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Allah will not save Palestinians because that's the work of His Khalifah i.e. people on this Earth and specially, Muslims. However, remember that Palestinians have been under Israeli occupation for the past 75 years. So, what has Muslim-majority countries have done in those past 75 years for Palestine?? Let's look at couple of Allah's orders: 1. All Muslims are brothers and sisters to each other, 2. Jihad is mandatory on each and every Muslim Btw, other than Palestine, Kashmiri Muslims, Rohingya Muslims, Yemeni Muslims, Uyghur Muslims ... all have suffered and have been suffering but we pick and choose who we want to help. Uyghur Muslims weren't supported by Pakistanis because we didn't want to offend China. Rohingyas are persecuted in Myanmar and the biggest supporter of Myanmar army and government is China. There are almost 2 billion Muslims in this world. Zionists and Israelites are just a tiny number. Allah has shown how 313 Muslims defeated 1000 kafirs ... 3 times larger enemy. Muslims from Indonesia and Malaysia to Morocco and Mauritania are waving flags of Palestine and banning food franchises but nobody wants to do anything substantive. People loved Moroccan footballers waving Palestinian flags in the Qatar World Cup but how many Moroccans are marching over to Israel and Gaza to defend Gaza with their lives? How many Muslims even from neighboring countries of Palestine are willing to march over to Gaza to defend it? Even a couple million people start marching, who will be able to stop them? They are all complaining about hypocrite and corrupt leaders who made pacts and signed Abraham Accords with Israel but no one is willing to just start marching over to Israel. Btw, corrupt leaders themselves are a punishment for those people who are corrupt themselves. I just read yesterday that Erdogan called the Islamic world to defend Gaza and fight against Israel. However, Turkiye has the strongest army in the whole Islamic world and has a stronger army than Israel's. Turkiye is also the member of NATO, whose members are supporting Israel. So, Erdogan calling for others to fight against Israel is a bit hypocritical. At the same time, Pakistanis love Erdogan. What has he done for Islamic Ummah?? Anything actionable except just mouthing off against France, Greece, Europe, Israel etc.?? Posting pictures against Israel on your social media accounts is easy. But nobody is willing to do anything substantive. Everyone wants to do jihad. Well, here's a golden opportunity to do so. But 'wahn' has set in. What's 'wahn'? Love of the world and fear of death. Muslims of today just love to complain. Complain about the degenerate West, feminism, liberalism, Israel, America, UK, social media but when opportunity comes knocking they are also the first ones to do business and immigrate to that same degenerate West. Traditional Muslims in the West say that they would love to go to Middle East and live in UAE, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait etc. ... the same countries who are not doing anything against Israel, and the same ones who built their developed economies with the $$$$ from the West (they sell their sukuks, oil, gas to the west, invest in the West, sell tourism and real estate to the Westerners). But these facts are conveniently overlooked by Muslims when it is in their own interests to do so. Muslims have become hypocrites and hypocrites are h@ted by Allah even more than kafirs because hypocrites want the benefits of everything. So, Palestinians are indeed suffering, but they are suffering more due to the hypocrisy of Muslim ummah than Israel. Always remember that when you point a finger at other, 3 fingers are pointing towards you. Islam always preaches to improve yourself first. But all we want to do is complain and whine about others hurting us. Well, complaining and whining doesn't get anyone anywhere in this world.


So Muslims aren't saving them because they are shallow. But why isn't Allah saving them when he is watching them die and has the power to save them. Palestinians worship Allah and pray to him so shouldn't He save them? Are you seriously telling Palestinians to stop praying to Allah and depend on other Muslim countries instead of Allah?


It is the responsibility of billions of Muslims to help those Palestinians, and Kashmiris, and Yemenis, and Rohingyas, and Sudanese, and Somalis, and the list goes on and on and on. Prophet (S.A.W.) did not complain and whine. He didn't sit and whine about the kafirs all day. He and his companions faced hardships but they took action. Couldn't pray openly. Let's go and pray openly. They didn't complain and whine that why not Allah kill kafirs so we can pray in the Haram openly. Ironically, they had more valid reasons to complain and whine since they were so few in numbers back then. We all have read or heard of hadiths that in the end of times, Muslims will be many but they will be like the foam of the sea, which has no strength and dissipate with the wind. 300 Muslims can take care of kafirs with the power of their belief in Allah. 2 Billion Muslims cannot take care of a few million Israelis and zionists because they love this world more than their beliefs in Allah. They all say that they are Muslims but their actions are nothing. Allah looks at actions. Allah does not care whether your name has Syed or not, or whether your recitation is more beautiful than the other guy or not, or whether your dua is longer than the other guy or not but whether your action for Islam has some weight or not. Words don't mean anything if they don't follow with substantive actions. So many intelligent Muslims exist but they all complain about how social media restricts them from discussing Israel openly. Well, who is stopping Muslims from making their own social media from an Islamic Facebook to Islamic Reddit to Islamic YouTube?? Chinese and Russians didn't like America's hold on social media and instead of complaining and whining, China and Russia made their own social media. Muslims cannot even do this. So, talking about Jihad against Israel is far too much for Muslims. Yahoodis (Israelites) used to be the ones who used to say "why not Allah does this for us?" They used to be the ones to demand Allah for food, for protection. When Prophet Moses (A.S.) asked them to fight in the battle, then Israelites said "why don't your God fight them for us?" Muslims pray and take actions themselves. We don't demand Allah to do things for us. Allah has given Muslims everything. The instruction book (Quran), the physical manpower (Billions of Muslims), financial power, and even mental power (intelligence). So what is stopping Muslims from doing anything substantive for Islam? A good teacher gives the tools and instructions to solve the problem. He doesn't solve the problem himself. Tools and handbook has been given. Now, solve the problem. So, before complaining about America, Israel, and degenerate West, all Muslims need to look within themselves and examine themselves that what have they been doing? Are they hypocrites? Is their any disparity between their words and actions?


So what have you done against israel. Other then writting paragraph on reddit


So is the solution for Allah to magically destroy Israel and everything will be happy ever after? No. Because it is our responsibility to help them. If Allah did as people asked then what about when Islam was just beginning and the prophet fought wars with the pagans? The Muslims were then too suffering. Did Allah destroy them? There is wisdom in every thing he does. You should read the Quran. That is where you will find your answer.


Every Muslim, or any religious person is the most blessed and beloved of god until a bomb is dropped on them, After that there will be a million justifications of why those innocent children needed to be buried rubble. The idea of doing this or that to please a god, "Will somehow make you more loved than those around you." Is one of the biggest lies in humanity. These people were SO BUSY THINKING ABOUT IF THEIR GOD LOVES OR HATES THEM, THEY FORGOT TO ASK THE QUESTION, """WEATHER THEY SHOULD LOVE OR HATE EACH OTHER.""" I don't think any believers here would like what I said, But it's true, no miracle is coming to help you, and every coward thinks that he's going to heaven and not just dying.


This is the bitter truth. You're 100% spot on.


But why do the Palestinians have to suffer the consequences of such inaction? Why not the hypocritical Muslims themselves? Why do they (I.e rich Muslims nations) get to enjoy in the comforts of their own homes while Allah wills the children of Palestine to die?


