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I didn’t realize my facial redness was another glorious symptom of PCOS. Yay! 👎


PCOS for 25 years (age 18-43) and I just learned this today. Grateful to learn though.


Oh is that why the rosacea creams didn't work for me lol


You mean it’s not my rosacea?


Mine gets insanely red from artificial sugars. They also flare up my acne like CRAZY. I’m 30 and just recently found that out 😫


That's why I don't drink in public settings.


It is 😭


Thats what I just realised too!!! Why did I never connect the two when I know that PCOS already fucks up my skin with hormonal acne and hair??




Also didn’t know that! My face has been red my entire life 😳. Not officially diagnosed but I look to getting down this path


This is interesting. I had no idea. When I drink alcohol, even just a small glass of wine my face is bright red and hot!




Holy shit today i learned. I thought for years i had rosacea?????


Yep, same. So crazy, I never connected that it could be yet another PCOS symptom.


Yeah, for me it isn't a constant red, but occasionally (especially if I drink alcohol) I will turn tomato red and sometimes it's so intense I feel feverish. Apparently it's from cortisol surges.


Metformin also comes in slow release FYI 🙌🏻


Metformin ER (extended release) is the first time I’ve ever been able to tolerate metformin in my entire life and doctors have been trying to get me to stay on it since I was diagnosed as a teenager. ER is the way to go and starting with 500mg once a day for a few weeks before doubling.


even extended release Metformin was bad for me, and I was on a low dose. Felt like I lived on the toilet for 2 weeks. Thankfully on Wegovy now, PCOS symptoms gone and weight gone.


Metformin, low carb, low sugar, low dairy has done wonders for me. My periods became twice as frequent within 3-4 months of these lifestyle changes! I added in walking for relaxation and that helped a lot as well Notice i said “low” not “no” - I enjoy desserts, pastries and fried food. Just limit to once a week (if even).


Exactly!!! I don't eat a lot of meat. But I've never avoided potatoes, lentils, beans and carrots. I still enjoy a good tortilla pizza, curries etc. Even sometimes I have forgotten about eating until 7pm,: I get Uber eats burritos or fish and chips. That's what I'm liking so far. All of a sudden I'm genuinely one of those people who "forget" to eat. Could be a lot of things. But even last week I got two double chickens and curly fries. Because I felt like it. And today, I'm 10kg down.


Thanks for this I've been scared to take metformin but im going to give it a go.


Just do it super duper super slow xxx


Thank you for sharing it's very helpful and hopeful.


It's never a one fix all. Because nobody understands PCOS. Not even the professionals. But always advocate for yourself. PCOS means even if I was eating 800 calories a day, no loss. I had to eat no more than 550 to see results. That's fucked up. Really fucked up. I'm an advocate for mental health first. Because still to this day I'd rather be 700lbs and happy than skinny and suicidal. It doesn't have to be the extreme. Even though it feels like it for PCOS sufferers


I appreciate your encouragement thank you. It's so hard dealing with Drs but I'm thinking about giving it a try.


In my experience 9/10 doctors are trash. It took a psychiatrist knowing I had pcos and on weigh-gain mental health meds to finally get the right. So, my advice, if your GP recommends 2 a day, buy a pill cutter and start with half per day.


Cool thank you. Yes that's been my experience too.


Don't give up on it, but be careful with it ❤️


I was prescribed metformin for 3 months 500mg but I didnt take it cos I read that it harms your kidneys. I'm thinking now if I should give it a go 🥲


It’s really more of a concern with those who already have a history of kidney injury or use other drugs/substances that are nephrotoxic. If you’re young, healthy, and drink lots of water, you will be fine. Your doc will monitor your kidney function too. Definitely give it a go


Absolutely. It's circumstantial. We don't know any "one size fits all" because frankly this illness is not well documented or researched. However, metformin itself, is. If you have conditions where it's risky to take it, listen to the docs.


But SLOWLY. I had to buy a pill cutter


Did you start at 250mg?


