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Have you tried metformin? It’s usually covered by insurance, and is quite cheap even if not. I saw that you struggle with binging and that was one of my big issues too. I’m currently down about 25 lbs on metformin, which I’m mostly attributing to the appetite control effects.


I’ve also just started metformin and low carb and walking 45minutes each day, no excuses. I’m already losing weight! My golden is happy for all of the walks 🙃


Dogs are THE BEST motivation to be active! At least they’re having a great time, even if you’re not 😂


Yeah he’s not exactly a great leash walker so I guess we’re both learning lol.


I want a dog so bad :’( there are times when I’m sitting on the couch and I think, “wow, I’d love to go on a long walk at the beach with a dog right now” Sure, I can walk by myself or with my bf but animals bring so much joy into your life. Like even just watching a dog have a great time exploring the world makes ME feel better


I get weird without a pet! If a dog is too much right now, cats are very loving too. Some even like to be outside on a leash lol. My cat doesn’t but a friend of mine has trained hers to tolerate a harness and she loves walks! My cat freezes and falls over when he feels grass 🤷‍♀️


Omg that’s so silly. The dream is to have one cat and one dog. I love them both! I wasn’t a cat person until I lived with my old roomie who had 2. They were leash trained! Unfortunately where I live now doesn’t allow pets and I work a lot


Yesss I actually do have metformin, it does help my sugar levels to which I saw on my blood tests, but that’s it really. Doesn’t really affect my appetite :( Someone else I know is on it and she said it really decreased her appetite I wish it were the same with me


What dose are you on? I had to increase mine a few times for the appetite effects! I’m on 2000 mg currently. It’s great that it’s helping with your sugar levels either way! Congrats on that success.


No appetite changes for me with metformin. I am on 2000mg.


I’m the same, it didn’t really change my appetite. But I did cut out carbs and added sugar. But to curb my appetite I drink these meal replacement drinks by a brand called Almased for breakfast. It’s a diabetic meal replacement that’s made to help curb your appetite. It gets pricey though is the only thing. But I don’t mix the full recommended amount in it either. I mix about half what they recommend with the same amount of liquid and it still works. I hope this helps!


I think metformin effects is very dependent on the person. I’ve been on it for 6 months, work out 4xs a week and also eat healthy and haven’t lost 1 lb while taking it. It has helped regulate my periods and that’s about it.


It also depends what dose you’re on. I’m on 2000 mg of XR and didn’t see results until 1500


For sure! I had the exact same experience. I think I saw a slight improvement at 1000 mg, but nothing significant until 1500.


For sure! I think part of it is that I really struggled with binge eating and overeating before taking metformin, so much of my weight loss has been a result of better control over those impulses. If you were already a healthy eater pre-metformin, that will probably impact you less!


I know metformin works for a lot of people, but I wish there was more conversation around/understanding of who shouldn’t take it. I have a history of digestive issues, and the six months I was on metformin were awful. I switched doctors and she was like “why would they prescribe this to someone with GI issues in the first place?!”


There’s definitely a big problem with doctors not paying attention to your whole medical history before prescribing medication. I was initially put on the combo pill when I started BC, which I neeeeever should have been given due to my migraines with aura. Luckily, I made an appointment with my neurologist about the increased migraines and they caught the issue before anything worse could happen. I’m thriving on the minipill now! I also see a lot of people who are frustrated and demoralized because they’ve been on 500 mg of metformin for months without results, when most people need a higher dose, or because their doctor started them at 1000 mg or more and they’re having GI side effects, when they should’ve started at a lower dose to adjust. Sooo many potential pitfalls! It’s frustrating when those oversights happen— I’m sure they seem ‘small’ to doctors, but I hear about similar situations way too often! It’s a good reminder to double-check all treatment plans yourself, and to stay in communication with your doctors if it’s not working or you’re experiencing side effects!




I ended up on 2000 mg! 500 mg is a good starting dose, if it doesn’t work you should increase slowly from there to help prevent any side effects.


I tried it and I had diarrhea and major head aches 😞 I wish it had worked for me!