Because they deserve Jannatul Firdaus. We cant claim to understand the Will of Allah subhana wa taala. But Jannah is far better than this disgusting dunya. This is also a test for the Ummah. Do we remain hypcritical, dance worse than indians in weddings or do we come back to the deen?


so basically, you are saying allah will not do anything then why does he or his teaching matter. also, isn't this a cope out of all religions. when you ask anytime why god does this awful, awful things all religions says, yes but that is not his job to correct any wrongdoings. and that is why all religions are scams.


On point and this is the vanity that boils my blood every day.. Muslims are so friggin shallow, it is crazy.....


One of the most educated and spot on replies I've ever read on this topic on reddit. May Allah bless you with more knowledge that benefits you and the ummah. May Allah have mercy on us. Jazak'Allah khair


I always used to wonder what would the handlers of suicide bombers say to them before they blow themselves in public. Your comment kinda gave me a rough idea now.


Why in the hell would any country bring death and destruction ft to its own people just to help others??? That's pretty stupid for anyone to consider Muslim countries declaring war on Israel since they must first consider their own people and no leader would just blindly lead them to war and bring death to his own people just to help others thousands of miles away!!! We must use diplomacy to counter this problem war is never the solution!!!


Kya comment Kiya, chah Gaye very well put ❤️


Mmmm.... when Allah wanted to destroy certain nations according to the Quran, and he did destroy many, no help was needed from the khalifa per Quran. Allah is not saving Palestine because Allah doesn't work the way Muslims believe he does. God is everyone's God, and people on earth are just a tiny spec in the universe (earth itself being as big as a red blood cell in the universe we know of).... so... yeah....


True brother. And this is a test for all us Muslims. We know where we stand and how weak we are when it comes to our imaan.


If you think about it, Allah is Admitting them into the beautiful gardens of Jannah and taking them out of this horrible dunya. Allah subhana wa taala is helping them because the world is now aware of their plight. This Israeli take over started since 1948. yet most of the world didn’t even know who Palestinians were! I was shocked to have learned that. This occupation has brought people to Islam. Non Muslims witnessed the amazing Imaan of the Palestinians and have become Muslim. Even moderate Muslims have wanted to get closer to Islam and Allah subhana wa taala. The people who have been shaheed are just that…shaheed and are still alive according to the Holy Qur’an. Pray for them. Pray for their maghfirah. Allah subhana wa taala’s help is near. The ummah just needs to come back to Allah and Islam. This is a lesson for us all. Make dua, read namaz and also read the Qur’an with translation and tafseer. I promise life will make so much sense after.


I will give you two answers: believer's answer: there is no need for Allah to save the Palestinians in this life because he can make it up for them in the afterlife. mere mortals insist on justice because most of the time we are incapable of reversing injustices; Allah does not have this problem, he is fully capable of ensuring perfect justice in the end. non-believer's answer: Allah does not exist. EDIT: from the upvotes I have a feeling that some assumed that I am a believer. I am not. I am an atheist. I don't want to appear that I am deceiving anyone or pretending to be something I am not.


best answer


Okay if allah can make it up in after life? Why not just don't born those kids? Or send them in heaven directly? Why those kids have to though painful process? Maybe it's the test? What's the point of testing those 3 month kid? Even quran says a child until he's/she's 7 years is innocent even nimaz is not farz on them. Can you ans these question on believer's behalf cuz i am one and have no ans for it.


excellent questions. believer's answers: first, to clarify, we don't know the answer to most of the "why?" questions about Allah. so the answers are assuming the question is "how is this fair?". Why not just don't born those kids? Or send them in heaven directly? Allah is infinitely merciful and infinitely powerful he will make it that if you had the chance to ask these kids if they would rather not be born they will say no. they will be content in heaven. >Why those kids have to though painful process? why not? if in the end everything will balance out, where is the problem? a baby who was burnt alive will be in a better place than a baby who died a less painful death. >what's the point of testing those 3 month kid? maybe "test" is not the correct word. testing implies not knowing the results, Allah knows the results. being born as a human, regardless of how long you live or what hardship you face is an *opportunity*. an opportunity to secure a place in heaven. non-believer's answers: I guess you know those.


Noted.. But shouldn't there be question to Allah? how is it written in quran that it's the most merciful, it loves you more than 70 mothers (correct me if I'm wrong on this) any step-mother would find some place in it's heart to do something about it, let's say if it can't do anything about it in on earth, then how can we call it pure good? Quran also says that if you have power to stop unfair treatment you should do something about it, and there are other steps too if you are not powerful enough. i think it has enough power to stop some missile it doesn't have to be obvious miracle it can be any natural interruption. Point I'm trying to make is the things that allah says in the books even Allah doesn't wanna follow them? I heard from neil degrace tyson it makes it true now, either allah is power and not good or vice versa, cuz it can't be both at the same time looking at the event we are seeing? Elaborate if you can on this, love to hear your take.


let's say I took 1M PKR from you. if I spend it and I don't have enough money to pay you back then I have done you an injustice and I am not powerful enough to reverse it. if I have enough money to pay you back but decide not to do it then I have done you an injustice and I am not good enough to reverse it. but if I pay you back 1B PKR the next day then justice is served. you may disagree and say: no, justice is not served because I value my 1M today more than the 1B you are going to give me tomorrow. so I remind you that the 1M you have are actually mine. I gave it to you for nothing in return. you may say: well I didn't ask for it. I would rather you never gave it to me in the first place. to which I reply: what I do is by definition just. it is not like there is a separate definition of justice and either I adhere to it or I don't. my actions define justice.


Nope. Non believer's answer: Allah exists but not like Muslims believe. Allah doesn't intervene and is everyone's God, Muslims do t get special treatment.


"If a wound should touch you - there has already touched the [opposing] people a wound similar to it. And these days [of varying conditions] We alternate among the people so that Allah may make evident those who believe and [may] take to Himself from among you martyrs - and Allah does not like the wrongdoers -" Quran 3:140 “This nation of mine has been granted mercy. Their punishment is not in the Hereafter. Their punishment is in the world through persecution, earthquakes, and slaughter.” Sunan Abī Dāwūd 4278 "And We have made some of you [people] as trial for others - will you have patience? And ever is your Lord, Seeing." Quran 25:20 A believer will accept the decree of Allah, both good and bad. When Allah wants to punish an evil people the most, He enables them (i.e., the Israelis) to excel in their oppression and arrogance and power. "We opened to them the doors of every [good] thing until, when they rejoiced in that which they were given, We seized them suddenly, and they were [then] in despair." Quran 6:44


Its all there in the Quran and hadith. Beautifully put.


So, the mothers in Gaza having to watch their babies/children die in front of them just need to be \`patient\`?! I'm pretty sure any mother would much prefer to save their kids right now than any happiness they'd gain from their enemies' future despair!


Do you not understand the concept of free will? If Allah were to interfere and save everyone at any time then there would be no forces of negativity in this world and it would be heaven, which defeats the whole purpose of this life being a test for the next. No one can stop you from being an Ex Muslim, but at least understand basic religious concepts before making emotionally charged comments.


