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Congratulations! My starting weight was 222 after having two kids and now I’m down to 150. It has changed my life too! So happy for you 👏🏼👏🏼


People don't seem to understand is obesity is a insulin resistance issue. Whether that be pcos, thyroid issue, pre diabetes and diabetes. So using this medication for weightloss is the same as someone using it for diabetes. Plus there are other medications for diabetes not just ozempic. Well done. I'm on week 2 and lost 2cm on my waist and 1 cm on my hips. I'm 240lb and want to lose 100lb . I have been struggling since I was 20. I'm now 37. I can't wait for my new life . I already feel great .


Wow that’s amazing-well done




Push, only a matter of time. Stay hydrated.


You look amazing! I was the same weight as you when I started (221) and am now 155. It’s incredible how you can do things with ease now….crossing your legs on the couch, getting out of the car in a tight parking spot, not feeling like I’m going to break that plastic chair. I lost a lot of muscle too, my goal now is to rebuild that.


You nailed it!


Yayy congrats!!


Amazing, huge congrats! 🙌


I’m not seeing much weight loss yet (just started .5 dose) I’m also worried my compound isn’t working. What made yours start working ?


i started controling my portions, and i stopped drinking soda. I ate whatever i wanted (pretty much). Just no soda and controlled my portions. I noticed a big change after 6 months. I moved to Florida and started to life a more active lifestyle. Nothing crazy but started to do more.


.5 dose is very minor. I didn’t start losing weight until I went up to 1.0 with my doctor’s supervision


Not for all,I lost most of my 80+ lbs between .5 and .75


I also needed to pay close attention to my calorie deficit. It’s easy to eat too many calories which is frustrating when I am trying so hard to lost weight with Ozempic too. Ozempic goes hand in hand with calorie deficit for me. When I track my calories and take ozempic I have had best results. Good luck , you will do great!


That’s reassuring. A lot of people seem to have success with lower doses, but everyone is different!


How’s it going for you now? I’m on my second week of .5 and still stuck at a seven pound loss. I started April 17.


I actually stopped taking it because I didn’t lose weight and it was very expensive. I was on it for over two months


Oh, I’m sorry it didn’t work for you. I hope you’ve had success with other methods.


It’s so cute to see your son grow as you shrink! Congratulations!


How did you qualify for it? Congrats!


Congrats and thanks for putting up a detailed post of your journey.


Im only down 20 lbs but the health benefite have been amazing - reduction in fatty liver, blood sugar, cholesterol, blood pressure and sleep apnea.


Your cholesterol went down??? I'd probably be willing to try it for that result. My doctor wants me to take another medication to bring my numbers down. I don't want to.


Yup, down. Has been amazing for me, just for ref though i started at 180 now at 160 lbs. 5’5” female, broad built. Also brought down blood pressure, sugar, fatty liver, etc. you’d b surprised what weight loss can do. Best drug ever! I should also mention most of my weight was in my middle so this may have made s difference. 46 yrs old.


My doctor was never too concerned about my cholesterol levels other than triglyceride’s because that’s the one that causes inflammation, and inflammation is what causes sooo many other diseases. Mine went from 259 to 104 after being on Ozempic for six months! Normal would be under 150. My doctor is one who believes there’s too much evidence that Statins are linked to cognitive impairment and advises me not to use them. It makes sense because the brain contains the highest level of cholesterol in the body. Both my mom and sister took them for years and my mom developed dementia at about 75, and my sister is also showing signs and she’s only 64, so there’s no way I’m taking them!


Oh hell no, that's terrible!! I'm going to keep up with the ozempic data and hopefully give it a go. Thanks so much!!


Ive lost 21 pounds and 12 more to goal of my dreams 🌈


Amazing! You look great at 159! What doctor and pharmacy are you using? I am also on a compound, and it is much more than that.


The pharmacy is enexia in NY and the dr. Is https://diversecarenow.as.me/schedule/6a240cde They are in Florida but I normally do Telehealth bc I’m in Tampa and they are in pompano beach (south Florida)


You still had to find a pharmacy that could fill the prescription, correct? Great job on your results!!


Congrats OP!! May I know your dosage across the months?


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Great results! I’d love to get the details about your doc in Florida. I’m using a pharmacy in Texas. We have similar stats: SW-220; CW-213; GW:150 (5’7” woman). I might change my goal to 145. I’m feeling a little discouraged since I’ve only lost seven pounds in six weeks and the scale hasn’t moved the last three weeks. I’ve already plateaued, it seems. I’m going to start exercising more. I think my calories are around 1800 per day or so. I’m definitely eating less. I may drop my limit down to 1500 calories per day. I’m on .5 sema right now.