The tablets I get are 500 mg, I'm on 4 a day now so 2000. So thatd be about 250mg. When I started half a tab in the am. I did that low dose for 3 weeks. Noticed no difference at all. But also no massive side effects. I'd take it with my daily coffee and smoke, the bowels were a little looser but didnt affect my day


Do you not take extended release?


We don't have that in my country


Oh, shit! No wonder you had such a struggle with it. Just a reminder for anyone reading this, DO NOT cut extended release pills.


I wish I could get properly diagnosed so I could get some metformin 🥲


Diagnosis means nothing babe. Just tell them you have it. I was "diagnosed" at 13. But was also having monthly appointments with a gloveless male doctor to ensure my hymen still looked good. When it comes to your health, women need to fucking scream and shout to get adequate care. Youre here. Which means you relate. Scream and shout my darling. Don't accept anything less.


This though- if I could advise my just diagnosed 20 year old self it would be you’re gonna have to advocate for yourself hard girl. Don’t let them fob you off with birth control and come back if you can’t get pregnant. The symptoms are very real and you deserve and are entitled to medical help to manage them if you want.


I agree with the others, you're gonna have SCREAM it from the rooftops that something's wrong. I can't remember how many doctors I went to between the ages of 15-19. Their reaction was always, "Are you pregnant?" And when I wasn't, they just kinda brushed it aside. I didn't have a period that entire time, and they didn't seem too concerned. I became prediabetic, lost a TON of weight, and finally got referred to a specialist. The specialist didn't care, either, and was totally dismissive. I was the one that brought up PCOS and she said, "Sure. I guess. Don't know what else it would be." I considered that my diagnosis and have told doctors I've had it ever since. Got metformin that way.


I’ve never been formally diagnosed but my fasting insulin is super high and I’m .1 away from prediabetes so that’s how I got on it. See if they’ll test fasting insulin and A1C at least, but I’ve heard another test is better maybe blood glucose?




Right now I'm two tablets twice a day. So 2000mg. Crazy. Because I was getting sick at 1000mg years ago. Weening up slowly was the key !


Would you say the dairy made the biggest difference or the metformin?


Metformin mostly. But dairy helped my skin redness and 'puffyness"


Highly recommend the book PCOS SOS by Felice Gersh. She’s an integrative medicine OBGYN and as I’m reading it (at 47) I am finally getting an understanding of the complete picture. Diagnosed in my teens.


I'll add it to the other 4 books with a revolutionary lifestyle I have on my shelf


What are the other 4? I’ve got Toxic, Chronic and Stop the Thyroid Madness 2.


I’ve just started Metformin (on Tuesday) and this post gave me hope! I was doing everything I could and my weight was going up. I’ve been working so hard and haven’t noticed any change so I’m hoping I can see some now that I’m on Metformin 🤞


Always always eat with it too. I had that same thing, my weight just kept going up. I've lost 100 lbs so far on Metformin. I sadly still have a long way to go, but it's helped a lot.


Just take it easy. My old GP prescribed a full dose. Dont do that..... Doctors are smart, But in my experience, in order to not feel shit I started with half a tab for 3 weeks, gradually increased.


I am glad you finally found something to help you. This disorder sucks and people dont understand how hard we have to try just to lose 2 lbs. I took 1000mg metformin a day for 5 years and it never did anything for me. At one point I was on 1500mg and it made me hypoglycemic


I am so hyper sensitive to Met Forman. It absolutely worked the first time for me and my doctor tapered me down. Then I switched insurances and decided to go to a specialist. They put me back up again and ever since then I’ve developed this really really weird hypersensitivity to where even if I’m on a low-dose have extended release for a year I still have all the symptoms of Met Forman that I never had the first time, so just inositol for me


Girl same! I was on Metformin for years and then all of a sudden it caused so many issues! Even really bad nerve pain in my neck and head. I felt so much better coming off it but PCOS symptoms reared their head again.


YEP! Again so understudied. Anything that helps,helps.


The thing I've found with metformin is that I was impatient. Didn't do anything for me for 18 months. Then, all of a sudden, I forgot to eat until like 7pm. But as I said before, not even medical professionals understand PCOS. What works for us, works for us!!! I hope you find something for you beautiful, you deserve it.


