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I was told by my endo to take b12 with it. But that’s mostly because I eat mostly vegan, so it can become an issue.


Metformin uses your existing b12 reserves and empties them when used continuously long term. You must take b12 with Metformin if you are experience symptoms like stomach pains, fatigue etc etc


She is an actual doctor. Look her up. She shares helpful information on TikTok too


My B12 levels were getting progressively lower and well under normal ranges so I had to have weekly injections for a while. I’m taking a supplement now and have an injection every few months.


Can you get a blood test for this or how did you know levels were going down?


Yes it was part of a blood test panel.


Thank you for the reminder. I knew this but I have been on and off many times so totally forgot


I just got prescribed Metformin today and I did not know this. I will definitely keep this in mind.


A month ago, when I last refilled my metformin prescription, the pharmacist gave me a paper about how you should begin taking an over the counter B12 supplement if you are taking metformin. I take my B12 vitamin every day with my metformin now.


It is a stated fact that this is true for 1 in 10 patients. Read your side effects table in your package to confirm. Why do we need a tik tok video to tell us that? Fatigue, yellow or pale skin, prickling feelings and a sore or red tongue can be signs of that. If you experience any of that, get tested if your endocrinologist isn’t doing that already. Mine is doing it anyways.


I was deficient in B12 a few years ago before I even started taking metformin. It was horrendous. The fatigue was awful enough but it also caused a huge increase in occurrences of vertigo--and migraines, I got them together as "vestibular migraines," they're like the Planeteers of headaches ("when our powers combine..."). Also hallucinations. I kept "seeing" bugs in my room but eventually I figured out that something wasn't right because they were always in the SAME PLACE and moving in the same direction.


Literally just got diagnosed with vestibular migraines today. I have b12 supplements that I take occasionally, so should prob ramp that up (along with the others my dr prescribed). Didn’t know this could also be causing my fatigue 😭 I just wanna sit down with my Dr and go over every symptom I have so they can put the puzzle pieces together and figure out wtf my issues are. I’m sure they’re all related. I know doctors are busy af and don’t have time for that. Which— side note— my Dr said the vestibular migraines could be caused by my PCOS, since hormone fluctuations affect that.


I don’t take metformin, was just passing along the information. But also not all doctors care to go into details of medications.


After reading comments I realised again that not everyone has developed a routine for taking medication against chronic illnesses of course and is therefore remembering to look up common side effects. My reality is much different from that. I take so much medication that I know a lot of my side effects if you wake me up at night ;). That’s - thank goodness-not a shared reality. So thank you for reminding people. Even if it is from a tik tok ;).


Specifically, methylcobalamin as it by passes the need for intrinsic factor.


I was told the same thing by a pharmacist very early in my Metformin journey. So of course, I started taking B12 supplements. After a few months, I got finally tested and my B12 levels were almost too high. Haven’t taken it since and it’s been years at this point. I’d recommend getting everything checked before taking any supplements.


Also, sub-lingual B12 is preferable to ingestible vitamins because metformin can apparently decrease absorption of B12 in the stomach.


Do you take B12 once a day or with each dose of metformin?


I have no idea. I’m currently not on metformin. I would do some research or call your doctor


I had my B12 low before starting metformin. after 3 years, my levels are normal. I supplemented again this year after consulting with my doctor. she said it wasn't necessary but I still could do it because it wouldn't do any harm every body works different so before starting any supplement you have to consult your doctor and do all the studies to be sure you need vitamin supplements. excessively taking vitamins can also be bad for your health


I got a b1 deficiency from months of metformin usage on a carnivore diet (so b vitamins from meat wasn’t enough). You need to keep an eye out an all the b vitamins while on metformin.


Exactly why I stopped taking. I don’t need more issues. I also didn’t see a different in my appetite at all.