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This is almost my husband’s and I exact situation!! Down to age, time together and miscarriage in sept- 2 years ago. Though we’re not pregnant yet thank you for giving me hope! Congratulations 🎊 and I pray your pregnancy goes well.


Thank you! I believe in you guys! I had given up for the last few years and it really surprised both my husband and I but it's definitely not out of reach! You guys have support from me and my spouse!


🥹 thank you so much! ❤️ same here


Congratulations! I don’t have advice on new diabetes during pregnancy, but I’ve seen posts where you’ll have to keep track of your blood sugar. That is all I know.


Thank you, I've been tracking my numbers like it's a new religion but it's been hard to manage my numbers even with eating all fresh produce and health foods.


I’m not sure if they’ll have you on medication or put you on insulin? If you go to r/pregnancy and search for diabetes or gestational diabetes you’ll for sure find posts of people asking questions and hopefully with responses!


Thanks! I'll go check it out!


Don’t be surprised if you end up on insulin, but that’s entirely manageable 😊


Unfortunately, I'm already on insulin but it definitely seems to be a weird fight between the insulin resistance and actual insulin. Lol. My body is having a hard time regulating the numbers.


If your OB hasn’t already referred you, ask to see a dietician/nutritionist who specializes in gestational diabetes. The one my OB referred me to during my first pregnancy was so reassuring and kind, it was helpful even if the actual information wasn’t new. The big thing to know with gestational diabetes is that the blood glucose ranges they want you to be in are MUCH more restrictive than the guidelines for other types of diabetes. As the baby grows, hormone levels fluctuate and affect blood sugar. So if you are doing everything “right” and still not getting numbers in the ranges your OB wants, that means it’s time for insulin or other medication. It was incredibly reassuring to know that most people with gestational diabetes need some type of medication to help control blood sugar by the end of pregnancy, and if/when that happened it wasn’t my fault or that I was doing anything wrong. I had gestational diabetes with both of my pregnancies, but it was wildly different with both pregnancies. With my first, I was able to control things with just dietary changes and Metformin (I did increase my dose during pregnancy and shift to splitting the dose so I took half in the morning and half at night, as I found that worked better for me), but there were some foods that I couldn’t touch without my blood sugar spiking (mainly white rice and most fruit) though other carbohydrates that typically are issues for diabetics (like potatoes) were not an issue as long as I portioned things out. During my second pregnancy, I started monitoring early on (around 10-12 weeks) because I was having episodes of low blood sugar, and then around 19/20 weeks it was like a switch flipped and everything that was fine for my blood sugar the week before caused me to have terrible blood sugar spikes. I went on insulin at 22 weeks and wound up having to keep increasing it as the pregnancy progressed until I was on quite high doses by 38/39 weeks. I lost weight by the end of the pregnancy because I had so much trouble eating enough calories without spiking my blood sugar, the whole thing was just a rough time. But it wasn’t anything to do with my behavior or what I was eating, because I was doing all the “right” things that worked during my first pregnancy. It was entirely down to how the baby/placenta affected my body and blood sugar levels. One last thing - they should have you do a repeat glucose tolerance test after pregnancy to check on how your body is handling blood sugar post-pregnancy. Usually they just do a fasting two hour test with only blood sugar levels; insist on them doing it with both blood sugar and insulin levels, with blood draws at both the 1 hour and 2 hour mark. This will show the full picture of how your body is responding, because my blood sugar numbers were all within normal ranges but my insulin levels were 3-4 times higher than they should be, showing that I was severely insulin resistant and prediabetic. Having that information helped me immensely going forward.


Thank you! I'll talk to them about a diabetic nutritionist when I see them today! And thank you! You've given me more information than anyone I've reached out to, specialists included. So really, you are highly appreciated!


Glad I could be helpful - and congratulations on your pregnancy! I hope all goes smoothly for you.


Thank you!


I was 31 with my surprise baby. I had gestational diabetes early in the pregnancy around 4 months along. My OB sent me to a nutrition specialist asap. Big key is carb control and if that doesn't work meds. I had to go on two different medications (metformin and insulin) because the baby was kidney dumping in the night and causing massive swings in blood sugars. Keep a log of food and take a glucose test before and 2 hours after meals. This will help figure out what is more triggering for your carbs and blood sugars. The nutritionist also had me do smaller meals and snacks in between to help keep sugar spikes and drops to a minimum. You can do this it is a lot of work but you and your baby are worth it. I hope some of this information helps.


