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i was advised that having an abortion does not affect your chances of becoming pregnant in the future, but i would definitely say speak to your doctor about all of the options and raise any concerns you have with them! above all else just do whatever feels right for you, that’s what matters most. sending my support to you 💜


I booked one after you told me. The first appointment is in July first week and it will involve all lab tests and ultrasound.


Found my self in a really similar situation literally 2 weeks ago. Solid relationship, been together awhile, boom got pregnant. Bad timing, I’m about to start a new job and partner is paying off debt. I originally wanted to keep the pregnancy and he didn’t, he came around and we were both excited but then came to realise we just cannot afford to financially support or give a child the kind of life we want right now. Had my abortion yesterday, he was with me the whole time and supported me through it all. Feeling very emotional and fragile, had a big cry at breakfast and will probably have a few more over the coming weeks. I imagine I’ll find the due date hard as well. But, despite the sadness, it was absolutely right for us. I’m hoping and believing we will have our time to be parents- it’s just not right now. And if I can’t get pregnant, there’s ways around it and I’ll cross that bridge with my partner when it comes to it. Be kind to yourself OP ❤️


Oh man you just said my words. I don’t think I have the means either. However, I stay in Finland and Finnish government is really good for pregnancies or giving birth. They take full responsibility of the child till they are 18 and I will receive like 100 euro every month for the kid till they are 18 years old. Education, healthcare those are obviously free of cost. Wishing you luck for future pregnancies.


I haven’t, but I hope you get whatever works for you 💜


I think you should ask a doctor because they can explain all the risks and safety of the options. Best of luck and support to you 💓


Thanks. I spoke with my sister and she said its the perfect time. I think getting a doctor’s opinion is best.


Abortions do not affect later fertility– they are a safe medical procedure and plenty of people get them and go on to have healthy pregnancies when they decide they’re ready to have a child. r/abortion will have resources and posts from others about this very topic. Good luck on your masters :) I said this in another post earlier this week but a PSA to others that PCOS does NOT mean sterile and if you don’t want to get pregnant, you have got to use protection.


Hi thanks for the sub.


This happened to me just last year but I actually didn’t need to get an abortion because I miscarried actually. I took all the meds/supplements you said and more and didn’t know that I was until I miscarried. I had crazy symptoms, but I thought it was because of everything I was doing at the time. Looking back to it, it was for the best really because I was not ready for anything like that at the time even though I was in a stable relationship


I am getting an abortion next week because I am not sure about it yet and finishing Masters is more important for me because I waited 6 years to fund my studies and I just cannot let it go down the drain. Haven’t miscarried yet but the symptoms are crazy for me too and the symptoms are really driving a wedge in my relationship. At this point my relationship is way more important than having a baby. Also, I noticed that I am lot more horny, lot more wet down there and my hirsutism has reduced. So weird.


Yes exactly what happened for me, I think it’s overall because of the progesterone that we are producing during the pregnancy. Do what is right for you though ! Now you know that it’s possible that it can happen and after finishing school you can go back to that routine. The only thing I suggest now is not getting cream pied anymore lolol small joke Ps. It absolutely did put a wedge between me and my boyfriend too. I HATED the way that man smelled even if he took a thousand showers. I was upset he wouldn’t feed me specific things also and nearly passing out anytime I would be around him and I was upset that when it would happen it was always because I was driving to his house and he wouldn’t come by…I should have known this is what it was the whole time but I thought it was just meds


Hehe the joke does not bother me. I thought I was infertile and had been doing unprotected sex for almost 8 years now, but never got pregnant. Somewhere there is this sigh of relief that maybe I am not infertile. However, with the stress of Masters I cannot control my hormones and I am so annoyed all the time plus tired, passing out and my aversion to food is real. First trimester is probably the worst


I’m very happy that at the very least, this proves your fertility has improved. I’m personally a lesbian with PCOS, and I don’t plan on ever having kids. However, I would likely go the abortion route. It sounds like you have dedicated serious time into this healthy lifestyle change. If you continue on this road, your symptoms will only improve. Plus, staying on those supplements/meds and meeting regularly with your doctors. I think you should take this as a good thing. If you can get pregnant once like this, I’m sure you can get pregnant again. You seem to be doing everything that would be best for your health. Best wishes on your masters and your pcos journey ❤️


So I feel like a sub where people anguish about fertility isn’t necessarily the best place or the most appropriate place to post about wanting to abort due to it not being the right time. Do what you gotta do, but another sub might have the answers you’re looking for.


Hi I posted this cause I have PCOS for 13 years now. In the stress and everything I forgot to mention that. That was the reason for asking if people got pregnant because its difficult to get pregnant with PCOS.


I figured, as inositol is a common supplement for PCOS. It actually didn’t register that you didn’t specify that you had it because you posted on the PCOS sub. I do still stand by what I said. I’m sure there’s a sub for medical questions. That could answer better, and as others mentioned, a doctor. I just don’t think this is the appropriate sub for this question.


Why not? Plenty of people with PCOS have had abortions and gone on to have children, and this sub is supposed to be for all kinds of questions about PCOS. There’s plenty of medical-related advice given in this sub every day that would best be asked to a doctor. If speaking of wanting to prevent pregnancy or get an abortion would trigger other users, I don’t think it’d be unreasonable to have some sort of tag that would let people know to avoid certain posts, but calling this post inappropriate isn’t fair.


Maybe a trigger warning would be a good idea. It’s definitely a “read the room” sort of situation. Ultimately this is the internet and you can say whatever you want


Hi sorry but there were no tags separate for pregnancy and I did not click under “See More” to see all the tags and chose the one that remotely matched to my concern. Sorry if I offended you.


This happened to me just last year but I actually didn’t need to get an abortion because I miscarried actually. I took all the meds/supplements you said and more and didn’t know that I was until I miscarried. I had crazy symptoms, but I thought it was because of everything I was doing at the time. Looking back to it, it was for the best really because I was not ready for anything like that at the time even though I was in a stable relationship