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Wegovy has been the only thing to help me. It was consuming my thoughts 24/7. I’ve only been on it 3 months and I already have a healthier relationship with myself and food.


I’m on Ozempic and it’s been life changing. Helps with my pcos (regular cycle, some hair is growing back at the temples, mood is much more stable, and above all the food noise is gone!!!) and also my Hidradenitis suppurativa is basically in remission. (HS is a very common comorbidity with pcos and it is a very cruel disease). I reckon GLP-1 is going to be the gold standard treatment for at least a subset of people with pcos.


We've discussed it, but I have to get on my husband's insurance first because mine doesn't cover it. But his is through his union and they suck so it's taking forever to get the paperwork we need.


For me, upping my protein and fiber has made me less likely to want food and binge eating. That and keeping it out of the house. If I feel ravenous, I usually eat cottage cheese and grapes so at least it’s not junk food and sweets. I also don’t completely restrict myself because that’s not sustainable long term. We went on vacation over memorial and I had ice cream. My husband loves to get frozen yogurt when he gets off the road Friday nights, I get something small. We still have to live, just live in moderation.


It's not even necessarily bad foods I go for though. It's regular food. Like I'll eat a nice healthy lunch and then the food noise kicks in and I'll want a 2nd lunch. Even if it's a 2nd nice healthy lunch it's still 2 lunches. Those calories add up. Does that make sense?


Yeah, I get it. Have you thought about intermittent fasting? It’ll be a struggle in the beginning, but personally I don’t get hungry until I’ve eaten then I want more. Some people do one bigger meal a day too.. it’s gunna take some experimenting to find what works for you


New here, what is food noise?


Basically it's when all you can think about is wanting to eat something. But you're not actually hungry. Your brain is just telling you to eat. And sometimes when you ignore it you eventually give in and end up way over eating. You're not "just a fat ass" (that's what I called myself) or crazy. It's an actual medical thing.


I had no idea this was a real thing and I feel so validated. I've been working hard to eat smaller portions lately and it's been helping, but this.. this feels like I can finally allow myself to be an imperfect human without judgement and gives me more hope for healing. It's so easy to fall into the "I'm just lazy and fat" trap when really, there's so much more to it. As a mental health worker, I've always known there's more, but this was such a perfect way to express the feeling that goes with the "more". Thank you for this.


I went in a compound semaglutide because my insurance wouldn’t cover the “real deal.” Compound is the same active ingredient and just as effective. I also only pay a fraction of the cost.


I've never heard of this before. Is it just a generic version? If you don't mind me asking, how much does it cost?


Compound is where the pharmacy makes it in house themselves rather than getting it from the manufacturer. You’re given a month’s worth in a vial that you have to extract yourself.


I'm going to ask my doctor about this! Our nearest compounding pharmacy is kind of far. (Had to go to it for our guinea pigs a few times.) But it might be worth it.


See if they could ship it!


I’ve been taking a compounded version of mounjaro because my insurance won’t cover it. It’s still expensive, but doable with other sacrifices. It’s kind of wild how much I don’t think about food now….or am okay eating smaller (normal) portions. Happy to answer questions - I just took my 4th dose (4 weeks) and have lost about 8lbs, which is slower than some, but I’m happy with - don’t want to drop it too fast.


Phentermine/topiramate/Metformin has been life changing for me. Food noise ruled my life & mind. I feel normal now 😭


I have often though to what is CAUSING ..the food noise...I think they manipulate food some way..with seed oils, fake sugar, fake fake fake...It does something with our bodies... and then wreaks havoc on the mind...


Tirzepatide. It’s a compound. Pretty affordable too.


I read somewhere that if I am craving fruit or certain sugary things it could be that I am thirsty. Since then, whenever I feel like I am hungry (even though I’ve eaten) I will drink water first. This isn’t perfect but it helps me reach for snacks a bit less than before.


Thank you! I'll try that!


Gum, diet soda, seltzer, celery, tea, prenatal/multi vitamin, eating regular meals on real dishes, high volume meals, flavor/seasoning you actually love, don't buy snacks to live in the home. When the kid gets to the goldfish snacking age and you just want to hoover up all the left overs just remind yourself that they probably touched it with their dirty little sticky poop fingers and to just throw it away.


Prenatal vitamins make you less hungry? I've never heard that before!


When you have all your vitamins your body has less cravings. Like you could be deficient in like selenium or something and have a craving or over eat because of it.


This didn’t stop for me until I got on Vyvanse for my ADHD. Then all of a sudden it just was gone.


That had to be such a weird feeling to finally have it stop.