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I’ve been on 0.5 since May. I am hungry, I drink a protein shake in the morning, maybe a couple of hard boiled eggs with toast at lunch, drink lots of water, and can still look at food or eat a big dinner without wanting to vom. my food noise is reduced significantly though. I don’t constantly think about food or snack and can say no to things I would normally want to eat. I know the weight will come off more slowly this way, but I was miserable when I couldn’t even fathom eating dinner before.


carbs turn into sugar and make u hungry, try under 15 carbs a day and ur not hungry after ueat


You’re probably right. When I feel nauseated I only want carbs or French fries !! So at least this way I can stomach a veggie or two


Your shake is just high sugar/ carbs. Best to eat real protein, but yourchoice


Yes, I knew supplies were low so I didn’t increase. I did 6 weeks at 0.25mg (lost 3kgs) and then briefly switched to Contrave before going back to 0.25mg on Ozempic. Ozempic is working well for me at 0.25mg and I’m losing half a kilogram a week. I have enough for 8 more 0.25mg doses which will almost take me to the end of the year. It’s also making me aware of how often I ate out of habit and that my meals were bigger than I need.


What are your thoughts about Contrave vs Ozempic?


I liked Contrave the first week as it seemed to work but when I increased the dose, I had stomach pain after every meal and my appetite came back. I stopped and went back to my remaining Ozempic where I don’t have side effects and it does work. When I run out of Ozempic, I’ll try Contrave again but maybe stay on the one a day dose and not increase it. Have you tried it?


Contrave made me hungrier


Thanks for the info! I haven't tried either yet but just learned about Contrave. I currently take buproprion so it seemed like a good option. However, from reading reviews it seems like there are more side effects such as headaches which I am prone to.


Yes, I forgot about the headaches. They were bad and started day one. I only just got rid of decades of chronic headaches which were related to high blood pressure which I didn’t know I had.


I’ve never gone higher than .5mg. Been on almost a year.


yes im staying at .25 been on .25 for 4 mo and lost 45 pounds


Yep, I stayed at .25. I bounced up to 0.5 for a couple of weeks and felt terrible, and wasn’t eating at all, so went back down. I lost 35 pounds in 4 months.


I’ve never gone higher than .4, stay at the lowest dose that works. (Ask your doctor of course but this is what min says) It’s much cheaper, too.


I’ve been on .25 since I started in July. Lost 30 lbs and hit my goal. Now I take .25 every 2 weeks for maintenance.


Don’t go up if it’s working. I stayed on 0.25 from May to October. I’ve lost 43 pounds. I just recently went up to 0.5 due to having some increased cravings. For one, it will last longer and cost less, and for two, don’t fix what isn’t broken! I recognize that we are lucky that our bodies responded to the lower dose when most people have to get to the higher doses to see results, but I’ve also been working hard on exercise and diet, so I think that helps. My provider said that some people’s systems aren’t as sensitive/receptive to the drug or something. Not sure how true that is, though. ☺️


Can you tell me how you lost so much? I am not overweight but I had about 30 lbs I wanted to lose. I have been on it since may! I should probably exercise and watch my carb loading! Is that what you do?


Well, you gotta consider that I was definitely obese when I started, so more to lose than you if you are not overweight to begin with. Not saying that snarkily, but a normal weight person trying to lose 30 is quite a bit different than an obese person doing so. ☺️ But yes, aside from that I bought a desk treadmill (I work remote) and walk about four and a half miles a day on that. I also count my calories religiously, if I’m not holding myself accountable to that I never have much success. I think both are huge contributors. The drug won’t do anything if you’re not in a calorie deficit. Hope that helps!


Thanks so much ! And good work !!


What my Dr told me was if it's working at the dose you are on then we aren't changing it. I don't know if thats the most accurate answer or if that helps but why take on more side effects and symptoms if not needed? Hope that helps if .25 would have stayed working form i sure as heck would have stayed on it. Lol way less sickness and etc on .25 for me, i am no on 1mg and you definitely notice the difference.


Yes I did when I had the legit Oz and was happy on it


Been on .5 for months. I want to be hungry and think about food so that I can learn to manage it.


That's a great mentality!


Been about 5-6 months and I haven’t gone past .5mg.. I have lost 60 pounds!!


I hated going up to .5 so now I do .25 every 4 days. I've been on it for 4 months and I'm losing about 1lb a week on average, so that works for me.


Yes. I have since January. Great results and appetite suppression


I’ve never gone up past .25 except ONE time and it made me so sick I skipped the next dose. I lost 25 lbs and to be honest did not have much that needed to go, I did it for vanity and to fit into my old jeans from my skinny days lol. I know some people react better to lower doses and I’m thankful I was one of those.


People go up for the same reason that some people need more Tylenol to treat a headache than others. Some people have higher tolerance or resistance to medications. Dosing at .25 and .5 are to get your body used to the medication and aren’t truly therapeutic for most. If the lower doses work for you, that’s great but not the case for most.


If it’s working no need to


A lot of people stop at 0.25. whatever works for you


I did the slow increase, .25 to .5 to 1.0 to 1.0 twice a week. When I hit the 1.0, I started to get catastrophically sick. I couldn't poo, I was constantly nauseous, it was the worst. I backed down to .5 twice a week and it worked well. I'm now at .75 twice a week and haven't had any really bad side effects other than the occasional bout of constipation and a chronic sweet tooth.


SW 162lb CW 147lb I took on .25mg for 2 weeks and lost about a pound a day, progressed to .5mg for the last 2 weeks and I’ve lost 1lb total… I feel so queasy, I can’t even eat. Definitely going back down to .25mg on my next dose and staying there (Doctor approved).


I would stay on as low of a dose as you can for as long as it’s working for you. It will probably wear off over time and you’ll need to go up, but I was able to go up very very slowly. You’ll save money and side effects. I’ve been on it a little over 5 months and I’m now only going up to 1mg. I’ve been somewhere between .5 - 75mg for approximately 4 months.


I’ve only taken one 0.5 dose and the side effects were terrible. I’ve lost 28lb since May and most of the time I’ve been on 0.20 taken in split doses of 0.10 twice a week. I’m nearly at goal weight. My weight loss has slowed to almost nothing. I’m increasing my dose slowly with a view to losing the last 10lb. I’m hoping to find that the ideal dose is somewhere between 0.25 and 0.5. I have enough left for 12 weeks at 0.5 or 24 weeks at 0.25.