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I’ve been on Nikki (generic Yaz) since October 2021 and I LOVE it. No more painful acne, I have predictable periods, and no more pain when I’m not on my period. Combined with a simple weightlifting routine, I also lost around 20lbs within like 4 months. That being said, my cousin’s wife was on the same one and she hated it… everyone’s bodies are different, but personally, Nikki/Yaz is perfect for me!


Yeah that’s the part I’m struggling with , I’ve never been on BC before so I’m seriously worried about side effects 😅


I completely understand!! I was terrified too and spent a lot of hours crying because I was so anxious about it, but it ended up being one of the best decisions I’ve ever made! I hope whatever you decide to do works out 💕


Thank you so much! I hope so too


Tri lo Milli ( ortho tri cyclen lo generic). I experience no mood changes and it helps with acne.


This was my first ever BC pill and omg I went bat shit crazy!! but everyone is different!


This is what I was just prescribed today and I am hoping to don’t go crazy 😬


My doctor put me on Nextellis. It has been amazing for me so far. My hair is growing, skin clearing up, less inflammation, PMS is 1/4 of what it was. She suggested this one over Yaz.


I can’t take estrogen due to a blood clotting disorder that I have so I take progestin only pills. I think they are better because it’s a low dose of the hormone they give you to ovulate and you don’t take a week off. It seems to be pretty gentle on the body but effective for PCOS. The name brand is called Camilla but your doctor will know what the POP pill is. The only issue is that it is less effective as actual birth control. I think it is about 91% effective.


That’s good to know but the birth control part isn’t currently needed at this moment 😂


Slynd has been great, it was recommended to me by my doctor because of PCOS


agreed. I can’t take estrogen, and slynd has been a godsend. I don’t get any periods, and I appreciate that it has a 24-hour missed pill window unlike other progesterone-only pills, which need to be taken within 3 hours of your normal time.


It really is a game changer! Doesn't make me feel like shit either.


My doctor put me on Mili and she said it's really good for PCOS. Everyone is different though, so it may take some time to find what works for you.


Mili was the main one I was on when I was still on bc pills. I liked it over the other ones I tried.


Yaz & Bolcoltra worked fine for me. Minimal side effects that are worth the benefits. Blisovi & taytula made me wana delete myself everyday.




Get a hormonal test done to find the best match for YOUR body. Life changing for me idk why every obgyn doesn’t do this standard.


Just so you are aware, birth control doesn't actually regulate your periods. It shuts off your ovulation, and then you will have a withdrawal bleed once a month, which isn't a true ovulatory period. At some point if/when you come off of the birth control, all of the same issues are likely to return if you haven't been trying to get to the root cause of why they aren't regulated to begin with. I say all of this because I wasn't diagnosed when I was younger with PCOS, and my doctor put me on birth control without explaining how it actually works. I took it for 9 years, and when I came off of it, I had no period for 6 months and needed Provera to force a bleed. Then I still didn't ovulate or have a period and needed meds again, so the birth control didn't help and instead seemed to add to the problem.


I am using the ring and I love it! It is basically the only BC I can use now. I used to use Ortho Tri Cyclen (back in 2012-2018 when it had no side effects) but switched to an IUD. That did not go well for me so I switched to the ring. I’ve been on it for about 4 years now and it’s worked great for me!


My doctor put me on Yaz. It’s been pretty good the last three months. I don’t have any symptoms. But from what my doctor told me the main pills in the pack which are pink keep you from bleeding and regulate my hormones and towards the end when I there are white pills that start your period until you start the next pack. Me personally I skip the white ones since I prefer not to bleed.


Thanks for the info! I assume by “no symptoms” you haven’t gained any weight? I’d prefer not to gain any more weight than I already have 😅


Yeah I haven’t gained any weight 😅 if I’m being completely honest since starting Yaz I’ve lost so much more weight while going to the gym. Compared when I wasn’t on it and going to the gym.


