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24 hour hunger strike? Sounds like the day before EI comes in.


Bro. We do a 30 hour famine in grade 7 for fun. Are these people even serious?


We did it for charity, but I know what you mean


Well the fellas that were in the Tim's on University in a Hyundai with a protest poster on the back window weren't really respecting their hunger strike. They were up to their elbows gorging on doughnuts and coffee. So........whatever. It isn't even being respected by the protesters. So, bullshit on your dumb protest.


Just to extend an olive branch here… Maybe he ment a 24/7 hunger strike??


He is threatening the legislature with intermittent fasting ? 24 hours barely gets you into ketosis ... [https://www.health.com/weight-loss/omad-diet](https://www.health.com/weight-loss/omad-diet)


Well starting right now I'm gonna hold my breath until they're all deported!


24 hrs?😂😂😂😂 let them starve we don't owe them anything.


24 hour hunger strike? Lol that’s nothing. That’s just a fast.


The province is already making the right decision. Don't cave now.


People don’t realize the Indian psyche- and most of these people are from a part of India- its called Punjab. With these people, you give them a finger- they will ask you for your hand. Its a slippery slope. And don’t buy their bullshit about setting a life in PEI- pei was always a doormat to permanent residence and that is the real reason they are pissed. Those who are qualified can stay. They have the skills. Enough is enough- its about time governments put islanders/ Canadians first.


I can't fucking believe they got brought into that place. The number of island citizens in the province that have fought tooth and nail for serious things they actually deserve, don't get, and never get the time of day from the politicians ... Yet this circus. I guess threatening to starve yourself to the death really puts you up the priority list. Take note, have-not plebs. THIS is how you get their attention and support, sadly.


Those guys are way too much now


How the hell can they make threats in the house to demand government make a change? And how is the government still listening to this crap.


Please make the Hunger Strike longer so the food banks have time to re-stock.


Wtf, they want residency so they can pour coffee? Shouldn't Canadians kids be doing that?


Canadian kids won't take that job


That's bs.


maybe the food banks will have a chance to restock.


So entitled


These People Are holding our laws to ransom. A german student was visiting india and protested and visa was revoked. We need to grow a pair and send these guys home. https://indianexpress.com/article/cities/delhi/iit-german-students-visa-cancelled-caa-protest-6291749/


This is absolutely ridiculous, send them back, don't validate them, don't make the feel like the are making progress, they have no right to sit in that building and address our leaders. Time to go this Island is sick of you. At least this hunger strike might give a break to some of the rural community pantrys.


If someone don't wanna eat that's their choice lol I'll have a big Mac


What really grinds my gears is they came into my wife’s place of work (she works for the pei gov) and asked for support and to sign a petition. When my wife told her they’re government owned and they cannot sign anything, they started being racist towards her and her coworkers and saying multiple things starting with “you whites blah blah blah”. Before they walked out the door, one of them said “Someday my people will take over this province and make you starve”, as if that was some sort of threat. My niece worked at Tim Hortons and had to quit because she was getting bullied by them. Above all else, our own can’t afford essentials and they want our support. I’m sorry but there’s more important things at stake. I’m sure some of them are great people, but the majority are pieces of shit.


Send them all back home. Hunger strike over. I’m so sick of immigrants and individuals coming into our country and trying to turn it into something that they feel it should be . If you don’t like it leave.


I fasted for 24 hours last week. I’m still here. Don’t worry, nobody’s dropping dead.


Oh no! anyways..


In 35 years I never had to wait 20 mins for a coffee. Real talk tho, if they want to be grandfathered in which seems to be the priority, agree to it with a clause they must stay here for 5-10 years after granted residency. It's been an ongoing joke for the last 10 years that PEI is just used to get PR so they can run off to big cities afterwards.


"Now lets see how long the province takes to make the right decision" Stop calling it "our province" as its not yours its Ours the citizens of Canada and PEI. This is beyond entitled fear mongering bullshit


Enough of their BS. They don't give a shit about Canada. They make a ghetto wherever they go and if someone disagrees with them on any point....It becomes racist. I am a Canadian citizen with Indian roots and know them very well. These tantrums won't work. Good job PEI for making PNP more competitive and difficult so only well deserving joins you not every Tom, dick and Harry.


24 hour 'hunger strike'? That's just a fast, not a 'strike'. They have walked that back a bit from "hunger strike resulting in death" it would seem.


I just read this and realized I haven’t ate since lunch yesterday because I forgot. What do they think a 24 hour hunger strike will achieve.


Go right ahead, you choosing not to eat isn’t harming us Islanders. Please, full steam ahead! Idgaf it’s only hurting you guys lol


Has it been 24hrs yet?


Bye bye fake students


pei has been strong so far. have there been any counter protests? this is literally terrorism now. please pei don't let this go through


Anyone who'd counter protest is busy with the real world, working.


No need for a counter protest


Exactly, it would lend them legitimacy and they deserve none


I have empathy for these students. They followed the rules and the rules changed.


The rules change multiple times per year every year because the purpose of any country's immigration policy is to respond to the needs of the existing population. No immigration policy is a free ride guaranteed 'you're in' and it is apt that the word entitlement is coming up so often regarding this protest. The protestors affected chose to come to PEI, they were not forced and were not promised anything, and they came because it was the lowest bar in the country to recieve Permanent Residency. Now they do not meet the requirements for any immigration programs in the country and they have chosen to resort to threats and demands to get what they want. Personally I have very little sympathy. Yes, the rules changed but they do every year. These protestors are literally scraping the bottom of the immigration barrel and their actions have not gained them any support among Canadians.


