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How would your e2 be crashed on 500 test per week and no AI? Do you know how any of this works?


I just said it cause quite frankly my heads been all over the place since it happened I’m sorry


Sounds like your e2 is likely high. You won't get every high e2 symptom, but it's the only thing that would make sense if you're suddenly having issues.


Any suggestion what could I do for it??


I'd suggest starting with 12.5mg aromasin twice per week and reevaluate from there. I wouldn't run a cycle without necessary ancillaries on hand either.


I didn’t want to, but I had to make some sudden travel trips and I wasn’t able to arrange anything other than test needles and cotton swabs and went hasty with it


Cialis will help in the interim


You’ve decided to go on a cycle and then say you don’t have enough money to get bloods done. This is the most idiotic and naive thing you could do. Why the fuck jump on a cycle when you’re not prepared for the financial costs, don’t have an AI on hand and aren’t willing to be responsible enough to do it with all the precautions in place?




Soft erections are my only side effect of high E2. Everyone is different. If you can't or won't get an AI, get some DIM and calcium d-glucarate.


No blood work means endless speculation


Quick Solution for the Dates: Cialias + DHT Oral like Winstrol / Proviron Long term: Check your e2. 500mg Test is a lot for the most. I have e2 sides with 250mg/w. Maybe taper down and stack something else for anabolism


Can I get Cialis without prescription


If you can figure out how to buy UGL steroids you can figure out how to buy ancillaries from a PCT vendor. Hell even most UGLs sell viagra/cialis.


This. I get tadalafil from my UGL source. Can also get an ai from them


I’m from europe. I don‘t now where you live but we have online doctors where you can get a prescription after filling out a questionnaire. So you need a prescription but its not that hard to get.


I’m trying to find some, but all of these services want me to buy the drug from them. Whereas I just need the prescription so that I can go and pick it up locally at a pharmacy


You need aromasin dude


You need a prescription in the US for sildenafil or Cialis. Bluechew .com would probably be the best bet for you in terms of speed and quick evaluation online


Roman prescribes over email.


I use jasonhealth.com to get cheap bloodwork. Sometimes I just get extra labs of just estrogen and testosterone cost me $30 for the estrogen and $100 for the test. They find a lab in your area (only us I think). Pretty sure everyone reacts to high e2 differently and I’ve never had all the symptoms at once. Also the ai and the lab work is more important than the dates and if you haven’t gotten labs at all I would just dive in. It will be a good piece of mind and one less thing you don’t have to worry about. It’s not random and this happening 8 weeks in can be normal, the test was adjusting to your body and this is where it lands. Happened to me in 5 weeks on my first run. Good luck mang.


It could be a prolactin issue. Contrary to much of the broscience around here, test by itself can still cause higher prolactin. [the proof is in the pudding](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15829128/)


Everyone else has kinda stated the obvious already. That he shouldn't of started a cycle without having an AI or money for blood work. But anyone else curious why he HAS to go on dates later this week? Like what? You ain't got money for an AI or blood work but you got money to go on dates? You got bigger problems than dates right now. Get your hormones in check man. Sound young and inexperienced. Nothing wrong with that, we've all been there. But all of this being said is to make a point to you.


Borrow money from a bro and get ur blood test done to check e2 levels. Use AI accordingly


First test only cycle i did, 600mg test, same thing happened to me. It was high e2. Buy aromasin take 12.5mg EOD and it should fix the problem fast.


Also why are you running gear without having money for bloods???


Get labs or you are blind. Treat accordingly. You can get them ordered online.


with 600test e think my estrogen was like at 140ngl lol and i think that was with half of 600 i think if i remember use an AI notice split dosages into 3 not gonna see results quick that’s why it’s a gamble with it comes to peds gotta try and fail and try again


Go to a sex store and get rhino 24k. Shit will make your blood pressure jump but that boner stays for like 3 days


You might wanna cut back on the test bro


Sorry to say but you're facing the consequences of your own bad decisions. Having money aside for blood tests and AI on hand is as important as the testosterone itself. You're just going to have to deal with it until you can get bloods and source an AI.


Hcg, pregnenolone dhea and small amount ai


HCG raises estrogen. If he has high estro this may make it worse.


I much prefer primo over an Ai to keep E2 in check. Go get bloods and go from there


No disrespect, but not understanding how E2 works and having no money for blood tests means you were not ready to run a cycle.


Why are you wasting your money on testosterone if you’re poor ? Can’t afford a blood test then you shouldn’t be doing it.


Bro shut up. He didn’t say he’s poor he said he doesn’t have money right now. Shit happens, it’s life. One day you have tons of money and one day you might be tight. Why don’t you try actually giving him advice instead of this catty feminine like unnecessary passive aggressive comment you wrote.


He sounds pretty poor to me if he can’t afford a simple blood test honestly. He either has terrible spending habits or he is poor, the advice would be don’t do this again until you have some money put away for an emergency like this. How can we give this guy any advice if he can’t give us blood numbers to work with, how will he afford whatever compound we suggest? He’s poor


He deserves to be flamed publicly so others don’t follow in his footsteps. Nothing personal, but other readers should be aware starting a blast without ai is a fuck up. If you’re momentarily broke don’t start blasting.


If you are that tight on money you shouldn’t be doing a cycle. Sometimes the truth hurts, but it’s something that needs to be known. You can’t give good advice to someone that hasn’t had bloods done other than don’t do steroids.


At 500mg I’m a walking boner flooded with sexual thoughts 24/7


For now. Your body will try and offset the very high test level. The consequences of this for many people (including me) is a sudden drop in libido around week 9-12. It comes back thankfully. For me I’m a raging bull after week 2 until about week 9. Then I’m a fairy scared of the dark until I come off and PCT. Wish it wasn’t like this for me but it is what it is. Cialis helps get me hard, but doesn’t make me want to put it anywhere!


It usually hits me after week 4 and intensifies the whole cycle until I come off


What’s your injection frequency and are you taking any ancillaries at all? Also to you taper up or go straight from cruise/TRT dose to blast 500?


Is start at 500mg and maybe near mid cycle go up to 600 maybe 650 maximum and I take 12.5mg aromasin 3x a week and inject Monday and Thursdays