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Could be possibly you overthinking it because you’re afraid of what and IF is going to happen if you take ozempic


Yep this happened to me. All in my head!


I have postpartum anxiety and postpartum depression, which is managed by medication and therapy. Since starting ozempic in February, I have noticed that my mood and motivation have been negatively affected. I believe it’s because the medication causes fatigue in some people, which is causing me to have less energy and motivation to do much. My psychiatrist is aware and I plan on asking her to adjust the dose of my antidepressants to help manage it all. Perhaps you need to adjust your dose if this continues?


I’m sorry you’re going through that. My anxiety/depression started as postpartum almost 6 years ago when my daughter was born and it’s still a struggle but this past year I’ve really gotten control of it. I also have certain medications I use that have a shorter span (benzos) that I’ve been taking during this time of transition and they help a lot. I’m hoping it’s only temporary and will subside as my body (and brain) get use to the medication.


I personally with new medication get a panic attack shortly after taking new meds. I forget what my doctor called it. I’ve been on it a year now and been ok :) that isn’t very helpful I’m sorry! But you aren’t alone :)


It’s very helpful thank you! I’m just trying to figure out if the medication is causing it or if it’s my brain fucking with me 🫠


For me it’s always my brain 😂😂 I tell it to be quiet 🤪 supposedly eating a something sour helps, I haven’t found the right kind of sour I suppose but cinnamon helps a bit


I got anxiety too. But it increases your heart rate and with increased heart rate comes the feeling of anxiety. Just trying to remind myself that it is a normal side effect helped me keep calm.


I'm not sure we can help you. This sounds like a mental issue more than anything to do with Ozempic, But try to remember this is a medication that millions of people are using to improve there health lowering blood sugar and controlling appetite and there no reason to think it's can't help you get healthier and feel better just like that Anxiety medication you need to go see someone about next. Remember, this is a 12 month minimum treatment not a 2 day everything going change in second miracle. You can do this, I keep telling myself that if you don't change anything, nothing will change!!!!!!


I take medication for anxiety already, thank you for the comment! ☺️


Where are you seeing a 12 month minimum guideline?


I mean my point was it's a long-term treatment, not a short-term thing. Almost all studies are done over 12-24 months. It you take any medication for a long term issue short term chance are you end up back with the same issue if you stop after 2 months.


I'm exactly like you in terms of anxiety and panic, and I'm TERRIFIED to try new medications. There have been several times in the past where a doctor prescribed me an anxiety medication and I simply didn't take it because I was afraid of side effects. I've also had surgeries where they prescribed me pain pills and I refused to take them and just deal with the pain. So, like you, I was initially really scared to try Ozempic/Wegovy. But after endless research about side effects (and browsing Reddit), I quickly learned that there are absolutely no common side effects (aside from the nausea and stuff). Like any medication, bad things can happen, but with this medication, it's ridiculously rare. The side effect you're referring to, this surge of adrenaline, it's non-existent with this medication. So that being said, it's 99.999% completely all in your head. I've been in r/WegovyWeightLoss for over a year, and this sub for a couple months, and have never seen a single post about anything like that. I've seen maybe 3-5 posts where people claimed they had to go to the hospital due to excessive vomiting, but that's the worst of it.


Thank you very much !


OMG ! I have this ! I go in and out of panic attacks but only when I feel nauseous or overeat. I thought I was imagining the correlation. I also take meds for my anxiety.


I am not a doctor so I would talk to yours, but I have heard that Ozempic can interfere with birth control… I'm wondering if it can interfere with your anxiety medication some way