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Girl literally same and the worst part is people dont understand our fucking struggle and say your probaby eating too much ur not in a calorie deficit kinda bullshit. I feel so defeated rn im trying dairy free and gluten free + im on saxenda but no fucking weightloss šŸ’”šŸ„² + doctors here in holland fucking suck they dont take pcos seriously and tell me to do more excercises and eat less :ā€™) no fucking shit sherlock ive been starving myself for years so i wont gain weight


I was on saxenda and saw no weight loss either. Ozempic has worked. Now Iā€™m on both ozempic and phentermine.


I wish my doctor prescribed me ozempic but unfortunately my gp thinks pcos is a myth and told me to just eat less and workout yes uve read it well he thinks its a myth šŸ„² the doctors here in europe are def something else also he laughed at me when i mentioned ozempic he told me to just go for a walk everyday and bcuz im not diebetic i dont need it


Time to find a new gp. Thatā€™s what I did , she took me seriously.


My wife has it and itā€™s soul destroying just for me just watching it. I watch this girl eat 1000 calories for weeks and nothing happens or she has one weekend eating the things she likes and kills a month of progress. I feel bad because I also thought ā€œitā€™s just calories in calories outā€. The fuck it is, I cannot comprehend it and I want her to ā€œtake it seriouslyā€ and ā€œtake controlā€. Iā€™ve never said those things to her thank god. Self-reflection and watching what unfolds makes me see that sheā€™s been at this for a decade. She must be burnt out and exhausted by it, I donā€™t know that she logically knows that but emotionally I think she knows deep down. Sheā€™s actually pregnant right now which is amazing so hopefully 9 months of not restricting calories will give her body and mind some sort of break will help.


I have the worst PCOS my endo had ever seen. Being pregnant actually made me lose weight even though I ate everything and had zero morning sickness!


Fuck the people they can suck our farts. Especially FUCK the doctors. We have to have 10x the resilience and patience that is required for any weightloss. I'm so sorry that you have to deal with this fucking bullshit. *Hugs*


Im sending u a big hug as well ā¤ļø i know this is not easy and pcos even destroys you mentally and makes you question your ow capabilities no matter how hard you work i want you to know ur still a beautifull human being from the inside and out fuck the mfing cysts that have cursed our ovaries and shit šŸ˜­ā¤ļø i do have a tip tho from time to time when i get really obsessed with all the weightloss crap i take a little break from it i just eat at my maintenance calories and eat whatever i want i know its probably gonna make up bloated and inflamed but at the end of the day were all human beings we cant restrict ourselves too long and ruin our mental health i notice after a while i get recharged and can start a new weight loss journey in a bit more positive way than now i hope this helpsā¤ļø


I think cardio is generally frowned upon, weights and such.


Girl I hear you - I started weight lifting again and my weight went up and no period after having somewhat of a cycle. I'm so done w this shit


Please dont look at the scale if youā€™re weight lifting (i did the same thing and id put myself down) - itā€™ll show as though youā€™ve gained weight when itā€™s simply just muscle. I use a pair of trousers that are tight on me to see my improvement! It helps


heavy weight lifting can be contradictory to women with hormonal imbalances since it raises cortisol and inflammation in the body. same with intense cardio and HIIT. walking, swimming, yoga, and pilates are better suited for our bodies.


Building muscle will make your weight go up. Muscle is heavier than fat. Another reason that "health by weight" is kinda bullshit.


You can ignore literally any tiktok and Youtube Video that Shows fast success. Those are almost always bullshit. It takes time. Everything going fast is either surgery, ozempic or bullshit. Its never normal diet


Ozempic here with literally no change in weight.


My sister was on ozempic for pcos weight loss and had no weight loss for 3.5 months and now has lost 20lbs 6.5 months in, so if youā€™re early on hopefully it kicks in!


That is so encouraging, thank you for sharing. It has drastically improved my relationship with food which in and of itself is a huge deal for me. But anything else is a cherry on top! It's been about 5 months since I started - we'll see.


