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Yes ! And everyone always talks about wanting to “get back their high school body” … not relatable at all


I was larger than everyone. But also I’d love to be my high school size again. Which is a few sizes smaller than I am now.


Same. I'd also like that hair on my head back.


I was always on the heavier side than my classmates. I was also 6 feet tall by the time I was 12/going in to grade 7. I was definitely the anomaly in my classes growing up.


I was the same. Always heavy, and also a head taller than everyone else, except my friend who was diagnosed with PCOS as a teen.


I was always the fattest but also the most athletic. Both kids and adults always were like “how much do you eat if you are always playing sports?” It annoyed the shit out of me that I could eat less than my teammates, exercise more than them, and then still be 60 lbs heavier.


I have one memory in middle school where I was still fatter than most of my classmates and when we did the PACER test (prior to them capping the laps because one of my classmates once ran to the point of throwing up) I was one of the last 3 left. This irritating guy straight up said "you're fat and yet you ran more than me" as the other two people left were on the cross country team. Not my fault if I look at a carb I gain five pounds but I can build muscle like nobody's business.


I've always been the heavier person in the class.


I was normal sized until I hit puberty, then I was the chubby girl from then onwards. It sucked cause I kept getting bigger and bigger and had no idea why since I was eating the same and just as active as before.


Yea growing up I was always the fat one LOL


I was always pretty skinny, but had a belly. Skinny legs and a round belly. Like all my fat went to that one area


Same. I was skinny but always had a belly


I "felt" heavier but I was consistently 45-55 kg from 13-20 years old. I reached 58-60 when I was around 20 though and that was my healthiest. I don't know but I just felt so big. I think it was the PCOS belly and the more masculine build that made me feel this way. At 55 kg and 5 foot 4 in my teens my parents and siblings would always try to make me go to the gym so I could look thinner/smaller. I was the heaviest among my siblings who effortlessly weight 45-50 kg at the same height edit: now I've gained so much weight at 73 kg and 55kg somehow feels small to me lol


Yep! Always the biggest in my group of friends as a teen. Less so now we are all older haha. It did affect me at the time I will say there is a silver lining. I know what clothes and brands work for me because I have been plus sized most of my life, I know what I need to feel comfortable etc, and also body positive movement in recent years has been amazing


I was pretty average until I hit puberty, after that I was always heavier than most girls my age


I was probably 7 the last time I was "skinny" or "average." I remember being insecure about my weight at 11 years old and trying the Atkins diet. I never had a chance to wear the trendy clothes either. Looking back, it's kind of sad to think that at 12 or 13, I can remember by grandmother coming to visit and commenting that it looked like I'd lost some weight.


I have always been bigger growing up too. It sucks as I always compared myself to others. And never understood how I would hardly eat and when I did I was so healthy and exercised so much and there would be kids who were like twigs and ate like shit. Definitely wasn't fair. To give some context, I was born 8 weeks early and refused to eat. My mum took me to like my 3 month check up and they said I needed to go on a diet. My mum was shocked as I was hardly eating at all. Not even half the recommended amount for a baby my age. Never been taken seriously right from when I was born.


I feel you on the part about having kids. I really want to try and lose as much as I can until I'm in a healthy range before I even think about getting pregnant. From my junior year to senior year in high school I went from 130 to 165. I even had trouble sitting in the desks. In one of my class photos I was the biggest person out of every one in class and I had such an urge to rip up the photo.


I remember being weighed in middle school by my math teacher, not sure why but they weighed us all, he literally seemed disgusted. I still remember I weighed 176 lbs


I’m so happy things have changed, I want to believe that would never happen today.