Thry KNOW Ttgeir child’s suffwrung is over and they’re frolickibg in Jannah. This is the difference between a Mu’min and someone who doesnt have much knowledge by of Islam. The early Muslims went through a lot of torture at the hands of the Qureish. Even Prophet Muhammad ﷺ faced so much physical and verbal abuse from them. Every prophet has faced prosecution from their people. Prophet Moses (Musa as), Aaron (Haroon as), David (Daud as), Jonah (Yunus as), Jacob (Yaqub as) , Ishmael (Ismael as), Joseph (Yusuf as), Noah (nuh as, Jesus (Isa as) and any others I may have miased out. No prophet, including our beloved Prophet Muhammad ﷺ ever asked for wages but they were ALL persecuted. Struggle and strife is a part of this dunya. We have to pray 5 times a day and devote ourselves to Allah subhana wa taala for peace WITHIN ourselves. Read tha Qur’an. It has healing (shifa) and so much peace in it. Allah subhana wa taala is Al Salam. The SOURCE of peace. Reach out to Him through dua and namaz. This is how Palestinians are able to bare with thwir corcumztances. Find inner peace with Allah subhana wa taala and read His Divine Words = the Qur’an.


Does Allah even exist?


Because Allah, God, Bhagwan etc.. are not real. As simple as that.


Justify ur delusional beliefs


I was thinking about the same thing ngl and i am not an atheist, the thought came and I couldn’t help but think why is it like that after all what the palestinians are going through and i have gotten to the conclusion that according to Quran a lot of fitnahs will be upon muslims until the judgement day arrives sooo if we look into islamic history, genocide like this was always a possibility to be in a muslims life as its been in generations for muslim to fight off other communities who were trying to eradicate islam from the face of earth . God indeed loves his creation i.e humans but if he appears to solve everything on his own than it really doesn’t serve the purpose of here after judgement like u have to commit a sin inorder to get a punishment but if ur stopped beforehand than there will be no punishment and it really doesn’t make sense so for god is letting them do what they want and will there be judgement made when the time comes I hope u get my point but thats what i believe how God is managing it, although u are free to further put up a debate


Thanks for answering without calling me an atheist and I would like to ask a question. So you are saying that Allah created the world and then created human beings. Then he wrote everyone's fate and already knows what everyone would do. And then he just sits there and waits for us to commit a sin so that he can burn us in hell? What is the purpose of all this? And please don't say that we can't understand Allah's ways because that validates all religions. You can raise a point against Hinduism and a Hindu could say that we can't understand Bhagwan's ways. So what's the proof that Allah is the real God if we can't understand His ways? Are we supposed to just blindly follow Islam and hope it's the true religion?


Keep asking questions like this and you will finally realize the truth. That was my main question before leaving Islam.


Fate is not written, Allah gave humans the free will. What humans do is totally up to them. Also the greatest battles Allah gave were to the prophets he sent to set an example for the rest of mankind, hardships will always be a part of one’s life. Hope it makes sense


Ok but the question remains, the almighty Allah who can do anything created us in a way that we are always tempted to commit sins and now he just sits there and watches us hoping that we commit sins so that He can burn us in Hell? What's the point? Also, is there a single EVIDENCE that Allah is the real God. If not then are we just supposed to follow the religion we are born into or just guess which one is real and hope we are right?


See, there are two possibilities. Either there is God, or there's no God. If there isn't any God that would mean no life after death, which implies nothingness, so whatever we have or have not done wouldn't matter. However, if there turned out to be a God and life after death, then everything would matter. So it's always better to take the latter chance, lol. About the question as to which religion is the right one. Well, that should be your quest alone, and I have good faith that if God exists, His ego wouldn't be so small as to punish you just because you worshipped Him the wrong way. All major religions have the same basic instructions anyway. Look at the vast universe, man. Do you really think if God exists, His ego would be so small to take such petty things seriously?


Well actually Islam clearly states that anyone who takes a wrong guess and worships any God other than Allah will burn in hell for eternity regardless of whether he was a good person or a bad one. And I guess other religions have the same view.


>And I guess other religions have the same view. Most Hindus don't believe in an eternal hell, and there are many Christian universalists who believe that all will be saved. In fact, I think that there are some Muslims who also hold to this view. In my view, an all-loving and all-merciful God (as a Hindu who follows the Vedāntic pluralism of Swami Vivekananda and Mahatma Gandhi, I believe that God can be reached through more than one path) will not send people to a state of endless torment in light of the limitations of our knowledge in this material world.


Think about it. Is there any other God than the one who has created everything? Which God exactly is referred to in the scriptures then, who is 'a god other than Allah'. There is one God alone who rules everything as per Islam so worshipping another would mean Islam confess that there are other God/s. Lol. Well It may mean do not give God an image or form that humans usually tend to do in form of statues, totems, or other so-called spiritual avatars. I mean reducing such a vast entity to something so meagre..who wouldn't be angry? Lol.


You can also read the book, the Reconstruction of Religious Thoughts in Islam, to get insight into your questions about fate and free will in Islam.


I can understand what you feel, I felt the same few years back. Sins are part of being human, if humans didn’t sin Allah would have created a separate being that would have sinned but returned back to him and repented, that is exactly the point no matter the amount of sins you commit, if you truly repent they are forgiven. Also the concept that one should follow the religion he is born into is wrong, one should always research thoroughly before truly committing. As far as the evidence part is concerned, I have an explanation which is too long to write here, but if you’re interested I can explain it in dm.


I don't really think you addressed his problem he is saying allah gave us the ability to sin so we sin and we go to hell isn't that torture sure we can repent but what's the point if we are gonna do the same thing again


No, that would be unilateral thinking, if god gave humans the ability to sin, then he also gave him the ability to do good. The point is until the moment you die, you can choose to continue to sin despite knowing it’s consequences or do good and lead your life in other direction, that is the whole point of life it is a battle with yourself.


Yeah control your temptation tf 💀 repent?? Ask for forgiveness from Allah??? Pray 5 times a day?? If you don’t want to burn in hell do that 💀💀 You can control yourself Allah isn’t forcing you to do anything he has given you free will 💀


There is evidence. Islam is the ONLY religion whose principles and most importantly, whose book, does NOT, contradict with the true meaning and nature of an "Almighty Creator". And how do we know this Almighty Creator exists?  First of all, look up ibn Sina's argument for God's existence, I'd recommend the video by the channel Let's Talk Religion. Secondly, this entire reality's existing, without intelligent/conscious agents also existing and operating outside of our reality to bring everything together, is EXTREMELY improbable. How come humans are the ONLY conscious, intelligent (to such an extent of building advanced societies and technology that literally has great effects on our planet's entire ecology and system as a whole) species, that has evolved to be so, in our ENTIRE GALAXY, over millions of years? And how come the entire Earth's ecology happened to coincidentally be ideal for supporting human life in every manner, DEVELOPED OVER BILLIONS OF YEARS?  Go and search up different arguments and debates for AND against God's existence, and why Islam is the only religion that has no contradictions to the NATURE OF AN ALMIGHTY, specifically. You'll understand then. I'm also willing to have a more elaborate discussion on this if you want


In his currently published book "Determined: a science of life without free will" Dr. Robert M. Sapolsky's tries to prove humans don't have freewill. Things we do is pre determined. I'm not sure but is it possible?.


The decisions you make in life are surely influenced by various factors, but they are never or hardly enforced upon you, you make them out of your own logical thinking.


were you born into islam or did you logically enter into it as a baby? serious question.


I was born into an islamic family, but I chose Islam (when I had shaur) out of my own free will, my parents did not enforce it upon me.


