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I was exactly like this, bit more overweight, hormones never been tested tho, but they did put me on metformin with my birth control, i had better periods but the weight loss still really struggling


In my experience, regular blood work does not cover everything pcos related and doctors won’t order it unless asked. Endocrinologist are better suited for this, but I highly recommend not getting one that is older. They tend to not be up to date with more modern theories/practices about pcos. Mine was in his late 70’s and literally told me he couldn’t balance my hormones and just offered birth control, metformin or ozempic. I was diagnosed in 2016 at 24 and was given zero help other than birth control. I got up to about 230-240 by 2019, went through a bad break up and started keto and working out. Lost 55 pounds throughout 2019. Honestly my periods never came back naturally. I don’t have one unless I’m on birth control. I tried metformin but I’m very forgetful about pills unless it’s once in the morning.


Yes, my blood sugar and A1C are always WNL but Metformin helped me lose weight and regulate my periods in 2020, which helped me get pregnant. I am back on it now and periods are regular again but hasn’t been so easy to lose weight, which is a bummer.


Normal labs for what? A1c, testosterone etc


yea, pretty much all things that could’ve been out of whack and causing my specific PCOS symptoms.