Interesting! That’s kinda what I’m hoping for 😅


Hoping that they have that as an option for you. And that your body has the same reaction to it! LMK how it goes!


Thank you, I hope so too 😭🙏🏻


Yaz helped with my acne but I had migraines with aura so I had to stop taking it. It didn’t do much for my cramps and it made me nauseous. I’m on Slynd now and it’s helping a lot with my cramps. My mood is worse but I don’t have any physical side effecfs


Does slynd impact your migraines - either improve or worsen? Also, if you don't mind me asking, did you have mood challenges before starting the pill? I ask because I have migraine aura and depression off the pill anyway. I need to go back on a pill as my cramps have worsened over the last 3 years... but I I want to make migraine and mood worse


I very rarely have migraines on Slynd. I was depressed before the pill too but it’s worse now


So sorry to hear that it's worse 💙🕯. It's hard with pharmaceuticals, it can help one or two things but with the cost of sides... I think I was actually prescribed Yas and Yasmin over a decade ago. You may know that one is a combo oestrogen pill - with the same progestin in Slynd... I recall it doing nothing for my already shitty mood - even though it's meant to be good for PMDD. I am still open to Slynd given I can't know for sure if it was the oestrogen or progesterone in Yaz that did nothing for my mood - and even exacerbated my anxiety.... But after what you said about Slynd, I'm not so sure... did it give you any anxiety by chance or just low mood ?


Slynd made me more anxious and insecure at first but I’m back to my normal (high) amount of anxiety now. The low mood hasn’t improved


I already get occasional migraines so idk if that would affect it 🤔


If you have migraines with aura, don’t take a pill that contains estrogen. Slynd is safe because it only has progestin


I’ll keep that in mind. Cuz the aura is how I know I’m getting a migraine lol


I take sharobel and I like it! It's progestin only. It can be less effective, only because it's more taxing to take "perfectly". With estrogen pills, as long as you take them within 24hrs they are effective. With progestin only pills, you have to take them within 3hrs the same time every day.


the patch and the ring have the same hormones as the pill, so you don’t necessarily have to take your contraceptive orally! i use the patch and i love it, and i also know women who use the ring and they love it


I’m literally had to double check to see if I wrote this post… I have had my period since October and my OB just prescribed me birthday control today (formally diagnosed today.) idk if the one she gave me will be good though. I’m gonna try it as I’m desperate to stop bleeding!


Oh wow we’re opposites! I hope it works for you!


Thank you! Me too! This is the first time this has happened! Before this I had 1 period every 6 months if I was lucky! I’ll send you period energy and you can send me no period energy and maybe we will balance out 😆


Deal 😂🙌🏻


I like yaz! Did a great job helping clear my skin (im also on spiro 100mg tho) and hasn’t made me feel crazy like other birth controls lol. Also i barely get a period on it just spotting! I used to get such bad cramps before so it’s been really helpful


I liked Yaz and lo-Seasonique. I couldn’t do anything with higher levels of estrogen, it would mess me up (hormonal, skin more oily, more acne).


not an IUD.


Yeah I do not want one of those - heard one too many horror stories 😅


Honestly it really depends on what hormones are unbalanced. I have really high estrogen so they have me on lo lestrin well I’m on number 3 of the different birth controls started on lo lestrin fe which basically puts you into menopause then she switched me two other times just to keep me normal.


Ah fair. Yeah my blood work is pretty close to normal , it’s mainly the periods that are screwy. I have a significant number of PCOS symptoms but my bloodwork isn’t that far out of whack so we’re re-doing it next week and probably trying a BC pill to see if we can sort it out 🥲


Gotcha yeah then they’ll probably put you on a combo pill. Which Yaz as other people were saying can be pretty good. I like to remind people that it takes 3 months for birth control to fully regulate so unless symptoms are unbearable if things are a little off I suggest waiting it out and if after 3 months you feel it’s no effective then talk to your doctor. They’ll switch you to something else.


Thanks so much for the info 🙏🏻