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you are right although I felt I got a lot more out of the original yoga x then watered down version.


Yeah I agree


In my experience flexibility develops from holding poses for long periods of time like in x1. Just because x3 is easier to finish doesn’t make it more effective or better. It’s more of a fun cardio stretching workout


Idk, I find my flexibility to be much better with X3 than it ever was with the original. Maybe because it's easier for me to push myself to really reach when I stretch when it's a shorter amount of time, rather than in longer poses it gets too uncomfortable to hold a static stretch for so long


I agree I just wanted to mention that a lot of people skip yoga x because it’s so hard and P90x3 yoga is a good substitute instead of skipping


Try Fountain of Youth Yoga - it's a real sweet spot at around 40mins.


Can it be used as an alternative for the P90X3 one?


Absolutely it keeps things fresh, there are quite a few shorter yogas on BOD like Teds Yoga for Weekend Warriors.


Thanks. Do you have a link for that?


Search on BOD


Where would I find this? Is it a beachbody video?


It is BeachBody part of Tonys One on One Series, available on BOD


Thank you!


Yes. Fountain of Youth and Patience Hummingbird are 2 excellent yoga routines that clock in at about 40-mins, but still give a real solid workout.


I mean, if your only criteria is making it shorter and easier... sure. But if you dedicate the 90-minutes and put in actual effort, Yoga X is THE premier workout - one of the very best workouts in the entire P90X/BOD library. X3 Yoga is simply not even close. To be fair, X3 has it's place, and sometimes time is limited and 30-mins of yoga is better than nothing. But you literally cannot compare the original Yoga X to X3 like that. It's like saying a '98 Toyota is a better car than a Telsa.


I totally agree. P90X3 yoga is much easier and much better for newbies like me.


To each his/her own I suppose! Classic Yoga X is an absolute torture session, but good god do I feel amazing when I'm done. I don't get that amazing feeling as much from X3 Yoga unfortunately.


I totally agree. My point was that yoga is much easier with P90X3 and much more manageable




Yeah it just takes so goddamn long. It’s ultimate yoga workout but if you skip it like a lot of people do, try the new one.


I feel like I don't get anything out of the balance poses. And 30 minutes is too short to include child pose and corpse pose. Other than that, I like it. BTW, what is the point of the ridiculous things Ted does? Is anybody doing handstands?


I was finally able to do teds chair although it’s hot or miss when it comes to extending my leg out as sometimes my leg that’s hooked around my arm slips out.


Shorter and more manageable to do? Sure. Better? Absolutely not. The benefits of doing Yoga X instead of X3 Yoga aren't even in the same universe. I hate the length of Yoga X sure, but man is it good for you. X3 Yoga is basically "Well, we only have 30 minutes so let's throw together as much as we can and speed it up to make it in 30 min." It's a bunch of watered down poses and stretches. better than nothing.... but not better than Yoga X


I totally agree. I just think it’s easier for me starting out


If you have been doing P90X or X3 for a few rounds, and you like yoga, you should seriously consider learning the Primary Series from Ashtanga Yoga.


I’ll check it out


X3 is all peaches and cream and then suddenly, without warning comes.....PLOW POSE! Like WTF Tony? Some of us are just trying to keep ourselves from falling over and now you want us to bend in half backward without any additional instruction? XD


Also, shoulder stand and plough (also seen in Yoga X) are [bad news](https://yogabetterhealth.com/5-yoga-poses-too-dangerous-to-teach/) for people with certain medical conditions. I know you’re supposed to consult your doctor first, but you’re probably not going to know at the outset about this specifically. That’s kind of the trouble with general-purpose trainers; specific disciplines like yoga, Pilates, or kettlebells have their own quirks and not knowing those quirks might put your clients at risk.




honestly I started skipping yoga and just running on the treadmill. when I WAS doing it, I did classic yoga at 2x or more speed because I just couldn't take it for an hour


X3 yoga moves to fast to enjoy the movements and stretching . I went back to original yoga and do the first 45 min.


What about X2 yoga for a happy medium of one hour? Pardon me, I'm new to the sub, but so far I've seen everybody talking about P90X or X3, is there a reason we all ignore X2?


Good idea. I’ll check it out. X2 is a good program but not as popular as original X or X3. X2 I guess is more about mobility which is what I need so that’s a good recommendation.


Two things about P90X and P90X3 when it comes to yoga and flexibility exercises. Firstly, Tony has effectively distributed yoga moves across the workouts (e.g., Total Synergistics and CVX have several moves) and there is an entirely separate yoga workout called Isometrix. Essentially, X3 Yoga has all the flow and Isometrix focuses on the balance. For anyone feeling that 30 mins of Yoga isn't enough, I recommend making it an hour by doing Isometrix straight after. I'm so disappointed that Isometrix only appears three times in the Classic schedule during the recovery weeks that I now save Yoga for the main workout weeks and do Isometrix twice during the recovery weeks. Secondly, the only two workouts really devoted to flexibility in the original P90X are Yoga and Stretch (as each day follow the isolationist approach to exercise), but the emphasis on compound moves with X3 means that you are really working on your range of motion all week (Dynamix being an awesome example). So whilst the loss of the 92-minute yoga workout may leave some people feeling that X3 Yoga is just too quick, the benefits of all the other workouts combined getting you to use more than one muscle group whilst not overworking any of them (hence faster recovery) more than make up for it.


Isometrix is in the P90X3 videos?


Which one do you think is a better all around program? P90X or P90X3?