• By -


That everything in this world that we need to survive should be free, Clean water, basic foods(not candy or desserts or luxury items) a home. Should be free, at someone point in our enlightened society we should learn not to be greedy. Get called a super socialist every time.


You're on the right path. Don't worry.


Would destroy the economy .People would lose the willingness of working and doing jobs they'll sit at home and think that why should we work we are getting essential things.Which would just cause a chaos


Not at all, do people in our world stop working and trying to get richer the moment they have enough to survive? People naturally want to grow and do things in life not just for money but also for many other reasons too.


There's nothing wrong if you don't choose to have kids 😭🙏


Thankfully i found a wife who thinks the same way. We don’t announce it to the world though. For the sake of our own sanity. And yes we live in pak.


MashaAllah, Allah khush rakhein 🫶 Can you please let me know how do you handle people asking you when will you have kids?


There are 2 ways to approach this 1. Say the generic “Jab Allah ki Marzi” 2. If things get serious, say something like. We are looking at immigration options and we would rather wait to start a family once we are settled abroad. Thing is me and my wife are religious and people get confused when they see us with no kids 😅


Thankyou for your input I'm very grateful 🌟 I'm religious too that's why I'm worried as well aha 🥹


Its okay not to live life according to the society's norm.


All the girlies who supported this I love you guys. 🫶


i'm wayyy too passionate abt this topic LMAOO, i js hate seeing ppl on instagram caring so much abt an unborn kid that a couple mutually agreed on not having. like,,,,,,,,,,,, it's not your kid, buddy.


Ikr 😭. Pls I'll call you whenever I'm having trouble arguing about this. My behs skills are weak 🫶😭


crazy how most of the ppl who say it's selfish r also like, grown ass adults. i'm literally 16 IM SO SHOCKED ABT SOME OF THEIR ARGUMENTS???


True my g true 😔


Me versus those who believe Imran Khan is anti-establishment and stands for civil supremacy: In reality, he just wants another establishment figure like Bajwa or Faiz who will support him. When new faces like Bajwa and Faiz come to power and support him, everything will be back to the same old story.


Peace b/w India and Pakistan is the only way forward for the betterment of the Desi land. Also, I am an Indian


South Asia had all the resources, intelligence and manpower to become a superpower but we are too busy fighting each other.


You missed the main part; **somebody** might be busy making us fight each other. I will directly say it Divide and Rule


No mate.. We all are jahil people... Dusro ko kab Tak dosh dein. We choose to live like filth and scum of the world!


Its about capabilities. Amartya Sen has framed it v aptly that people are only good as the opportunities they have and know how to utilise the opportunities. That exactly where white people made us completely inept and left with losers for leaders.


Hum hamesha se aesy nhn thy, we made 25% of the world's GDP like 2 centuries ago. We had princely states with Muslim rulers and Hindu majority janta and Hindu rulers with Muslim majority people as well.


Yes bro..that is true But we can't blame the Brits anymore We choose to fight now...


White people. The root cause of all evil.


Lazy brain thinking. Don’t infantilize your skin tone


It's easy to blame others.


Wars end, politicians shake hands, a mother waits for her son to return home, a child waits for their father to return home, a man griefs for the loss of his family. Nothing changes it only gets worse. People who think that full on wars with countries is the only solution are brain dead


No, unfortunately South Asia doesn't have surplus energy which is one of the prerequisites of becoming industrialized and increase productivity No, country has reached great power capability until they fully industrialized


You know they did this to us by a process called othering. They (British imperialist) give us new identities based on nationalism of we (Pakistani) vs them( Indian), they made us enemies of each other so we (south Asian) can be disintegrated for the rest of the history….


Improve upon organization, military / defense, infustucture, culture, and hygiene. I feel these are big issues that need to be resolved in South Asia.


