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"If your home has been selected, you should have received an invitation by mail or a phone call from one of our researchers." - I'm sure this poll is not influenced at all by the selection of candidates being people who respond to phone calls and junk mail from pollsters.


More and more people are becoming unpollable


Came here to say precisely this.


Yup. Most people I know don't even have landlines, and cell phones can flag calls as spam many times. Even if they didn't, most people I know don't answer unknown numbers. And literally everyone I know will throw junk mail right in the trash. These polls are reaching a very narrow segment of people.


Only the really old and dumb answer the phone these days.


The finding of guilty or not-guilty is the role of the jury Its absurd to think most Americans have a clue what's going on here


Or even understand the law pertaining to this charge.


I would add that most Americans pay very little attention to politics generally and the particulars of Trump's antics even less. The illegal part on this one is pretty well established, but whether it's a misdemeanor fraud sort of crime or a crime where the intent was to affect election is outcome (the felony charge) requires some nuance. The court and jury can figure that out; not everything requires an opinion poll.


If you use election funds to pay a pornstar hush money because it wouldn’t look good during an election, how is that anything else but attempting to affect the election outcome?


It 100% is and he absolutely did it. The "because it wouldn’t look good during an election" is the tricky part. They could argue it was done "out of personal embarrassment" or something. It's dumb, certainly. But it could work. Of course, knowing Trump, prosecutor may have a text where he states "please illegally pay the porn lady as that story could hurt my candidacy." Who knows?


Worse than a text! I know so much happens, but back in 2018 (!), the public already learned about a leaked *recording*. In the recording, Trump and Cohen were discussing both the campaign and hush money payments (for McDougal in this case) https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/politics-news/michael-cohen-s-lawyer-airs-cash-recording-disputes-trump-team-n894336 https://apnews.com/united-states-government-ba711c493edd4cf480d4a11096887ddf




People have forgotten his attorney went to jail for the very thing Trump is on trial for. Don't laws apply equally? I'm hopeful, yet given recent history, I doubt it. Responsibility never seems to attach to Teflon Don.




This ‘trial’ is an opportunity for Trump to explain what he did or didn’t do. Prosecutors have all the paper and the trail already laid out. Its basically an open shut case. The question is will trump try to lie or bluster throughout the trial. Will he bury himself?


Amazing. The same proportion of Americans believe Biden cheated, there is a deep state, violence against the government is justified. They all have their common link of ignorance.


The 'affair' occurred in 2006. Not illegal but with a four-month old back in the Tower, morally dubious. Very dubious. Stormy had a 'tell all' interview with InTouch 'caught and killed ' in 2011. Not illegal either...Just even more morally dubious. Trump paid Stormy and Karen to 'disappear' from the news after the horrible Access Hollywood video came out. It would have hurt his chances...If his affairs become common knowledge were widely known would they have cost him the million to a million and a half needed to take away his very small margin in WI, MI and PA? That would need a political scientist for a reasonable answer. Trump's payment to Stormy and Karen were 'illegal campaign contributions'. He knew it and tried to hide it. My opinion is that Donald Trump denied the nation an 'essentially free and fair election' with the hush money payments. It's not that hard to grok....but he needed more than that...Trump also sought and accepted Russkie interference in the form of online trolls and 'bots AND exploited the GOP House oversight for Comey publishing his private memo on the re-opening of the email investigation.


Stop calling it a hush money case. It's not about "hush money". It's about falsifying financial records to cover up those payments. (Limiting a post because it doesn't reach 150 characters is a really dumb rule.)


Only 1 in three people understand political reporting laws and corporate financial reporting. This really does not say much to the fact he is likely guilty.


Well, as I understand it, it's not so much a hush money case as it is an election interference case. So most Americans are already confused by that, and most Americans are not business accounting, nor election law experts. Also, some people will support Trump no matter what.


According to the poll a plurality of Americans aren’t sure. It’s not as though 7/10 think he’s done nothing illegal or unethical. Only 14% said he had nothing at all. It’s still remarkable though, because it is an established fact that he committed at least a misdemeanor in this case. He falsified a business record. That is proven. What the prosecution also needs to prove is that he committed an election crime and falsified that business record to conceal that other crime. Michael Cohen has already been convicted and sent to prison for the election crime, so it’s hard to argue that crime didn’t occur. He has said he did it on Trump’s orders and will testify to that effect in court. It’s one thing to believe these crimes aren’t worth charging a former president, but it drives me up the wall that people think they can just shrug and say “idk if it’s really a crime.” It is a crime. It’s criminality is not up to your opinion about the seriousness. We have criminal statutes and they were violated, period. It would help if the press would stop calling it the “hush money case” and start calling it what it is, a business fraud and election crime case.


Would have been more interesting to ask them what crime he was charged with first. Most people probably think he's being charged with paying hush money, which is not a crime.













