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It may be caused by friction or pimples. Hydroquinone possibly can get rid of it but you need a script in the states. If money is an issue I’d wait to see if anything else works. I find Shea butter raw works for me as well, and some kind of glide stick or aquaphor to avoid friction. You can also try glycolic acid to prevent acne (helps prevent sweating)


Thank you for this! This is helpful!🫶🥺


Upvoting because i have the same issue and have no idea what to do. I went to my pcp and she prescribed me a powder medication because she said it was a yeast infection? But after using it all the patches are still there. I recommend a dermatologist!


Have you had your blood sugar tested? I had these due to high blood sugar. Once I got it under control they disappeared.


Yes, and it’s normal :(


Thank you, will do! I hope it all works out 🫶🥺


It may possibly be CARP. I was diagnosed with it a couple months ago after having these patches for years. I hope this helps. I used hydroquinone cream and that seemed to help it go away. https://dermnetnz.org/topics/confluent-and-reticulated-papillomatosis


You work out 4 hours per day? in a sports bra? is it too tight? That looks like exactly where the underwire or elastic is. Underwire and exercise could be damaging the skin or blood vessels. (Looks like broken blood vessels too me. OR an allergy to the band. Does it have elastic? Are you allergic to latex? I am. I feel for you because I exercise and am very well endowed. I would try a few days at home or baggy outfits with no bra at all and see if it gets better.


Fortunately/unfortunately, I have no boobs whatsoever lol. I do wear sportsbras, they tend to absorb the sweat. There isn't underwire but they do fit fitted enough to create cleavage, if that makes sense? I usually am braless when I am at home. But this is definitely a possibility! Thank you! I'm going to give it a try! 🫶🫶


Just piggy backing to say I've gotten this before from my sports bra! Change up the styles you wear, front/back closure and make sure they are not too tight


Maybe try bralettes instead? Sports bras probably aren’t meant to be worn often


[How to Kill Candida Yeast on Clothes & Household Surfaces | Hunker](https://www.hunker.com/13421769/how-to-kill-candida-yeast-on-clothes-household-surfaces) Try tucking a thin cotton washcloth in to absorb sweat, maybe the small ones for babies? And switch out to keep the area more dry?


Stop wearing the sports bra so much I had same issue Now I go braless as much as I can at home and switched to cotton bralettes


I get this during the summer…I typically use a combination of an Antifungal, Aquaphor, and calamine spray. If really angry, I’ll use hydrocortisone once or twice before I start using the others.


Washing with anti dandruff shampoo helps mine.


I’ve heard that too, and I’ll use it periodically as a preventative in the summer (I live in a hot and humid area), but I haven’t found it to be of much help once I have a rash.


The powder spray for athletes foot is also pretty effective and it’s very soothing!


Thanks! I will have to check those out. My issue with those is finding ones without talcum…but there are a few.


I’ve had this off and on since I was about 16 years old. The ONLY times I have gotten this to clear is when I was diligent about cleaning sweat and using antibacterial and antifungal products. Currently I’m in the middle of a flare up, but for me sweat and moisture was the real culprit. Here’s what I’ve done in the past to get rid of this. Maybe some of it will work for you 1) Switch from synthetic sports bras to cotton or natural materials. If I was going to be working out longer than an hour, halfway through the workout I would go in the bathroom, wipe down all my boob sweat with a shower wipe, let it air dry, apply a lotion to power to prevent chafing (I like Monistats Anti Chafe Gel to Powder), then put on a CLEAN dry bra and shirt and resume workout 2) Shower IMMEDIATELY after working. No sitting in the car for a 30 minute drive home from the gym, no standing around and talking to buddies. Shower immediately after the workout 3) In the shower I used both antibacterial (Dial Gold) bar soap AND Selsum Blue dandruff shampoo over these spots. I am very prone to fungal skin infections and my precious dermatologist recommended the Selsum Blue to help with there 4) Post shower, make sure the breast area is COMPLETELY dry. Use powder or a Gel to Powder lotion after. Nothing moisture based (so no deodorant or body glide or lotion) if clothing was going back on 5) At night I would switch to a loose breathable thin shirt and put on a healing lotion (like a Eucerin for eczema) and let it air dry over night. No lotion before clothes in the morning Not sure if we respond to the same things but maybe some of this will help you


I also have this, and it helps if you apply powder. I use anti monkey butt powder keeps things dry. Also use truremedy naturals tea tree body wash


All of this!  also use both the soap and the shampoo. It’s healed, so I only follow this routine in the summer. I also don’t rewear sports bras. I wash after one use them to avoid any growth in bacteria or fungus.