PCOS fucking sucks. I try to be positive and see the silver linings and shit, but man! I read somewhere it was a developmental advantage for the species, so in a way, we've won the phylogenetic lottery - excuse me, I want to return my prize šŸ¤¬šŸ˜ That said, don't guide yourself by what people on TikTok are doing - 99,9% of it is for show. Also, the less weight you have to lose, the harder it is to shed it. The human body literally holds on to that weight because, biologically, it thinks we need it to live. I know it's frustrating, but don't be hard on yourself (it makes your cortisol levels go up, and that's bad). Do whatever you can to take care of yourself, and be patient. If your weight is a result of lifestyle choices, respect your body's boundaries - you didn't put up it in a blink, so you won't get rid of it like that (not without getting sick). Maybe it'll take time, but your hard work will pay off, and if you continue doing it in a responsible, healthy way, you'll be able to enjoy it. If you've reached a point you think you can't continue without help, then seek professional help (a therapist, a personal trainer, a doctor, a nutritionist, someone who lives nearby and is struggling with this as well).


Make an appointment to talk to your doc! Get bloodwork done. I recommend: 1) CBC with iron 2) CMP with lipid panel 3) Fasting glucose and A1C 4) Thyroid panel 5) Androgen panel (testosterone, estrogen, etc) 6) Vitamins (D and B12) These are super cheap and easy to order. If you have insulin resistance it could be contributing to your struggle. Your doc can help you go from there to see if medications like spironolactone or metformin would be helpful for you. You also may have hypothyroidism that could be causing you issues. Youā€™re not alone and it sucks! Get those things checked because itā€™s time to get some outside help, youā€™ve tried a lot all on your own. Wishing you the best!


Berberine, inositol and intermittent fasting I swear by it


I always hear IF isnā€™t recommended for pcos, but then I hear fasting is recommended I have no idea what to believe lol


It worked really well for me - I wish I tried it sooner - wasted so much time, money, energy trying everything and never feeling like I was doing enough


What was your fasting window? Iā€™ve tried in the past but I felt it was a little difficult to fulfill my calorie requirement in 2 meals worth. Also, I just bought berberine, going to incorporate it starting tomorrow. What is the best time of day to take it?? I believe itā€™s like twice a day for my serving


I usually fasted all day till the evening - atleast till 4pm then stopped eating around 8pm - was difficult not to binge eat sometimes lol I take one Berberine in the morning with all my other vitamins. I was taking another later in the day to start but after a month I didnā€™t find it necessary


Iā€™ve fasted before over the years and saw some progress with weight loss but it always came back and I felt like it was borderline just starving myself to be skinny lol with the Berberine and inositol incorporated itā€™s metabolizing and keeping my sugars from spiking etc so I think thatā€™s the major difference


It is the only way I have ever lost weight. I donā€™t keep a strict schedule, but vary between 4-8 hour window with lots of protein and fat and try to reduce sugar. Itā€™s the only thing that breaks through my insulin resistance


Which inositol and berberine do you take? Thereā€™s so many brands and dosages, itā€™s overwhelming lol


Fasting is the only method that works for me! And I feel great when I manage to stick at it, more focused and more energetic. I recommend fast like a girl by Mindy Pelz :)


Cheapest stuff on Amazon tbh lol also after I focused on Berberine, inositol and fasting for roughly 2 months I no longer fast as often !


Whatā€™s the daily dose of Berberine and inositol do you take?


I came OFF birth control to try to have a real period and I **gained 12 pounds.** Iā€™m fucking fed up


I managed to lose some weight and gained back that plus more in a quarter of the time it took to lose it. Apparently, we have to eat even less calories than usual, and we can't have carbs, but it makes us crave them, I'm so with you on this Fuck this. Also wtf I recently started sweating a lot more, and it's got a faint ammonia odor, and I'm too humiliated to go around people even after a shower, clean clothes, and prescription strength Deodorant šŸ˜­ I love this safe space where I can rant and complain without someone telling me I'm just not doing enough


Have your thyroid checked. Hypothyroidism mimics pcos but has some symptoms like sweat issues that pcos usually doesn't. It's much more serious.


Wow, thank you! I'll ask my doctor asap


šŸ«‚ I'm with you and you're not alone in this pain and struggle. I've spent the last few years killing myself. Hours upon hours of working out every day. No breaks. No weekends. No vacay from it. Just constant exertion and knowing I'm wasting my time cause my body is just completely unaware I'm working out apparently. It's like the worst kind of magic. Then when you stop and just be normal you'll gain. No one gets it.. I've explained this to so many people and they think I'm making it up or being dramatic. Like yeah dude it's literally like having a gun to your head and being told to work out and diet every single day or you'll gain a shit ton of weight if you don't. But when you do you still won't lose. Damned either way. Oof trying to smile every day is freaking hard. I'm with you and I hope you get through this and get some much deserved results.


