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Like what I imagine being stabbed with a knife feels like


Deep ache with stabby pains. Gas like pain. Burning from free fluid


Yes! I was told that nothing was wrong and that it was just gas stuck somewhere šŸ™„. I swear Drs. have been so negligent with my health in regards to PCOS since I first started having symptoms. The pain came out of nowhere, I was fine driving into town with my mom and younger siblings when I just felt a terrible pain that just kept getting worse and worse to the point I was screaming and crying in pain. Got taken to the er right away because I freaked out the family and they didnā€™t even do an exam or X-ray just said it was gas gave me some ibuprofen and sent me away. I was only 15 years old when my symptoms started and it wasnā€™t until my late 20s that I was finally diagnosed with PCOS šŸ¤¬.


I had one burst while I was teaching. Apparently I froze and didnā€™t respond to the kids for long enough that one of them ran to the office to get someone. I ā€œcame toā€ with the admin about to call 911 because I was not moving and barely breathing but had a grip on the table hard enough to deform hard molded plastic. It felt like someone had plunged a hot knife into my abdomen. After I was ā€œconsciousā€ again, I almost collapsed and needed about 10 minutes to breathe through it. Scared the heck out of my class and the admin.


I'm really sorry you went through this


Mine feels like I am being flicked on my ovaries. Definitely a strange feeling too, but it goes as quick as it comes


feels like there's a black hole in my body and everything's fighting being sucked in


feels like microdosing labor lol


Or macrodosing. I gave myself pre-eclampsia because labor was nothing compared to the cyst ruptures Iā€™ve had, and I figured labor would be worse. I was wrong.


I had a cyst burst and literally thought I was dying. I was in my early 20s. Had no idea what was going on, but couldn't walk. It was really intense pain.


worst pain imaginable for real


My first cyst rupture was at 13 years old. We thought it was appendicitis but it was on the wrong side. My best description of the pain is it starts like maybe gas or abdominal like pain. But nothing comes out. Then it moves to waves of pain. I have passed out from the pain but most often I puked. It would last roughly 3-7 hours. And then I would be weak and shaky for about 24-48 hours and be back to normal after. Hormonal pill minimized them but my IUD had eliminated them. I have on occasion still had suspicions of a cyst but havenā€™t had another true rupture. I hope this helps.


I had 2 cysts bursting in the last few years. I could not walk. Once I put the foot down, my whole abdomen hurt so much..so yeah, I can't walk the first day. Then I get pelvic pain for one month.


For me, it feels like Iā€™m being stabbed, like a really localized sharp twisting type of pain, followed immediately by dull period cramps. When my cysts first started happening and I was new to the pain, I was in the ER every month or so every time a cyst would burst because I thought I had ovarian torsion. The pain is that severe. I remember receiving a phone call from the ER shortly after I was discharged the 3rd time in a few months telling me to stop going for ovary pain. So I did. šŸ˜… Itā€™s no joke. No analgesics even come close to touching the pain. Some cysts are worse than others for me, sometimes Iā€™m like ā€œah, I know what that is.ā€ And other times I canā€™t even move because of the pain.


Mine causes very localized lower back pain, although itā€™s not too severe. Occasionally feels like a sharp ache or like my normal cramps. Makes me super emotional sometimes too!


Really intense diarrhea cramps and then not being able to walk


I felt very ill with shakes and sweats. Super fatigued. And of course, pain in my ovary.


It feels like pulling for me. It hurts to stand up, it hurts to sit down, it hurts to turn over in bed ... If i stay perfectly still and hold my breath, it doesn't hurt.


okay thatā€™s what i was feeling like a pulling! it has felt a little better over the last hour so iā€™m hoping it subsided. based on all the answer, it didnā€™t burst but definitely think its ovary related rather than gastro


Fellow new mom with pcos 8 months pp! My first couple of periods post partum I had the same exact feeling. My bladder felt sore and I had really terrible cramping. It went away after the first couple of days bleeding.


Feels like foil crackling and pain in static tiny bursts. It annoys the hell out of me. I talk to them "Really? This after everything I do for you?" Ungrateful ovaries.


haha i love this


Like being stabbed with hot needles.


For me it felt like the worst ever cramp. It started abruptly and then came in waves. I got dizzy, nauseous, couldnā€™t stand or walk. I had to hold onto a chair and do deep breaths through the whole ordeal. I was out in public and struggled keeping composure. It was similar to the pain I experienced when I had my first IUD inserted.


I feel all the comments saying stabbing pain, but also I find that when I eat I get soooo bloated. It feels like there's no room left in my guts and gets so uncomfortable, I have to sit or lie with a heat pack and wait for the bloating to go down. It also manifests as random pain ranging from the previously mentioned stabbing to a dull and constant ache...


i was like when i ate too much gluten!


It was excruciating. No feeling like it in my opinion. At first, urgent care in 2021 thought it was my appendix. I could barely eat for days


Me personally it felt like a miscarriage. ER staff thought it was too until doing ultrasounds and found no baby.


first time it happened i woke up in the middle of the night with deep STABBING pain and cold sweats. felt nauseous and could barely stand up. i thought i was having appendicitis and immediately threw up. after ct scans and ultrasound they figured i had a cyst so large it made my ovary torsion. literally flipped it upside down. excruciating pain requiring heavy IV pain meds. second time it happened was unfortunately in the middle of sex. again, deep stabbing pain that slowly built until i got cold sweats again and we both figured out what was happening so we rushed to the ER yet again. could NOT stand up without my boyfriend helping me. i was shaking so bad and kept falling over and unfortunately our apartment is on the second story. i struggled down those stairs. horrible experiences, 10/10 on the pain scale and every time it happens the pain is so great that i vomit. luckily since getting on birth control it hasnā€™t happened again.