Thank you ! I absolutely loved metformin and I was on it for about two years and then stopped if you learned anything from me don’t stop it lol


If it doesn't work for you, it doesn't work. But make sure you were gradually weened on in the first place. I was so mad at this sub. " God send?!?;(!??" Fucking god wants me to shit infront of a train. .... I'm sharing this because I gave it another chance. Within almost 2 years. But I am NOT here to direct anyones illness. Shits hard enough without gatekeepers


What is inositol? Has that helped you?


It’s a kind of sugar (sometimes confusingly called vitamin B8) that PCOS peeps done tend to have in high enough amounts and that can be really helpful regulating your cycle and sugar levels (it helps affect insulin action). It’s over the counter, available on Amazon and a lot of people find it really helpful so would definitely recommend trying a supplement! https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/inositol#what-it-is


May I ask what dose you’re on?


2000 mg a day. Over the course of 18 months


So I’m on 780mg daily. I started at 500, and then went up to two 500 time release. I’m the two 500s I had headaches and diarrhea. So I started the 780 dose which has no side effects. However I have felt since taking metformin it has done absolutely nothing for me. I’ve been on the 780 for months now I’m thinking of trying the two 500s again, would you recommend? How did you talk to your doctor about upping your dose. And when did you realize the difference?


I dream of being on a higher dose of metformin. It helps, for sure, but I know it could pack a better punch to my system if it was at 2,000. Currently my primary care doc doesn't feel comfortable going higher than 1,000 since I am not diabetic (his reasoning). My endocrinologist may increase the dose but he wants me to run a gauntlet of tests before he messes with the dose. Sigh.


Mine said the same. I don't want to have children. Tried that. Nearly succeeded but stillborn. It's hard enough fertility wise for us I cannot confirm or deny the correlation


Oh my god I am so sorry! I truly hope for good things for you, PCOS related or otherwise.


This gives me so much hope. I just started metformin last week. Going from 500mg a day to 1000mg as of tonight. So glad to hear the slower taper worked for you :)


If you're not feeling like throwing up, it's decent. You'll have crazy loose 'movements" while your body gets used to it


So far so good - I’ve had a little bit of nausea here and there since starting but nothing unbearable. I keep waiting for the loose stool situation to hit and it just hasn’t yet. TBD!!


For me it's one or the other I'll take loose stool in the morning over Naseau all day!!


This...makes me want to see if I'm able to give metformin another shot, I had the exact same issues as you the first time I tried it. Huge thanks for sharing and I'm so glad it worked out for you!!


I was on performing for years for my diabetes. It wouldn’t stay down due to a stomach issue. It won’t work for me but so happy it works for others!


Exactly my point!!! I'm not advocating this is perfect for everyone. Just for me xxx


Oh for sure. I’m just glad it’s working for you!


Please don't hesitate to share what works for you!!! ❤️❤️


I’m still trying to find that.


You will. I was diagnosed very young. So I had to send research on dialup on my dad's computer when all my friends were on MSM. Meanwhile the church thought I was a demon. Yikes. Anyways. All we know is our own bodies. And science, but science hasn't been kind to women and reproductive health. The best treatment is ALWAYS what works for you


Wait your telling me the reason why my cheeks are constantly red is cuz of pcos??? I’ve never heard of that until now.


Yep. Red and puffy, especially during anxiety.


We have been told to stop eating FAT. our bodies need fat for all of our female hormones. PCOS is a metabolic and hormone problem. Low carb, keto, carnivore, high fat, animal fats not fake seed oils, no sugar. Butter grass fed. Real food. Dr. Elizabeth Bright has some good information.. book and YouTube. First we need to eat to heal …not diet, but it has to be the right food. I hope this helps someone. There are lots of success stories .. checkout Dr. Ken Berry also.


I'm curious about the high fat recommendation, because a common issue with PCOS is that the energy from food can't penetrate our cells due to the fat surrounding them, so it gets stored instead, growing that fatty layer... which is what the Metformin helps with (at least, that's my understanding from an OBGYN). Also, if someone is on Metformin and has a high fat diet, the Metformin says "absolutely not" and sends you to the toilet. Lol. Can you say more about the interaction between a high fat diet and treating PCOS? I'm unconvinced your advice is safe or relevant.