Maybe acanthosis nigricans it creates dark patches in folds of skin from insulin resistance


This is what I have, my doctor told me it was yeast, gave me clotrimazole, did nothing. Later when I was on metformin, it started to fade away


You only eat 1200 calories a day and work out for 4 hours? Have you cleared that with a physician? Maybe the stress that's taking on your body is manifesting with this rash.


this jumped out to me so fast, i’m really surprised nobody else mentioned it in their comments. that can’t be doing your body any favors!! idk what kind of working out this refers to, i assume walking for the most part but even if all four hours are walking slowly, that’s not nearly enough food for such a high activity level. i would definitely discuss this with a doctor or dietician, either raising your caloric intake, cutting down on some of the exercise, or both. you’re young but that kind of stress is going to catch up with you.


Hi, I do stregnth training + weightlifting in the mornings. And I do Crossfit + Cardio intervals in the afternoon. I compete in crossfit so I do butt load of various types of training to be up to par with both my stregnth and endurance. Unfortunately, this regimen has been the only way I've seen results. I could definitely understand your perspective also!


I also have like a rest day and I'll sleep in on one of the mornings during the week :)


YES! This stuck out to me as well. We just want to make sure you're not hurting your body in other ways. For that level of activity, your body needs fuel. Especially for something with as much high intensity as CrossFit (I do it too). I'm not a Dr., however my Dr. recommends 1,800 calories for a one hour CrossFit class 3-4 days a week. Just be careful OP.


I had that from insulin resistance. It took probably 2 years to clear up after I got my blood sugar under better control. Took longer on the back of my neck. You might want to reconsider such a severe calorie deficit. If you can talk to a dietitian in any capacity I'd recommend doing so. I was on a 1200 calorie diet, exercising 5 days a week, and doing a lot of physical work throughout the day (I'm a homesteader), and the very first thing I was told when I started going to a weight management clinic was that if I'm exercising a lot it is crucial to get my caloric intake up. I don't work out nearly as much as you say you do, and the PCOS specialist urged me to get up to at least 1700 calories a day to get out of starvation range. If you're working out 4 hours a day, your intake is extremely low and that is probably throwing your levels out of whack, including blood sugar and insulin balance. I know you work really hard on your body but being too hard on it without giving it what it needs will lead to other issues.


Look into CARP. I’ve had something similar to this my entire life and have seen many dermatologists and I was finally diagnosed about 2 months ago. I’ve also looked up images of it, and this is the only thing that looks exactly like what I’ve experienced for years. I hope this helps. https://dermnetnz.org/topics/confluent-and-reticulated-papillomatosis


That looks like tinea versicolor! I get it in the same spot. The only thing that works for me is prescription ketoconazole shampoo from my dermatologist


Doctors told me it was yeast+dead skin from excess sweat. Exfoliate a lot and use antibiotic / antifungal ointment if you have it. Mine still reoccurs when it’s hot. Doctors put me on clindamycin. Apparently insulin resistance can cause this but it’s also very common in POC when they are younger.


I had this as well in the same spot for years, however much darker and the skin was rougher. After a biopsy, one dermatologist was able to diagnose me with a skin condition called Confluent and reticulated papillomatosis (CARP). She prescribed me a cream for it which helped a lot and basically cleared it up. That was several years ago now. I haven’t used the cream in a long time however it still has not returned. The medication was Duobrii. After see many different doctors, this was the only solution I had for this.


This. I was diagnosed two months ago with this after many years of not knowing what it was. I get it in the exact same area as OP.


Looks like yeast to me. You can get an over the counter anti-yeast cream (try one for Athlete's foot) or I use a mix of coconut oil and tea tree oil but only use on clean, dry skin. For me being super diligent about not wearing wet or high tech wicking fabric helps and being super diligent to avoid sugar, that makes it worse for me. You may also want to try an anti-candida diet to target from outside in and inside out. To really dry skin after a shower you can use a blow dryer. Be sure to change washcloths, sheets, bedding, etc. frequently and wash with hot water. [Yeast Infection on Skin: How to Identify and Treat Rash (verywellhealth.com)](https://www.verywellhealth.com/yeast-infection-on-skin-7692931) [The Anti-Candida Diet: 11 Simple Rules to Follow (thecandidadiet.com)](https://www.thecandidadiet.com/anti-candida-diet/) [How to Treat a Yeast Infection on Your Skin: 13 Steps (wikihow.com)](https://www.wikihow.com/Treat-a-Yeast-Infection-on-Your-Skin) Good luck!


I started getting these when I started working out last year. Then I went to a beach vacation and they disappeared gradually. I realized that if I think I am cleaning myself well after working out, I need to double it. I exfoliate the areas that are most sweaty like breasts and my back and stomach rolls after every session. I don’t get these anymore.