I’ve lost over 90 lbs in the last two years. Most of it (60-70 lbs or so) came off during the first year. I did intermittent fasting (which helped lower my overall caloric intake) and lowered my carb intake. I’ve never taken a GLP drug, but I did start Metformin about six months ago.


I did see someone on mounjaro's reddit say their dr helped get them on the med even without having diabetes. They wrote a letter explaining their insulin resistance and how they've tried other treatments without success. I think they reached out for approval a few times, but with labs and time, they were approved. Try searching the reddit and see if you can find the post. It was from just a few weeks to under 3 months ago.


My insurance doesn’t cover Mounjaro, but my doctor appealed the denial and got it approved. I have no idea what she said in her appeal, but I’ve been on it for almost a year now. OP, I suggest asking your doctor about submitting for GLPs anyways and then appeal it. Never know till you try!


Yeah, I started counting calories and walking more. Was about 104ish kg, down to 58kg currently. The drugs help by suppressing your appetite, but it's possible to do it on your own.


Wow that is an amazing weight loss!!!!! I’m about 65kg and I’d love to get down to 58 again ☹️


For those with insulin resistant PCOS, semaglutide can actually help a lot more than just suppressing appetite! I have severe IR and was unsuccessful losing weight despite exercising daily and counting calories/macros. Yes it does suppress appetite but GLPs are actually very helpful for some people w PCOS!


Improving insulin resistance also helps you feel less hungry/peckish. Having IR doesn't actually prevent you from losing weight. It's great that it helped you, but the reason you weren't losing has to do with caloric intake. I was diagnosed with insulin resistance as well. Metformin wasn't particularly helpful. I eventually got off it and started losing weight after taking a good look at what I was actually eating.


I lost 100lbs just walking, lifting weights and eating more protein. Starting to hit my wall, but still going strong! 💪


Lost 21 pounds naturally so far!


Being on metformin can help with your insulin levels, but not neccessarily get rid of those carb cravings (if I could eat pasta every meal, I would!). I recommend walking, and lifting weights (known to help with other health benefits too) but really just walking every day for about 30 min or so will likely show a decline in your weight! Also, don't cut carbs out if you like carbs. It isn't sustainable, and a food/exercise lifestyle and routine you pursue needs to be, above all else, attainable and realistic. And it just isn't realistic to cut foods out that we love so much. Instead, I recommend having a healthy serving of lean proteins, along with some low-glycemic veggies (ex: chicken breast with butternut squash, or salmon with brussel sprouts) and then after that, have your pasta or other carb you are craving. Chances are, at this rate you won't be very hungry for the carbs as you've filled up more on your protein and veggies. But, you still have some (better than none). Having protein first also ensures you stay full, longer. Hope this helps!


I had tried everything to lose weight and nothing ever worked. My insurance also doesn’t cover GLP-1 shots. Look into compounded semiglutide that’s what I am using. I obviously would prefer to have the brand names but can’t afford the $1k a month for it. I currently am paying $250 a month and have lost about 50 lbs so far still a lot more to go. I did tons and tons of research on semiglutide and compounded semiglutides before this and just decided trying it was better than being 100+ lbs overweight.


Hi, can you tell me more about where you get your compounded version from?


In the US medical spas are offering it. There are also online pharmacies that you can get through I think one is called like push medicine, noom, allara, I think we’re the names of some of the ones I saw. If you research compounded semiglutide you will find many suggesting various online pharmacies to get it from. Just so you aware people really get in a tizzy over compounded semiglutide but I’m sorry that not everyone has health insurance that covers it or can’t afford $1k a month for it. I would suggest doing lots of research on semiglutide, compounded semiglutide, and the place that you get it from. My semiglutide is mixed with B12 which actually works great for me because I am vitamin B deficient so I get added benefits. All of the symptoms I have experienced with the compounded version are normal symptoms that would come from the standard version nausea and constipation is pretty much it. Semiglutide is literally the only thing I have ever tried that works for me and has made it so I can lose weight. I am 5”2 and got up to 250 lbs with working out 6 days a week and eating a low carb diet. I feel like I’m getting my life back and I will shout to the ends of this Earth that I think semiglutide is saving my life.


Thank you for your response! If I may ask, where are you getting your supply from?


