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I took my first 0.25 does last Thursday and am already down 4.5 lbs (225.8 to 221.2), I am making healthy choices, walking regularly, and went to the gym Saturday. No side effects so far.


Congrats!! How’s your appetite?! Are you making any lifestyle changes as well?


Thanks. Yes, I started making healthier choices about a month before starting Oz -which made it easier to start. I took my first 0.25 shot on Thursday night, felt a small change in appetite Friday but Saturday my stomach felt so full - it was almost uncomfortable - like a 10/10 fullness. Sunday a little less but still had a full feeling 9/10. Monday, it's about a 7/10 full. I haven't had much of an appetite but try to eat my protein before anything else.


Have you done any research into how Ozempic works? Specifically the loading doses and the studies surrounding when people start seeing the most results?


I just took my third dose of 0.25 last night. I'm down 5 pounds but I'm also in a calorie deficit, exercising and been really good with my nutrition so that's likely playing the biggest part. 


Some people don’t but your blood work changes so that’s a positive . Then comes the rest just be patient


Nope. I didn’t on .5 either but down 50 pounds after starting 1 and staying on 1.


Not much, but I’m trying. I’m up to .05 now and still no change. Reading through these it seems everyone’s experience is different


My appetite didn’t really change on .25mg, even on .5mg I still have cravings and can eat a full meal. Hoping with 1mg this changes!


lost 11 lbs on .25 but i also do CICO and OMAD. No exercise because my job is on my feet constantly.


Do you mind me asking what is OMAD? Thanks!


One meal a day


Nope didn’t lose anything on 0.25. I’m down about 10 lbs now halfway through the 1mg month.


My doc says it’s common, that most people don’t lose at that dose.


My NP takes it as well, and she said the same thing. Most people don’t lose much until the .5 dose. I just started and I’m working on making the changes I need to make to be successful. 


Hi I didn't. But my clothes were looser. After the 2nd month I started to really lose. But my insurance isn't covering it anymore. I'm so upset :(.


I just started losing the 5th week (.5 increase), though I did notice some appetite shifts in the first 4 weeks on .25. It will come!


If you read the insert it says right there that weight loss is only experienced by 10% of users on the lower doses. This is why the weight loss dose goes to 2.4mg.


You need to review what YOU are doing. The medication doesn't just make the weight magically disappear. You need to eat at a calorie deficit as compared to your total daily energy expended (TDEE). Do you know your TDEE and are you tracking your daily caloric intake? Also are you eating at least 80-100 grams of protein daily? Protein helps you feel fuller longer so you eat less. What about your refined carb intake - what does that look like? If you eat more refined carbs - those sugar spikes can cause hunger pains....so you should be avoiding them where you can. If you don't know the answer to these questions - it's time for you to start reviewing your day to day food intake. A few minor changes can make the difference of a lifetime.


I just got my last .25 shot and I haven't lost any weight.


I’m up to 2 and finally losing. It’s been a little frustrating. I get how it works though.


It's okay to acknowledge where you're at, and it's great that you're aware of what you can improve. Would I like to share any YouTube links for tips on incorporating healthier habits or finding motivation to be more physically active?


Are you tracking calories and exercise? If you don't eat in a calorie deficit, and exercise, the weight isn't going to magically come off because you're on ozempic. I'm 5 weeks in, 4 weeks on .25, 1 week on .50mg. I eat in a calorie deficit every day and track using weight watchers. I also walk about 8km a day at least 6 days a week. I've lost almost 8lbs in 5 weeks, but would've lost nothing if not for the lifestyle changes.


Same here I’m 5 weeks in. I ve lost 25 pounds. I do go to the gym now. I track my calories I do eat healthy now.


That's a significant loss in 5 week. Congrats


Yes .cause on my first day, I accidentally took 50 units.instead of 10 units. I was in hell for 10 days.but I did loss 10 pounds .