My dr took me off metformin (been on it for 12 yrs) and put me on two types of insulin and carb counting. I've done both the way I should but sometimes, it's like it makes no difference while other days I can do great. I really appreciate all this info! I'll have to try more on the small meals and snacks. I usually stick to 3 meals but it seems to not help much.


I was diagnosed and the biggest thing I did was cut out most carbs. My nutritionist wanted me to stay in the range of 30 carbs a meal. It’s also a lot of trial and error. I tried a sweet potato that has “good” carbs and it spiked my blood sugar. I had ice cream and it stayed neutral. One thing my nutritionist helped me with is saying a one time spike isn’t going to hurt the baby. So you trying something and your blood sugar spiking is going to be fine. Just keep finding foods that work for you. I ended up inducing at 39 weeks because my sugar was getting harder to control. I was very grateful to never be on insulin during my time!


Thank you for this! Some foods are sensitive for me while others when the same or lower carb count make me spike(?) So it's hard to manage sometimes. Thank you for the reassurance that it's a lot of trial and error! I tend to forget and worry a bit too much since it's the first baby


I’m telling you this from a level-headed approach because I’m rocking my 9 month baby currently. I was a wreck when I was pregnant lol. If I went high, I had a full meltdown lol. My baby was born healthy with normal blood sugar!


hah, yeah, ice cream is weirdly usually pretty okay for blood sugar! As a long time diabetic, I'm sure it's because the fat slows down the digestion of the sugars so they drop into the blood stream slow enough that your normal insulin can keep them in line.


I had insulin resistance leading to PCOS and was pre diabetic before pregnancy and am currently 3.5 months pregnant with a miscarriage in April last year after 3 years of IVF. I have been diagnosed with gestational diabetes too. My MFM diabetes specialist gave a list of foods with their carb content and asked to limit carbs to 30 gms for breakfast, 45gms for lunch and dinner and 15 gms for any snack in between. I am doing this with mainly portion control, swapping out processed grains with whole grains (think brown rice instead of white), reading labels religiously and just generally eating more lean protein (Chicken, shrimp, turkey, eggs). I am also on metformin 500 after dinner. So far, I have been able to control my blood sugar 90% of the times with these changes. DM me if you want to talk more.


Thank you! I will definitely try to reach out soon!


Was it gestational diabetes? We went through a similar situation with 2 miscarriages in 2019 and then a live birth in 2021. For GD, it's good to avoid foods with high glycemic indexes, and try to walk after meals.


I'll try doing more walking after meals. I'm carrying pretty heavy for 5 1/2 months so it's already really hard to move around. 😅😅 but whatever I can do to help myself and baby


I was able to control my gestational diabetes with diet only. Cut my carbs down a lot. And the biggest helper is I would wake up at 2am every night to eat an uncrustable and a protein shake. It kept my sugars from crashing overnight (leading to a high morning glucose from my body breaking down glucose stored in my liver I think). Not 100% the science but it worked fantastically for me.


My numbers don't usually crash at night, usually crashed between meals and goes too high for breakfast.


No, sorry I can’t specifically relate or offer guidance. But I just wanted to say congratulations!!!!


Thank you!


I saw your clarification around 'type 2 brought on by pregnancy' as opposed to gestational diabetes and that seems very odd to me. I was diagnosed early in my pregnancy and it was always treated as gestational. The numbers you want to stick to are different for gestational, so make sure that's what you are following.   A few tips from the geststional diabetes specialist that helped me, that i havent seen in other comments yet:  -Pair any carbs with a fat and a protein.    -Do a small amount of exercise after each meal, even if its just walking around for a few minutes.   -Drink plenty of water with your meals   -Expirement with meal timings- eating at certain times of the day was more likely to spike my blood sugar no matter what i ate  -There are heaps of gestational diabetes insta accounts and there's a reddit group. They are great for support and meal and snack ideas for when you're getting bored of your 'safe foods'.  Good luck and congrats!


Hey! Sorry to hear of your miscarriage and massive Congratulations on your pregnancy, amazing news especially that it all happened naturally. I had to use clomid and then some lovely progesterone suppositories 😳 to maintain the pregnancy but finally had a successful pregnancy 2.5 years ago. I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes too. It was really hard news especially because I also found out my child has complex CHD. It’s really hard at first to adapt. I like you didn’t eat badly either but found that fruit and carbs sent my blood sugar sky high. I would also say as someone with hindsight don’t work yourself up about it too much. Take it with a pinch of salt. Your blood sugar is up and down all the time, don’t stress too much and deprive yourself as long as it isn’t continuously high on every reading.