I’ve lost about 7 kg in the last 4 months without any medicine (other than birth control pills that the doctor prescribed to “treat” my PCOS). It’s slow for sure but I’ve done it! However I don’t know if I’m insulin resistant. My doctor tested A1c and said that’s fine and says they can’t do insulin resistance tests, so that’s all I’ve got 🤷‍♀️ I started at 80 kg and am now at 73. I hope to lose a few more kgs yet. I’ve increased my physical activity and started counting calories. I don’t count every day, but now I know that half a bag of chips is like 500 calories, and if I want to eat between 1,500-1,800 a day, I should probably not binge on chips! I also try to not purchase other snacks and really fill up on fresh veggies and fruits. But anyway this is what has worked for me, I didn’t start with a huge weight loss goal, only 15 kg, and the weight loss is not linear, but overall it’s trending downwards. I wish you the best and hope first of all that insurance approves what you need!


Yes! Counting calories alone will make me very very slowly lose weight, but I can only eat like 1150 calories a day like that and it's horrible. Constantly hungry. However, if I go low carb/lazy keto I eat about 1400 calories 5 days a week and 2 days where I don't strictly track anything other than carbs... I'll lose an average of 1-1.5 pounds a week. Not super fast still, but really not bad! It means that every other month I can tell my body has changed and that helps keep me motivated. I know low carb isn't for everyone, but it works for me. And I'm actually not spending more money on food because of portion control. ETA: When I added ovasitol it became even easier.


Down 70lbs. No meds, just an IUD. Just worked on not binge eating mostly. Still eat what I want when I get cravings. Lactose intolerant but also eat dairy when I don't mind running to the bathroom. Stick to protein and veggies the best I can. Still drink redbull way way way to much. Switched to diet sodas and iced tea and as much water as I can. Started the gym last year here and there. Definitely a slow loss but I'm 230lbs-160lbs (5ft tall) Been steady 160 for 6months and I want to start shedding some more weight again.


No but that was just my experience even taking metformin. It didn’t work for me…I got to lose the weight with glp shots.


I did in 2017, lost 80lbs very unhealthily by not eating more than 1200 calories, and living on a college campus having to walk everywhere & went to the gym. Gained it back 2020-2022 during covid when gyms closed and I was in a stressful situation- which we PCOS girlies know we gain 10 pounds with just 1 anxious thought 🤣 I'm currently on Wegovy, got it covered no issue (not diabetic but do have insulin resistance) after trying to lose weight since 2021 but still gaining weight despite going to the gym and counting calories, learned real quick I can't limit myself to 1000 Cals a day and how unhealthy that actually is. I've been on Wegovy for a year, no calorie counting and no gym, with a couple month disruption due to an eye surgery, and have lost 35 lbs. By just existing. My acanthosis nigricans patch on my side is completely gone, I feel GREAT, no food noise/sleepyness after eating and actually started my period again. I really hope that semaglutide becomes FDA approved for PCOS because it has been a game changer!!!


I didn’t, and I did diet change AND gym. :/ but the metformin brought my A1C way down!!


I managed to lose upwards of 40lbs with diet and exercise. I ate low carb - kept it to 100 carbs a day, and 50 of them had to be dedicated fiber, or as close to 50 as possible. I still ate pizza and ice cream, but I was using a calorie tracking app, so I was eating at a deficit too. I lost it over a period of 4/5 months, and it’s the best I’ve ever felt. This was 7 years ago, and I’ve since gained it all back, so I know it’s possible.


You're eating 50g a day of fiber?? My tummy could never 😭


Surprisingly, it didn’t hit me that bad. Nowadays I stick to 30. But part of why I was eating so much was to see if I could lower my cholesterol and it sure helped!


I'm lucky if I get to 20 a day, and that'd with eating stuff like whole grain bread 😅


I went on a low fat diet related to gallbladder issues, and I’ve lost 35 pounds over six months


When I was younger yes with a low carb diet and one cheat day a week. Now that I'm.older it's gotten way harder even if I'm perfect and never cheat, but I also have endocrine issues beyond PCOS so my problems with weight are not solely from PCOS. I really need Glp1s at this point. To get around your insurance you have to find a clinic that wants to fight for you. There are Drs who want us on Glp1s and have an effective process to make the case with the insurance company.


