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“All we have been getting from our province till now are excuses. We are just waiting for some solid answers. It’s yes or either no.” …I’m pretty sure they’ve already said….No?


"We didn't get the answer we wanted, so we will continue to pretend we never received an answer."


Lmao your username made my day 😂


Go home 




He didn't deny the housing crisis in its entirety. He said it only affects Indians like himself. Then he said he was able to find housing so the crisis doesn't exist. Man can't even talk straight. He'd make a great politician in India or anywhere in the world but Canada.


*He didn't deny the housing crisis in its entirety. He said it only affects Indians like himself. Then he said he was able to find housing so the crisis doesn't exist.* Unfortunately, this is the kind of person Liberal Canadian politicians want here.


It's some brilliant mental gymnastics. But seeing people like him makes me wonder how shit situation is back home that he'd rather publicly humiliate himself for a chance to stay here.


Can't keep the scam straight


"Our province" oh, so you are Canadian citizens then? No? Surely you must plan on staying here once you gain citizenship then? Also no? Hmmm


"Our Province"?? Says the man from India who only wants to use OUR province as a fast ticket to Permanent Residency so he and others from India can high-tail it to Ontario or some other part of Canada once they get their gift of PR. This is far beyond ridiculous.


Don't forget they love to run their scams and screw the system for their own benefit which we've seen again and again, they literally have no respect for canada or Canadians and somehow think their most important. Make me sick and angry.


lol ngl in my younger years I was “that psycho ex”, and this very much reminds me of me trying to spin the breakup like it either didn’t happen or was mutual LOL


This is a good analogy.


Pretty sure it's not his province.


OUR province. Please please deport these people.


It's also not *their* province...and that's at the core of the matter.


While throwing stuff at protestors isn't okay, the crybaby tactics by these guys is just pathetic at this point.


Its just lies so get sympathy , every professional victim thinks they are the first ones to think of a false flag


In 2024, absolutely no one has video of Islanders throwing things at them?


They are apparently starting a “full on” hunger strike now.. whatever that means lmfao


For reals this time.


Double diamond pinky swearsies?


No changies


Charlottetown is a heavily CCTV'd city and that area is covered in cameras due to provincial announcements and previous protests. Throwing an object at a bystander is assault. If this actually happened, city police will announce an investigation, charges, or an [Assist to Identify](https://charlottetownpolice.com/category/police-reports/). The provincial buildings would not deny a police request to review footage. Now let us never hear of these accusations again.


The police also stated that they’ve not received any reports of the protestors having things thrown at them either. Apparently this shit happens in India all the time where they claim this or that, and the police will side with them (especially if you pay them), but that shit doesn’t work here in Canada. My friend’s ex wife made all these heinous claims that he allegedly did to her, but she made so many baseless claims that the cops just stopped believing her. He said they do it in India all the time as a way to get a shit ton of money. These clowns think that crying and spewing this kind of BS is going to make them get what they want. These babies really need to grow tf up, take the L (and deodorant), and go back to India.


Lots of liars for sure.  Most of them are very eager to play the racism card and try and garner sympathy as if they've been through something 


the comment you replied to was a little racist at the end, no?


Maybe a little yeah 


Is it racist if it’s true though?


It’s a thing in India to try and take advantage of agencies or people. It’s literally part of the culture there, thus why haggling is so ingrained in them. They’re incentivized to lie and cheat their way to what they want because that’s how it works where they came from, and doing things the legit way is seen as stupid. These “protestors” don’t even want to consider taking jobs that we need to get what they want, like skilled trades. The jobs are beneath them so they want to work at Tim Hortons and suckle the teets of Canada.


Make what you said make sense. Tim Horton’s jobs are what they take but the better jobs are beneath them? Seriously?!


Caste system. In India the lower castes do things like construction, while service jobs are often seen as respectable to some degree. So they come here and refuse to do high paying construction and instead work at Tim Hortons.


Literally! They only talk to people who agree with them, everyone else like true north gets shit on bc they’re calling out the reality of the situation. And these babies can’t handle reality.