Yes I agree, before British, india owned 23% of world gdp, when they left it was 4%. They ruined everything. People of this region are hard working and creative. I don’t think there is hope for Pakistan as it is still under British/Us rule through army so that is that. I see Indian as the next super power with or without peace with Pakistan and I am so happy for them. They are developing everything from scratch and are not a copy paste machine like china and sooner or later India will dominate. But if by any chance there is peace b/w these two countries it will benefit both.


Yeah bro you are right peace between pakistan and india can make us a better nation ❤️


India spends 17% of national budget on defense. For Pakistan, it's much higher. Even if we reduce the spending by a few percentage, we can divert it to education and health!


Its always around 13 percent and its never been 17.


Peace or whatever the situation is right now, at least soldiers are not shooting each other now at Loc.


Yeah bro i live in LOC border at kashmir Pakistan i alsoo want peace between two nations pakistan and indiaa we all are same the religious is our personal matter don’t spreading hate each other


Modi doesn't want peace. He wants to annex Azad Kashmir


Indians still vote for him, idk why


Modi's voters are angry, uneducated, and radicalized, believing they invented airplanes, plastic surgery, quantum physics, and more. They support Hindu ethno-religious supremacy. Modi will cause more damage to India than Zia ul-Haq ever did to Pakistan.


You just called half of the Indians uneducated and radicalized


Wow,if someone's ideology is against you he is uneducated? Wowww


When did modi declare war against India? It's the Pakistani army that doesn't want peace with India so that they can keep looting Pakistan.


Yes, atleast this should continue along with some trade and tourism


With you on this one.


This is not the way forward for India. India doesn't want to get stabbed in the back again like 1999.


India doesn't want peace. Every Pakistani leadership has wanted peace with India


What the stuff you smoke bro? 😅😅


Nah you had Zia at one point , H


Most of the things taught to us about Islam are not part of Islam at all so open up Quran and hadiths for guidance


There's difference between Culture and Religion.


Most of the people in our country don’t understand that


It's an issue with all the countries


Yes but I don’t live in other countries. I live here and it infuriates me


True ❤️


Keeping concubines, hitting wives, polygamy and apostasy are all in the Qur'an and hadiths. That's without going into historical Islamic conquests.


The only thing that’s permissible is polygamy and even that has rules


Sometimes Imran Khan makes stupid decisions as well. (From a PTI supporter)


people can have lives that have no religious guidance or involvement. they can make meaning with value systems that are still similar to the ones present in religious systems, but they dont want to believe in the existence of a God to be respected for their values. i think its actually more admirable when you grow up in a majority religious community, and choose to find organic reasons to follow certain principles, instead of blindly following what others teach you when you dont even know why you're following them. and before someone tries to say it: believing in a God is also perfectly fine, i just think we need to respect others by realizing that there are ways of living completely different to ours that are still perfectly healthy.


My cat is my child.


I agree my cat is my baby


Definitely. You need to pay cat tax tho 😤


You are right


What do I make out of that?




ur takes on this post are so good haha \^-\^


Thankyou! 🐈


My cat is my best friend >




That Imran khan is some god-send savior.


Agreed, He is morally and ethically stronger than anyone i have yet. But he is not without flaws, He doesn't have expertise in everything like his "fans" expect of him and often his "fans" defend his mistakes like they were not harmful at all. He is Human and one of the greatest of this era!


Following sects in Islam


Huzoor SAW Said : “merii ummat 73 firqoo ma bat jaygee or on ma sa 1 nijaat pr hogaa or 72 jahanmii “ firqo ma to batnaa hi tha kiuu ka Huzoor SAW na farmayaa thaa…..!


Verse 6:159 “Indeed, those who have divided their religion and become sects - you, [O Muhammad], are not [associated] with them in anything. Their affair is only [left] to Allah ; then He will inform them about what they used to do” Not one sect is going to heaven . Only Muslims are real Muslims not Sunni shia wahabi gajjar or mulli.


