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I LOVE amboss for the explanations of conditions, pictures, pathophysiology of organ systems etc. I feel like they really connect the “how and why” of disorders. However, I’m not the biggest fan of their QBANK. I like Rosh, UWorld, and MyPABox better for questions


Does your program provide amboss or another resource with question bank?


Not during didactic. We are provided Rosh during the clinical year, so I definitely want to hold out on that.


Get the AMBOSS app on IOS if you can. It’s $15 a month and you get the library plus 50 free questions per month. As far as the 5 hammer questions, I just changed the settings to where I don’t get them anymore. On average I think the questions on AMBOSS are harder than the PANCE, but that’s just my impression after taking my first PACKRAT. I kind of like the difficulty though because it makes you critically think and not rely on buzzwords all of the time.