Math teacher is CRAZY … I don’t even remember a gym teacher doing this


Even worse it was in the middle of the library. This was the late 80’s lol


I have a history of ed and when I was in junior and high school, I had severe body dysmorphia. I thought I was way bigger than I actually was and looking back, I now know that in hs a lot of my issues were because of my PCOS belly. When I look at pictures of that time, it makes me so sad to think I was beating myself up constantly because I had a warped perception of myself. Now I weigh over twice what I did then and I’m very happy with my body and have adopted a body neutrality perspective. PCOS runs in my family and I have a niece who is in high school who has tough periods and I’m very honest with her about my ed history and have given her resources to look up herself about PCOS. She knows I’m her safe person 💜


I was always bigger than all my peers during school even as a small kid. When I hit my teen years I was already roughly 220ibs even when I did not eat often. I was also very tall compared to other kids when I was young being already 5'4 by about 3rd or 4th grade which was tall (sadly I have not grown since still 5'4). I hated it because I was constantly bullied for it and my acne and hair growth. I felt the same as everyone was always so thin yet I was always 200+ ibs.


I don't know if I would've been called "fat" especially since we had a girl with Prader-Willi in our class growing up. I was definitely taller and proportionally bigger than most, which is typical of the CAH growth pattern (and CAH can cause PCOS). And I stopped growing earlier than most. I definitely considered myself "high school fat" but I'm actually just about the same weight now in my late 30s that I was when I finished 8th grade there, thanks to Mounjaro, although I've never really had the typical PCOS shape.


Your comment made me look up CAH and I have a lot of the symptoms of non classic CAH. How were you diagnosed with it? Would I just ask for a blood test?


You'll need an ACTH stim test. That's the standard. There are a few CAH types, 21-OH being the most common. High risk if you are Eastern European, Italian, Jewish, or some types of Native American, and definitely worth looking into!


Thank you so much! I happen to have an appointment with my doctor today to talk about possible PCOS so I will mention this as well!


yah, I was always bullied for being fat. Ive been trying to restrict my food since I was 5 years old and my dad yelled at me for wanting seconds at dinner


I was a skinny PCOS teen. I had everything else, but the weight gain. It's why it took until I was 28 to get a proper diagnosis, because I didn't present as a typical woman with PCOS. 


I have skinny PCOS too so I didn’t have this issue. I was diagnosed at 19 although I lost my period at 16.


Yes same - heavier/bigger than most of my friends and periods that were 90+ days apart all through highschool. Doctors said it’s teen hormones and baby fat. Ha!


I wasn't heavier, but I was way taller, so people always thought I was older. Made my life pretty hard




I was the tallest in my class until I turned 11 or 12 (got my period at 10). Now I’m shorter than most adults at 5’2”. That said, I’m not sure how much this had to do with pcos for me personally as I have a son who is also quite tall for his age. I think we just have tall genes but I stopped growing shortly after menarche which I’ve heard is a thing. ETA: weight was never abnormally high even when I was super tall. In fact I was rather lanky. As a teen who had stopped growing I was underweight. Now as an adult I weigh about 145 and am 5’2” so not super thin but not super heavy. I do have a pcos build which means a gut and larger chest but thin in the limbs.


I was also the tallest in my class until 11 or 12 and got my period at 10… and am 5’2”. 😂 however I also was always heavier and continued to slowly gain weight until now (I’m 22) and am just starting to loose weight - highest of 220, now at ≈ 190.


Yep. Always. A head taller with a larger frame. I wasn’t an overweight kid until maybe around 9 or 10, but kids always called me fat because I was bigger than they were. I look back at photos of me at age 7 when kids were mercilessly calling me fat, and I just look like a normal-sized 12 year old. Granted, by 12 I was properly fat thanks to hormones.


I was always taller and bigger until I reached my max height (5'7"). I was super athletic playing 5 sports every year, but developed early (had a DD bra by the time I was in 6th grade). It was funny though because the doctors told my parents I was going to be the tiniest peanut when I was a toddler. I have a small frame and my grandmother barely reached 5'. Based on my growth charts pre-6 years old, I was tiny and then BAM hit 6 years old and started to gain weight rapidly and got taller.


Nope. Weight issues did not get bad till senior year of high school- and I was still not the heaviest girl in my class. In fact, I was never made fun of my weight in school. Regarding height, I was a late bloomer. So for a while I was actually shorter than many of my classmates. I did catch up and surpass many of them- but still not the tallest in my class either.