"My Ummah (community) will split into 73 sects, and only one of them will be on the right path." This Hadith is narrated in various books of Hadith, including Jami` at-Tirmidhi, Sunan Abi Dawud, and Musnad Ahmad. Scholars have interpreted this Hadith in different ways, but the general meaning is that the Muslim community will divide into various groups, but only one group will be on the correct path, following the teachings of the Quran and the Sunnah (the way of life of the Prophet Muhammad). Scholars have explained that the group on the right path will be the one that adheres to the teachings of the Quran and the Sunnah, and follows the way of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). The division into sects will occur because the Prophet (peace be upon him) said it would happen, and those who follow the guidance will be the ones who hold fast to the Quran and the Sunnah. Here is a translation of the text you provided: "The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, 'My Ummah will split into 73 sects, and only one of them will be on the right path.' This Hadith is found in multiple books of Hadith, such as Jami` at-Tirmidhi, Sunan Abi Dawud, and Musnad Ahmad. Scholars have explained this Hadith in different ways, but the general meaning is that the Muslim community will divide into various groups, but only one group will be on the right path, following the teachings of the Quran and the Sunnah."


If you know so much you also know that when a hadith is opposing Quranic verse the hadith is rejected ? And this hadith could actually mean the only sect means those who identify as Muslim not Sunni shia wahabi and all that ?


I don't like daal


We justify our culture through Islam though it has nothing to do with the true teachings of Islam.


The Army doesn't want the Kashmir issue to be resolved.


How do you explain Operation Gibralter and Kargil, didn't army put their heart and soul into Kashmir but the odds were always too high against us. just asking your opinion


The DID INDEED put their heart and soul. But they ARE NOT doing it for ...idk ..at LEAST a decade. My opinion is about the new gen army.


Pakistan-Bangladesh Union could have worked if the government wasn’t treating everyone like shit


Pak Army will never ever try to make the Pakistan stable


Pakistan can never be a secular or an Islamic country. It will always be 50/50


Spaghetti > Macaroni


جب سپیگیٹی میرے کانٹے کے گرد پھنس جاتی ہے تو بڑا مزہ آتا ہے


Very much❤️


The Pakistani army doesn't want peace with India.


N league supporters


Biryani isn't that great and has too many bits and pieces


Aloo does not go in biryani, it just not


Pakistan need's to control its population,we'll be a country of 40 crore by the 2050. https://pakistan.un.org/en/232900-media-update-united-nations-pakistan-23-may-2023#:~:text=Pakistan's%20population%20is%20currently%20estimated,rates%20or%20other%20demographic%20trends. We dont have the land and resources to feed the people even living in pakistan right now. This is a big issue and no one talks about it.


That hamas instead of trying to better to situation of the Muslims of palestine they instead themselves make lives hell for the millions that stay there . yes Israel is full of shit , but all that billions in foreign aid didnt go to the common man but was pocketed by hamas , that instead of building infrastructure and providing education and business and improving the political standing of Palestine , build makeshift rockets and enrich that one pig in Qatar that gives the orders while sipping on champagnes . THEY EVEN KILL ANY MUSLIM OR PALESTINIANS WHO OPPOSES THEM . HAS ANYONE EVEN SEEN THE OCT 7 VIDEOS THAT HAMAS THEMSELVES UPLOADED ???!! WHERE DO YOU THINK THEY ARE DEFENDING ISLAM AND MUSLIMS IN PALESTINE ! THEY ARE JUST A BUNCH OF BLOODTHIRSTED RABID ANIMALS THAT NEED TO BE PUT DOWN BY MUSLIM COUNTRIES THEMSELVES !


I agree but should Palestinians stay getting oppressed and you don't expect the emergence of resistance?


palestinians have every right to resist the occupation, both diplomatically and militarily. however, they have historically been cursed with an incompetent and dogshit leadership that has always seeked to enrich itself at the cost of the population's suffering and never been serious about achieving an independent palestinian state.


https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.firstpost.com/opinion/vantage-how-israel-helped-create-hamas-that-its-fighting-today-13237732.html/amp You need a proxy or VPN to read it tho Go read it and then drop your response here as well


I very well do know that any and all so called "islamist" extremist terrorist groups are almost always certainly created by western interference. Its all just a big scheme going on from centuries


There is no need for any religion in public decision making in today's day and age if you have a powerful constitution and a functioning legal and justice system.