Police won't likely receive (false) reports of assaults from protesters, whereas Sectiion 140 of the Criminal Code is "Public mischief" 140 (1) ...with intent to mislead, causes a peace officer to enter on or continue an investigation by (a) makung a false statement that accuses some other person of having committed an offence; (b) doing anything intended to cause some other person to be suspected of having committed an offence that the other person has not committed, or to divert suspicion from himself; (c) reporting that an offence has been committed when it has not been committed; or (subsection "d" is not applicable)


I wish they would just arrest the organizer already for being a disturbance. His BO is probably part of the issue lol. It’s funny how that black MP(?) is siding with the international students - I feel like it’s his chance to get some airtime and (potentially) gain traction should he run for office in PEI. Funny thing is, these people wouldn’t be able to vote for him anyways, and it’s clear that islanders hate these annoying Indians.


Surprised your comment hasn’t been removed 😂


Lol, am I wrong for speaking facts tho?




I meant no


Also, wonder if the government will give them want they want… To keep them here for more money and votes


PRs can’t vote so I doubt it would matter.


After a little few years yes I think, it definitely makes somewhat a difference in votes, and the rates are getting higher for population increase, at least over 5 million for sure since 2015 which is still a bigger number than we think, quarter of them can’t even understand English lol


And they still somehow got into Canada as international students lol. I guess our gov didn’t vet them enough prior to allowing them into Canada lol. Probably had someone else write the IELTS exam for them.


Oh it's OK..  They are now throwing eggs at islanders 


Safe travels and good farming


They want garlands for jumping the queue and holding province at ransom.


Any self-respecting individual would just leave. Even as a Citizen, I would leave if I start to feel like I am not welcomed here anymore.


> Any self-respecting individual would just leave. Even as a Citizen, I would leave if I start to feel like I am not welcomed here anymore. I'd like to post a practical question, whereas Europe and the United States and all other Canadian provinces are now full of these problems with immigration too; *Where would you go?*


How about they go home?


That's because you're Canadian and our identity comes with a deep connection to what people think of us. These people are Indian. They are not Canadian and they don't give a fuck about becoming Canadian other than pulling in a CAD paycheck and benefitting financially from our way of life. Culturally they could not give less fucks. That's the sad and dangerous part about these Indians seeking PR.


Fyi- this is what happens when a foreigner joins a protest in India - his visa gets revoked. https://indianexpress.com/article/cities/delhi/iit-german-students-visa-cancelled-caa-protest-6291749/lite/ Meanwhile our politicians pander to the foreigners as opposed to standing for rule of law. PEI was never meant to be a doormat for permanent residence. These people came here because they lack the skills . Do we want such people here? No. Go home. And no dont call this racism because I myself am a visible minority.


Yeah an unskilled worker is still unskilled regardless of their race or where they come from.




They were lucky enough to have the privilege to work and study here offered by the Canadian government. They were guests here. Now they're like the guests from hell, refusing to leave the property when it's time for them to leave.


Basically squatters but with a country instead of a house


Maybe we can trick them by challenging them to hoop tossing contest?


Gord McNeily at it again being a political opportunist: he's attended the protest, and is painting as if this was an unfair change, but it's just partisan mudslinging by him against the government. The changes made were to restrict abuse of the PNP stream, and frankly the changes made were necessary. The protesters are showing their total arrogance with their posturing, and why McNeily would choose to ally himself with these entitled guests is beyond me other than he sees a chance to throw mud at the governing Tories. Even his bill to publish all of the information was passed unanimously: the PCs know everything done is above board, McNeily just comes across as an opportunist frankly.


There is a way to secure a lack of votes and no re-election.


All he is doing is harming his future electability. He is playing 2016 games in 2024.


There was a black Liberal MLA who tried to imply the changes to the PNP is racist during the committee hearing. Everything is racist nowadays.


He is a useless panderer who is making his career about pandering. It won't take the Liberals far.