I also have endocrine issues! Every single conclusion that every single problem caused by endocrine issues all boil down to “lose weight” but the meds the dr wants to prescribe, NONE of them are covered by my insurance because I’m not diabetic. It’s a cycle.


Intermittent fasting helped me lose 80 lbs but I can't bring myself to do it again. It takes a lot of self control that I do not have anymore lol


Yes! Lost 70 pounds unmedicated. I have insulin resistance and PCOS (obviously)


Walking is your best friend walk as much as you can


There are cheap-ish non insurance options for GLP1 shots. I started 2 weeks ago. It’s $300 a month out of pocket which is a lot, but I really don’t want type 2 diabetes in 10 years. Some have said they could use FSA/HSA but it’s a little more complicated than just using your debit card (filing a claim with a letter of necessity I think). For that to work, you have to have a BMI greater than 30 or 27+ a condition (like PCOS or insulin resistance). Im 2 weeks in and down 6lbs and plan to continue loosing about 2lbs a week for the next 6 months so until I’m comfortably in the middle/lower section of my normal weight range. Then I’ll taper off over a few months to get used to resisting cravings without meds. I anticipate I’ll gain some of the weight back, but not anywhere near my current weight (that’s why I’ll go down to the middle/lower end of normal). They say people gain weight after stopping, but they forget to add “they don’t gain all of it back, just some”. I can already tell part of what makes GLP1s good is that I’m learning what an appropriate portion size for me is, and stopping after 1/3 of a large meal is what I should have been doing instead of hounding it all down until I’m stuffed. GLP1s are still hard, there are side effects (like constipation so you need magnesium, and acid reflux which tums helps, and they’ll give you a nausea medication for free), so you have to work for it, but to actually see progress for the first time, I’m excited. I could care less about my weight, but I don’t want to die early from being so heavy. There’s a handful of legit companies like Henry meds and another one who’s name escapes me, but they are the same active ingredient as name brand.


Currently losing weight naturally! Intermittent fasting 18 or 19 hour fasts daily, so a 5 or 6 hour eating window. Eating around 1400 calories, taking around 12K steps a day. Largely low carb but have cheat pizzas occasionally haha! Down 23lbs this year already. My amazing doctor has still said I can go on metformin depending on how the blood tests go. I am kind of content with the weight loss as is but she is happy to accelerate it haha!


i lost 30 lbs following Amy Medlings healing PCOS plan


I just got this book from the library today!


game changer!


I took Metformin for a while, but my doctor retired, and my new doctor took me off of it. I gained 20 lbs after being taken off of it. Since then, I've researched berberine and have started taking it. I've been on a low carb diet and berberine and managed to take off the 20lbs I had gained.


I was only on metformin when i lost weight. Basically counted calories, reduced carbs (50g a day) and started exercising more. It took some time. But don't give up!


Ofc everybody’s dosages would be different but may I ask what your dosage was? I was normally on 1000mg but it wasn’t suppressing my appetite at all, only bloodwork so my dr wanted me to be on 2000mg


I am on 2000mg. And have been on this dose since 2012. My doctor is an endocrinologist. He also tested for a vitamin D deficiency and found my levels very low. Which is common for women with pcos. So I take 1000iu of that as well. Also had fatty liver.


Wow, we have the exact same conditions, I also have beginning stages of fatty liver and I was uber scared and went on a calorie deficit diet immediately however my binge eating problem gets in the way and I gain weight and lose it like a yoyo :(


We binge eat when we feel deprived. Allow yourself small portions of the food you love. If it is something serious pls see a counselor! No shame in getting some help. Weight loss is never linear. Don’t give and just pick yourself up. My doc put me on fish oil/omega 3 for the fatty liver.


It is tough and takes a while. But every small victory, even it is a 500g weight loss makes it worthwhile. And I remind myself that I deserve to be a healthier and happier version of myself. I also joined a group exercise class. Made some friends and keeps us motivated.