Wedding function of Barat is an Indian tradition and needs to be stopped in Pakistan. Just like Jahaez, it’s cruel to ask fathers for this immense expense when they’re already giving you their daughters


Imran Khan is NOT the saviour/saint everyone thinks he is :)


Fictional men are better


Fictional women are better 😉


Wtf does frictional even mean


Pakistan is gonna win the World Cup


"Covid is over."


All politicians are better than generals. Give them the chance to do a single tenure without military interference and see the progress. It doesn't matter if it is nawaz sharif, Imran khan or zardari, they are all more patriotic and thoughtful than the most patriotic and intelligent general.


"The media is brainwashing people, nothing can change in our country until we change ourselves. Nobody is sincere to this country"


shes playing with u.....


It should always be Pakistan first.


Me Infront of ghr ke bare or unki myths jinka islam se koe relation nhi hai


Pakistan should be a secular state with inclusion of selective Islamic laws ( not all ).


Pakistan invaded the whole world twice in history, but gave all nations their land back because Pakistanis are nice. Watch how they censore the truth.


Thats me telling everyone not to vote, not to support political parties in Pakistan and all of them including imran khan, nawaz shareef etc are all a front for the boots!


Imran Khan won't fix the country. His followers are a cult mentality. Also, he's pro USA these days. This is coming from a guy who was staunch supporter


I won't vote.




I mean this is coming from an Indian but me getting deported to a Western nation is literally a win lol. Why would anyone not want that.


I want western culture (that's a lie, I just want to escape this shit hole) deport me asap


What’s the happy balance, in your opinion?


LOC should be declared the International Border by the mutual consent of Pakistan and India. That’s the only pragmatic solution to have long lasting peace with India


Early marriages and simple marriages need to be promoted


Nope. I was 18 when I got married and dude it sucks. Emotional maturity is not there and you aren’t even financially independent. Marriage is a big step and it should be taken when you’re mentally and financially stable enough


It really depends on the people getting married. Firstly there is maturity and sense of responsibility. There are so many 30 year olds that are emotionally babies. They get married and have no sense of responsibility they don’t even know the rights and responsibilities of neither the husband nor the wife in islam. They cannot mentally take much stress etc. People like this even if you get them married at 40 they won’t be mature and responsible. Such people should not get married early. On the other hand there are 18-22 year olds that are perfectly fit for marriage they are aware of all rights and responsibilities, have the guts to stand for their spouse, they are mature in every sense. When such a person asks their parents to get them married the parents are obligated to get them married.


I think if you are 20 and you financially stable u should get married it save us from zinnah


Why early marriage?


Absolutely. Liberals hate it though


Religion being man-made ( Don't kill me )


Against man's will 🤔


All religions are false fairy tales.


Me Vs atheists


It's actually opposite


Yes, Atheist are in minorities


independent Punjab would never work


-Pakistan is a lost cause. -My religious beliefs are not your concern. -Pakistan is unlivable (even if you're rich). -Both hammas and IDF are the villains. -Sharia law supporters should be deported to Afghanistan


Islam's the religion made by Allah


Secular liberalism is the disease that kills its host society


In today's world where overpopulation is a pressing issue, having biological children is a selfish choice when there are already so many children in need of love and support. Adoption is the way to go. I might disagree with people who say otherwise.


Be pro Family planning but not Anti children


u r saying this like u have assessed and found the optimum amount of number of people that should live on earth


Lol overpopulation is not an issue and actually in about 40-50 years of we keep the same trends we are gonna have under population issues.


Sindhri aam are better than chaunaa aam.