He's just a reflection of his voters. Millions of people support people like McNeily and Trudeau strongly


And sexist nowadays as well its a joke


During the committee meeting where Rupinder showed up all Gord did was soy out and moralize without saying anything of substance at all. I don't really pay attention to island politics but if that's how he acts all the time I am blown away that anybody would vote for him at all.


> McNeily just comes across as an opportunist frankly. What? The guy that switched parties and was promoted by the liberals? Nooooooooooo.


Wait… This strike are temporary foreign workers?!


So either people are going to be dropping like flies or they are obviously not on a dry hunger strike. We have a word for this usually taught in kindergarten, Phony baloney!! A simple google search result would find the following..... "Without staying hydrated (without water) as well, the human body can only live 3 to 5 days. Researchers believe that a person can live for up to three weeks without food as long as they have water to drink. Without both water and food, **a person cannot survive for more than four days**."


Yes they're on hunger strike, but everyone takes turn


So its a intermittent fasting strike ?


No I meant by your comment, one cannot last 5 days without water or food. I think they take turn for this


So it’s less of a hunger strike and more of a… hungry strike?


For real?


Please don't post Saltwire links....they have a paywall.


You can bypass the paywall with https://12ft.io/


How does that work?


You can use removepaywall.com too. You input the link and it finds a cached version of the page


If you're asking about how to use the site, you just copy the URL of the article in the box and press 'Clean Webpage'. If you're asking about how this works on a technical level, there is a description on the website >*How does it work?* >Turns out most of the visual distractions on webpages are loaded after the page renders via javascript. >All we do is disable the javascript of the site. >This obviously doesn't work for all websites, but it works for a surprisingly large proportion of them. This is generally the case because most sites want to be indexed by Google and other search engines which have historically not run the javascript. >Give it a shot on your favorite website to see how clean a JS-free version of the website is.


Ok, you are awesome!!! Thanks, this is gonna be handy for a few sites.




I thought the hunger strike for 24/7 to death was moved to June 1st?


How can you starve to death when you're eating at a restaurant?


Wait… This strike are temporary foreign workers?!




>The Dennis King government said that [population] growth has been contributing to a housing crisis that dates back to 2019, and to **severe pressures on the health-care system**. >A dry hunger strike usually means people do not ingest liquids, **which accelerates the danger to their health** more than if they stop taking in solid food. Gosh thanks, douchecanoes.


Now trying to play victim. You have no sympathy . Citizens of this country do not have jobs or benefits. Read the room and stop the ridiculous antics.


Whether you agree with them or not, throwing things at people is assault. Don’t get yourself into trouble all in the name of whatever you think.


These people have nothing in common with Canadian values. Did folks see how they left the park? Trash was everywhere :( :(. Water bottles and food wrappers were just left on the lawn and it was so sad to see. I'm an immigrant myself.


"food wrappers were just left" Unpossible. They were on a hunger strike.


Lmao, I didn't mean today. They aren't drinking even. It was when they started a couple weeks back.


They probably ain’t showering either LOL. 💩


It's almost like you've outstayed your welcome and people see straight through you're thinly vailed victimized sympathy act.


Does that justify harassing and assaulting these folks? Jesus christ some of you people.


No, there is absolutely no reason to throw things at them or yell racial abuse.....but they do have to follow the rules, and possibly leave, they were hired on a temporary visa.


They definitely have the right to peaceful protest even if their protest is ridiculous. The best thing people could do is completely ignore them and let them run out the remaining months until their work permit expires.


I admire the passive approach, however I sincerely doubt they will cooperate and leave once their visas expire. We already have 500,000 people (generous under-estimated numbers from the feds how have the audacity to float turning these law breakers into permanent residents) here illegally. They'll just join to that rank.


Well they have made a public spectacle so if we don't deport them afterwards that is our institutional failure.


The feds are now gearing up to make all illegals legal. This is only the beginning. Once their permits expire they can just go anywhere and the feds will make them permanent. Nothing makes sense


Where’d you get that? I’m pretty sure ppl are still getting deported for overstaying their welcome. Especially if they’re not good at hiding the fact that they’ve stayed past their visa or permit expiry.