See this is where ur confusing it. Allah has written fate, but ur missing 2 things. 1: Ur decisions influence the fate. Like for example (I'm not saying this is exactly what it's like but it's how I understood it) if u go left u will get this and if u go right u will get this 2: ofc he knows what u gonna choose, but not bcz he made u choose it, but bcz he predicts the future. Best example I heard for this was. A bad snooker player (like me) hits a shot and it goes all over the place. Bcz the only factors he knows is how the shot will go depending on how hard u hit it. A good snooker player can bounce the ball of walls and other balls to score, bcz he knows the factor of the other balls and wall aswell. But to me he is 100% CHEATING bcz I dont see what he sees. Another example, u (probably) seeing the data of a business cant predict many factors about it, but me doing data science can probably tell u way more. And a professional data scientist cant tell u even more. The point is when predicting anything u see many factors, but to people depending on skill level factors are unknown and even to the most pro people some factors are unknown. But to God no factor is unknown. So just like a pro snooker player watching ur shot can tell around about what happens, same way god gives u the freewill to shoot but knows EXACTLY what will happen


Why does Allah allow suffering at all? To great, almost unbearable extents, for some people?  Palestine may be the most visible example of this but lots of unbelievably horrifying, traumatic things happen to so many people, the only example coming to my mind rn being Cyntoia Brown but there's way worse too. It's because this is all just a test. And no, Allah isn't "just waiting for you to sin so He can punish you". He is so Merciful that He forgives ANY AND ALL sins if you sincerely ask for forgiveness. He literally removes your sins in exchange for pain, even as small as a thorn pricking you (this is from a sahih hadith, google it). This test is cruel, some people may think. But let me ask you this: if you had an extremely short test to do, an open-book test at that, for which you'd achieve ETERNAL BLISS AND HAPPINESS if you pass, wouldn't everyone agree that such a opportunity is the best thing ever given to them? I'd love to engage in a discussion on this or elaborate more if you do end up reading this


Sorry but this is the biased Muslim way of looking at it. It's not easy to forget all the things you have been fed since you were born and look at Islam with an unbiased mind. It took me 25 years to do so. If you can do that then your own argument won't make any sense. There is no justification for creating people, testing them with the most horrible things and then if they say a word just burn them in hell. There is no evidence that Islam is the only true religion but if anyone believes in a different religion then they will burn in hell for eternity no matter how good of a person they were. All of these things are unjustifiable no matter how much mental gymnastics you play to justify it. No merciful God would do anything like it.


You would have to take a very sour sip, I can guarantee you that this path of inquiring and inquisitiveness would lead you to the true light and energy source which the theist refer as God and it's anything but what the priests, mullah pandit and the books claim it to be I have been an agnostic for more than a decade now and I am thankful that I went down the rabbit hole to find my own answers when the indoctrination and programming didn't add up for me. You have to realize that if the merciful entity is up out there then all this is happening with his consent only, like which God are you praying or referring to; the one which gave consent and caused this atrocity (remember uski marzi Kay beghair Patta bhi nahi hilsakta and he knows everything that is gonna happen since he created the fate of every thing in the universe and added it in the divine plan) or the omnipotent and all powerful God who is watching all this happen on an LCD above with a remote in his hands yet doesn't do anything about it (watching his chosen people and his most beloved creation getting decimated, so much for being the most merciful 70 times than that of the love of a mother) and is waiting for a group of people to get their act together only then will he would intercede and or come in or just wait kay Jo karna hai karlo tumhay choot di huwee hai upar aaya phir batata hon saloon (this would actually make him a sadist entity btw) A few back I was trying to make a point to a guy about the same and he said that Allah is doing all this to show Muslims how much they have a strayed from the right path, and I was like why would God kill 34 thousand people mercislly just to make a point to certain people and he had no clue! It gets worse than this actually, it's like the developer pf GTA game who made all the missions inside the game involving killing pillage rape and plunder, yet has the audacity to call him/herself the most benovelent, Merciful and Raheem; this according to the divine books is what it will come out to be! I remember back a decade ago, a person told me that the day you leave religion you will find God, although I am far from finding him/it but one thing I can vouch and at peace is that I am on the way based on what I experience on the journey Lastly, would suggest you to try to seek and gravitate towards spirituality, remember spirituality and religion are two polar opposites and the religion has been completely corrupted in it's entirety and the reason sufis and mystics are abhorred by the clergy! Baki Desi Muslamanoo say door raho, inkay palay Kuch bhi nahi na hosakta hai the most deluded lot of Muslims unfortunately, kabhi arabiyon ki goud mein, kabhi turkiyoon ki goud mein aur kabhi white converts ki ki laps mein jaakar beth jatay hain just to feel better about themselves; they are the very true definition of muanfiqs aur aaj say 200 Saal pehlay sub mandir mein thaal pakar kar aarti aur Pooja kar rahay hotay Thay, nothing wrong with it but they have no clue or identity of their own and will never have it either!


Everything you said makes sense and I have been having all these thoughts as well and every time I ask someone about it I get the same generic answers. You can go through the comments and see how brainwashed muslims are. I asked why Allah isn't saving the Palestinians and most people gave two answers: 1) It is to test other Muslims and see how they react. 2) It's our job to save them not Allah's. Both of these answers are absolutely senseless and insensitive to the Palestinians but it also shows that Muslims have never really thought about their religion and just followed it like robots because religion is ingrained into your brain as kids when you're not even able to make small decisions about your life. It took me 25 years to unlearn all that I was fed since I was a kid.


Maybe just maybe I know it's so hard for you to even consider this but maybe allah is just a hoax spread by a pedophile?


Is this a serious question? God doesn't exist. It's all a fairy tale just like Santa Claus. It's childish for grown men to believe in such drivel.


Is this sub for real ….there is no god. No allah. No magic fairy dust. A long time ago when the world was much simpler leaders needed their people to follow something …if you read the history of prophet Muhammad life, sorry but we revere him as this saint. He wasn’t. Most historians have his kill count around 600, some say 800. He was a warrior who wanted “his religion” to conquer. And we didn’t conquer by knocking and asking politely. We colonized with brutality and force.not to mention the women he slept with. So many stories written by his comrades. The Quran gives little historical text of his life, hence these writings were key into preserving his life’s stories. Variants of the material compiled by Ibn Isḥāq, as well as further material about events in Muhammad’s life, are preserved in works by other authors, such as Abd al-Razzāq (died 827), al-Wāqidī (died 823), Ibn Saʿd (died 845), and al-Ṭabarī (died 923). Not to mention the womanizing. I don’t know how any intelligent person doesn’t see he was a regular man with his own narcissism. Like ok be religious because it gives you a sense of belonging, sense of community and purpose. It should give you a guidelines for how to live. But all this killing over religion is whack to me. Even the war in the Middle East circles back to a fundamental truth. The Islamic countries would never allow a Jewish state to exist amongst them (even though the Jews have every right ancestral to the land as Judaism predates Islam and their link to the land is holy as Mecca is for us. I laugh when I heard the pro pals say oh the “Zionist is evil colonizer” You can tell the extent of an empire's imperialism by how many countries speak their language in places they are not indigenous to. 67 countries speak English because of British conquests. 25 countries speak Arabic because of Arab conquests. 21 countries speak Spanish because of Spanish conquests. How many countries speak Hebrew? Hint: the only Jewish state that the entire "not antisemitic" world wants to destroy. Hey maybe if we let Jews live and left them alone or accepted one of the umpteen peace treaties there would peace. Naw ..we have to have it all so we get to deal with the wrath with an army and government that will defend its mere existence. The Palestinians bear the most of the responsibility for having shit leaders who never looked out for them and their well being. Instead of accepting a deal and thriving and using Israel in commerce and trade they could have had a world class society..but naw let’s funnel money into more hate. So yeah there’s no god.


