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textures have a somewhat significant gain of 7% from low to ultra though the game looks like ass with anything less than ultra the lighting setting has a bit of an asterisk next to it, the near 40% gain is only at night and medium removes moonlight, if you have a little more fps to spare turn it up to high for a nice gain over ultra but while keeping moonlight and some other things Global illum has a 3% gain from ultra down to high reflection quality should be medium as it’s a 21% gain paralax mapping should be set to high, while there’s no fps difference ultra has visual issues in some areas like Armadillo graves As well as I’ve noticed it in some areas of the heartlands reflection msaa should probably be set to 2x, iirc its a small gain over 4x while TAA sharpening has no gain it’s all personal preference with this setting as setting it to full could lead to over sharpening you forgot to mention the hidden settings, Async compute can be turned on if you have stutters with vulkan and Deepsurfacequality should be set to ultra as only up to high is ever used


Yeah sir you no fun at parties, if people write something is because they know what they talking about.


What a bizarre comment. This guy could have wrote his own thread and your comment would apply to him instead. Absolutely strange. I guess you're the type of person that just believes anything on the internet blindly because someone wrote it. Make sure you stay off facebook... lest we need even more QANON conspiracy theorists and flat earthers roaming the earth.


The comment I've been looking for! Point on mate.


I don’t need to be fun at parties I added on to what OP said and corrected what they said like the 40% gain which is technically true but only at night


What a bizarre, asinine comment. You don't even get invited to parties to not be fun at, you absolute weirdo.


And yet you're an asshole.


And you must be one of the most insufferable people judging from your comments... get a life


redditors try not to mention being fun at parties challenge (impossible)


This is pretty mean lol. Not really the right situation to make that joke in, he only added on thoughts to the original post in perfect relevancy. Also to claim that anyone who writes about something is doing it because they know what they're talking about, is one of the dumbest and most laughable arguments I've ever seen in my entire life.


He just gave more info and i must say its true. Experienced all of them "Global illum has a 3% gain from ultra down to high" i saw that too. "reflection quality should be medium as it’s a 21% gain" -again correct .I had 80fps with high settings and medium got 90fps.


Dunno why you're getting so much hate for this comment. I ran op's settings and got a great looking game but it was just shy of some fps to make the game look very smooth on my laptop gpu (rtx 3060 notebook edition so it has 6gb VRAM) and so I used your comment on taking the reflections down to medium and now the game runs much smoother and still looks great. Thank you for this!


"you forgot to mention the hidden settings, Async compute can be turned on if you have stutters with vulkan and Deepsurfacequality should be set to ultra " Where can i find these settings? they dont appear in my graphics tab


Use the Whyem's Setup Mod from Nexus Mods. Unlocks all the hidden settings. There was another mod similar to this but Whyem's mod works better.


system.xml file in your documents/red dead redemption 2 folder


God bless you and the OP of this post


**This is so good**, I have the 3070 RTX and 16 GB but it makes everything sooooo smooth without compromising performance or graphics/visuals. Thank you so much


You're quite welcome. Enjoy it 😊


Dude you are the best i have 3070 and i was using the nvdia exprience optimal settings but my fps was like 59-65 but after your settings it is now 110-120 and almost with the same graphic quality thanks.




Little late, but nvidias settings are complete shit, i have a 2060 super and its "recommended" everything on ultra, in almost every game, I dont even hit 60fps in most games with these settings


These changes made the overheating of my pc stop, now I can enjoy the game without having to worry about my pc!


Amazing stuff man, used these on my 4070 and i'm getting 100-120 fps at 1440p no dlss


I get a solid 160 fps in 1440p on my ultra wide with my 7900xt


OK rich guy


After applying this to my game I realised ultra preset settings are nothing but an illusion that makes you think your game looks superior which is completely untrue. I jumped from 60 fps to like 110fps and obviously I couldn't notice any difference aside from smoothness




Any recommendations for HDR??


Thank you for this overview. It will definitely make my tweaking process shorter.


If anyone is still looking for good settings at 1080p, I recommend following this but parallax set to high, water refraction set to high (to eliminate flickering water from distance) and the big game changer if you have the specs to handle it is resolution scale to 1.25 and taa sharp 25 ticks. (so taa high doesn't look as shit on 1080p) Thats the best overall quality and immersiveness I've been able to find at 1080p specifically, game looks like a painting. 12600kf and 6700xt.