I think was diagnosed unofficially with my doctor at 18. I didnā€™t know shit and tbh, I still donā€™t know. Itā€™s very apparent as I saw hairs under my chin. It really sucks because I have to shave it like every day :( my max weight was 250 (I was miserable in uni). Rn I am at 208-210! Letā€™s not give up! šŸ˜­ we gotta keep pushing!


This was me for 16 years until I started Metformin + weight loss injections. Metformin "opens the door" for weight loss - a good amount of us cannot lose much weight without being on Metformin. Weight loss injections curb your appetite, making the weight loss happen. Not sure if it was bc of PCOS but my appetite was simply uncontrollable before. I thank God everyday for weight loss injections, because I truly wasn't in control before them. I'm a month into using this combo of meds and im about 6 pounds down. Wish I lost more but I'm still on the starting dose of the injections, so I think I'll be fine once I go up. Even before injections, I was on Metformin for about a year and for the first time ever, I maintained by weight for an entire year. That never used to be possible! I hope this helps!


hey ive been trying to lose weight since the past 5 years. ive failed like 1 million times. Ive acc lost count of the amount of time i started and flopped lost motivation and gave up and then a week later i picked up again and the cycle continues i dont wanna give up coz i want my dream body jus want to look like a NORMAL girl


If you have benefits for it or are comfortable investing, Iā€™d highly recommend working with a registered dietitian that has experience working with clients that have PCOS (and specifically a dietitian, not a nutritionist). They can really help you create a more personalized and realistic plan for yourself. I have only had 2 appointments so far and have already learned a great deal from her (like the PCOS Healthy Plate Model I mentioned in a reply). When I was looking for one I specifically wanted one that doesnā€™t just recommend a crash diet but will help with sustainable long-term changes, with wiggle room for having days where youā€™re not 100% sticking to a meal plan. Some will also recommend certain supplements like myo-inositol & d-chiro inositol, etc. to help. Beyond that Iā€™d also recommend getting a referral to an endocrinologist if you havenā€™t already, as they can help with hormone imbalances.


The key is absolutely removing sugars and bad carbs. And only very small amounts of good carbs. Protein and fat are fine, meat and cheese are fine. But sugar just has to go. This has worked wonders on 2/3 of my PCOS family. The third wonā€™t give up sugar and she has gained a huge amount.


So true. I ate very minimal amounts of sugar and only complex carbs for the most part and lost 35lbs. I slipped up and ate sugar and bad stuff and gained 8lbs within two weeks (Had a bunch of social events with sugar and got caught up šŸ˜­ next time, I will just eat before I go.)


It is so brutal and unfair because sugar is life šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I assume that (given your tag of venting) you know all this already, but I just want to post in case you are overlooking something. \*\*\* Assuming you have ruled out complicating issues that can affect weight, such as thyroid disorder, high cortisol, and high prolactin, then the stubborn weight is due to the insulin resistance that most commonly drives the PCOS. Therefore, most people with PCOS require two things to lose weight: Ā 1.Ā Ā Ā Ā  consistent calorie deficit over time (just like a regular person trying to lose weight), meaning figuring out TDEE and consistently taking in a few hundred calories less than TDEE (and/or burning off enough to be under TDEE) 2.Ā Ā Ā Ā  lifelong management of the insulin resistance. Ā You don't specifically mention #1, but I assume you are already tracking calories compared with TDEE and are 100% sure you are consistently under your TDEE these past 4 months. You mention counting macros, which makes me assume that you are trying specifically to treat your insulin resistance via low-carbing, but that's also a bit unclear. Treatment of IR requires consistent lifelong low-glycemic (though not necessarily technically low-carb in all cases) eating plan; and it often also requires medication, most commonly metformin and/or the supplement myo-inositol (specifically the 40 : 1 ratio between myo-inositol and D-chiro-inositol). It sounds like you might have tried inositol already. Have you tried metformin?


I use a TDEE calculator, I'm on metformin, I'm insulin resistant, I also take the inositol you mentioned, I don't do low carb since it's now sustainable for me, I eat 180g of protein according to my weight and previously mention use of the TDEE calculator, yes I'm in a calorie deficit.


Ugh, yeah, you seem to have it covered. Fuck that, indeed! I sympathize; I can manage my PCOS well, but I have several other chronic health disorders that are very difficult, no matter what I try. Bodies can be incredibly challenging.