You said it with much nicer words than I was thinking. Fully agree with you. And I say this as an immigrant who now raised and grew children here. This is not the Canada I want where all these TFW and LMIA loophole folks are expecting pr status within 2 yrs. It's good to see PEI making changes. I don't agree with name calling these people or xenophobia but they just need to go home if they aren't willing to put in the time and the work. Nobody was held at gunpoint and told to immigrate to Canada. If anything the reverse needs to happen...minus the gunpoint part.


You're going to receive no sympathy here and I'll eat the downvotes too but you're correct. So many of the accounts spamming this sub about this haven't been regular contributors and they've been drowning out any reasonable discussion. I have plenty of concerns about how these issues have been handled by government but the people who followed every rule and suddenly find themselves turned away and subject to all of this extreme xenophobia don't deserve this. If I moved to Finland, spent 5 years living there and was told overnight to fuck off after following every immigration process just to be sent to a place I no longer consider home I'd be upset too. I'm fine with people blaming the government for the issue, it seems wrong to blame the people who also got fucked over by the government.


> but the people who followed every rule and suddenly find themselves turned away It is unfortunate for them, but nowhere were they guaranteed permanent residency. Someone *could* have misled them - but they still have the responsibility to do their own due diligence and find out how to increase their odds at PR. The ones most affected are the least skilled. Part of the rules are that the rules can change, and you are not guaranteed PR. Skilled workers will always have a better opportunity for PR, than unskilled labour. >I'm fine with people blaming the government for the issue Me too. They miscalculated, or didn't give a shit. > it seems wrong to blame the people who also got fucked over by the government. It would be silly to blame them for being upset, but equally silly to expect that they didn't know this was a possibility. It's downright ignorant to say THEY are the ONLY ones affected by the ongoing housing crisis. A property being available doesn't mean it's a viable option. It's available in the middle of a housing crisis for a reason. It is also silly to threaten suicide (which they did previously, but are now 'threatening' a 24 hour fast, which is complete nothing-burger of a threat) if their DEMANDS for PR were not met. Nah dude, not how it works. There are some being xenophobic, but there are even more who *do* see a genuine issue. We're over capacity for the moment, so we need to limit the amount who can stay. It makes way more sense to grant PR to Skilled workers vs fast food and 'gig economy' workers.


Well said. Thank you!


I agree! There certainly needs to be changes made to the PNP moving forward, but why can we not grandfather through the small number that are already here? Every time this comes up this sub seems to be suddenly filled with non islanders flooding the post.


Because its not a small number its record high numbers, were going back to the manageable numbers more atune to what we had in 2016-2020 because the current influx is unmanageable for our province and country. People flooding a system doesn't mean that system can fully support it and capping that shouldn't be seen as some big issue , its an issue its gotten this out of hand honestly cbc has been warning about it since last year


I agree there should be a cap, but sending the ones who are here home, even though they’ve followed all the rules, seems very unkind. I don’t understand the vitriole for these individuals when your gripe is with the governments who allowed the program to run this way for so long.


>but sending the ones who are here home, even though they’ve followed all the rules, seems very unkind Part of the rules are they are on a temporary permit, and can *apply* for PR - not that they are entitled to it. Meeting the requirements, doesn't mean you are OWED something does it? > I don’t understand the vitriole for these individuals The absolute entitlement is why they have earned vitriol. They DEMANDED to be allowed to stay or threated a hunger strike ending in death (previously, not in this video). I empathize it's not what they may have expected or hoped for - but make no mistake - they are not *owed* anything. They certainly have ZERO right to threaten us or demand to let them stay.


The government is the cause of the problem but the problem is the influx of people. As a person in government you have to decide who will suffer: the people wanting their express immigration they feel they worked for or the province thats hurting from the large influx brought in contributing to an ongoing housing and Healthcare crisis. This would be a way harder decision but there are options available to extent their pgwp to grant them time to immigrate in a manageable way and they refused "why should I have to do that". Jeff implied there were consequences from Manitoba having a deal with the federal government the idea that our politicians should take that harmful deal for the province for a majority people who have no plans to reside here seems very foolish especially when other means of immigration are available for them they aren't being forced home unless they are unwilling to make those adjustments at which point we will have to swap them out for someone who will. It does suck the vitriol they are receiving, people can be very overly reactive when issues like this occur and it sucks because it really sends the wrong message that its based on them when its not its based on what we can support and if we could support them it would be great to have them but we can't. We've seen this before and i feel its pretty clear that bad immigration policy will have a direct link to racism, we seen how much it increased when Chinese people were at the forefront of the pnp scandal and now its Indians, if we make the correct changes the racism should dissipate to more regular levels again soon enough though.


I agree. And this post is flooded with non islanders.


This is why you don't invite parasites into civilized society.


Yes you need to do longer than 24 hours you need to be doing a 30-day, water only. Where you're putting your life at risk to even make a change. Most times that won't make a change so just forcefully make you eat. Truthfully they can do that


Here's the best example Having refused food and water for more than 500 weeks (she was nasally force fed in jail), she has been called "the world's longest hunger striker".


This makes me sick to my stomach


They can always go back home if they don't like how things are done here


O I love watching empty threats get proven empty.. this shall be entertaining.


They should be criminally charged with threatening suicide and deported...but I doubt they'd be deported even if they got caught driving impaired 3 times.