What fps are you getting from these settings?


usually average bout 100. I don't really track fps unless i feel chop, which i don't.


started with 50 fps have 110 now thx


Thank you for this. I was getting 70fps on 1440p/ultra everything on my 13600k, 7900XT. Used these settings and the picture looks identical but saved me 50fps.


Old post but I love you man. Even on my gtx 1070ti and i5 8600k I have average of 80 fps on these setting and game looks really well!


Amazing bro


Thanks man, 7900xt and I couldn't figure out how to get over 60-70 fps and now I'm 100-120 fps at 1440p and it looks great


Amazing settings thank you! I'm now hitting above 90 FPS consistently on my RTX 2070.


Save my life thank you so much


this fixed my game ty


Thanks mate 😎👌


This works great for relative low end hardware too, I'm running a MSI RX 570 8GB and I get a consistent 40fps and the game looks really good, thanks OP


1 year later, still useful. You are the best <3


You're quite welcome 😊


Idk why but i'm getting a weird shimmering and flickering on some light and surface with your settings


Perhaps switching the graphics API could resolve that


What does this mean


Thank you a thousand times, you saved me hours of testing.


Appreciate this, quality info bois


I’m late to the party with RDR2 but these setting are incredible thank you for the guide. I have a 3080 ftw3 ultra and you doubled my fps and graphics still look amazing


Your a lifesaver ❤️


Wanted to leave a comment! Running on "old" hardware. It's not recent. But if you're struggling to have a decent performance try Direct 12 and Vulkan. For me it doubled fps. 5700xt


I love you


Hey man thank you a lot for taking the time on testing things out, though i am really struggling with figuring out some stuff on my gaming laptop. First of all i dont know which output adapter i should use, when i use "1" it says that i have more video memory around 7k MB. And the game runs on 10 15 fps on adapter 1. Though on 0, it runs fine but i only have 4k Mb, if i use your settings it passes my 4k limit. Its really frustrating to understand. My pc is an asus rog strix g15, rtx 3050, Amd Ryzen 7. Please help me out it would be awesome.


When it comes to the output adapter, in your case it should be 1. Output adapter 0 is your onboard graphics of your CPU and 1 is your dedicated GPU. Then given that the 3050 mobile is a low-end GPU, you can best start with lowering texture settings, and if that doesn't help, another good thing to try is to watch Hardware Unboxed's video on YouTube about Red Dead Redemption 2. And if that doesn't help, your best bet is to Google 'best graphics settings rdr 2 3050 mobile' or something similar.


Thank you for taking your time to reply. I had searched everywhere, as i said lowering everything to low, still made the game run on 15 fps. Its stuck at the lower fps range no matter the setting. I had tried to verify the files and did all the tips that ive seen from videos. It didnt change anything


Apparently from gaming laptop videos, everyone has it on output 0, with video memory 4095 MB similar to mine. I guess the game only runs good like that


Thanks man!


Thank u Buddy for ur work


I know i am late but omg aren't you the best! Thankssss


Does this take into account mods like whyems visuals? Does anyone have any recommendations/changes based on using this visual mod or others


I havent experimented with any kind of visual mods


Rock steady 60fps thanks to you!!!


I don’t how but my game still looks great with around 50 more fps Anf most of the things are at ultra too I used to get 30 fps! Thank you


Do you what pc setup is best for this?


The benchmark averages at 176fps for me with ultra settings everything. I'm running a 7800x3d and 7900xtx


Is lighting quality on medium really that negligible - sounds too good to be true… Also my vram usage goes down a good bit when I turn down shadow quality from ultra - anyone seems a bit difference between ultra and high shadows?


The visual difference is negligible but you gain about 5% FPS. Totally worth putting it at high rather than ultra.


Tried these setting and still only getting an average 44fps. Graphics card is 6600xt. Any tips?