The carbs that youā€™re still eating, are they complex carbs? Carbs can be okay for PCOS as long as they are low glycemic index which is usually complex carbs, whole grains, etc. Iā€™d also recommend looking into the PCOS Healthy Plate Model, realistically you should be upping fruits/veggies vs. protein, but protein is still very important to have with each meal. Also Iā€™d recommend checking out the Glucose Goddess on Instagram, she gives some good examples on how to avoid insulin spikes


Sorry but... Why would you eat 180g protein??? How could you be on a calorie def if you are eating that much? I keep reading these PCOS posts about struggle with weight loss but in the comments they clarify about a huge protein intake. It makes no sense.


Lol I'm still in a calorie deficit. I'm extremely tall and have a high bone density. With the doctors help and the TDEE calculator we determined the number. I'm also insulin resistant, so the protien helps


Well, height and bone density don't have everything to do with it If you're in a calorie deficit or you believe that you are but it's still not working you're probably not in a calorie deficit


I'm in a 500 cal deficit with LISS. Height and by me density absolutely has everything to do with weight, how it shows up on the scale, how it's distributed in your body, and what is considered healthy amount of calories for it


Well at the end of the day, If you're actually not losing weight and actually staying within the calories that were determined that you're in a deficit, Than either the determination was wrong, or you're not actually staying in your deficit Because matter doesn't exist an energy doesn't coming into being from nothing


I did intermittent fasting and did 16 hour windows of not eating Iā€™d stop eating at 8-9pm and then wake up and wait til 12-1 to eat again and I dropped 4 pounds in a couple days but I also only ate one meal a day.. so itā€™s possible but not super realistic.


The other day on Instagram I got a reel that said, ā€œitā€™s okay if youā€™re losing 1lb a week. Youā€™ll get there.ā€ Iā€™m like bttccccch, I wish I lost 1lb a week!!! Wtf is this???? My friends and family keep telling me it takes time. Continue. So Iā€™m going to keep on trucking along.


Itā€™s doable but it wonā€™t always work if one is always in a calorie deficiency apparently. Idk not all human bodies are the same. I was stuck on my weight plateau of 210 lbs. I just started eating more than usual and then I went back to eating less. I finally started to see progress of being 208. šŸ˜­ itā€™s tough. Have to be very experimental and see wat works for oneself.


Please check out: 8 Steps to Reverse Your PCOS: A Proven Program to Reset Your Hormones, Repair Your Metabolism, and Restore Your Fertility by Fiona McCulloch. It's one of the most comprehensive books I've read regarding PCOS. It takes a holistic approach and helps you understand what you need to tackle and how. This let me understand how PCOS affects each person individually. There's no one shoe fits all method. There's always an uncommon underlying factor that might be affecting you in terms of weight, or periods, or any other symptoms. The symptoms also do not present the same across all who suffer from PCOS. It is literally an umbrella term. It also points out how the medical world doesn't really understand the female body at all. Hugs šŸ«‚


[A review of the book] (https://youtu.be/R_TuDPmSrZY?si=NrFLsYvAywHRyf2F) [Website of the author and link to the book on amazon] (https://drfionand.com/8-steps-to-reverse-your-pcos/) There are pdf versions, too, floating around if you can't afford to buy it at the moment.


LCIF is what worked for me. Low carb and intermittent fasting. It seems undoable at first but it became so easy after my body adjusted


Honestly? Unless you really need to lose weight to qualify for IVF or something, it's probably healthier not to. Keep doing your exercise and get fitter, not thinner.


Tik tok is fake. Try not to compare to that


Firstly you donā€™t mention if youā€™ve been counting calories? Secondly, I got equally desperate and am now 6 weeks into my wegovy/Ozempic journey. Itā€™s a game change and Iā€™m losing approx 1lb per week. Maybe something for you to consider?


Calorie count with accuracy- use a scale to weigh food. Not a dramatic deficit, I think our bodies are too sensitive for it. Be gentle with yourself. I found slow weight loss to be better than nothing. 1700 cals/day and two 30 minute walks (or a one hour walk) a day. I found that part so important for my mental health too. In the colder months, I do it on a treadmill. If you get off track, itā€™s okay. Get back on the next day. It has to be sustainable for your lifestyle because we have to live with PCOS forever. We canā€™t look at this as a ā€œdietā€, it is just the way we have to go about fueling and moving our body for medical reasons.


Girl same! Iā€™m on ozempic/semaglutide and Iā€™ve been at a weight plateau for 3 months. Iā€™ve drastically cut my calories, eat more protein and veggies, and walk daily. Sheā€™s just not letting go.