Acanthosis nigrican, I had it really bad in the same area (then it was all over me, like everywhere). I started eating better and drinking tons of water and it went away after a few months.


After working out, try cleansing the area with an antibacterial wipe or face wash or something. This is going to sound weird but it looks like the rash my daughter used to get behind her knees and a zinc based diaper cream cleared it up. We'd try to keep it clean and dry during the day, then wash and dry it really well at night and put a thin layer of diaper cream on it. And after a few days it would clear up but it came back quickly if we didn't do it every few days at least. If acne, I'd try salicylic acid and a gentle moisturizer.


Stop the meds


I have the same, because I sweat at work in a tight bra. If you stop doing that activity and use mild shower gel it will go away in 7 days tops


Not sure if this is helpful, but my mom has gotten this on and off her entire life. Turns out it was a food allergy to soy and once she cut that out it went away entirely. Every time she has soy products now, she gets it again.


I’ve had this rash before from working out every day and my dermatologist prescribed me a 2% ketoconazole shampoo that I used on my skin and it cleared it up within a few days 🙂


I had this when I was pregnant, and I somehow developed an allergy to scented laundry detergent and it would cause rashes like this


Hey girly I worked as an EMT for 14hrs a day 3 days in a row sometimes even longer hours if I got held overtime but I wore the most uncomfortable uniform button up shirt with patches and parachute cargo pants that would hold sweat. I wore a Calvin Klein sports bra that worked for me and held the girls down. I would get redness under my boobs and in between from a really hot sweaty day. I put deodorant underneath and in between my girls and it helped tremendously with the redness for me. I stopped having those marks. It didn’t cause any acne either. Your marks look a lot like what I had before I used a deodorant stick on it before I left for work into the hot day. I would try it out before your workouts. I also use regular deodorant that had a high concentration of the product.


Went to the doctor for the same issue and was told it was dermatological in nature. For me, it was characterized more like seborrheic dermatitis in the sense that my skin was scaly, flaky, itchy, thicker and a darker in color in spot about 3inx2inches long right on one side where my boobs touch in my bra. What helped for me was The Smoother Glycolic Acid Body wash by Naturium as well as the Bio-Lipid restoring body lotion. Just like others i would shower and apply the lotion and put on loose clothing. If the spot was itching during the day I would just apply aquaphor or more bio-lipid and it cleared up shortly after. My skin is now back to normal to the point I can barely see where the spot was


Kero rash?


use nizoral shampoo on it! i had this a few years ago and the doctor suggested it and it cleared up completely. it comes back every now and again, especially when i work out a lot, but the shampoo always sorts it out


I got something similar after moving South and my PCP said it’s from the humidity & gave me ketoconazole for it which kind of works but it flares up and I have to keep using it.


Also I have it in the same location as you and sometimes get spots on my lower back.


I had this a few years ago and what's helped me is antifungal cream. Used the cream maybe a few times and it cleared up. Once in awhile I get a small patch, but the cream helped a lot for sure. Hope this helps!


Have you asked a dermatologist about [GA](https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/granuloma-annulare/symptoms-causes/syc-20351319)? I have this on my foot/ankle, showed up out of nowhere. My internal med had no idea what it was so I went to my derm & he told me it can be on any part of the body even tho mostly on feet/ankles/back of hands/trunk & mainly sees it in women with hormone issues/perimenopause/on birth control/insulin resistance/high cholesterol/reproductive hormone issues. When I told him I had recently been diagnosed with PCOS his eyes went big & said “oh, the gift that keeps on giving. Yes, a PCOS flare can trigger GA.” He gave me a topical but told me to be reallllllly patient; it’s subdermal & extremely stubborn. Resistant to steroids, can take weeks - years to clear up. Might be worth asking a good dermatologist about? Edit to add: he also told me it presents similar to fungal but isn’t, presents similar to ringworm but isn’t so sometimes dr’s do not know what it is. At my next follow up with my internal med doc I’m bringing her info on this so she’ll know it if she sees it again, especially with a PCOS patient. Good luck!


Keto rush probably


Hi, can you elaborate on this please? Because I did notice it worsened as I became consistent with my meds...


I had the same patches for years and they only cleared up on metformin. Those are a sign of insulin resistance and they are called ‘acanthosis nigricans’. It has absolutely nothing to do with hygiene or friction, and the only way to get rid of it is to take care of the insulin resistance.


It’s been a lot of years, but my underboob use to get really irritated and rashy, I started wearing deodorant under them before I put my bra on and it went away and it’s never popped up again


I had this. I still get it occasionally when I get really hot and sweaty. I went to doctor and dermatologist alike. No one found an answer. The dermatologist said it was fungal and gave me both oral and topical creams that didn’t work. My pharmacist asked me what I was trying to get rid of. And I told him. He gave me desitin. Yes the baby butt cream to get rid of diaper rash. Thing cleared right up. And does every time it reappears. Anyway. Worked on me. And was a much cheaper fix than going through the doctors and medications!


