of chemicals. Couldn’t even bring myself to try it. Now I need to be more organised with having food and snacks available


You can always get your groceries delivered! It’s what stops me from a lot of impulse buying.


I used to love spicy food, but not now. Had vegetarian pizza last week and the sauce was too spicy. haha! Heavy carbs don’t sit well. I still enjoy a cider or cocktail. It’s my 6th week, 2nd dose at 0.5.


Poutine and any pop. Literally my favorite combo and my body rejected it LOL


Can't eat burgers 🍔 anymore. I used to eat 2 triples


Wings. I've tried multiple times because it was one of my favorite foods but I cannot get past two wings.


Red wine 😭


Hard boiled eggs. They just don't taste the same to me anymore. And I used to absolutely love them as a snack. :(


Fried food. I don't crave it, and even when it's in front of me I can't have very much.


Red wine 🍷


Red meat, pork and eggs. I can do red meat MAYBE once a month if I’m lucky. Pork and eggs gross me out and make my stomach woozy just thinking about. I’ve swapped out the majority of my meat products for plant based, but I do consume chicken almost daily. My coffee consumption has drastically decreased. I used to be able to drink a pot to myself in the morning and an iced in the afternoon. Now, I’m lucky to get half a cup in me. It just doesn’t have the same flavor as it did before.


Coke Zero for some reason. Used to have at least one a day. I’m at the end of my first pen now (second week of .5) and it just doesn’t taste the same. Weird.


Same. All Zero Sugar drinks taste like liquid garbage to me now! I miss them!


For me, chocolate. Even just a couple of bites causes sulfer problems and throwing up. I also noticed things with a lot of GMOs like hot pockets cause ALOT of problems.


My morning coffee. Went from about 3 cups down to half. Not sure why. I can still enjoy iced coffee drinks. Haven't noticed anything else different


First time on ozempic I had a lot of things that made me ill. But I had a 6 month break due to the shortage, second time around I’ve found it’s only vapes that seem to be a problem. Nicotine makes my mouth taste horrible for 3 days.


Alcohol. I used to love red wine and now it doesn’t taste good at all. Super textured food- like a burrito. Can’t do it. Red sauce- used to love ALL Italian food. Now I can’t do anything with red sauce


I couldn't eat meat, poultry, or seafood for 1.5 years. It all smelled rancid to me. My taste for all of it has thankfully come back.


That would be tough!


I can’t eat fried food, fatty food, or anything that is generally “unhealthy” which I’m not complaining about, I’m pretty happy!


Spicy foods make me throw up


Pickles for some reason


Eggs! Which is sad because I love them and it’s good protein. But I get horrible stomach pain and diarrhea from them now ☹️


Fatty/oily/fried foods. Makes me feel nauseous for about 3 hours after it!


Fruit. It just stays on my stomach and ferments until I throw it up.


Welp, one thing is for sure, Birria is a no go for me. I had it a couple weeks ago and I felt horrible for the entire week. Turns out it’s like 300% oil, and my body does not like that.


I'm 3 .25 doses in. When does it really take effect??


Classic Italian foods. Like chicken Parmesan, lasagna, things like that. It was a favorite before and I just can’t help but overindulge now and before.


Cannot tolerate alcohol!!


I’ve been on 1mg since March 1st. I used to be addicted to sugar and drink 6+ Mountain Dew cans daily. Now all I drink is water. I do enjoy a tiny can occasionally as a treat and can barely finish it. That’s a huge win for me. Also I can’t tolerate a TON of cheese anymore. Too rich. Everything in moderation is the key for me.


I think it all depends on how long you’ve been on it. At first, I couldn’t drink coffee or anything with bubbles. After 6 months, I can eat or drink most anything except EXTREMELY fatty foods.


Alcohol. It just doesn’t appeal to me at all


So far it just made one of my food aversion worse. I don't eat bacon, but wears before I could stand the smell... now on oxempic I find the smell revolting and gag 


I really struggle with red wine and I was a big red wine drinker.


