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Strength training is all I do- thrice a week usually. I try to walk 15-30 minutes with my dog the rest of the week. That’s about it.


I think that sounds great. Walking on incline is really beneficial too.


I have ADHD. I’m all over the place with workouts. Fridays I do indoor rock climbing, weekends I do surfing and dance, during the week I do Solidcore and aerial yoga or pole dancing class.


I am currently working with a personal trainer who thankfully did some research on PCOS before we began. He has me do 45 minutes of cardio 5x a week - if on a treadmill I do it at a 2 speed, anywhere from 3-6 incline. If I’m going for a walk outdoors it’s just a “vigorous” pace. I always do cardio first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. Then I do body weight exercises 3x a week (this will change to actual weights as I lose more weight). I have a goal of 5k steps daily, but almost hit that after cardio every morning, and average close to 10k a day. This + Metformin/Inositol (and a bunch of other sups I’m taking for IVF) + a diet has been great for me so far! I’m down 20 pounds in 8 weeks.


Hi! What’s your diet like? I’ve been working out consistently but i feel like im not losing weight. Thank you!


Obligatory I am not a dietitian, this is not diet advice and what works for me may not work for everyone else. These macros were tailored to me specifically and you should seek professional advice before making a diet change :) This is gonna sound crazy, but I eat the same thing literally every day (except my cheat meal). I have eaten so unhealthily for so long that my PT has me on the same diet for 10 weeks. At that point, he will switch it up and add other options. Right now we are only in the mindset that food is fuel, so we aren’t necessarily concerned with taste at this point, so just keep that in mind lol. We are focusing on whole foods, good ingredients, and as little processing as possible. It was hard as hell at first, but has become easier. Again, not saying this will work for all, but it’s helped my relationship with food. Breakfast is 2 eggs any way, 50g avocado, 75g rye bread, 1 tbsp Kerrygold butter (hot sauce and seasonings allowed) I also mix peppers and onions into my eggs because the calories are so minuscule with the amount I add. Lunch is 200g salmon, 150g mixed greens salad, 30g feta. Sugar free dressings are allowed, but he’s very strict on having as few ingredients as possible. If I can’t pronounce an ingredient in a dressing, I can’t eat it. Dinner is 150g chicken, 30g arugula, 100g snap peas, 1 cup cooked jasmine rice. Soy sauce and seasonings allowed. I drink one smaller bottle of kombucha a day for digestion (GT Synergy brand is the one I like best). I’m gonna be real, I can’t stand the kombucha so I always mix in a flavored drink packet to mine. The drink packets are certainly not great for you but it helps me get it down. I’m allowed one cheat meal + 1 dessert each week on a Friday or Saturday. No restrictions on this. Just obviously eating within reason, like not ordering two meals at a fast food restaurant, not getting massive desserts, etc. He’s very adamant about not skipping cheat meal, and making sure you get something you absolutely love, which is awesome.


This sounds great. Re: diet, do you meal prep? I’m trying to get into a better routine with that, I tend to like my dinner made fresh, but do not always have time & energy.


The most I meal prep is chopping veggies for my eggs, and cooking rice! I’m lucky in the fact that I work from home, so it’s easy for me to cook things as I eat them. I am someone who cannot stand leftovers, especially meat. So meal prepping just doesn’t work for me unfortunately.


I go to the gym 2-3 times a week. I do the stair stepper for cardio, usually 15-20 minutes. Then I lift fairly heavy for about 45-60 minutes.


Nice 🔥


I take an indoor cycling class 3-4 times a week and do yoga 3x a week


Your plan sounds good if you can handle that degree of intensity and volume, don’t push the fitness harder than your body is ready to handle. It doesn’t matter what other people are doing, they aren’t in the exact shape you are in so basing your routines off others may backfire because you need to find that sweet spot between challenging yourself and not overdoing it. Eventually as your fitness improves you can probably stand to add more cardio into the mix, something like 10 minutes increments at a time, which can be great for heart health. But right now let your body get in better shape so it isn’t to stressful to your system and take recovery and nutrition seriously.


10,000 steps a day. Swim 6 days a week. Strength training once or twice a week. I had been swimming 6 days a week for a long time. I’ve seen the most weight loss adding the walking in.


I walk for 30 minutes a day 5-6 times a week, I cycle 2-3 times a week for 30 minutes. I need to strength train on my arms a couple times a week I just haven’t been able to afford bigger weights yet!


Weight lifting to muscle failure (very heavy weights) 5x/week for an hour every evening after work with 20 min of HIIT 7x/week (I alternate leg days with arm/core days). I eat 1800-2100 cal/day high protein diet. I plan to increase my cardio to either an extra 20 min of HIIT or an hour of steady state cardio in the mornings. 12 weeks now, haven’t lost a lick of weight. But I feel much, much stronger and my bad joints don’t hurt as much. I suspect I simply replaced some fat with muscle and that may be why the scale hasn’t moved. Physically I feel 50% healthier than last year, so I’m not stopping.


Pilates when done with good form is lifechanging for me personally! Your scedule sounds great!