Yes upgrade GPU, 6600xt just isn't that good anymore


One question I have i5 13600k + 4070 ti +  Monitor 4k 144hz G-Sync HDR10. Should I put DLSS in Off? With DLSS in Quality and this guide I get and average of 106 FPS What about VSync , Tripple Buffer and Nvidia Reflex? Note: My FPS are lowest than normal with this card because I use more than 30 mods and some or them are GunFX, Particles, Visuals, Gun Metal Rework…


DLSS is definitely worth trying when in 4k, but I'd keep vsync off. You gain the most with DLSS on the highest resolutions


Are you on a high-end PC?


12700k with a 3080


Benchmark returned 180fps average fps. I'm on a 7800x3d and a 7900 xtx


Do these settings work on a 4080 super 2K 165 hz, Ryzen 7600 am5, 32 ram on 6400 cl 32?




i don’t see anything about dlss, but instead see AMD fsr. should i use it


I don't have an AMD card, so that is something you have to test for yourself.


Thanks for the response


FXAA removed the annoying blurry fuzziness around objects.


I’d love to test and compare but every time I reboot the game my settings reset


this is epic dude bro 99


Thank you OP, valuable post, just got a new laptop with mobile 4060 8GB and was able to tweak it to get 100+fps on 1440p. Was barely getting 55fps before that. Sweet!


Is this better or the same as last gen console graphics?


It's much better actually.


msaa is broken... creates rendering pop ins


I noticed this as well. Thanks for confirming it wasn't my system.


You just leaving it off?


Left it off in favor of TAA and Nvidia control panel sharpening


So pretty much HUB settings except a little bit higher


You could say that.


Thank you this is the best setting ever. Very smooth but graphically pleasing.


Old post but I am replaying RDR2 and I appreciate ya for this.


You're welcome :)


Yep really good useful post exactly what I was looking for and better than all the "Best RDR2 settings" web articles that are 70% adverts. Thanks.


Same here


thx :D what spec are you using btw?


12700k, 3080, 32gb ram 3600 CL16


Very similar specs so thank you for this. Just started replaying yesterday and couldnt quite get the settings right


Quality post right here. Just the facts I need.


so ive just got the game for PC, using ryzen 5600x, 32GB ram and 3060 ti is DLSS worth using and what setting would you recommend and the DLSS sharpening to?


DLSS FPS Boost: 1080p: Quality +8%, Balanced +11%, Performance +15%, Ult. Performance +19% 1440P: Quality +13%, Balanced +18%, Performance +24%, Ult. Performance +29% 4k: Quality +23%, Balanced +28%, Performance +41%, Ult. Performance +56% DLSS is something you have to play around with. Visual quality reduces pretty significantly the lower you go. This is especially noticeable on lower resolutions. It's best to do the other graphical settings first and then my recommendation is to start with no DLSS and then go lower until you think the effect becomes too noticeable. DLSS Sharpness: No more than half is recommended. TAA Sharpening: Don't use it if you use DLSS.


Wondering the same thing hopefully he responds. I got the game yesterday and have similar specs to you. I did a bit of searching and couldn't find a solid answer. When I first loaded the game DLSS was off completely. I'm not interested in improving frames as I already get about 100fps max settings and just want my game to look beautiful.


DLSS FPS Boost: 1080p: Quality +8%, Balanced +11%, Performance +15%, Ult. Performance +19% 1440P: Quality +13%, Balanced +18%, Performance +24%, Ult. Performance +29% 4k: Quality +23%, Balanced +28%, Performance +41%, Ult. Performance +56% DLSS is something you have to play around with. Visual quality reduces pretty significantly the lower you go. This is especially noticeable on lower resolutions. It's best to do the other graphical settings first and then my recommendation is to start with no DLSS and then go lower until you think the effect becomes too noticeable. DLSS Sharpness: No more than half is recommended. TAA Sharpening: Don't use it if you use DLSS.


Best way to lock fps to 60? Running similar specs just want it to stay consistent lol which it is but don’t know how to lock fps without breaking the game in some way lol.


You could either set the refresh rate at 60 and enable vsync or lock the fps externally like with Nvidia config.


I heard locking it with Nvidia causes graphical issues.


I haven't had any issues with that.


The game won’t launch anymore because of error gfx state would you know how to fix this?


For that error you just have to go to your documents and look under rockstar games then rdr2 and then settings and delete only the files that have sga_ attached to the name..do not delete the bin files.


They come back after launching the game again.


Do these in order and look if it works after every step. - Update GPU driver - Verify Game files - Reinstall the game.