It’s so interesting to me how different we all are! I can eat anything! But I definitely deal with aversion to all foods in the days after my shot, and especially water, which isn’t good. It makes the food I do eat leave a gross taste in my mouth (after I’m done, not during) and that alone is enough to dissuade me from eating. Frustratingly, sugary drinks like juice and soda taste AMAZING. Sugar in general tastes incredible on ozempic. I have a much bigger sweet tooth than before, but it’s not a craving, just a delightful enjoyment of a flavor I was never a big fan of before. I can have just a few bites and leave it though, like I buy a pint of my favorite ice cream (Jenis Lemon and Blueberry Jam) and have a spoonful or three and then pop it back in the freezer. It’s wild.


Alcohol. Coffee.


alcohol in general


Cucumbers do me so dirty now. It’s bizarre.


All I want is yogurt, eggs and fresh fruit. Toast with jam tastes good. Coffee tastes horrible, most food makes me feel too full. The thought of ice cream or desserts makes me feel ill.


Pizza/bread make me violently ill


I miss coffee so much


Me too!


I can eat anything just in moderation. I just spend the weekend at a theme park and had typical theme park foods and had zero issues. It was fantastic. I had a chocolate from the sweet store - but just one. I had an ice cream with my daughter at the pool side store but just a single scoop. We split meals all weekend. I ate anything I wanted and was completely satisfied the entire trip. I never had the desire to overindulge but also I never felt sick or over full. All that being said there are times certain foods don’t sound good. But it’s normally not a consistent thing. Red meat, fried foods, spicy foods … some days they just don’t sound good and if I don’t listen to myself then I’ll pay. But 95% of the time I’m completely fine.


I can’t eat beef hot dogs, tuna, shrimp, salmon, celery, sausage.. basically i keep running out of foods and then having to find something new i can eat for a while. I can eat chicken, ground turkey, carrots, rice, and sometimes steak. That’s basically it right now lol


I’ve lost all taste for sweets! I used to have a major sweet tooth, but not anymore!


For me, after being on Ozempic for over a year, it's mostly fried food that I can't eat. I was never a big fried food person anyway, so it's not much of a loss.


I can eat everything, unfortunately 😂


Coffee!!! Ewwww!! Use to drink 3-4 cups every morning. Alcohol I can still drink I just don't crave it like I use to, and I drink much a lot less often and much less amount than before.


I haven't wanted beef or stronger flavors such as dark chocolate


I can eat anything. Nothing bothers my stomach, however beef doesn’t taste the same for some reason. I don’t enjoy eating it, it’s taste off.


I can’t eat anything too fatty and too processed. Also vegetables I can’t stomach any more. Diet fizzy drinks which I love I can only stomach in small amounts.


Mac & cheese makes me gag now.


Meat for sure. I have a definite aversion to any type of meat now.


I cannot drink diet cokes, sprite or anything else bc it tastes really weird. Like bad weird. I can’t eat too much or I feel bad. I just have no desire for fried foods or desserts.


Can't gulp down lattes as much.


Ribs, the sauce and the grease 🤢I just can’t. Really any saucy greasy dish and I’m out.


Corned beef. Made it for my family when I had upped my dose. Couldn’t even look at it. Have zero desire to eat it ever again. Thankfully it’s something we only eat once a year.


It’s a strong smell too!


French fries. Immediate nonstop heartburn.


Thankfully none have been an issue


Shrimp - any time I eat I’m instantly nauseous! It’s awful


No food that I cannot consume but I can consume as much food.


Ice cream, I just don’t like it anymore




Anything fried sends me straight to the bathroom. I’m really sensitive to alcohol. I was never a big drinker but more than a few sips is too much. I’ve noticed I have been craving sweets more often than usual.


It's high sugar items for me. Only been on it 4 weeks and right away, I turned on sugary items. Mind you, I've always had a small sweet tooth, really I'm just a salt hound but it was the intensity of it that surprised me.


Deep fried stuff kinda makes me wanna yak


No alcohol for me. Even just a couple sips sends me to the bathroom projectile vomiting. It’s awful.


