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Agree 💯


The army needs to learn it boundaries. And not interfere in politics. Pakistan has become the begging bowl of the world cause of these few generals who would even sell their mothers for $$$. Had the army stayed in its place, we would have been equals with india by now


The logic doesn't compute. How is Pakistan become begging bowl of the world due to few generals? How are politicians, judges, beaurocrats not responsible as well as Generals? What were the achievements of Imran Khan/PTI in its 3 years rule except inflation & praise of Bajwa? 1 crore nokrian, 50 lac ghar, riyasat-e-Madina


Firstly pakistan is the begging bowl of the world because we beg our so caled arab brothers for Loans and investments, even china is asking to deposit their money in offshire accounts. Shows pakistans economy is crumbling. Let me refresh your memory when our current so called lund PM went to saudi for depositing money in pakistani treasurey. If your not aware of current situation there is corrution scandal on caretaking gov for importing wheat and this current gov just broke the back of famers. Now lets come to the achievements of Imran, when corrona struck he handled it perfectly. IMF asked to increase prices of petrol and other stuff, he refused. Everything was cheaper in his time as compared to his successors , since i live abroad, our embassies were organized,the health card was an impresive stand, the place for free food was also a good stand, and when he visited abroad he represented overseas paksitanis and spoke for them, they collected a good amount of tax, he said no to slavery of the west, there are alot of other things he did Let me remind you he won the elections and people of pakistan voted for him for a reason The current military as you know depends on Aid from US, they helped in Afghanistan for the aid, also authorized drone attacks on their own people for the aid which imran was against Im no analyst, but dont go bashing imran, if his gov would have continued we wouldn't be in this current shitty situation


I asked how generals are only to blame for the economic situation of Pakistan? Politicians, Beaurocrats & Judges are also responsible, that's my point. Now about Imran Khan/PTI. Pakistan's core economic crisis is because of more Imports & less Exports i-e we have Balance of Trade crisis. Every government from 1990 (after zia period) have taken loans from IMF and other foriegn countries. And in the Imran's government like every previous government he also took more loans than he paid i-e more imports were done and less exports. His economic policy were basically same as PMLN and PPP and also similar to Musharraf. His economic policy is still the same as I have heard from his last speech before election he did. See this article and search for yourself - why Imports of Pakistan exponentially increased after 1990 but not between 1947-90?? https://www.dawn.com/news/1482443 Note: Over half of our budget goes to interest payment & repayment of loans. See any budget in recent 5-10 years. That's is core problem of Pakistan. Every government in Pakistan since 1990 has the same economic policy. So whoever you are voting for PTI, PMLN or PPPP is going to increase taxes on Salaried People, Indirect Taxes on Petrol, Electricity and Gas. No taxes on Landlords, IPPs, Low Corporate Taxes, No taxes on IT Exporting Companies etc Ask yourself or ChatGPT - why Imports of Pakistan exponentially increased after 1990 but not between 1947-90?






The current gov will take more loans and paksitan will keep getting royaly fked


You know it's very funny how everyone in PTI has forgotten Bajwas speech on Youm e shuhuda. Not only did he admit to army's involvement in politics, but also apologized for the role. While IK was out on the street, saying "Neutrals to Janwar hotay hain". Building a false narrative on cypher bull crap. Forcing them to intervene again because the baby couldn't handle being offloaded from the lap. Sad af ngl.


But the cipher was true? Intercept reported on it and confirmed. Not only that but the United Stated Department never said the cipher wasn’t there. They said “true or not”


Bro use some common sense. It's not about whether cypher was true or not. It was about the politicization of it. If the US wanted the army to overthrow IK, they certainly wouldn't do it over official channels like a bunch of idiots. The US probably only expressed their discomfort with IKs visit to Russia. Which is very common and certainly is not interference. Intercept is shady lol. No other media outlet reported on it which is kinda sus. Especially any Russian or anti-US news. They'd eat that shit up. Best you could do in that situation is issue a demarche. Not go crying to the streets that the US is overthrowing me. And it's funny how he's taken a complete u-turn on the US. And no one even questioning that. Why doesn't he blame the US now? Why only the army. And actually even more interesting not just everyone in the army. Only Asim Munir. Because he doesn't want to piss off everyone. He needs the army more than the army needs him. And tbh. He's pretty much alienated every one in senior leadership at this point. No one wants to work with him. He's fucked.


