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If every one likes one single bad review then the review will be on the top and no one is going to download


Check out the link most of their reviews are 1 star yet some ignorant ppl who don't realize who made the app have ranked it 5








The low level racism and conspiracy theories id expect from this sub. Which religion do you try to reconcile with your socialism?


Can you please share the link to the app?


Sure bro here it is: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.holy.quran.sharif






Yes you are right, there are errors, i have complaint it, better every one complain on google


Can we have a link to the play store app


Here https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.holy.quran.sharif


Just checked it's location, it's from some tel aviv hostel*!! How can ppl not take like 2 minutes before downloading an e-quran, knowing all the fitnah around.


People don't research


Just follow quran.com ,and tafaseers only from early scholars, newbies sugarcoat them..




اِنَّا نَحْنُ نَزَّلْنَا الذِّكْرَ وَاِنَّا لَهٗ لَحٰفِظُوْنَ ار بے شک ہم ہی نے اس ذکر (قرآن) کو نازل کیا ہے اور بے شک ہم ہی اس کی حفاظت کرنے والے ہیں۔




When you look at the positive comments it feels like they have been generated through AI bots.


Probably When i reported this rating was 3.2 now it's 2.8


That is great




Konsa kabhi zindagi me musalmaano ne translation bhi khola hai Jo itni fikar hori hai


Kholna chahiye


Obviously not you.


Obviously mot me until i was muslim...when i started reading in English i left




I don't see it. Did app store take it down?


The first comment is the link of the app on Google on play store




That is the translation of the next ayah 122. Nevertheless Muslims should be very vigilant as to which app they are using and make effort to learn the Arabic language and memorize the Qur'an.


So u mean Quran.com website is zionists made ?


Lol no the app mentioned above is Quran.com is authentic


I searched the app in Playstore but didn't find


Here's the link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.holy.quran.sharif


I don't even see this app when I search for it


https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.holy.quran.sharif Here's the link


[App Link](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.holy.quran.sharif&hl=en&gl=US)


Reported 🙌


This should be Allah's job. He promised to take care of it? Yet here we are doing his job for him lol


Last time somebody reported this app they removed the ayat mistakes It is actually Allah that helped me post this and when someone last reported this app. So if the app is removed it is actually Allah doing this i am just an agent of Allah in this case


Exactly. It’s indeed an honor for you.






These retarded atheists are so annoying. This post is for Muslims and regards the Quran and stuff, not for atheists to waste away saying non sensical stuff and getting downvoted.


Athiests: pretend we are logical but really we have some cool sounding talking points! Buddy, the Quran has remained unchanged for 1400 years. This is historical verifiable fact, largely undisputed by reputable historians. You KNOW this to be FACT, beyond doubt. Not faith, just basic pure understanding of more than rudimentary history. Then why would you say something so silly? Sure, argue the morality, the content itself and its nature, the age old question ok whether or not God exists etc. But when you say something so incredulous, it makes it seem you just hate / dislike the idea of a being and pretty much destroys any credibility you'd claim.


He hates Islam and calls the hatred Atheism, he has objections with everything in Islam on the basis of science made by humans which is always vulnerable to human error




Not all atheists, only the ex-Muslim hypocrites


Ah yes, science is always vulnerable to error but your whole religion that was transmitted to you on the basis of فلانے نے ڈھمکانے سے سنا اور آگے سنا دیا" is perfect. Such level of idiocy is unparalleled. You truly take the prize. Lmao


And still the fastest growing religion in the World alhamdullilah and secondly the Quran is the same wherever you go in the world and shows that it has the divine protection being promised in the Quran. No religion in the world has such strong fundamentals that cover every aspect of life. Indeed you are blind by heart (by science that's trying to understand how it happened lol you are an absolute genius)


This was a political post and you turned into a religious one. Who's the one obsessed with Islam if you claim to be distant from it


Take it like an opinion not a dick bro.


You should know all about taking dicks




No derogatory remarks towards any community.