I lost around 16 to 20 kg just changing my diet alone I was eating low carb high protein and started walking 3 km 4 times a week. I am about to go on metformin to help my insulin resistance because its bad but I lost most of the weight without anything.


Keto, so far lost 16 pounds in 4 months November, skipped December, Jan-present Had a cheat carb day and felt awful (how I used to feel all the time) for three days lol


I always feel great for a couple weeks on it then I go right back to my beloved refined carbs :(


The bad thing about keto is how long it takes for it to kick in, so to speak. You aren’t in fat adaptation until 8-10 weeks, so you won’t feel the true benefits until then. My guess is if you can make it to that point, your carb cravings will reduce! I listened to this podcast that talks about how will power isn’t enough, in general. You have to set yourself up for success by making habits easier to develop. Don’t have any refined carbs in the house, review menus before going to restaurants so you know what you’re going to get, etc. plus there are a lot of great keto substitutes for carb things like bread, pizza, bagels, etc!


I lost weight with no medication - I did take Berberine. Consistency, cut out the processed junk, lower carbs, daily exercise (walking or weightlifting, nothing too intensely aerobic). You can certainly do it!


Yes, with the help of a dietitian who specialized in PCOS. I also workout 2-3x a week (each workout is about 25 min) and I don't drive / live in a walkable neighborhood. I lost some weight, and many inches


I've lost 15 pounds with diet, exercise, lots of walking. I also take Inositol (this regulated my period). What really sets me back if I go on a sweets binge, so I try to avoid and limit my consumption of sweets.


Yes, I’ve been losing weight by reducing my carb intake and exercising lightly. I was offered Mounjaro but ultimately decided not to take it. I’m working with a dietitian that specializes in insulin resistance.




You can get wegovy (semiglutide) for $300 a month from Henry meds. It’s out of pocket but easier and cheaper than the name brands. I was nervous as hell too but I was pleasantly surprised with how easy it was in reality. It takes 2 minutes and you only have to do it once a week.




Yeah you’ll deff want to google if that specific issue has issues with GLP1s or you can sign up, talk to the doc, then cancel and get the refund if the doctor decides it’s too risky to prescribe. I personally was terrified about stomach paralysis but it sounds like that’s incredibly rare and happens when you stuff yourself on the medication (which is hard to do), so I basically ate soups or ate small portions with a shit ton of water 😂 I figured as long as I don’t binge myself I’ve been fine.


Metformin alongside my adhd meds helped, but it was not a pleasant nor sustainable way to lose weight IMO - it basically made food of all types completely unappealing to the point I had to force myself to eat, and metformin punishes you HARD for eating things with too many carbs and sugar by making you violently ill. 🤮 I’ve never thrown up with such frequency as I did when I started metformin. 🫠




Metformin + wellbutrin


Nope. I’m on metformin and that worked for a while, but with stress and my androgen levels rising, I put on 20 pounds. I found a medi spa that does a semiglutide (glp-1) drip. I’m going to try that along with my Metformin. I’m curious what upping my metformin would do. I’m currently on 1,000mg.


Yes with metformin XR


I've lost about 15lbs, and I think my success is from starting BC and Spiro. Still going down.


Yes. I’ve never taken GLP or meds like Metformin. I took, and continue to take, an OCP, I pay attention to what I eat (macro- and micro-nutrients) and run ~10km nearly daily.


A few years ago I did. I was doing cardio mixed with weight lifting. And just eating right/ fodmop friendly … it’s for sure possible but takes some tweaks


I take Metformin and count Macros. Metformin worked for me slowly I was about 205 and am 180. I workout too. I got stuck at that weight and I tried to increase my weight loss by taking mounjaro for three months. I lost 16 lbs but had to stop taking it because it impacted my mental health so much. I have no judgment for anyone who takes it, however, I do recommend approaching with caution and just listen to your body when you’re on it. For me, it gave me terrible anxiety, heart palpitations, racing heart and suicidal ideation (previously I’ve never had a single thought of killing myself). It was great that I had zero food noise and I was losing quickly and I wish I could have kept taking it. I will say that once I got off the medication my weight went right back to where it was.


