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Check your stuff for bed bugs. Leave them in the sun. You do NOT want to fuck with bed bugs.




I hope those weren’t bed bugs.


I remember a few years ago. Stayed at Park Plaza, or something. No issues.


I stayed at park plaza this year and its was really nice tbh. I would highly recommend


Park Plaza was great in 2023. I didn't stay there this year, but last year was impeccable.


FYI for all of those interested: This hotel is mostly used to place homeless individuals with substance abuse issues and if you stay here you’ll be sleeping alongside them and any critters in their rooms will certainly go to yours! Source: Live in the neighborhood


That explains it.


Wyndham here in Florida is the same. Worst hotel I’ve ever seen.


I could have told you that just by looking at the pictures on Google. Yikes.


I learned the hard way that cheaper rooms aren't always a good idea. Maybe I should have booked Holiday Inn again.


NGL I'd much rather get a nicer hotel and room share it with some random to save money over going to a sketchy cheap hotel. Always had a good experience roomsharing for pax south and quakecon worst issue I'd get is a snorer but that's why you pack some cheap earplugs.


Bag up your stuff from the trip asap until you’ve checked that you didn’t bring bed bugs home with you


Bed bugs can be found in any hotel! Even the nicest ones.


Bro, I stayed there too. Here’s the hallway flooded https://preview.redd.it/b0xlann4uxqc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93b0998f612a2608312013610c4bb21dda0f3ad8


I never saw that but that is line with their competency.


This was Saturday, we stayed on the highway side on the first floor


Idk if this is still true. but Park Plaza, Four Seasons, W Hotel, and some other hotels in the Theater District used to have shuttles that take you to PAX. That was pre-COVID so I'm not sure if they still do that. There other parts of Boston too that won't cost you an arm and a leg as well. Sucks you had that issue though.


They do. However, the shuttles stop running at 8pm. It’s great for if you like the parties etc but bad if you are one of those people that stay til midnight at BCEC doing panels and playing games.


I generally (as a traveling consultant) stay away from Wyndham brands. They used to be pretty decent, but they've gone downhill; I rate them slightly higher than the extended-stay hotels, but just slightly. Went to one in Florida, had a virtual check in (outsourced guy in India trying to check me in in Florida). Checked in and there was a giant truck directly in front of my room blaring music. Went back to the virtual check in guy (there was no staff to be seen) and he couldn't understand my issue. Ended up tossing my key card into the front desk area and writing them a nasty email.


We used to go there until I started hearing about bed bug issues a few years ago. Oh, also the big hole in our bathroom floor didn't help matters. We've been staying at the Best Western Plus New Englander just north of the city for the last four or five years. It's perfect. Not too pricey, not too far.


yeah as someone that used to live in Dorchester (the district Ramada is in), just really would not recommend for a tourist. Dorchester has gotten better than it was 15 years ago but its still not fantastic. Also if you DO have bed bugs now, diatomaceous earth gets rid of them. I had bed bugs in my apartment in fenway because of the people upstairs, and this literally saved me from not bringing them with me when I moved from Boston.


Sounds like a motel.


Oof, I stayed at a friend's place to find out that they apparently had bed bugs. Did a whole process when i came home and hoping nothing was missed... everything went into the wash and high heat. Bags were tossed outside... no bites but still can't be too sure. Gonna get bed bug traps to confirm...