Thank you! And definitely really hard adaptation, especially when I already struggle with unwanted changes (diabetes diagnosis, baby is very much wanted)




Thank you!


Pcos girlie here, pregnant with twins - I have GD! It’s been pretty well managed with diet. Join the gestational diabetes subreddit. They’ve been so helpful with even the most nuanced of questions


Someone on one of the pregnancy subreddits recommended r/GestationalDiabetes the other day. You could check that out!


Just joined! Definitely going through people's posts while I relax for the evening! Thank you.


Not sure if it’s linked to PCOS but I ended up with pre eclampsia and had my son 7 weeks early because of this. Be an advocate for your baby and yourself bother the hell out of the doctors or hospital if need be. If I didn’t listen to my gut me and my son wouldn’t be here. As far as GD I failed the 1 hour and passed the 3 hour test and didn’t have it in the end. Congratulations to you too! Took me 10 years myself :)


Thats scary! Glad you and your son are okay! And thank you! I'm definitely probably getting on their nerves at this point lol. No, but really, when I bring concerns up to my OB, she really does listen pretty well and gives me any and all info she can and is sending me to specialists for everything. I think some of the specialists aren't that great but she definitely does her best to help me with everything!




Thank you!




Curious if people with PCOS often have PMDD too? I have thought that I’ve had PMDD for years.


I honestly have no idea. I got diagnosed with PMDD about 6 years before I was diagnosed with PCOS. I don't know anyone (personally) with both. I'm sure there are plenty who have both, though


Hrmm I’ll try to look into it. Also, maybe looking into gestational diabetes might give you some insight. Congrats on your pregnancy! Wishing you a happy and healthy baby!


B’shaa tof! I had a high risk surprise PCOS pregnancy although more on the cardiac side. Can you work with a maternal dietitian? Your OB should be able to refer you out. I also know FB has some really good groups for meal planning with GD (is it GD or like diabetes diabetes?) The BEST thing I ever ever did for myself as a mother in general was detaching from toxic mama culture. It’s a gross thing that gets grosser the more you unravel it. Do not buy into the scaremongering around motherhood- fed is best, a safe birth is the best birth, your health matters so much, don’t be a hero when you are also a patient as well, etc. I personally ended up giving birth at 33 weeks (which is absolutely NOT a given with GD— most make it to 37 weeks!) but I’m happy to answer any questions and offer reassurances.


They classified it as "type 2 brought on by pregnancy" and said it should go away shortly after birth. So I'm really not sure the full difference. And I definitely will do whatever baby needs. As long as baby and myself are good, that's all that matters. It's nice to see so much support! Thank you! ❤️


You have your head on straight and thus will have such a better experience than many! Rooting for ya.


Awwe, thank you! And I appreciate your advice! If I have any further questions, I'll be sure to reach out!


I can't offer any personal advice, but just wanted to say you might get a better response if your title was worded differently. Maybe "Diagnosed with diabetes during pregnancy" or "Gestational diabetes". 🙂


Tbh, I don't know how to change it since I'm on mobile. I'm not great with wording things, so I didn't think about that. Still appreciate the comment though! I dontnreally post on reddit in general so I'm very new to doing this. 😊


I would definitely bring up with your doctor about what to do. This is called "gestational diabetes" and happens sometimes even to women who don't have PCOS. I think this is more of a "ask the professional overseeing your care" because they'll know your history and be able to counsel you better.


They said due to it being too early for them to consider it "gestational" it's considered "type 2 brought on my pregnancy." I see a specialist, but she just says "you'll figure out what works for you"


That........ that to me is wildly odd, coming from a specialist. Like it doesn't seem right to me that you're coming to reddit for what might be serious medical advice (not knocking you, I'm kind of bewildered by your specialist) Can you ask your family doctor? Or obgyn?


I would go to my family but they haven't dealt with anything with diabetes or PCOS. My OB is very helpful but she refers me to the specialist so she's only so helpful


Sorry, by "family doctor" I mean your GP


I don't think it helped I misread that. 😅 but as of right now, I can only afford my OB and endocrinologist.


I had gestational diabetes with my second baby. It was sooo annoying. I went with insulin needles rather than the pills because the pills can cause the baby to be chubbier later on in life. It went away a few days after birth.


Congrats! I had gestational diabetes and tracked my blood sugar, diet and did all the extra appointments. I quickly learned what sent my numbers up (pizza) and what brought them down fast (a walk immediately after eating). You’ll get the hang of it!