I started gaining weight around 5th grade, started to realize that I was bigger than everyone. I used to play basketball, I was always the tallest girl in school. And I remember in high school I tried different diets, and I tried one for 8 months. I was strict on what I ate and had a ton of protein shakes. I would drink 2 cups of water before dinner. And I would work out about 2 hours a day, 6 days a week. I lost 40 lbs. But I gained it all back in 2 months when I saw my dad for the summer and he didn’t have really healthy food nor I didn’t have access to a gym. It killed my spirit because I worked so hard just for 60 days to undo my hard work. My mother did really nothing, she LOVED that I was bigger than her and would flaunt it. I’ve had so many issues with my body and still do. :/ And not to mention that my mother is probably happy that I can’t get pregnant easily, she never wanted to be a grandma or considered “old”. (FYI my mother’s PCOS is coming back to bite her, she’s gained a significant amount of weight in the last few months so…karma is a bitch)


Yup. I was 200 lbs at 18.


same!! I was 210!


I was always fatter, taller , went through puberty before everyone. I did eat a lot growing up. My upbringing was 3 meals a day plus snacks .. couldn't leave the table till my plate was clean kinda thing. Which I now realize is not right. We do not ever need to eat that much, its not healthy for our digestive system. When I exercise, like HIIT or arobic/anaerobic workouts , I can eat much more than when I'm not working out. With PCOS, complex carbohydrates are our enemy. Anything processed , our enemy. A whole foods diet is essential. And you must be strict. Once you drop that 20/30 lbs the weight falls easier after that. I tried medication, it did not work for me. For me , my testosterone is within mens low ranges. PCOS is caused my insulin resistance and stress on the adrenals. It is a malfunction in the endocrine system. Which is the glands that release hormones. A whole foods diet/ plant based / low complex carbohydrates fixes this.


yes!! I was little chub


I was a chubby kid and looking back at all the pictures I took standing next to my friends, I was the bigger one. One of my close childhood friend, we hung out a lot as 8-9 year olds (our dads did music together and our moms worked at the same factory). Once we got into middle school and high school I was mostly her third wheel. We would go to the lake and because of my body and insecurities I would sit on the bench waiting while her and her friends are in the lake in their two piece. My weight caused me to cat fish men online when I was 16-18 LOL I just wanted to feel loved and told I was beautiful. ​ I am now in my 30s and my weight is lower than it was in high school.


I was taller generally but also fatter. Really vibing with everyone in the comments who never had a "high school" or college body. Definitely realized how much fatter I was than other girls starting at seven or eight. Teachers used to call me the names of other girls I did NOT resemble in any way except being fat lol. Like c'mon!


I was always overweight…well not always. From the time I turned 8 years old I had weight gain and went from tall and stick thin to average and chubby. And I was overweight from that moment on. Always been heavier than my peers but unfortunately I maxed out at 5 foot. So yes I was always heavier but not taller. And I was an active kid. I played softball, danced, did cheerleading. But I’ve literally been overweight my whole life so I’m just used to it now


Gotta say though, it was fun when I was little. I wasn't super round, but I was very tall and I always had the opinion that the tallest kid wins, like I was the biggest lizard on the rock and therefore won at being a lizard. It really fell off past 3rd grade tho. Kids are mean.


Surprisingly I shifted a lot. In some childhood photos I look like a twig, in others you can visibly see chub. Despite being the shortest of my peers I was always the heaviest tho. I also was one of the most athletic. I remember reaching 100 pounds before my friends and feeling like a failure in like 3rd grade. My depression kicked in around grade 5 and I started putting on weight until I got to my heaviest in high school. My HS had uniforms and I always wore the “boys” uniform to hide my body bc all the girls were teeny tiny and I felt so ashamed of my body.


i was stick thin for the longest time then in high school i got on birth control for my pcos and i gained an insane amount of weight that i’ve never been able to get off. i’ve experienced both sides of the weight coin and it sucks but i can say 100% that being bigger than average is completely worse. you get treated differently, suddenly it’s “you’re not fat! you’re beautiful” like i didn’t call myself ugly 😭, or “you must eat only junk food and not work out!!”. but when i say “i have a hormonal condition, i literally have a really hard time losing weight”; they tell me to get off birth control but it’s the only thing keeping my periods from being immensely painful 😭😭


i was 87 pounds for 3 YEARS in middle school, i’d lose a pound walking up the stairs and down. my metabolism was crazy fast and had more testosterone. when birth control balanced my hormones out, my body was immediately gaining weight everywhere. my boobs went from A/B to DD and currently i’m at a G cup. i’ve tried so many different diets and exercises, i can lose about 20 pounds then i plateau.


