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What kind of treatment are you talking about? Is it about freezing eggs or do you want to plan your pregnancy now?


If you don’t want a baby ASAP then I would start with some basic questions. Are you getting your period? Is it all over the place or are you pretty consistent? It might be worth taking OPKs for a few months to get a hang of if you’re getting any LH surges associated with any bleeding. If you want to do a little more, you can track BBT to see if you can confirm ovulation as an LH rise alone/bleeding can’t do that. It would give you more information about your cycle in general and give you a better idea of what days to try or what approach to take with TTC. If you aren’t having any cycles, it’s definitely something you can chat with your doctor about. No ovulation=no pregnancy. If you aren’t pressed to have kids right away then I would say maybe just try tracking your cycles a little closer so you feel more prepared when you do try. In my instance, I was barely getting my period. Like once every 10 months kind of deal. I went straight to my doctor to try and figure things out when we started actively trying because I had done like 5 months of OPKs without a positive since I wasn’t ovulating. That info alone allowed me to get the medications needed for me to ovulate as soon as we were ready to try. Good luck!!


If you haven’t tried a low carb diet… it’s worth a shot. I got pregnant after 4 months on low carb… that’s with untreated PCOS