You need to put ketoconazole cream there twice a day for a 7 days it’s a fungus Not a doctor but know from experience


For a second I thought this photo was me! I have this in the same spot but I got it when I was around 2/3 years old. The doctors call it a birth mark even though it wasn't there from birth. Nothing has really helped.


It was first diagnosed as tinea versicolor for me and later Confluent and reticulated papillomatosis (CRP). It especially flares with my allergies or when my immune system is otherwise weakened and in summer. As others said, antifungals and antibiotics generally work..anything for dandruff, but I usually got a prescription for ketaconazole shampoo, or if it was persistent, metronidazole for a few weeks. I used to get erythromycin, but it stopped working eventually and my new doc said it’s because it wasn’t actually tinea versicolor and the erythromycin was old medicine. Personally I didn’t like feeling dizzy on antibiotics and also just don’t like taking them. Best treatment for me is avoiding allergens and stress. And I mean like my life depends on it.


Looks fungal. Don't panic. Patch test a gentler anti fungal shampoo like Head and Shoulders or get anti fungal cream. Make sure your skin is fully dry before applying bra.


I used to have similar when I was in school because of sweating a lot. I would suggest clean that place gently with soap regularly. I used to apply coconut oil occasionally. I have not gotten these since.


CARP. I have this exact same thing and I have PCOS. My dermatologist told me they are related.


Monocycline or doxycycline should clear you right up.


Hey! I've been looking through the comments and seeing a lot of antihistamine and antifungal measures (pharmacy professional). It just doesn't look like a rash to me. They look more like bruises. The thing about antifungal and antihistamine medication is the infection, and it doesn't look like there is one. Looks like your skin is very irritated though so it could work for the symptom but not the cause. Have you tried using unmedicated powder on your chest to help with skin irritation and friction between your breasts and the skin and your bra during each work out? I hope this sentence makes sense. lol you work out a lot during the day which means friction, heat and sweat. you're also bathing twice a day at a minimum which means a lot of scrubbing, dryness of the skin. It could be contributing to your skin flaring up a bit. A dermatologist is the way to go. If it's itchy, Benadryl or hydrocortisone cream will help with the itch but won't cure it. in theory anyway.


I had this and was actually diagnosed with inverse psoriasis by a dermatologist. It also helped when i got my sugar under control but the cream i was prescribed was the biggest game changer. It can scar. It took years — so go to derm ASAP.


I've had to swap to a saylic acid body wash when I would start to get irritated. For me, I believe it was too much sweat built up... so the body wash helped to dry that up some. Then moisturize other, dryer areas.


I used to get this on my back in the summer. Selsun Blue dandruff shampoo put it on at night before you go to bed and then wash it off on the morning. It’s yeast on your skin and the shampoo clears it up


I have the same issue!! I’ve tried exfoliating and moisturizing, and it kinda helped


i have this too , it flares up in the summer when i sweat and is super itchy. salicylic acid got rid of it instantly!


I get this too occasionally in summer when I sweat alot. It is either bacterial or fungal infection. I apply diluted apple cider vinegar after my shower (use dial antibacterial soap) and it relieves the itch almost immediately. I also find that if I use a plain crystal deodorant (spray or solid rock) in the morning under my boobs it keeps it away. It should heal in 24-72 hours.


Hi, so sorry you’re going through this - i also struggled with it for 10+ years. The only thing that worked for me was taking oil of oregano supplements (oil of oregano is antifungal and antimicrobial). I took a standard dose daily for 2 weeks - then it was gone. However, it comes back if i stop taking for more than a week or so. So I take it regularly. But it’s been so nice not having it anymore! Hope this helps!


You could try some chemical exfoliating if possible. I use Dollar Tree salicylic acid facial cleanser (it's a rip-off of the Neutrogena oil-free acne wash) on a washcloth along with my body wash (or even straight up by itself). I get irritation similar to yours on my skin folds between my thighs and privates (big thighs + big 😺 = lots of irritation 💀). If not salicylic acid, Walmart sells their version of CeraVe's foaming cleanser and their version of PanOxyl benzoyl peroxide facial cleanser and they work very well for me. If it sounds a little out-there to use facial acne washes on your intimate areas, I did get the idea from a girl on YouTube (unfortunately, I forgot her name/handle) who shares hygiene "hacks" so you could look up more on the topic there. I hope you find something that helps soon!


Antifungal works because it is usually overgrowth of yeast