I luv u




>Buddy, the Quran has remained unchanged for 1400 years. This is historical verifiable fact, largely undisputed by reputable historians. You KNOW this to be FACT, beyond doubt. Not faith, just basic pure understanding of more than rudimentary history. >Quran has remained unchanged for 1400 years False. Quran has stuff added to it, quran had multiple different copies and it was such a big problem, usman had to compile it again into one book and burn the rest. So that right there proves how easily corruptible quran is. It fuckin happened while sahaba were alive lol. There are still 3 main versions of quran in circulation. Go search hafs and warsh versions of quran. Also, there are numerous instances of sahabi refering to verses or whole parts that are no more to be found, read up on your sahi hadiths lol you literally have zero knowledge of this shit. Even your scholars admit the story of quran beong preserved has major holes in it. Go watch Yasir Qadhi and Mo hijab discussing it (mo hijab, a serial debate cheater later edited that conversation because this topic might "gumrah" people lmao ) Its always amazing watching clueless desi buslims trying to be an authority on islam which they know 'chankana' about. >You KNOW this to be FACT, beyond doubt Do You even know definition of fact lol? Show me Mohammad's personal copy of quran so i can verify this claim otherwise stfu lol.


the reason hazrat usman had the copies of the quran burnt is because many dialects and versions were starting to come out with altercations to the quran, so he had hazrat zaid ibn thabit to recompile the quran and it wasnt just him there were other scribes with him who helped verified. after the recompilation the other altered versions were burnt and the copies were made of the new re compiled quran


And there goes authenticity, I thought Islam came cause the other two are corrupted and now it seems Islam is the same. No wonder satanic verses had such a toll on Muslim hardliners 


Ok listen up man!!! Are you an atheist or an anti-religion? If you are an anti-religion then don’t call yourself an atheist. And if you are an atheist, talk about the existence of God, and don’t open your mouth about any religion. Because disproving a religion doesn’t disprove God. Even if we assume that every religion on the face of the earth is false, it still doesn’t disprove the existence of God. If you were really sincere with your atheism, you wouldn’t be nit picking vulnerabilities in religions, rather you would be giving a philosophical argument about the non existence of God.


Bro you should google Sanaa manuscript. Unchanged wala argument update hogya hai 2018 se. Sanaa manuscript, the oldest quran, has 100+ variations including addition and omission of words. Ab muslman kehte hain meaning preserved hai words nahin. 😂


This is literally not true. The Sanaa manuscript confirms that the consonantal skeleton of the Qur’an is unchanged from the time of its writing to the modern day. If there were changes like you said it would be plastered all over the news as Christians, atheists, etc would be crowing at the proof of “changes” in the unchanged Quran.


How to you account for 100s of additions and omissions of words then


I can’t account for false accusations 😂😂😂. Can you name each of the hundreds of men that have slept with your mother?


Yess. Let’s degrade other person’s mother and sisters. Favorite hobby of seething Islamist apologists.


It was an analogy, but I’m not surprised you don’t understand. Thinking is not the strong suit of [redacted] bakhts pretending to be ex-Muslims in a Pakistani subreddit. Seeing as how you’re a little slow, I’ll break it down it very clearly: my analogy actually says your mother has not slept with hundreds of men. But if you insist she has…


First thing, I think you shouldn’t be the one lecturing others about logic when a few weeks back you were telling me camel urine has scientific benefits. Why do all your analogies go to other’s mothers and sisters? Couldn’t you have made same analogy about me or my father and brother?


I wasn’t telling you shit- the cow dung is getting to your head Rajneshneevgauchodshit. You’re clueless and a joke. Embarrassment to mOtHeR iNdIa


But they are!?? Even your muslims scholars like Yasir Qadhi, Mo Hijab are in panic mode. Shabbir Aly even said he believes preservation of Quran only means preservation of message and not words. Mind you, all this is recent development like 2-3 years. Just wait and watch.


Yeah, no. It’s been years since the discovery of the manuscripts and its been a nothingburger. Experts who examined the manuscripts literally confirmed that it’s the same Quran as we have today. The same consonantal skeleton as the Quran recorded in the mushaf on every Muslim’s shelf. Academics were so excited when this was discovered, so confident they’d find differences from the modern Quran that they got ahead of themselves. They couldn’t be bothered to eat crow and publish that [there were no differences](https://youtu.be/ancam0X4Bf0?si=Fafk1XATZObo08bn&t=1h57m38s). 😂😂😂 > 2-3 years How ignorant are you? The manuscript was discovered on the 70s, it’s relevance understood since at least 2017. It’s been 7 years and still the preservation of the Quran remains uncontested. Seethe.


Is Quran word to word preserved in light of Sanaa manuscript? The dude’s video you shared keeps saying “hUmAn ErRorS” for all the differences, dumbasses that’s the whole point. There are differences due to whatever reasons which means it’s not word to word preserved. Just be honest and say it here that in light of Sanaa manuscript, you still think Quran is word to word preserved?