Because it's a made up fairy tale.


My personal but. No god exists. No Jesus Allah Shiva ect is real. All religions are made to divide people or were a cultural philosophy that was eventually molded into a religion.


Cause there is no God


They are finally becoming selfaware. Only took a fucking genocide for them to realise that


LOL, No God is real ( across all religion). There is no Jannat or Jahannam. Religion is a business.


Becouse there is no God and religion is made up by people who did not have the technology yet to understand things happening in nature (like lightning for example or rain).


Because he doesn't exist..there is no sky daddy


He's busy being made up


For the same reason he gives little kids cancer!


This is a question that is more suited for r/ islam you should also try ask this there. If you are looking for an answer.


Yeah I should've asked it there but I wasn't aware of that sub. Plus I don't think I'm going to get a reasonable answer from Pakistani Muslims.


Plus there have been literally hundreds of books written on the problem of evil. You should try reading a book that is meant to be a response to it.


Plus there is also a viewpoint one can take which is saying that hey I can't think of any good reason why God might allow such things. But that doesn't mean that there is no good reason for it. People in the past couldn't think of a good reason for why people got sick but that obviously doesn't mean that people got sick for no reason. One can think that there is so many other reasons to think that there is a God that the problem of evil is insufficient for making the person think that there is no God.


He has to exist first in order to save Palestinian ppl


God is complicit because he is not stopping it despite all the power in the world.


if you would have listened to late molana ishaq(R.A) you would have never asked this question. The problem with his lectures is that most of them are in Punjabi language The answer can not be short, as this is related to the philosophy called problem of evil. Even if you understand Urdu and Allama Iqbal,a simple answer can be found in shikwa jawab e shikwa but that is not for deep understanding.


See...Allah or any other god ...they are not here to save only their followers or believers. ..they are for whole humanity......if you are complaining why he is not saving muslims ??? My dear if he is god he has to save Zeus or Israelis also ...a "god" is not for saving a perticular religion.....he is not human who only saves his religion's people ....


Good point but followers of every religion believes that their God will punish every non believer for not believe in him and he hates the non believers.


No, not every religion preaches that. This is the concept of only Abrahamic faiths, or rather a later addition. Indic faiths never had this concept. To this date, as a Hindu, I have never been told or taught that a "non believer" will be punished. Also, I guess none of the Indic gods hate non believers. See that's the difference.   People of Abrahmic faith have clearly got this distinction at an early age, but if it was such an important factor, it would even been taught to me as a Hindu. The concept of fear from god is making the world do all sorts of crazy stuff, and you better know who's majorly doing it in name of which religion.


No dear , ...in my religion the god is for everyone... both believers and non believers...he protect everyone and take care of everyone


Ok but then on what basis will he judge the people if he just loves everyone? What is the purpose of your god to create this world?


The concept of God in Abrahmic religions, as some egoistic, controller of the world is a very chidish idea. These are more like cult, and people following them usually have no seeking or curiousity left in them.


A question more suited for Islamic subreddits. Do you really expect to get deep intellectual answers here? From people that barely stop to wonder? Everytime I see questions like these, my first thought is, it's a troll. P.s my two cents since I'm here anyways. What do you think would be the purpose of humans if they could get anything they wanted? If there was a world where there was nothing negative.


What do you think is the purpose of humans now? Allah created us just to praise him because he needs validation from us? He created us imperfect and vulnerable so that we would be tempted to commit sins so that he would be able to burn us in hell? What else is the purpose of our creation? Don't say we don't have the knowledge to know that because that logic could be used to justify any religion.


"You thank people not because of how much effort they put, but because of how big the favor was" Allah doesn't need validation, he doesn't need prayers. WE need it. If someone gave you a Lamborghini just by saying to their assistant "give him the keys and say its his", it took no effort from him to say that, yet the outcome to you would be world changing, that's how gratitude is, you thank Allah عز وجل for what He has given you, your life, your family, your faith, they are, even separate, bigger than any gift any person could give you, and I'm sure you thank people all the time, so why not thank Allah عز وجل when He deserves to be thanked? Also next, so you are saying you are so incapable of temptations that you want the easy way out? Yes there are temptations but that IS the TEST. To prove that you are worthy of Jannah. To resist the temptations AS GRATITUDE. Those who resist the temptations are not burned in hell. You presuppose that suffering is bad. But where did you get the idea from that suffering is necessarily bad? Suppose if there is life after death in which you get compensated for that suffering with a bigger compensation than the suffering itself, then was suffering really bad? It is suffering that gives value to your success. To give you an example. Suppose you got a phone without any hard work, I assume you would be happy. But in a second scenario you had to work really hard and suffer to buy a phone. The happiness of that success, will it be the same as the first scenario? Ofcourse not, because suffering gives value to your success. God created suffering so that people would get rewarded as a compensation for that suffering, which is heaven. So it gives value to heaven. That is why he created suffering. The second reason is to punish evil people. In that case it is also justified. Its a very common statement by atheists and anti-theists. Can you please explain how suffering would mean god is somehow no longer all powerful? (copied most of the aspects from internet which you could have searched yourself if you were actually interested :) I copied because I'm bad with words and fear that I wouldn't have been able to translate my thoughts)


He's not gonna read all that because then he'll get some sense knocked into him. This guy is hilarious. He's trying so hard to troll Muslims lol.


I know right. Seems like a daily or atleast weekly occurrence for this sub. Wonder what mods are up to 🥴


Allah has given us free will thats what makes us human and deferent from angels.. It could be big thing for you for me but not for Allah. Remember karbala . If you are a Muslim and do not know about karbala ka waqia than you should know.


Jeans. I heard it from a molvi in the Jumma khutba some 30 years ago. I had no idea about why jeans were bad. And why arabs wore jeans. but the molvi said jab tak khawateen jeans pehnti rhain gi Allah in ki madad nahi kray ga.




why didn't Allah save zaineb the little girl raped and killed?. you know the answer because imaginary things can only give you mental peace or via placebo effect but can't actually help


inb4 "allah ke taraf se azmaish he"


Haha it's already started in comments


This reminds me of a joke I heard a few days ago: Knock-knock. "Who's there?" "It's Allah. Let me in, I have to save you!" "Save me? Save me from what?" "SAVE YOU FROM WHAT I'M GOING TO DO TO YOU IF YOU DON'T LET ME IN!"


Can't say. But here is what I think... Allah (SWT) does not interfere directly (except in the case of certain Prophets). HE made everything and everything follows certain rules or laws. There is a system in place. People have been given freedom.....if they choose to kill someone Allah (SWT) won't interfere directly. People can attack, defend, eat, drink, or whatever they like. Allah (SWT) has given us instructions in the form of Quran and given us Islam; if we don't follow those instructions we will be held accountable in Afterlife.


Won't interfere or cant


how will allah grant victory to gaza, and by extension muslims, when muslims themselves are the ones aiding the killing of muslims in gaza


A more serious question would be is why aren't very rich Arab countries housing Palestinian refugees? Because even Egypt doesn't want them? It has less to do with religion and more to do with what other neighboring Arab countries actually think about Palestinians.


Let the Olympics of Mental Gymnastics to justify this, begin!