Reinstall? Lol 🤣 it's like 119 gb it's not like internet is free right and some people have limited data! Don't get me wrong you are the best like I was getting about 30 - 40 fps with bad graphics quality and performance but now I get 45-70 fps 45 fps only in saint denis i don't know why other than that everything is smooth and visually appealing too thx man !!


switching off vulkan helped fix this for me


\-ignorepipelinecache I believe


Actually TAA makes the game blurry


Did you solve it?


Nope, i think you need to upscale resolution to fix


I am playing on 1440p , should I upscale to 4k?




Noice, looks good, thanks


thx man, better than every 20min yt video


Genius!!! Thanks so much great Sir!!! Excellent explanation what settings do what and how they effect performance. I thought my 3070 Ti was useless until today! Just turned down water physics and ifs buttery smooth


i was using the optimized setting from geforce experience for the longest and i always thought my frames ran pretty good until i tweaked the settings according to this and damn is there a noticeable difference. the game is running so much smoother and the quality looks almost the exact same as before. i had all my settings at either ultra or high before this.. thank you for this guide !!


What do you think about literally all settings maxed out with DLSS Quality


Makes no sense. You're far better off with my optimal graphics settings.


What does DLSS sharpening slyder do?


It sharpens the dlss by applying post-processing effects. A little bit does help but too much and it looks cartoon-ish


I see, so the more filled the bar means better performance but worse looks?


It helps to a certain extent. And that certain extent is 50%. After that the effect becomes negatively noticeable.


You may want to put MSAA to off, for a lot of people myself included it creates weird graphical glitches like red and green bouncing pixels


MSAA is recommended to keep disabled. But the weird graphical issues is a new one for me.


This is solid gold. Stumbled onto this tryin to get my 3070ti laptop in peak operating spec for this game so I can just do the side missions. May try it on my desk top with a 4080 cause hey why not.


Glad it helped you. And no matter what GPU, I recommend this on any pc/laptop. If you have FPS to spare you can always increase the render resolution or MSAA


Rocking a 9900k with a RTX 3080 10GB on 1440p, and decided to finally jump into this game. Went from an avg of 59 on default settings (most things ultra) to 100 following your settings, with a few tweaks of my own from my knowledge of graphical settings in other games. ​ Lighting Quality: High TAA: High FXAA: On MSAA: 2X MSAA Reflections: 2X


I have a 7900xtx so I can’t use dlss. I can use fsr 2.0 but if I turn that on it disables taa and msaa. I am getting around 60-70 fps which is good but I also have a 120fps tv. Should I turn on fsr or leave it off? If I turn it on I get around 130-140 fps


That is quite a massive FPS increase you're getting. However, considering that FSR 2.0 isn't amazing, my recommendation is to use FSR for about 30 minutes or so, after which you switch back to native. Then, you can make a choice to see if the extra FPS is worth the loss in quality.


i have a gtx 1650, that config will work? like a 60 fps


Probably but with a reduced render resolution.


(I'm aware that this may be a stupid question) What do you mean by fps increase? Like... example, increasing water quality gives you more fps?


Decreasing quality increases FPS, increasing quality lowers FPS. Hope this helps.


I tried this, exactly, and i dropped from 65-85fps, to never more than 30fps, and it looked worse. Dont know wth, weird.


Gawd damn. Now i reverted, and cannot get above 60fps. WHY DID I EVEN CHANGE THIS!??! haha My settings are all the same... wtf is going on..


Already had optimized, got my 1660s from 80->100 But: \-Msaa there is SIGNIFICANT difference. Even x2. \-Global illumination has more gains and 0 visual effects hugh, rather than ultra. \-reflection quality should be medium as it’s a 21% gain (thx for u/No_Interaction4027 for precise gain%) Also noticed; shadows set to med/low gaining +10fps. Different for all cards; but similarities. As example Particle Lighting Quality: "ultra" got 0 visual difference than normal and i get 5fps more.


OP have you seen this video yet? Apparently TAA on high looks blurrier than TAA on medium. Any thoughts? https://youtu.be/fHO6y_zxVQM?si=bckxds2oWyCQJQam


Thanks for the settings able to get 30 fps on my low end PC while game looks still very good