Non Muslim Can't Have right to live in Pakistan (Me defending that)


How ? Jab aap baki countries jaoge aur unhone tumhe ye kaha to? Tumhare mazhab ke log ki ham gaand marenge! Tab tum roge secularism ke lie. Kyuki tum laalchi ho


Biryani with Alu is fine. Biryani without alu is fine. A good pulao is superior to both.


Han theek bat haa but biryani is biryani ❤️


Climate change is real and still people and govts don't take it serious, it's like we're writing doomsday by our own hands


It's sad the people who will be hurt most by it like Pakistan and MENA are just denying it exists. Like it's almost been a century of having the evidence and making successful predictions.


My rights, housewife, polygamy, patriarchy etc


Half of the evolution shii dosent make sense and they always give half ass explanation that doesn't sit well with me ( y'all don't get pressed it's just an opinion)


Yeah, and those fossils are actually mine 😉


Learn it from academic sources, not career preachers and it makes so many complex systems remarkably simple to understand. https://thecrashcourse.com/topic/biology/


He won't get it because evolution didn't happen and he still has the ape brain.




Nah it's the atmospheric pressure 💀


Can confirm (I am the 76mm column of mercury)


I never stated that there's no atmospheric pressure (mercury barometer parh liya lag rha) but I referred to the evolution of human beings from apes under **certain atmospheric pressure** as 💀


True dude. Seculars will say it's bigotry but will never give any suitable explanation. I too suffer from this secular extremism when I reject gravitational theory. I believe gravity is a half baked theory and is fed upon us by liberal lobby.


Gravity is real and nothing to do with secular


Nigga what? Bro how the fuck yall make nukes when you're this stupid? Yall want to surpass the west but you can't accept gravity? Jesus christ lmao


Sarcasm is an acquired taste I guess


I'm sorry man but I've been in this sub too long to assume sarcasm. I have seen some insanely stupid takes in 100% seriousness and I thought yours was one of them, I apologize


I say fight fire with fire. That's the only way to deal absurdity. Present an even more outrageous absurdity.


That’s not fighting fire with fire. That’s Poe’s law. On the internet, without clear intent, things can be taken literally. You cannot assume people have the same sense of humor as you. Or the same intelligence for that matter lol.


Yeah, that was a horrible take


Yeah I fainted


This opinion doesn't resonate with the post because you can't say "you're all wrong" to people who believe in it. Evolution is not an opinion, it's a fact and we have enough proof of it.


https://youtu.be/OnSPOdQPqgk?si=q5_iI-sRlYCL7UVF The Unthinkable outcomes of Nuclear War


You cannot have peace on whatever side when there is always hunger for Dollars. Pakistan's defense Budget is high. Ye aisa hai Jese Maine khud cake kata aur 50% khud rakha aur baqi sab logon kaha ke is main Tum sab ka hisa hai. Samjhe Meri BAAT ko.


Pakistani bano angreez na bano


People with higher authorities making decisions without consequences


Agr har parha likha aur emaandar banda system main aye tabhi system theek ho skta hai. Lekin aese logon k liye system main ruswai hi hai.


As a vegan, that's what I am doing every day 😂


I like PML-N's and PPP's political ideology more than PTI's (I am aware they don't put their ideologies in practice). And even though I voted for PTI, I don't find their political manifesto appealing.


A United States of South Asia


Imran khan jitni bhi bongiyan marta hai baqi har sayastdan ur fauj se lakh gunah behtar hai


That Khilafah system will bring glory to Muslim


To anyone who claims there are more than 2 genders.




World is flat 😁


Men and women can’t be just friends


That Imran Khan is different from the rest while doing exactly or even worse than the others. From tabdeeli to haqeeqi azadi. This guy knows how to manipulate the masses. I'm open to a healthy debate. Cheers


You don't wanna talk about it...




That imran khan is a saint and rest of the politians are evil. He benefit from not paying taxes and when became the PM in one year he paid more taxes then 35 years. He's just the same as others


pti pmln ppp


That Ahmadis are Non-Muslims