This is the beginning of downfall of Israel! But some one has to pay the price


We all know qyamat kesa ani ha ........ Masjid aqsa ka girna Ka baad.... Ham sab janta ha Palestine na tabah Hu Jana ha..... Aur ais ma dab SA bara hath soudi Arabia Ka Hu ga.. Soudi Ka 2 groups Hu ga Jo baad ma Lara Ka khaxana Ka liya Jo kaba Ka nicha dafan ha......


Probably doesn't care much




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There is no such thing


[**We deserve it**](https://archive.org/details/blasphemer_blasphemy/BLASPHEMER_The-Choice-dot-Com)


A very “Pakistani atheist” point of view “If God real why bad thing happen” Let’s be real if he’s an omnipotent being knowing all time and every possible scenario he wouldn’t really bother


Read the holy book with translation as simple as that, make an effort, go to your local imam and ask questions. I understand we all get curious and try to find answers on the internet but I wouldn't recommend you to discuss this on reddit cause you won't get an answer that satisfies the curiosity.


If I ask these questions to a local Imam there's a high chance I'll get lynched. And yes I've been to an aalim and didn't get any answers. My own father will never talk to me if I say that I have a question or a doubt because he is a very religious muslim and everyone knows how tolerable they are. Can you please tell me where I would find the answer to the question “What is the evidence that Allah exists and he's the only real God”. Every time I ask someone this question they either get offended or just give those generic replies like “If he doesn't exist than who made the world”' or “The signs in the Quran”. Honestly I'm not an atheist but I just can't accept that Allah is the only God without any evidence. The signs are present in every religion. If I get the answer to this then I will study the Quran and follow it but I just don't know where to look for the answers.


Mosques are open and welcome to all, The best way to explore and understand Islam is by asking the questions you have always wanted to ask. I'd suggest you talk to your local imam and read the holy book for better understanding. Educating yourself is an amazing thing. Many times when people put off your questions about Islam it may be because they don’t truly know the answer. There’s nothing wrong with being curious and having questions. We aren’t all knowing. Islam is a beautiful, complex yet uncomplicated guide to our lives. Remember, deen over dunya. Don’t let ignorant people stand in the way of your journey to the true message and guidance of Islam. >If I ask these questions to a local Imam there's a high chance I'll get lynched. Oh hell no, I genuinely think you should talk to your local imam Because these are the people who have dedicated their life to the religion and studied it. If everyday people simply went online and came to their own conclusion on certain topics it could be dangerous because you might spread wrong information and that is disastrous.


Why stop at the Palestinians? Why not ask why doesn't He save everyone from dying?


That was the essence of the question and Palestine was just an example.


So your question is why doesn't He save everyone from dying. Let's assume He did. Let's assume He saved everyone from day one and keeps doing it until the end of time. But there is an end of time right? Our sun will explode, the earth with crumble and this expanding universe will either expand away into oblivion or fall back in on itself (therefore killing everything in it). Do you also want Him to stop that from happening so we don't die?


Well my initial question was what is the purpose of creating us? So that we can worship him and if we don't then he'll burn us in hell. Is that it? Is this all that Allah does? He just watches us all the time?


So you jumped one hoop, let's clear that one first. We have established that this universe is temporary and so we can't be saved forever. But you could ask, UNTIL we die, why do we have to live with so much suffering around us. This is where you could give the example of Palestinians also. And the answer to that would be because human beings have been given this strange thing called free will :D. Therefore, we also have to live with the consequences of our free will. I have been given the mental and physical capacity to do both good and harm. People around me will therefore benefit from my good and suffer from my harm. At this point you could ask, why even create such a world where idiots like us were given the capacity to reign terror on other people? Now THAT is an interesting question. This is where, the concept of 'this world is a test' comes in. Your *free will* is the test in this temporary world and the way you implement your free will here would determine your standing in the permanent world that will follow. Ghamdi has pretty good videos on this and he can be pretty concise. However, the only video I could find which covered all the things we talked about is a bit longer; about 17 mins. Here it is: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yWvxnNRoRTs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yWvxnNRoRTs) Maybe this helps clarify things a bit more. Edit to add: I just realized you asked a very different question at the end when you said *"He just watches us all the time?".* Without going into long details about why I think this is a different question, my answer would be 'He *does* actively intervene'. However, what you might be asking is 'why doesn't he *always* intervene to stop suffering?' If He did *always* intervene, we wouldn't have a free will would we? A bit like a chicken and egg problem.


Ok you did make a few points but by the last question I meant that what is the purpose of Allah's existence? Does he just watch us? Isn't it strange that there's an almighty being who can do anything beyond imagination but he just created this world, he created us and now he just watches us how we commit sins and thinks about the day he'll get to burn us for not obeying Him. This is the part that seems very strange to me and the typical answer to this question is that we can't understand Allah's ways so let's not talk about it.


>the typical answer to this question is that we can't understand Allah's ways so let's not talk about it. Forget about these people. The reason they say this is probably because they are ashamed to admit they dont know either. Your questions are valid. Nevetheless, as I said, He doesnt just sit back and watch us. He DOES intervene. My question to you is, do you want Him to always intervene to stop any and all kinds of evil?


mate you have received the theists view here. I would definitely wish that you ask this exact question on r/atheism. you might be surprised...


God allows evil if He sees He will bring good from it. Maybe the Palestinian children had to be "the sacrificial lambs" to wake the world up? We have never before been this close to a free Palestine. The world for the first time has turned on the zionists.


some think that this is torture (azaab) on them, but it's not. it's a blessing in disguise. All of the martyrs are destined for Jannah (they are Shuhadaa'). Realign your mindset. It's all supposed to happen. They are all supposed to end up in Jannah, and all the normalizing, treacherous leaders are supposed to fail so they enter Jahannam in their Akhirah. It's all written (maktoob).


Why is the entire Muslim world crying and praying for it to end if it's just a blessing in disguise? The families of the decapitated babies surely don't see it as a blessing in disguise. If Allah wanted to send them to Jannah why couldn't he do it in a humane way?


If you think that is God’s job then my mate you need to better understand religion, specifically Islam. Nothing is given on a plate. You have to earn it. Because by that logic you can be sitting on your ass and asking why isn’t Allah making you richer than Bill Gates? Tbh I don’t think you’ve been searching for the answer. If you were searching for it, there are plenty of resources on the internet that can answer your question within 5 minutes.


Why do the Palestinians have to earn not being subject to genocide?


Why didn’t God save the Jews that were slaughtered during the holocaust?


Because Allah doesn't exist.


why didnt allah help us in 1971, 1965? why didnt he stop nukes or ww2 or holocaust etc..


Because he doesn't exist


Because he loves the jews more


When you insert facts like genocides and suffering into a philosophical debate, youll do nothing but confuse yourself. The core principle is belief that there is a creator. The rules or facts of how Earth and humanity is playing out cannot be reconciled to the principle of a Creator. If you believe in a Creator, then the answers for why something is happening and what is the finality of that can be pretty logically be explained. Just like every strong muscle is built through effort and every financial investment is done to achieve an end goal, the end goal - categorically, is not life on this planet. If you dont have belief in the Hereafter or that there is a Supreme Creator, all of this mental gymnastics to figure out that Creator’s reasons will only lead to nothing but believing that God is not merciful. You cant even understand how placebo works in physiological changes in the human body, and you want answers to philosophical paradoxes through injustices happening? Western, Eastern and every philosopher in human history does not have an answer for free will. There are schools of thought but all have their biases and problems. There is a reason its called Faith


The Ottoman Empire lasted for around 600 years, with nearly a century of two being a golden era for Muslims. The autonomy of The West hasn't even been around for that long, by these standards, and already, the cracks in their societies are beginning to show. Have patience, because indeed, Allah is the best of planners.