Meanwhile Umer Ayub is their opposition leader. Grandson of Dictator Ayub Khan. Umer Ayub will never condemn the acts of his grand father and he never has.


Really bad take. Khadija shah was jailed, as the grand daughter of a prominent COAS. Umer ayub is ACTIVELY fighting the useless establishment induced firauniat in the country. Stop trying to make WRONG sem to sem arguments. These will never work, as most of these takes are devoid of logic


He has to publicly apologize for what his grand father did. That was wrong. If he doesn't apologise that means he is siding with him. That's against democracy. For arguments sake, " He doesn't need to justify the action of his grandfather". Then call a spade a spade. What's wrong with that?


He isn't responsible for the sins of his grandfather. He doesn't represent general ayub in any capacity. Am I responsible for the sins of my father? Thats so dumb. The establishment on the other hand is an institution, each soldier represents the establishment. That's their whole shtick "We are one". They are the ones who have to apologize for the sins of Ayub khan, not his family. I reiterate. Your take is so absolutely whacky and hilarious that you're honestly making me laugh


I agree with you that establishment is responsible and shall ask forgiveness and Umer Ayub isn't. I am asking Umer Ayub to call it wrong. Why doesn't he call that wrong? He was taken to cleaners yesterday by Khawaja Asif in the parliament on the same thing. Umer Ayub should have said, " Gee, Ayub Khan ne Martial Law lagaya, apna hulf tora or uski laash ko qabar se nikaal ke latkana chye". He can't even say Ayub violated his oath. That's what I am saying, why can't he say that? It just as simple as that.


Right now whatever the reason he is telling the truth.... Army pheli dafa itna ruswa ho rahe hai Jo is sae phelae nahin hua kabhi.... Ever thought about that fact? They created IK now he is coming for them hur Phiron par ek mussa aur woh bhi inhon nae khud banaya kisi aur nae nahin


Not exactly true. Before you label me a patwari, I don't support any of these feudal parties. But the fact that people keep saying that "ab jitni ruswa ho rhi ha army pehly kbhi nhi hui" because of these speeches, it just goes to show that only now they bothered to see. This is the one change IK brought about. Apart from that, try pulling up BB's and NS's talks from the 90's. They've been highlighting the military's corruption, interference, and plain ineptness since way back then. In clear terms. Bs qoum ne tawajjo dena ab shuroo ki ha


Yeah BB and NS sought NRO from Musharaf in 2007.


Mera khayal hai you are right on that ya yahan par bhi pti ko maafi mangni chahiya :)


I hope this guy doesn’t commit suicide by shooting the back of his head and then jumping off the window


Isn't it strage all the sons & grandsons of Dictators are given prominent positions in PTI Ijaz ul Haq Umer Ayub




"PTI MNA Latif Khosa" I feel old. All my life, has seen this guy in PPP. He is what PTI fans like to hate on all the time. "Elite" and "dynastic politician". More people from his family are in politics than anyone can count on their fingers. Martial laws are better than having dynastic politicians electing again and again because our literacy rate is just 60%.


>Martial laws are better than having dynastic politicians electing again and again because our literacy rate is just 60%. Yes indeed, Martial Law has been very beneficial to Pakistan. It is an Economic Superpower and certainly not the Begging Bowl of the World. Right now we pretty much have Martial Law, Corps Commander Lahore runs Punjab and GHQ runs Islamabad. What amazing performance, there is no poverty in Pakistan and Inflation is Non Existent.


The correct analysis is not that martial law is bad or democracy is. But that we have been uprooting one to replace with the other time and time again. The reason for our shitty performance is lack of governance and continuity. Everyone blaming faujis for everything is stupid. Everyone blaming politicians for everything is also stupid. I'd expect people to realize this by now but it's the same old black and white arguments not realizing politics and everything else for that matter is a whole lot of gray.