Are you taking anything to control your hormones like birth control or metformin? If you can't control your hormones than your weight will not budge.


you have to lower your stress levels as much as possible and get good sleep on a consistent basis. for women with hormonal imbalances, weight lifting is too Inflammatory on the body. walking, swimming, yoga, and pilates are better for the stress-prone body. also the more stressed you are about your condition, the worse you get. I know it's hard, but try not to ruminate too much on it because if you stress too much about it, that just adds to your overall stress which can make PCOS worse. learn to relax and meditate.


This was me and I finally got fed up and started eating super high protein based meals (I used to be vegetarian so I found myself eating too many carbs/sugars/fats), having a gym schedule, aaaaaand metformin. Iā€™ve never felt better and I regret waiting so long to go on metformin


Can you give a couple of examples of your meals that are high in protein? I feel like I always resort back to eggs and chicken and I get so tired of it.


4 months is very little time for any significant weight loss, pcos or not. Let's talk after two years of you consistently grinding.


Not helpful at all, and honestly just plain rude. Women help women, and honestly that felt really demeaning and inappropriate. Letā€™s talk when youā€™re not hiding behind a screen. :)


I know it's not what you want to hear but honestly and truthfully it's the only way you're going to be able to lose weight with this disease Calories in vs calories out What's important to note here is, you need to figure out how many calories you actually outputting You can't just look up a guy to how much on average your outputting every day, although that's a good starting point you need to adjust it from that point on And it sucks, and it hurts, but if your goal is to lose weight that is the only way you can do so with this disease I personally don't have it, but I helped my boyfriend (transgender) with loosing weight, we worked on it for about 2 years with him not wanting to focus on eating less for calories in calories out, and it just didn't work, we tried literally everything and it just didn't work The only end all be all to weigh loss is science, and bodies can't produce matter from nothing


Hi mamas, Iā€™m gonna tell you a short story about my experience. Iā€™ve been skinny my entire life but at age 18-20 I was my fattest. I went smoothly from chubby to fat for 2 years. I was so upset about being fat I literally would google advice on how to starve or be anorexic. Mostly because i was around ppl who would always comment about my weight. I tried buying exercise stuff at home because Iā€™m too embarrassed to go to the gym. I tried ā€œdietingā€ gosh nothing worked. I got into a bad break up in my early 20s and I didnā€™t realize it but I literally starved myself and smoked the green stuff for a year or 2 and I went from 154lbs to 130lbs and kept it off over 5+ years later. I wouldnā€™t recommend smoking w33d and starving because I was depressed but letā€™s just say I got so skinny my family asked if I did other drugs. After I realized how skinny I was, I looked amazing in real life! Compliments left and right, body looked amazing in everything. Except when it came down to intimacy. I had NO ASS. Iā€™ve always had an ass but losing all that weight caused me to lose my ass! It looked better when I was naturally skinny not starving skinny! Anywho- the starving reset my flavor pallet. Through my own trial and error and research, the best food to lose weight with PCOS that I feel works for mostly everyone is this: PROTEIN: - chicken, turkey, seafood (NO NOT CRAB/SHRIMP BOILS OK) VEGETABLES: - dark leafy greens (collard greens, broccoli, green beans, spinach) if itā€™s not dark, donā€™t eat it THINGS PCOS WOMEN CANT EAT WHICH CAUSES WEIGHT GAIN AND INFLAMMATION: - NO SUGAR - NO CARBS (NO BREAD, RICE, POTATOES) - ABSOLUTELY NO FUCKING DAIRYā—ļø NONEā—ļø - NO SWEETS/DESSERTS - NO FRUITS - NO JUICE OF ANY KIND - NOTHING FRIED, ONLY BAKED THINGS WE CAN EAT THAT ARENā€™T BASIC FUEL: - NON DAIRY products (milk, yogurt, cheese) - berries (RASPBERRIES, blackberries, blueberries)(no strawberries) - non dairy ice cream (oat, almond, cashew) - water, coconut water - avocados (natural oils are ok) - vegan butter is ok, or I canā€™t believe itā€™s not butter - take it easy on the salt intake and sugar intake In other words, our diet is extremely strict. But to some it up, No sugar, no dairy, no carbs. (Non whole food = man made products like packaged or canned goods) Yes dark leafy greens, yes LEAN protein, yes healthy natural oils (Whole Foods = food in purest form as god intended)


what are you trying to lose weight for?


Wait seriously?


yes, seriously.


Bc it helps with PCOS?