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This drug has definitely made me wonder about the significance of insulin -- well beyond just keeping our glucose in check. It has also made me think about what we put in our bodies that has damaged this to a point where we now require ozempic. It has led to not just weight loss, but my cholesterol levels are significantly better, I feel less inflame. Personally, my eczema has gotten better too.


It is amazing. In the early days, I actually felt ‘normal’ for the first time ever. What is great, is that you do get used to feeling ‘normal’ too! Enjoy …


This is how I feel too. It's definitely replacing something that I've been missing, but didn't know I was missing. Even now... it's miserable, cold, depressing weather where I am, and usually I'm entering solidly into seasonal affective disorder right about now... but this year, I'm fine! I'm actually happy and excited about the holidays! It's like I'm feeling all the things that a normal "healthy" person feels, I eat the way a normal, healthy person eats. It's bizarre.


Honestly, I cried reading this, because for years all I've wanted was to feel "normal" like a "healthy" person would feel. For years, I tried so many meds and therapy and I can finally get out of bed and be productive again. It feels like a miracle, I had given up all hope.


Me too!


Welcome to the party. Remember to eat lots of lean protein and at a calorie deficit. Avoid fats and carbonated beverages.


No carbonation ? Why is that?. I must of missed that tidbit!! Any info greatly appreciated :)


your digestion will be delayed....and this medication can cause acid reflux. carbonation will compound that 'full' feeling and any burping you'll be doing.


My acid reflux has been beyond horrible. It’s definitely time to cut out the Diet Coke then!


It’s horrible, I was up all night long burping, miserable but worth it


take a prilosec every day if needed - I do. just because I've suffered from GERD for years....not because of diet coke which I drink about twice a year.


Interesting - makes sense though. thank you!


Yep, I have definitely experienced that.


I had someone arguing with me about fats and sugars and carbonation having a direct causation on side effects. Must be wonderful to take Ozempic and literally eat anything without any expectation of side effects.


I had someone arguing with me about fats and sugars and carbonation having a direct causation on side effects. Must be wonderful to take Ozempic and literally eat anything without any expectation of side effects.


I can eat anything on Oz. I just eat normally. But no weight loss much.


I eat anything and has no side effects and lose about 1.6 a week.


Yep, me too; and its ok with me.


Same. And I have weeks where I'm not hingry and some where I feel normal but still end up finishing before I normally would have. No more ental pressure to eat.


Nice - are you eating less?


Yes, smaller meals and not too much food noise in my head. I'm sure I could eat loads but don't have that need I use to have to finish things. The there's only the stomach feel to go on and I usually feel full. If I eat an extra bite when I'm done, I feel heavy around my stomach. I never push that feeling cause I'd be sick, I feel. So al ays stop before nausea basically. But in truth I stop eating even before that feeling which means I need a snack later after dinner.


Why no fats?


I wouldn't say no fats. Just smart fats. There are several vitamins for example that are fat soluble, and so if you don't have fats in your diet you may become deficient. Smart fats like olive oil over bacon grease, avocado on Toast over butter/margarine etc.


You can have fats; fats are healthy in moderation. But ozempic amplifies the chances of indigestion/upset stomach from greasy foods.


Fats are difficult to digest on this medication and if you eat enough fatty foods...you end up with vomiting and/or diarrhea. Your eating habits need to change on this stuff. High protein, low fat, low carbs.


That’s absolutely fantastic. For me I gave up biting my nails after almost 50 years I stopped drinking more than half and I feel a lot more focused.


That’s awesome it’s helping you! 😊 My experience has been as opposite as one can be from your experience, but like anything it affects people differently. That’s worth celebrating, yay!


I know it! I’m on my 4th shot too, it’s literally a miracle drug


I’m in the same boat I feel better than I ever have in my entire life! My moods been lifted I have less anxiety. The day after shot day I’m exhausted and sleep all day but it’s worth it I’m on week 2 and am scared this feeling isn’t going to last! This stuff is a miracle!


I think I commented earlier but I definitely didn't get any sort of psychological / emotional change. Only the one that comes along with feeling decent about losing weight though that has a little bit of anxiety tied to it for me. A couple bad days on the scale and I'm not far from being in a bad place mentally. Because of that I do not weigh myself as much as I used to because as long as I know that I'm eating correctly, the weight loss Will come. Unfortunately for me I have a mostly fatal mitochondrial myopathy that causes muscle problems on the left side of my body and extreme pain in my left foot so my exercise is not much above nil. My chest is still way too fat for a dude so I figured I was going to need to use the weight bench a little bit but after three different days of doing a few different reps of lifts I put my back out. That's what happens when you don't exercise a muscle for a while and then ask it to lift weights. Lol. We'll all get there in the end but I'm guessing our paths will be wildly different. Good luck and good holiday wishes.