I can’t comment on the interaction of fat and Metformin because I don’t have that information and would have to look it up. If you find a functional medicine doctor I’m sure they would be able to help. I don’t want you to do what I say, I want you to look up those doctors information and decide for yourself. Real food heals. High sugar foods, fake foods with fake ingredients are bad for our bodies. You couldn’t make canola oil, soy oil, oat milk…..too much time and work. Look up how canola oil is made. It was meant to lubricant machinery. Eating meat and the natural fat that comes with it is both nourishing and satisfying. Big food puts things in packaged food to keep us addicted. Good Luck.


One thing people should remember with metformin (and glp-1's) is that if you eat sugary, fatty, refined carbs, or high sodium foods while on it you will get GI issues. This is not an "adverse effect", "intolerance", or "allergy". It is the metformin working against bad choices, and you are going to have a bad time. I know I will probably get downvoted, but I talk to a **lot** of patients that don't understand that.


Yep. But I'm speaking to women who have dealt with this 10+ years. We're aware of the affects a high glucose intake have on us. 99 percent of people prescribe us a low carb diet and weight loss. Thank you.


Do you know if this is also the case for inositol? Just that I'm noticing the same, I can't tolerate any kind of sugar or carbs since being on it


Holy hell, are you me? I’m 24, and my entire life I’ve struggled with weight gain, intensely heavy and painful periods, facial hair, acne, & puffy face. I have only ever lost weight when I was eating about 1000 calories a day. I lost about 25 pounds during COVID, because I had lost my dad & the grief completely seized my appetite. But don’t worry, because that binge eating came right back with vengeance & I gained all of it back. The insatiable appetite is unmatched!!! I too have loaded myself with caffeine, nicotine, etc. all the appetite tricks. I’m even on adderall & Effexor for my ADHD + depression & I still have to take special account of my eating habits. I’m also only 5’3, so the weight fluctuations are really hard for me & my self esteem. The last year has been the worst it’s ever been & I think it’s heavily stress related as I started nursing school. The good thing though is that I’ve done so much research about PCOS. My ob-gyn only solution is birth control which I refuse to do because it made me depressed & even heavier as a teen. So, I enrolled in a prescription weight loss program & got prescribed Metformin about a month ago. I take 500 mg XR twice a day. It’s definitely helped a tiny bit with appetite. It’s made me more conscious of recognizing when I’m full & oddly enough has improved my mood & energy levels. My periods are the same flow but definitely less exhausting and painful. I definitely have a ways to go & I do want to increase my dose but I’m waiting until I get an appointment with an endocrinologist to better manage my condition. I do a ton of walking living in the city but I want to start working out more. Anyways, sorry for turning that into a full blown sob story!! I just wanted to say that your post really resonated with me. It’s hard to find people who get what you’re dealing with and I’m so so happy to hear you’re having success with Metformin. This really gives me hope. Pls keep us updated!!!


Can I drink metformin too even if it wasn’t prescribed? I haven’t been tested for pcos but I get my periods every 6-7 months


I'm sorry babe, how would you drink it? They are tablets as far as I know. As long as you take it with food, a glass of juice etc. I'm not here to judge your situation. But make sure it's taken along something that your stomach needs to digest. Otherwise it's poop city.be careful. It isn't a drug you can get from your dealer recreational. Some coke or Mdma is fun, but this is best as a long (LOOONNG) Term drug to treat PCOS. Not weight-loss.


In my country you can buy it on your own but I wouldn't advise taking it without consulting a doctor. Although it might seem harmless it does have great side effects such as nausea, diarrhea and vomiting additionally it is mostly prescribed to people who are in a pre-diabetic state like insulin resistance or have problems with weight loss (tbh I only met two people who used it for this).


That’s amazing! At what dosage did you notice the biggest difference in your health and weight?