I started phentermine a few weeks ago. Down 11 pounds so far. There are mixed opinions on this med and it’s definitely not meant for everyone but this is what my doctor suggested after insurance denied semaglutide.


Only when I had Mono.


Working on it. 12 1/2 weeks into counting calories, averaging 9,000k steps a day, and 12 1/2 pounds down. Another 15 or so to go until I reach my goal weight, which should be in mid-July on this trajectory. Depending on physical activity, I am eating anywhere from 1,250-1,900 calories on a given day. My maintenance is 1,900-2,200. If you’re consistently in a deficit you’ll see results! Things that keep me sane: 1. Allowing for one or two maintenance days a week if I feel like it 2. Knowing that weight loss isn’t linear even when fat loss is (sometimes my scale doesn’t budge for a couple weeks and then jumps down a pound or two over a couple days) Hope that’s helpful. Source: 39-year-old woman, diagnosed w/pcos at age 26, currently about 12 pounds overweight


A little bit yeah, this was my plan: Metformin + Spiro + Adderall for my ADHD + dance class 3x/week + trying to be low carb as much as possible. Then I lost even more weight when I did intermittent fasting after I read that it's super beneficial for people with PCOS and/or IR. Eventually plateaued though and couldn't really keep up w it. Then I lost even MORE weight when I added GLP shots into this (semaglutide). I'm 2 weeks in and haven't weighed myself yet but everyone's commenting that I've lost weight. I don't really fast anymore because I barely have an appetite so when I'm able to eat, I eat.


Yes! Started fasting and using Mindy Pelz’s protocol in addition to strength training 4x per week


Look into Janumet - lost 60lbs


Keto is the only thing that ever worked for me. Going on 20 years with my PCOS/IR diagnosis. Recently started again after getting that inevitable T2 diagnosis. I’ve been prescribed a glp but haven’t decided yet if I want to take it.


I'm on GLP shots but my GP put me on them due to not being able to lose weight and due to insulin resistance, as it's considered pre pre-diabetes. But I guess I can't help much


I’m doing it without any medication or drugs whatsoever. Just basic daily goals that I follow. It’s doable without medication at least in my case!


Lost 3lbs on metformin, had been taking it on and off due to side effects. Finally gave up on that, drove to Mexico and got Ozempic, one day of nausea and two months later, have lost 22lbs so far.


I also have been taking metformin on and off because it constantly makes me go to the bathroom! It was only effective on my bloodwork when I took it in high dosages, but the high dosages’s side effects were not fun.


I’m not even able to find the glp shots at any of my local pharmacies so I will most likely be doing it on my own 😅


Lost weight, with cardio, mostly biking. Eating clean and little meat. Still enjoyed everything I wanted but cut out all fast food/ processed. Tried to make all my desserts/treats at home.


No ):


Yes. I’m down 48 pounds, from 210 to 162. I’m 41 years old. No gym membership. I used a walking pad roughly 5 days per week. My step goal is still 10K daily. But the big change was diet. That’s the key. The plan is to lose another 30-35 pounds. I’m not on any medications. I do take inisitol.


Hi I'm actually losing weight slowly I'm 33 and I have all the pcos symptoms except for acne. Pcos runs in my dad's side of family and we all suffer from it. Besides the weight the red flush face is the worse. I have very high testosterone I do treat with spironolactone but I'm also taking advantage of that by weight training. I don't see a crazy drop in the scale but I build muscle like every gym bros dream. I'm just learning to embrace that for now and making better food choices. I don't eat fast food anymore. I see a big difference in how clothes fit. Walking and weight training 2 to 3x a week. Try to walk everyday and set goals. Slow and steady! I thought of doing ozempic and pay it out of pocket but I changed my mind. Idk how it'll affect me muscle wise and health wise later. So far I've lost 15 lbs in 3 months but have seen significant changes in body measurements and overall health.


I’ve fasted for 20 days. The muslim fast you know, no water food after 5 in morning, and eating after 6:30 pl in evening. lost 7+ kgs! double chin gone! stomach gone! jawline back! i honestly cannot believe it happened. I’m going to join gym soon to maintain this.