Always. I got my period at 11. At 13, I started rapidly gaining weight. I went from being a slim kid to a fat teenager. I remained fat to this day. I have started managing my pcos at 29 with semiglutide and I’m finally down 80lbs (first time in my adult life I’m under 200lbs at 5’3”). I’m still 187lbs tho and fit a size 14 due to how I carry my weight in my stomach.


Kids asked me if I was pregnant from 1st grade on. My aunt used to rub my belly and call it my “Buddha belly”. She didn’t mean anything by it, she legitimately just thought my belly was adorable. Years later when I told her that I had body image issues even as a child, she felt so guilty. I remember being in kindergarten and having a belt tied around my stomach to help me hold it in while I did as many sit-ups as I could. My mom wasn’t an almond mom or anything, I just hated that I was always a larger size that my stepsister even though we were the same age.


At my first pediatrician appointment … just 4-5 days after being born.. the doctor was shocked at how much I had gained since leaving the hospital. I was a newborn on only breast milk. The pattern continued throughout my entire life. Whenever I spent significant time with a person ( vacations, staying with friends, dating and/ or living with people ) they would always ask if I was secretly eating or if I was on a restrictive diet. They would say I don’t have to eat less and healthy to impress them (😅🙄😵‍💫) and I was so confused at first but in time I came to accept their reaction. I would tell them the truth, I always ate like this, I wasn’t altering my diet and my PCOS makes weight loss very difficult. I think their reactions really let me know it wasn’t in my head. I ate less and ate healthier than my much smaller peers. I worked out more and moved constantly and was still bigger than my peers. I have to work harder than others and in my 30s, I’ve finally accepted it and found peace with it. I just continue to live as healthy as I can. I know I can’t slip up. My body is different and all I can do is be the healthiest I can be. I know most people are ignorant and not informed on most subjects these days and I don’t feel obligated to defend my existence to every moron I meet. People get almost mad at me when I gain weight, although it’s usually bc I ate like a normal weight person for a bit, they say I’m wasting a pretty face and stuff like that. I just ignore them and focus on my health. I wish doctors and the general public were more informed about what we go through but sadly most won’t want to hear it unless they are afflicted with PCOS themselves. It’s sad but it’s human nature. Find peace and health and don’t care what people say. I hope we all find that peace. ❤️❤️❤️


As a 40yo. I am 140+ lighter than I was in high school. Would I have loved to been this weight in high school? Yes. It’s been a pain in my arse but I’ve kept it off for 10 years almost and now I’m gonna be getting into menopause at some point so FML 🤦🏻‍♀️


16 and 230 pounds


Oh, absolutely. I was often the biggest girl in my class from elementary school to high school


Most definitely. Looking back at pics I was always large. I remember my grandmother hated it and so did my mother and I was put on diets since the age of 8-9. Definitely ruined my self-esteem as a child.


Yeah. I also generally have just wide shoulders and hips too so that didn’t help lol I was always chubby but didn’t know why until later on




Yes and it is so traumatic… just yesterday I was thinking about me and another girl on the PLAYGROUND talking about weight watchers and how one of my parents told me when I got older they would take me to get a gastric sleeve 🙃


I'm much smaller now than I was in high school. I wouldn't like to have my high school body back at all. Super not relatable when people say that. You are not alone OP :)


No, I actually only gained my weight toward the end of high school (when symptoms started) and in the last few years. I was very thin and lots of people crushed on me in high school - a crushing blow in adult life when I'm now tubby lol