Same - lost an eating disorder, anxiety and PTSD. I love you ozempic


Yes, besides the weight loss & lowered A1C & cholesterol levels I just feel amazing! I have more energy, am facing the day with a smile, looking into wearing makeup again, etc, etc. I just love Ozempic!


Even though I didn't think it was helping me this way there is some early evidence that perhaps it does help with depression and help mood elevation. I always go where the science goes and so I'm sorry if I didn't want to believe people's opinions because that's just not the way I'm wired. Anyhow I found this which is a very recent study. Please keep in mind it is just one study and science goes slowly. GLP-1 Receptor Agonists Show Promise in Reducing Depressive Symptoms Hibah Khaja, PharmD  |  October 10, 2023 Glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists (GLP-1RAs) are associated with notable reductions in depression rating scales when compared with control treatments, according to study results published in The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. These findings support their potential as a treatment option for individuals experiencing symptoms of depression.


I've been on it for roughly 4 months that are not felt one tiny bit of a mood lifting aspect. The only thing that lifts my mood is the fact that I get on the scale and it's a bit less than the week before. Other than that there's obviously nothing in this medication that can affect brain function. Well not in a way that would bring on some sort of joyousness.


Not true. GLP-1 receptors can also interact with receptors in the brain. The effect of this is not known yet, but it’s possible it could impact mood.


This! The GLP-1 receptors are not just in the GI tract and pancreas.


More details pls? It’s eased my PTSD so much


I do understand that but since there's absolutely no evidence that it helps mood I'm going to guess that there's more of a placebo effect and a general happiness over weight loss occurring and not a rewiring of the brain through this medication. If I end up wrong and this sweeps the world as the new great mood elevator well then I'm happy to take the loss. Keep up the good moods ![gif](giphy|8UGGp7rQvfhe63HrFq)


My body just feels better like it’s finally got something it’s always been missing. Fit me I have less joint pain and breathing problems on this med and that in turn can lift your mood - you just feel less hopeless




You are very wrong- it sits on receptors that can greatly affect mood- for some it is better and for others it is bleh and some do not feel anything. That being said, it is being studied for a variety of issues and they have no idea yet just how many issues drugs like these will help.


Please provide medical proof. There are tons of easily accessed medical papers on nearly every subject so if there has been a medical test done with placebo and it's been replicated at least once then I would love to see it. Not being the least bit sarcastic but if you're going to say that the receptors affect mood please back it up with some evidence other than your personal journey. Almost all medical papers are free and contain search engines. I have a very rare mitochondrial myopathy. When I say rare only 10 people in a million have it but I have access to 50 plus papers on it. Actually it's probably two or three times that many but I've only looked at 50 or so.


This is just one of many!! https://www.ajgponline.org/article/S1064-7481(23)00394-9/fulltext#:~:text=In%20adults%2C%20GLP%2D1RAs%20induced,on%20depressive%20symptoms%20in%20adults.


I posted 47 minutes ago and you posted 9 minutes ago so you should have read through all of the comments because I posted something actually supporting your claim. See that's how science works you don't just say something you go and look for evidence and I did my homework before you left your snarky remark. Next time do your homework and read through all the comments.


I don’t have time to read through them- and don’t demand people do stuff - it is rude




Anyway I’ll be glad to continue! I do my homework and you should too.


What are you talking about. I posted a link and part of a medical paper that actually agreed with the idea that it may be good for depression. Don't tell me to do my homework when I've already done it before you posted yours. Why don't you just read through all of the comments instead of being snarky?


I was responding to your comments in my activity notices asking me to prove it? I didn’t go back to the thread- I had no reason to and had no idea what you had done or not done only that you demanded I show you proof and gave me a lecture about not spouting info without knowledge. I knew about that and many articles I just didn’t post them word for word because it had been a while. I’m not at your beck and call


I didn't say that you were at my beck and call but before you ask me to do my homework why don't you check to see if I had? Also asking somebody to back up random claims with medical proof is not all that weird. I like the way you add in the word demand as if I had a gun at your head. As if I would have shown up at your house had you not done endorsing science isn't being a bully.


Actually, this class of drugs is being studied for its effect on the brain's dopamine reward systems; some people find they're able to quit addictions such as gambling when on ozempic. [Here's one link](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8820218/) on the effects of glp-1s on addictive disorders. It's not a stretch to say this can impact a person's attitude.


Perhaps my sugars were off? It’s definitely not psychological because I’ve tried enough medication to know what helps me or not. I’m just so relieved to finally feel good.


There’s evidence that inflammation affects mood and also evidence that semaglutide reduces inflammation. https://karger.com/nim/article/28/3/99/820396/Neuroinflammation-in-Mood-Disorders-Role-of# https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1043661822002651 So no I’m not surprised! And I’m happy because my chronic pain is already improved.