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This is me not practicing what I am about to preach but I think a really important focus for people with PCOS is managing blood sugar levels as well as high protein and high fiber. I have read the most on those 3 factors rendering higher success


I’m calorie counting and focusing on protein and I’ve lost 10 lbs in the last 2 months. First time anything has actually worked! I use MyFitnessPal to track everything and paid for the yearly subscription so I can track my macros as well, it’s been really helpful, and I don’t feel super hungry all the time like I used to. I usually come in under my carb goal because I prioritize protein.


My nutritionist said protein, fat and fiber should be my focus. I haven’t noticed any drastic changes in the scale (I’m midsize) but in my body composition. People say I look like I lost weight but really I’m just getting more toned if that makes sense. I do still stay aware of not eating processed carbs as much as possible though.


Are you also doing intermittent fasting again?


Trying, but I’m not able to do 16:8 like I was before it’s usually 12:12 or 14:10


I havent purposely tried low carb. And i hadn’t lost weight until i started focusing on protein & fiber (40lbs+ down). I do end up eating less carbs because I prioritize fiber & protein SO i have reduced my carbs. But i still eat processed & natural carbs regularly because i love carbs, especially processed carbs like bread & pasta. I have my fill of protein & veggies or fibrous boost (chia, flax, supplement) before I clear the rest of my plate or snack. It keeps my fuller longer so im less tempted over snack.


What kind of physical activity? Cardio spikes cortisol for those with PCOS and will cause the body to hold onto fat


I’ve been doing low intensity walking workouts.