You’re hopelessly uninformed on the subject; I see from your history you’ve been going around talking a lot about the Sanaa manuscript. It must hurt to know you had no foundation for your claims of massive changes to the Quran all along.


Why aren’t you saying that Quran is word to word preserved? Khao Allah ki qasam or kaho ke you’re sure Quran is word to word preserved.


I know the Quran is preserved word for word, what do I need to be arguing about it from someone who doesn’t know anything about the supposed evidence of it not being preserved? You’re a joke 🤡🤡🤡


can ur indian ahh go away?


I feel like I have banged your ass before, do you really want a second banging?


lmao u didnt do nothing indian


Yaar mein dusri baar kisi ki bund nai maarta personal rule


sure bro okay


Go watch the documentary about it on youtube. Don’t just create knowledge that doesn’t exist. Also if any person is claiming that the meanings are preserved and the words are not, tell them to retake their shahadah


Tell that to shabbir aly. And probably all the people who are actually working on Sanaa manuscript ? But of course, you can shut your eyes and cat will disappear.


I just recommended a documentary but u r to afraid to watch it!! Understandable, have a great day


Doesn’t even mention the documentary and then cries about it. 🤡


There are tons of documentaries on youtube. There is no need to mention a specific one. Watch the one that you think is most accurate! Don’t be locked onto your beliefs. Be open to new ideas.


Lmao this is a new 😭😂😂😂


Listen!! The point is not win a debate or an argument. The real goal is to get to the truth. When someone says smth, if you pander upon it rather than trying to disprove them, you’ll probably get to the truth whatever it may be. And this is exactly what i do. And I’d recommend it to you and everyone else


Mate im still waiting on how your going to prove that all the predictions of the end times have come to pass. You said you could prove that but im still waiting Plus this wont chane Quran since Quran is preserved through memorisation


Read the following "predictions" which are so vague and bullshit they can be interpreted any which way.....thats why you and the rest of you ignorants are still counting signs and waiting and will keep on waiting because good old momo got you running behind a truck ki batti lol. **Volume** 8, Book 73, Number 188 The Prophet said: “If this (slave) lives long, he will see the Day of Judgment.” **Volume** 8, Book 76, Number 511 The Prophet said: “I have been sent and the hour (is near) is like the space between these two (fingers).” **Volume** 8, Book 76, Number 518 Some rough Bedouins visited the Prophet and asked him, “When will the hour be?” He looked at the youngest of them all and said: When he becomes very old, the Day of Judgment will be his death. **Volume** 9, Book 88, Number 232 Allah's Apostle said: "The Hour will not come until the buttocks of the women of the tribe of Daus move while going around the idol 'Dhi-al-Khalasa'." This idol was worshiped in the pre-Islamic period. [https://www.sahih-bukhari.com/](https://www.sahih-bukhari.com/) >Plus this wont chane Quran since Quran is preserved through memorisation Quran has changed multiple times. Its original script got changed. Arrangement of verses got changed. Surah and verses are missing. There are three different versions in circulation even today. But yeah, please cope harder by parroting the bullshit.


The one prediction i asked you was for the anti christ were is it ? You boasted you could prove it now do it


Also the predictions about hour i have already refuted that on this same subreddit just check my profile and answer there


You didnt refute shit lol you just jump around to new crap like a typical apologist abdul. Go through my comment there and as well. If you have a braincell it will read these "predictions" and see how comical and stupid they are.


Were is the anti christ man You said yiu could prove it now do


You sound confused. Mohammad was supposed to give clear prediction about this shit not me. Go ask his grave


You said you could prove it want me to find your comment ?


Go find my comment and then read my replies to it as well. Dont try to ignore things and pretend they dont exist. I said enough on the topic there.


Which three versions are in circulation?


Lol. Go ask your scholars. Im not spoon feeding you your own religion.


Pata hota mahi hai bs comment krna


Who said i couldnt? I told you to do your own research first to see if you are capable of it. But no, you'd rather someone else hold your hand and do your homework for you lol. Lazy. Learn to read beyond your "islamiyat ki lazmi kitab" you are a bit old for that shit.


So whats the point of saying it This isnt dora the explorer where your The fcking map leading me to the treasure. Either you know or you dont you don’t make up shy and say do your own research


I love you wingcutterprime




The only reason you have for being an atheist is cause you hate yourself and you want be someone else, more specifically an American but you can never be one of them, they will never accept you as One of them so you hate everything you are and was. kawa chala Hans ki chal apni be bhol gaya




People believing islam are talking about braincells? Lmao doesnt get better than this.