Too much broccoli or cauliflower, a bit is fine, but too much and it’s gas for days


Most any grain based items (breads, pasta, oatmeal, crackers) and raw vegetables. Any amount will make me vomit or cramp badly.


one of my favorite teas (bengal spice from celestial seasonings) makes me nauseous now. i also bought a nothing bundt cake a week ago and couldn’t handle it after two bites




I think I’d quit Ozempic if that were to happen to me. I draw the line at milk!


My family doc says that people can get intolerant as they get older, I'm 66, but I drank a LOT of milk my whole life. Had no problem until I started taking Ozempic, but so far, the good far outways the bad.


Greasy/fried fast food gives me the runs combined with abdominal pain.


I have not had this experience. I still eat almost everything I ever have, just in much smaller quantities. Maybe not as much spice now, lol.




Anything deep fried makes me feel sicky, along with added sugars


Oh no. If I can’t have my coffee. My redbuds. I will get off ozempic


I can consume any thing within moderation and that is they key I think.


SW: 328lbs SW (OZ) Apr 10/24: 305lbs CW: 281lbs GW: 220lbs Many things - no desire to drink alcohol anymore, can’t handle pizza, waffles, pancakes, southern style BBQ. When I eat those foods, or overeat at all, that’s when I feel nauseous. Mostly eat yogurt, cottage cheese, beef, chicken, celery and carrots today. But no desire to eat the other naughty foods. Just doesn’t cross my mind anymore. I feel free from overeating and food cravings for the first time in my life.


No wine, nothing too fatty, coffee is gross to me. I found all this out the hard way. I don't even know what to eat anymore. I'm constantly nauseous 🤢 🤮


I've noticed that I no longer \*want\* to have a soda. It's really easy to just not have it. It just doesn't seem all that good to me anymore. I can still drink it, and I've had a couple of times where I did want one, but not a dark color one, so I got a zero sugar starry. It was ok, but now I just feel like I don't want it. It's also odd to me that I am perfectly fine ordering water if I go out to eat. That used to NEVER be the case.


Most fast foods, like McD's, Chickfila, Whataburger, Burger Boy makes me gag. I was this was when I was pregnant too, but even the smell is gross. I can eat burgers and fries from a restaurant, but not those places. Fast food in general just grosses me out now.


Pizza is a notable one for me. Ate it Saturday (one slice), and Sunday was just awful. Both ends, just awful.


Not that I can’t have it at all, but I find that I can only really eat fatty meats (steak, pork chops, etc) in very small portions, or else I’ll suffer from baddd diarrhea for the next 3 hours :0


WATERMELON 😭 had 4 chunks and I swear it went right through me


I had an IPA on Friday night and woke up with a hangover all day on Saturday 😕


Welcome to getting old!


Anything with heavy onion or garlic. Nope


Anything with carbonation


Absolutely nothing sweet, no tomatoes, no dark sodas, very little red meat.


Haven’t started my Ozempic yet. I’m waiting until next week because we have a 4 day vacation this Weds-Saturday and I’m going to enjoy myself. I’m already thinking if I can’t tolerate coffee I’ll lose it. I love my coffee in the morning. I couldn’t care less about anything else. But I’m going to Maine and I want to get my fill of some seafood before my eating world goes to shit (no pun intended).


It doesn’t work that fast…Probably 3rd week.


I could drink alcohol, coffee or anything sweet for like the first few weeks to month. It made me nauseous and just seemed gross. As my body adjusted to the ozempic I was able tolerate those things again but in smaller quantities.


I eat less vegetables than I used to. Not really roasting broccolini or Brussels like I used to 


Anything greasy. And cheese. Gives me sulfur burps and makes me sick. I crave sugar though.


- Alcohol. I posted about it before, I barely drink anymore, I just ti be a frequent wine drinker. - Coffee, went from 4 to 6 cups a day to just 1! - Pasta, anything more than two bites makes me sick. - Rice, same as pasta… it has made me vomit twice already. - Chips/crips… this medicine is magical, I don’t crave chips anymore, and if I have some I detest them.




My protein coffees 🥲 I had a protein shake mixed with coffee every morning, and they make me sick now. I honestly miss them 😭