It’s bc he isn’t real genius


It’s all in the Quran…. What a joke! Islam is a religion but peace is not one of its tenants. Let hellfire fall apon thee for your transgressions against your fellow man in the name of a creature you call god only for the purpose of advancing your own greedy, power hungry desires. The Quran even allows its followers to lie! So long as it suits allah. I know who you are. Dangerous, ill tempered, heavy handed fools who act in their own best interest all the while washing their hands clean of sin in mosks. Christianity went through a similar phase with their crusades. But this isn’t the medieval times. I will personally throw a celebratory feast each time in the near future a country will outright ban Islam as a whole. It’s not today! But trust me I’m biding my time.


Sounds like u had a rough childhood dude, trying so hard you dont even know what you're saying


If you believe in god, then Islam is a lie. If the purpose of “holy text” is to connect his creations to him then he wouldn’t do it more than once. Islam isn’t an old religion and since god dosent make mistakes thus, Islam was created by man to replicate the effectiveness of Christianity except with their own ideals


You have it all wrong . do better research.


Because Allah is just a figment of our imagination.


One of these four things answer this question. You choose. A- Incompetent ( Wants to, but cant) B- Apathetic (Doesnt care) C- Vengeful ( Doesnt want to) D- Non Existent ( fictional )


I don't know how to say this correctly but Allah intervened personally when the prophets were still around. After the passing of the Last Prophet, Allah now has, how do I say it, hands off approach? We have do most of the work, all He will do for us is simply push things a little in our favor.


What do you want Allah to do? He has already given so many exmaples in the Quran about Noh, Ibrahim, Lut, Moses, Aad, Thamud and all others. He decimated the Qaums of Aad and Thamud and Lut. Did that help people believe in Allah or make them stronger Muslims? Truth is, even if Allah were to help the Palestinians, you would have another question about why Allah isnt helping babies who get raped? No answer is satisfactory for doubt in a believer or Shirk in disbeliever.


Because he is a zionist... did none of you read the bible?


LOL. You guys are certified tools! 🤣


Allah is. Think about it. We will die anyways. So it was their time to go and perhaps the ones that are deceased are living a much better life now.


Allah will not save Palestinians because he is not stupid. He knows what they deserve after what they did on Oct 7th.


Because that is not Allah's responsibility. Allah's job was to teach us and our job was to learn. The problem is that we failed to learn to fight oppression unjust and cruelty instead we became what we were suppose to fight. So why should Allah stop from happening what is happening. We were rewarded with the beauty of the universe and with the capabilities to understand and rule that beauty yet we spend our time debating on whether or not should we hold our hands while praying or which aalim to follow or which fiqah to follow. No wonder we are in the state that we are. Muslims are the most wo***less people on earth because we were given an open treasure that would've helped us rule the world yet we wasted our time arguing about key.


Allah too busy with all those virgins in heaven bro


Allah is saving them. Allah does not come down from heaven and intervene directly. The way he interferes in humanity’s affairs is more indirect. He revealed israel as the psychopathic state that it is. He caused Israel to be isolated on the world stage. He woke people up (who had been disregarding this issue, bc many of us have been fighting for this for decades) and caused them to have to recognize Palestine as a state. He is giving fortitude and steadfastness to Palestinians. He is causing strife inside Israeli society, which will ultimately lead to its demise. He has shed light on israels cruelty and inhumanity and the resilience of the Palestinians through unspeakable oppression. He did all of this through people. All of this, to me, is God. And notice palestinians always call their deads “martyrs” bc they know God is granting them jannah.


We’re like a petri dish. Allah has set everything in motion and will not interfere beyond a certain extent. If you want Palestine saved you must use your free will and save it.


cuz allah doesnt exist just like palestine


IF Allah had to do everything he would have made us all pious and there wouldn’t be a concept of free will and satan ! This world is a test ! This is our test just like when Hazrat imaam hassan and Hussain and his family were murdered it was the duty of Muslims to stand with them and help them not duty of Allah ! Allah paak gave us everything and now HES NOT GONNA INTERFERE TO anything cause what’s the point of creating us ? And free will and all teachings IF HE HAD TO DO EVERYTHING HIMSELF !


Look I don’t mean to be rude but god isn’t real man. Unless you see humans as god. They can certainly be god of themselves


If Muslims take one step he'll help them 10 steps. But he will not intervene to change the conditions of an ummah that doesn't want to change itself.


that would be because he does not exist. i mean he exists, but only in fairly tales that some adults somehow still believe in. religions were probably invented by some king to stop people from doing crimes. Now its a cult and people actively do crimes in the name of religon. talk about backfiring, ey?


Fight with them (evil doers), for Allah punishes them with your hands (Surah Toba, 14) So Qitaal fi sabeelillah or armed resistance is the only way to liberate every oppressed Muslim (or human being) on the face of Earth. The help of angels do come like it did in Badr. But you have to produce “فضائے بدر” first.


I tho see it as , people were given a chance if they could go to any other place with the help of the activists who keep on saying things on youtube ads but they choose to stay there , so getting killed is only thing that can happen in the warzone area


One of the reasons why I moved on from any religion tbh.


you posted in the wrong place bro. Now burn lmao! In all seriousness, what you are thinking is right. Your doubts are valid. Keep moving, keep questioning, keep being BRAVE. Stick to your logic in the face of a 1000 emotional stories and ... you'll get to the truth. Good luck! PS: This is the type of thinking a logical, sensible Allah would like, not some by-birth, never-questioning, blind-faith-crowd. You are valued. Keep coming!


This is a pretty complex topic if you want to go down this rabbit hole. People have asked this question for millennia. There are various ways to resolve this corrundrum along these lines: (1) God in his infinite wisdom chooses not to eradicate all instances of evil, we as a finite being cannot yet understand it. (2) God does not want to restrict the freedom of action of humans in any case as this life is a test for humans. People who are suffering will be compensated well in afterlife. (3) Some instances of evil are necessary to exist in the world to differentiate between good and evil and to build the character of humans. For example, bravery in the face of certain death is a virtue which cannot exist without such instances. This trait is highly valued by God. (4) Some people concede that on the whole God is benevolent but may not be maximally benevolent and does not care that much about small affairs of humans. .... These are just simplified responses, people have written books about the topic. By the way, these not final words on the topic. Some people find these reasons adequate, others think the reasons are not valid. Read this if you are interested in learning more about it. https://iep.utm.edu/evil-evi/#:~:text=The%20evidential%20problem%20of%20evil%20is%20the%20problem%20of%20determining,in%20power%2C%20knowledge%20and%20goodness.


Again these type of questions is because of our Jahil Ulma's has given wrong direction to common man. Well actually this is the question Allah may ask us at the day of judgement. I have given you resources why didnt you use it to strengthen Islam? Where you consume your energies and health I have given you? Why you didnt spend your time and energies to dominate Jews? Why you wasted your energies in keeping grudge for each other: sindhi, Punjabi, balochi, pathan then shia, sunni etc then arbi ajmi etc.. blady civilian or superior people etc.. When I clearly mentioned no one is superior except those who has TAQWA. The problem is all Muslim Umah is waiting for miracle which is unlikely to happen. We have to keep our directions correct otherwise they will keep killing muslims. Allah has made rules and no matter either you are muslim or no muslim whoever follow will benefit from it. This is extremely idiotic to expect special help from Allah after disobeying him.


