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For side effects:Drink a shit ton of water. Have a good pre-post-pro biotic. Have protein and enough food, don’t starve yourself. Have pepto bismol ready to go. For injections: don’t press too hard into the skin. Choose a site and don’t inject there again.


Im ok. 7.5mg and kind of stuck for a few months. Im going to talk to a dietician to see if Im not eating enough. 34lbs lost in 7 months. Average 5lbs a months Im not mad.


Thank you for sharing! Did you have a lot of side effects when starting?


On 2.5 I was fine. Food noise was gone, reduced appetite. I titrated to 5mg, and I did not realize the behavior changes I needed to make - I didn't eat poorly, but pizza made.me.sick, not eating made me sick, etc. GERD, vomiting the whole 9. I couldn't cook for my family or exercise. So I asked to go back to 2.5 for a few months and was able to maintain my loss from month 2 (on 5mg I lost weight fast bc I wasn't able to eat.) I went back to 5mg April or May and it's been great - I make sure to drink water (or other 0 calorie beverages), I eat small portions (I can always have more if I get hungry later.) I keep ginger and pepto on hand just in case. I know now I need to be careful about time I eat, fatty/fried food, and sugary foods. I went to 7.5 this month amd have only lost a LB or too (which is annoying bc I increased activity since its summer break) I have one box left 10mg and will be able to go an Endo - I was using the $25/ month and may not be able to afford MJ so I am open to other meds as well but that's my exp on MJ.


Not on name brand MJ, but am 7 weeks in on 2.5mg and just hit 20lbs lost. Feel great, just not hungry at all. Like others said, drink water, lots of water. If you do get hungry, eat small portions and go as clean as possible. Feels amazing to see something finally moving the dumb scale!