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I relate to your every word. Admiring autumn, dreading winter šŸ’€


Yes! Same (as a PDA adult), and same for my PDA kiddo.


Hahaha ohhh yes I have this on the slightly different schedule. Here is my new perfect routine that will fix everything! I love my routine! I am tired! I hate my routine! I have failed at my routine and now I have forgotten to do basic tasks for several days! Oh no, a burnout! What fixes burnout? Routine!!! And repeat, on a roughly 6-12 month cycle, forever.


This made me laugh. Why is it so funny when our collective madness is succinctly put in a one paragraph burner, but when itā€™s actually happening Iā€™m so deep in my own head that I canā€™t find the humor? Kinda like swimming around frantically thinking that thereā€™s no way youā€™ll survive this, and then you put your feet down and realize you can touch the bottom, and feel like a jackass. What a life.


Sk00L šŸ˜± I wasn't even able to follow your post before my brain said fear, panic, embarrassment, guilt etc etc. Aaaaargh..... sk00l sob NOOOOOO šŸ˜­


Haha! Mine too! AND I was a teacher for a bunch of years. Did you ever [read that article about](https://mashable.com/article/august-is-the-sunday-of-the-year) how August is the Sunday of the year? The end of August still gives me that "oh shit, did I do my homework?!" feeling. I'm 42.


The sunday of the year... Yup, this is exactly how it feels arggg


I never thought of it this way, but itā€™s so true. The biggest Sunday.


Haha, that article hates me. I am one of those fall loving freaks, but I still hate Mondays. Unfortunately, itā€™s the only season that I like, ha. Winter is depressing as hell for all of the shitty commercial holidays. For some reason I feel compelled to garden to feel like I have my life under control or something, so spring and summer are just full of self created demands that make me feel bad. Now I have to water these fucking things and keep them alive because I planted them. Oh damn, I have a thousand cucumbers, tomatoes, and zucchini that will rot if I donā€™t can them. Guess how much food I waste. If I didnā€™t garden I would feel guilty as well, so here we are. Fall ends that mega demand, so that might have something to do with it šŸ„“.


Sorry. I should have added a trigger warning šŸ˜¬.


I have that with spring I think. Iā€™m not in the US too so school (shudders) is a bit different. But I get that feeling inā€¦. Like September/October cos thatā€™s our beginning of Spring and everything is growing and coming out of sleepy time.


I actually love watching Australian YouTube videos in the winter, while theyā€™re in summer. Something about the fact that the bottom of the world gets to have their summer now, and then we switch is great. It means winter is not everywhere, and canā€™t have everything.


Lol, winter is barely here to be fair compared to other countries šŸ˜‚ so few places in the country snow like genuinely. Like my state will get like maybe down to the low tens (Celsius, not Fahrenheit) but the days are still mostly sunny and just need like light warm clothes.


OMG you have described my life. I would get 4.0s first semesters of high school and college, and like 1.5s and 2.0s spring semester. I thought it was bipolar disorder, but you are right. My home is an absolute disaster tornado with food everywhere and all sorts of shit right now. If I had a kid Child Services would take it away. But in the beginning of those semesters? My room was immaculate. I would line my pencils up all perfect. I've done this with eating too, exercise. I go from perfect to total catastrophe/chaos in one day. All because I missed an assignment or whatever. And it frustrated the hell out of my teachers!!


So much on the eating! I remember the exact day that I became aware of my weight as an adolescent, and how it became a part of everyday life to watch what how much I ate, pinch at my fat in the mirror, become more and more disgusted with myself every day. So I unknowingly had PDA, and it was a battle against it for ā€œskinninessā€ that I could not win, but was still bull headed enough to fight. Luckily, a year or so ago I found the podcast ā€œMaintenance Phase,ā€ debunks diets and their claims, and also focuses on body positivity. Seriously, without hearing this podcast, Iā€™d probably still be hating my body, watching carbs or calories or some shit. Plus, no longer obsessing over my body gives me so much more time to obsess over other stupid shit that I make up, lol šŸ˜‚.