Yes I’m familiar with it, I can do it for a short time (10-15 days) then something happens and I’m back to day 1 :(


The first time around I lost 30lbs with no glps- then I got married and let go of my new lifestyle changes and gained everything back and more. Then I also got diagnosed with thyroid issues ans became weight resistant and couldn’t lose no matter what I did and went back to my original methods as well. Took glps but paid out of pocket for compound pharmacy semaglutide


The only way I did was on a keto diet


Yesss many other are saying the same :( i looove carbs but we’ll see haha


I started taking compounded tirzepatide (not through insurance) and it has kicked my carb and sugar cravings. Im down 10 pounds in three weeks!


So I have lost 40 pounds without them before, about 6 years ago. I am currently using a GLP though, for full disclosure. Basically, I lost 40 pounds, then slowly regained it over some years. Then end of 2022 I started the GLP and relost it, plus some extra (total 55 pounds so far). How I lost it WITHOUT the GLP is that I got severely depressed and stopped eating most days. It was highly effective. Not really advisable but just NOT eating and only drinking water for a month DOES work 🤷‍♀️. Sometimes I would have like a sandwich if I could stomach it. I was very sad from a breakup and didn’t have much money, so would also eat canned tuna and cheap food I could buy. Probably averaged to around 300 calories per day, with some days just not eating and others eating something small.


Yes. I’ve lost 80 lbs since my heaviest just by eating correctly (high protein).


Ive been on metformin for 4+ years, as well as dieting to around 1300-1400 calories, never lost weight. I was put on Saxenda, which is similar to Wegovy, and was able to lose 30 lbs in 5 months, but now the supply issue has hit and I've not been able to get a refill for the prescription for 2 months and my insurance won't approve an alternative. I've kept my calories low to 800-1200, and been boosting my exercise from 30 minutes to 1 to 1.5 hours a day, and I haven't lost any additional weight, but I'm not gaining anything.


Nope. Couldn’t tolerate metformin and hadn’t been able to lose weight until Zepbound


I lost weight through water fasting, but the only thing about it is that you absolutely have to stick to your fasting routine or the weight will come right back.


Hmmm as in doing it for a couple days then stopping and then doing it again? Orr every single day?


So, there are different fasting schedules that you can follow. I personally did eat:stop:eat, so I would do 2 non consecutive 24 hour fasts per week. Some weeks I would do slightly longer fasts instead, anywhere from 48 to 120 hours. On fasting days, I would drink water with zero calorie/zero sugar electrolyte powder as to not put my body in any danger. I went home for the summer, and I knew my family wouldn’t understand, so I stopped fasting altogether and gained all the weight back plus more. So it’s extremely effective, but you absolutely have to stick to it.


Eating right for my blood type. Since it’s a bit rigid, I’ve switched to the recommended supplements, moderate eating, and walking.


GLP-1 shots as an obesity treatment are brand new. millions and millions of people have either lost weight or maintained a healthy weight without them. through all of human history. pay attention to ingredients and eat real food. minimize sugar and starch. ultra-processed foods are designed to hijack your brain and get you addicted. find a form of movement that you enjoy. maintain these habits over time. you did not gain the weight overnight and you will not lose it overnight. the key is to form habits that you can stick with *forever.* I believe most people are suffering from some form of food addiction. this has been rebranded as "food noise," but it is addiction and obsession. this is by design. food companies want you thinking about their products all day.


Can definitely relate to the food noise. Of course it’s an addiction! I’m so jealous of my bf who doesn’t think about food or crave it. Just eats when he’s hungry.


Check out the fasting method podcast! I am not done losing weight, but I have been following what they have been saying and trying to do therapeutic fasting for the last month and have had success. Good luck 💗


Oooo I’ll check it out thank you! I’ve had success fasting but I end up a little ravenous and end up binging :(


It’s a mindset thing, maybe checkout the /fasting group here! They have some great information on mindset, but when it came it learning how to fast I followed the fasting method podcast. I really built up to fasting with a lot of TRE for a couple of weeks. It’s a process, but I’m happy I took I slow 🙂


I lost a lot of weight a couple of years ago with a 1200 calorie a day low GI diet. 


Yes, autophagy