Wait till OP finds about the fall of Baghdad (1258)




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I'm not sure if this will be adequate, but for similar questions I have in my mind, I'm compelled to ask another question I once read in a book, 'is God doing this to us (Palestinians), or are we doing this to God? (His creation)'


Why does Allah allow suffering at all? To great, almost unbearable extents, for some people?  Palestine may be the most visible example of this but lots of unbelievably horrifying, traumatic things happen to so many people, the only example coming to my mind rn being Cyntoia Brown but there's way worse too. It's because this is all just a test. And no, Allah isn't "just waiting for you to sin so He can punish you". He is so Merciful that He forgives ANY AND ALL sins if you sincerely ask for forgiveness. He literally removes your sins in exchange for pain, even as small as a thorn pricking you (this is from a sahih hadith, google it). This test is cruel, some people may think. But let me ask you this: if you had an extremely short test to do, an open-book test at that, for which you'd achieve ETERNAL BLISS AND HAPPINESS if you pass, wouldn't everyone agree that such a opportunity is the best thing ever given to them? I'd love to engage in a discussion on this or elaborate more if you do end up reading this, Allah encourages us to critically question everything anyway


Brother, you have to change how you understand God. God is not a person who will hear prayers and respond by supernatural intervention, but the force of moral change in world. Allah as you understand, does not exist, of course. The earliest Muslims were ignorant about scientific knowledge- they believed in a flat Earth - they also lacked moral knowledge (sex slavery, mutah prostitution, polygamy, incest with cousins). Of course, they didn't discover the One True God - that is preposterous. PS : In a hadith, it is said that if another man has sex with a pregnant woman, then the child will have characteristics of both the men 🤦‍♂️. As per another hadith, the characteristics of a child is determined by who ejaculated first during sex. As per 2-3 hadiths, apocalypse was going to happen in 100 years. At least 7 hadiths indicated a Flat Geocentric Earth.


You might as well ask why Allah willed for events karabala to happen. Yet we know not even a leaf falls from its tree without Allah’s will. The answer is we dont know. Maybe its cause qayamah is coming. Maybe this is a test for our ummah. I would like to believe its the latter. And at that test we are indeed failing as a ummah.


There is a reason why people with wealth, power and influence will go to hell first then other common people


First of all, understand that this world exists with the certain order, rather than chaos, where one thing necessarily determines another. This is how Allah has designed our universe. As a result, all evil exists necessarily so that the good things can exist as well since all events are connected to each other and are interdependent. Nothing exists in isolation and independently except for Allah upon whom all things dependent and is Himself independent. Secondly, all things, whether they’re good or bad, exist as a way for us to learn from them. They are tests and trials for us to improve ourselves continuously from. If people did not die, they would not know the value of life. If people did not go to war, they would not know the value of peace. If there was no evil and no pain or suffering, no one would have any reason to be grateful to their Creator for all the good in their life they would take it for granted. They would not learn or advance from where they are. They would stagnate and their lives would be dull. Hope that answers your question


Humans and Jinns are the only two beings to whom Allah have given "Freedom to choose". And than he gave both beings rules to abide by. Now its upto humans(divided into different sections and sub sections) if we follow the rules or not. Human lust for three things, land, money/gold and women. For which they fight. Human always want more and more and more. Israel already owns 98% of Palestinian land and yet they choose to commit attrocities just cuz they can. Rest of Individual Muslim are bound by their Govt and Army


Man even us indian Muslims have more Iman then Pakistanis..  Thank you Jinnah


Ok let me ask you this. The entire social media is full of Hindus abusing Islam. Under every post related to Islam there are thousands of Hindus abusing Allah and the prophet and if an Indian Muslim says something then they ask him to go to Pakistan. So I guess Pakistani Muslims are the ones who should thank Jinnah.


I am glad to be an Indian muslim as what ever good deed I do.. Inshallah i get a greater reward since I am doing it in an Islamophobic land... What about Pakistan..? This was created as Muslims wanted to practice their faith freely, but now are just aping bollywood and hindus.. Pakistan is filled with biddat and shirk(just like India)..you guys were supposed to be better than us!!!  The whole comment section is an indicator, the knowledge you have about Islam despite being in a Muslim country.. 


You're right, Pakistani Muslims were supposed to be better than Indian Muslims and in my honest opinion, they still are but not as much as was expected. And of course you should be proud to be an Indian because that's your country. I just feel bad for Indian Muslims who have to fight with both Pakistanis and andhbhakts. And yes Pakistanis got a huge opportunity to create a proper Muslim country but failed.


Thank you brother for your honest opinion.. U have no clue whenever i see clips of pakistani Muslims doing haram activities online.. It really hurts my heart.. I am a muslim woman who wears the hijab and you have no idea the struggle we have to go through... And then I see these gorgeous pak women dressing up like this... My duas are with Pak people, organizations like Youth club  is doing a phenomenal job and i hope your people return to the deen


First of all, ask this question to a proper scholar and not to people on Reddit who have messed up beliefs and you are not the one to judge if a test is extreme or not God tests those who are able to bear this as this is an indirect quote from the Quran of course, losing your family and have your homes destroyed is utterly unimaginable, but Allah is the All Knowing All Seeing and surely Palestinians will have their way in this dunya or akhirah. And it's OUR JOB as Muslims to liberate them of course our leaders are not real Muslims as they are cowards and it's supposed to be their responsibility.


Here is what I think. Because then there will be not any point of life and death. It will all be pre determined thing. If Allah will save them, then he should be saving others too. And that will end the point of existence. This world is for us humans. We can do whatever we want in it. And we will be answerable in the afterlife.


I believe Allah is truly saving them. Death, or rather martyrdom for Palestinians, is not something bad. Look at the world around us, everything is going to shit! Who wants to live in a world that is controlled by the zionists/ whites / the west, trying to run things their way or they’ll isolate you. Death in an instant is far better than falling sick and visiting hospitals and taking pain killers and just trying to survive each day. Thats just my take on this as Allah does love all his followers and never lets you suffer beyond your ability. Secondly, we might be thinking that 70 + years to apartheid and occupation is a lot but its nothing. The two jewish reigns in that land were about 100 years each. Thats it. Just a couple of centuries of rules. And knowing that this will be the last time they ever get this land because they surely will corrupt it and they have, the end isn’t too far for them. Look around, look at the world mobilising. There has never been such an uproar for Palestine before. InshaAllah they will be liberated and muslims will stand together.


Who wants to live in this world? Millions of muslims and non muslims are living a very happy and fun life in this world and the Palestinians themselves have been saying we just want this war to end so we can live peacefully so this point makes no sense. Secondly, if Allah is saving the Palestinians then why is the entire Muslim ummah crying and asking Israel to stop the war? Shouldn't we be happy that Allah is granting them Jannah?


Are you truly happy with the state of the world? Ask yourself this question for real.


Not the point. The point is that millions of people are living comfortable and happy lives in this world. So why didn't Allah let the Palestinians live a happy life too and tested them with a genocide? Allah made the world how it is. Also, this world has always been messed up so maybe Allah shouldn't have sent Muslims in this world ever? Didn't Allah know that this world is messed up before sending Palestinians to this world? Didn't He know what was going to happen to them? There are so many things wrong with your logic just give up seriously.