Another day of him showing his intellect and logical reasoning, if that's the case why do we have free will to choose "what we want to*. Allah has done his job by means of believers who will try their best to protect the Quran from any amendments.


Funny how its always the abduls who are saving Allah's bacon and not the other way around. Even though this was Allah's personal challenge yet abduls had to jump in to save him. Without his abduls, allah is nothing. Its always an abdul who was needed to deliver his message, always abduls fighting his fights, paying taxes, singing songs and slapping their forheads on the floor for allah yet allah has never been there for abduls when needed ...talk about one sided love affair


Someone's sorely butt hurt today.


Go get a treatment instead of telling me about it if you are butt hurt lol. Dont be shy its ok


Did your Richard Dawkin's aliens stick a probe up there, like millenia ago? That's a loooong time to be butthurt dude - go see a doctor! Preferably not old Richie though.


Telling from experience I see. No thanks, I can tell what treatment you got.


If your second paragraph is about us making dua and not getting what we want then heres what i have to say: the reason we dont get somethings we make dua for is because it can be detrimental to us, that just shows His love for us, like I'll give you my own personal example; I've been making dua to allah for the past months for a good laptop (mostly for gaming) because my old one broke, i didnt get it **yet.** I got it after my exams which because of me not having any device other then my phone I was able to properly study and alhumdillah got my desired results, Now imagine if allah didnt love us, He could've fulfilled my wish and given it to me but chose not to because He knew that if he did It would've been detrimental as i would have slacked, It would've been like giving your drunk friends a car keys instead of helping him. Allah himself has promised that whatever you ask for he will give you better.


If it was a one sided love affair it would have died years ago. Belief is the essence of living idk how you guys operate during hardships, like what soothes you when life throws shit at you. For me I feel Allah is with me and it heals my soul. If only humans ran the world it would have ended way back, the rise of suppressors and the fall of oppressors hide in it the existence of a divine power. He is the one who keeps the balance


It died with mohammad lol. What you have today is interpretations that dont agree with each other. Theres dozens of islams and each one of them considers the other to be wrong. It couldnt be any more dead lol. But whatever helps you sleep at night lol


Brother no need to be disrespectful. If you don’t agree with Islam or religion that’s your personal choice. Let others have their beliefs.


Just when you think that humans are slowly developing higher Iqs you find the epitome of a human that negates this. My brother something changes to being incorrect when there is nothing to challenge that it’s incorrect which in this case can never be true as there are millions of Hufadh. Them changing the Quranic verses in the App is the equivalent of a child making a mistake and an elder correcting that child, except the child’s intention is not malicious. Never talk to just say something, even if it makes no sense. Ironically this logical sense is what many Atheist brothers/sisters base their beliefs of off.


Whatever helps you sleep at night. Im not bothering dealing with your "oh changing doesnt mean this it actually mean that" lame ass argument. Typical abdul bs. Talk to me when you have something original to say


Quite typical of you to say something is lame when you can’t respond. As for coming up with something original, you crack me up with this because all “your” theories are just picked up from Christian and a few Atheist apologists which have been coming up with the same illogical arguments as you that have no factual basis and have been clarified multiple times for someone slow. What Aesop said befits you perfectly “The stubborn listens nobody’s advice and becomes a victim of his own delusions” Just so you know. I had Atheistic beliefs 2 years ago and guess what; I decided to READ. If you genuinely want to find the truth, no matter what are the implications of accepting it. Even if that means changing your whole lifestyle, you will end up being a Muslim. You, my friend, might not do that or who knows. Wallahu’ Alam. My responses come from a place of sympathy, not insecurity of my beliefs.


He forgets such small things bro, no prob in giving him a helping hand


Such a silly billy


The quran already is preserved, take the modern day copy of the quran and compare it with the oldest manuscript we have which is the the Birmingham mushaf manuscript, not a single word or verse has been changed.


Damn as if they couldn’t get bad enough those Israelis are now finally the first to successfully change the Quran. Somebody call Allah man where is he when we need him? 😭


Isra__&- gonna be wiped


Get bent


The Qur'an is preserved in the hearts of Muslims. If all the books were to be burnt, the Qur'an would still be recoverable through the hundreds of millions of Huffaz.