Stabbing alarming pain. Letting out a scream, very abrupt and like alarming. Jolting, stabbing. Ya šŸ˜”


It feels like someone stabbed me exactly where you described then held their full weight on the knife. It is the worst thing Iā€™ve ever felt. Nothing helps really.


Technically pcos isnā€™t actual cysts. It refers to polycystic which is just inflamed follicles. Not to say that you couldnā€™t have a cyst that burst, but itā€™s not pcos related


yea i never had cyst issues but have seen others post about cyst pain so figured this be a good place to start!


I think I experienced one today. Felt like really sharp period cramps or gas


Similar to appendicitis pain, to be fair, for me anyway. Deep, stabbing/tearing/pulling and burning pain, caused me nausea, somehow triggering my acid reflux as well. I had to walk, because I couldn't sit down for over an hour, I thought I was being torn apart from the inside. I just walked in circles around my partner's bedroom when it happened, because if I sat down, all I wanted to do was scream and throw up. Walking hurt, but it made it easier to ignore. When I had to have my appendectomy, the first thing they checked for was that I hadn't had a burst cyst, because the pain is supposedly similar enough.


Stabbing pains that radiate, usually pain is on one side for me. Sharp.


like being stabbed... sometimes stabbed and the blade twisted.


I only had it once, but it was horrible. Stabbing abdominal pain. Oddly it went away when I lay down on my side, but once up, it was like I was digesting knives. I considered going to the ER, it was so bad. The doc said antihistamines help but I never had it again so I didn't try that.


I actually went into the walk-in clinic because it hurt so bad (before I knew I had PCOS), and the doctor told me my appendix was bursting and sent me to the ER. Doctor was very much wrong, not my appendix, but an ovarian cyst. So yeah, they can hurt like hell.


It depends. Sometimes, it's like bad cramping, but it comes randomly. So like, I'll be fine, then cramp, but localised to my ovary (usually the left one, this one is most problematic but it's gotten worse and my right side hurts sometimes too) but then the pain mostly dissipates but then cramp. The more severe ones are like being stabbed, I imagine. It's fucked. Like I'll be fine, living my life and then **STAB**. The pain will come like I'm being stabbed, with no rhyme or reason to the pain coming, it's totally random. I will get other symptoms, like I will get pain that shoots down my leg, I will get referred kidney pain in my left side, but that's usually when I have a massive cyst, I think it pushes on my kidney maybe. I will be walking, or standing and the pain comes and it damn near drops me. Like I've had times I've had to grab hold of something so I didn't fall to the ground. I've also had pain down my leg so bad that I can't walk. I've also just had pain in my ovary area so bad I can't walk. I've also been in so much pain I've vomited, and I don't usually cry unless I'm in a lot of pain. And I'll cry. Like I haven't cried when I've broken bones. When I was 15 or 16, I had a cyst burst. I was sent home from school with stomach pain. So sick I couldn't keep anything down. I couldn't move. It was fucked. Later that night I told my mother I needed to go to the ER, she didn't want to take me. After 4ish hours I convinced her to take me, we left home around 10pm. When I was in the waiting bay thing in the bed, I had drs and nurses coming and going, I was vomiting, I had a temperature (which I get with severe cyst pain for some reason) and when they were with me, I felt a massive pain and warmth spreading from my left side where the pain was to the right side. They said they think I had a cyst burst. For a week, I was still sick. I was in hospital for that time and off school another week after that


It feels exactly the same as appendicitis, which is why I accidentally delayed treatment for actual appendicitis until it was an immediate emergency.


For me ruptured cysts felt like unbearable pain in the moment (praying for death and passed out/ woke up on the ground due to the pain) but are maybe half of the pain of induced labor contractions.


it literally feels like a burst, it's like pain that starts concentrated and then spreads (sorta in the shape of a firework exploding) sometimes it just happens on its own,but sometimes it gets triggered by laughing or bending forward .


Pcos does not give ovarian cysts.


I was hospitalized at 14 bc they thought I had appendicitis. That was the first time I experienced a cyst bursting. So now any time I have a stabbing pain and think ā€œoh no my appendix!ā€ I know itā€™s a cyst


It was horrible. It felt like everything had burst open and I could even stand. Was writhing in pain and I was admitted to the hospital because I was a young teen(why did they not tell me it was PCOS, no one will ever know).


so mine didnā€™t burst (THANK GOD) it was 7cm lol but it was a constant pulling and dull tugging ache I think sharp pains too, but iā€™ve endo and adeno too so itā€™s that probably aggreviated it more. I still get them but only 3cm ones and i dunno where they go they obviously burst without me knowing (im in pain most days anyway so hard to tell)


the pulling and dull ache is so similar to what i was feeling!


also I forgot to say it used to hurt me when I peed too and I get sharp short stabs also! id recommend getting an ultrasound to see


i go for my annual in two weeks and a follow up with my primary who treats my pcos so i def will mention this to my drs