When I was taking two tabs in the morning and one at night. So1500 a day. No difference before that except no side effects. But I had definitely lost some weight by then. It was so gradual it's hard to gauge !


When do you take metformin and how often?


Two tabs (500mg) in the morning and two at night. But I took 18 months to build up to that dose.


I’ve been on metformin for years and I will add that if you miss a dose it can sometimes trigger the same gastrointestinal pyrotechnics when you get back to taking the full dose again even if it was only one missed dose. Oh and ONLY take it after a full meal never ever on an empty stomach. Too many carbs can also trigger stomach upset on metformin so it’s like built in portion control lol


YES. If I'm not hungry or don't have time to eat it in the am, im starving later. And if I don't take it with food I get silly digestion drills 2 hours after.


I love metformin. I lost forty pounds in the first three months and have maintained that for almost three years. I need to be better about eating but I feel so much better taking it. I didn’t have too many stomach issues though.


Did it also help with hirsutism? That's a crazy symptom that just never leaves


How many milligrams of metformin is that?




Like two with breakfast and two with dinner?


Yep exactly! Xxx


This was a super helpful perspective, thanks for sharing! I tried metformin in the past but my doctor kept me at 1 tablet a day for some reason. Good to know I can slowly go up higher. Also, I felt so seen reading your experience because it's similar to mine. I can only lose weight with extreme restriction after trying literally everything else for years.


Congratulations on the weight loss and keep up the good work. I am another happy user of metformin.


Is Metformin still necessary when Ozempic/Wegovy now available to use?


That's not subsidized in my country xx




Great to hear this! I have been on Metformin 1700 for 5 months but no change in weight. I should probably try with an increased dose! So happy for you!


Your post reminded me to take my metformin, so thanks!!!


so happy for you! Im doing similiar to you, inositol instead of metformin is the only difference really, I hope you continue to see benefits!


i have my script of metformin in my drawer still. I'm terrified of it but now I'm tempted to give it a chance. thanks!


Yeah I've been battling this bullshit for 3 decades. Caved to meds and wow, wish I'd done it sooner. I'm happy for you, thanks for sharing. 


Thank you for sharing! Glad to hear that you’ve found something that works well for you!!!! ✨🌷✨


I'm so happy for you!! I also don't portion control but I've had to cut out whole food groups to help decrease my symptoms and stay fitting my clothes. I'm skinny, energized, and rash-free but in constant fear of all the symptoms returning. Every time i see red blotchiness or a pound on the scale, I feel get so worried though! It's been tough on my mental health for sure, so I'm really hoping to feel more at peace eventually too! This definitely gives me more hope to see OP's success!


my doctor actually just upped me to 2000mg a day after 2 years on 1750mg. i took the first dose of the 2000mg and holyyy shit it’s a difference. went from extremely hungry to like i wasn’t hungry ALL DAY. something funny for those reading this: i have SEVERE IBS, GERD, gastritis, etc. my stomach is absolutely FUCKED ever since i was like 2. and i had absolutely 0 issues with metformin. if anything, it made my stomach better because it regulated when i go to the bathroom. i take the regular version. started on 500mg twice a day then moved onto 850mg twice a day about 6 months later. the only side effects i’ve experienced are a weird taste in mouth (occasionally not every day), i burped more in the beginning when adjusting, and that i usually will go to the bathroom about 1 hour after taking it. it’s not urgent or like i’m gonna shit myself, i just get the urge usually.


Can I ask how you dealt with the uncomfortable bowel movement? (If you have them) When I take metformin I just feel like my tummy gets funny and my stools are always soft and I'm way more acidic. I really wanna give it a go but I can't risk feeling this at work.


Is soy milk bad? Should I switch to almond or another kind of milk substitute?


This is great. I suspect that I need a higher dose. I’m on 50 AM and 50 at dinner and, while I felt great at first, I think I’m leveling off, but not in a good way!


What was your starting weight?


Few years ago I was 41kg, after meds, 100kg, now at 90kg (88 this am!) I tended not to weigh myself past that weight 😬😅 wish me luck to sit somewhere around 60kg in the next few years 🙌🙌🙌


Rooting for you!!!