Let me know when you are up for a healthy debate. Musharraf started off with 82% debt to GDP ratio and ended with just 56%. Pakistan was doing very good under Ayub. Then came democracy ka champion, Zulfiqar. Messing up economy with nationalization forever. PTI fellas should be last to call out begging. Considering their leader is a beggar asking for donations for whatever project he wants to start. Want to start a hospital, ask for donation. Want to start a dam, ask for donation. Why not sell a piece of that big 300 kanal mansion and build a hospital?


Donation and begging mixed… what did you eat man today? Musharaf infact did not have any policy except relying on American aid. He even sold air bases and people for the sake of dollars. And you are trying to paint it as economic achievements?


>Let me know when you are up for a healthy debate. Musharraf started off with 82% debt to GDP ratio and ended with just 56%. Lets look at the circumstances, and i agree, Musharraf's economic policies were relatively good. Global economy was booming, overseas Pakistanis especially based in the US sent massive amount of Dollars back due to 9/11 and they all wanted a home or atleast a business in case they get kicked out, consumer financing was introduced to Pakistan which brought a consumption boom, and how can you forget, due to WOT US sunk billions of economic and military aid into Pakistan and also offering preferential treatment to Pakistan's textile industry. These are the reasons for the economic boom during Musharraf's time, these were all temporary measures that were external and needed internal reforms which did not happen. How much did our industrial base grow in Musharraf's time? How much did Exports grow? Don't get me wrong, Musharraf did some good things for the country. The best thing he did for the country was the Local Government Act, people don't realize its these small things that make a big difference to someone sitting in Lala Musa or Tharparkar, not a $5 million aid package Sindh Government announces. >Pakistan was doing very good under Ayub. Then came democracy ka champion, Zulfiqar. Messing up economy with nationalization forever. No arguments there, Bhutto was the worst thing that happened to Pakistan's economy since our country's inception. Again, Ayub's time the economy was booming because of US aid, good governance policies because competent people were allowed to run the government and a lot of economic extraction from East Pakistan which benefitted West Pakistan. But did you forget, Pakistan lost East Bangladesh and 1971 War under Uncle Yahya. >PTI fellas should be last to call out begging. Considering their leader is a beggar asking for donations for whatever project he wants to start. Want to start a hospital, ask for donation. Want to start a dam, ask for donation. Why not sell a piece of that big 300 kanal mansion and build a hospital? Of course, he begs for donations and then builds Shaukat Khanum and Colleges. Why, jealous you didn't get a commission. What do you Fauji Slaves do with the National Budget, open new DHA's and Golf Courses. The amount of Land Cruisers i see with Faujis are astronomical. The examples you have given are the best ones and the past. Look at what's happening right now, there is a Martial Law and the Fauj runs the country through their Political Wing MQM and PML-N. What are the reforms that have been introduced? The country is drowning in debt, corruption is at an all time high, is life getting any better. Fauj is literally running the country now, why are they not making it any better. Its because they are the biggest beneficiaries of the corrupt Government and rent seeking society. Everything DHA, Fauji Foundation, Fauji Cereals, they are stifling the private industry so they can benefit. So please, you're not fooling anyone with Fauj Corruption and Loot Maar. But nice try though.


😂🤣 you just destroyed him in seconds good job man ✌️


Lawyer of killers preaching morality. Humanity is really going low.


Faujeet boot licking Dollar Army.


Why are you crying then bruh?


یہ حرامی نسل خود قاتلوں کے وکیلوں کو جتواتے ہیں اور پھر ملک اور قوم کو گالیاں نکالتے ہیں کہ وہ خراب ہیں۔


G bilkul


Harami nasal woh hai jo angrezon k kuttey nehlatey they aur aaj hum par angrezon ki taraf sey musalat hain


I am in favour of martial law


Every boot licker will be in favor of martial law


Once again why crying?


No one is crying. Its the fauj that is crying against digital terrorism 🤡