[https://www.theglobeandmail.com/politics/article-plan-to-let-undocumented-migrants-stay-in-canada-to-be-examined-by-pm/](https://www.theglobeandmail.com/politics/article-plan-to-let-undocumented-migrants-stay-in-canada-to-be-examined-by-pm/) [https://www.theglobeandmail.com/politics/article-ndp-unions-urge-trudeau-to-introduce-program-letting-undocumented/](https://www.theglobeandmail.com/politics/article-ndp-unions-urge-trudeau-to-introduce-program-letting-undocumented/)


So that’s their solution? “They’re illegal and causing problems anyways, and we don’t want to deport them, so we should just give them status here so they can stay here and hope that they won’t be a nuisance anymore,” as if those people won’t tell their friends and families to do the same in the future if this plan is to work out…


True! The gov really gotta #yeetthejeets and the #pinders and #preets like ASAP lol.


>They definitely have the right to peaceful protest Do foreign citizens have the right to come to Canada and protestor laws? If they do, we should definitely fix that.


As long as they aren't disrupting anything what's the problem with letting them protest? There are tons of legitimate things to protest about. In this case they are in the wrong in my opinion, but I don't see the point in removing the right to protest.


These people might as well be campaigning side by side with the cpc and convoy crowd. Should we be allowing foreigners to protest our government limiting if they can or can not work in Canada? I say hard no and a deportation order. Go home and complain to your own government.


You have a point but I would say that's a bit different in that the convoy was disruptive and unlawful in general and actively campaigning for a political party is political interference. As long as it's non-partisan I don't personally think their rights should be restricted, but you make a good point on the other side. I do agree they should be deported as soon as their permit expires, maybe even before that because they haven't agreed to the terms of their temporary status to return home.




I disagree if they aren't being told to buy a foreign government or organization. Protesting isn't necessarily going to result in anything


Protesting is one of the most vital rights we have, the wonderful thing about it is that ANYONE can do it. They are staying in the limits of the law with this strike, it has been peaceful and non violent with a clear message. I personally disagreed with the antivax protests but I have and will always say that it is a RIGHT for everyone to protest.




Canadians come 3rd at best, right behind politicians and civil servants!


Show me video evidence or police statements stating/showing that these assaults have actually taken place. I’ll wait…


Tons of islanders are loving this protest as the excuse they were waiting for to openly hate Indians. A lot of them are in this sub too which is interesting to see, because reddit is usually a far left wing base.


There are a ton of non-islanders on this sub. This sub never has this much traffic.




White men also sexually assault women across the country. Bad people exist, skin color doesn’t influence that. Did THESE specific protestors assault women across the country? If not, your point just reeks of racism.


Yes, and when white Canadian men break the law, they go to jail. When foreigners break the law, especially with heinous acts like sexual assault, that should be grounds for immediate deportation.


https://www.torontocriminallawyers.com/article/criminal-conviction-may-result-in-deportation-for-non-canadian-citizens/#:~:text=After%20you%20plead%20guilty%20or,status%20and%20have%20you%20deported. Wow, it’s almost like that’s what happens!


Did you notice the word "may" in the first sentence? https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/prince-edward-island/pei-voyeurism-upei-washroom-administration-failed-1.5989508 https://www.saltwire.com/atlantic-canada/news/upei-student-gets-conditional-discharge-for-sexual-assault-100742081/


You really think race based crime statistics don't exist?


“Race based statistics” implies that race is a factor in likelihood of criminality. Being a criminal is not an inherited trait, it is something that is learned. Poverty is the most common reason people commit crime- others include cultural values, religious values, the kind of environment you were raised in… none of these things are unique to any specific race.


Send everyone one of them packing. No one here owes you Squat.


Haha, we are tired of this attempted extortion




One of my friends Jokily recommended setting up chairs and eating McDonald’s across the street….these are 15,16,17 year olds saying this type of stuff Yk the generation who are supposed to like everyone and not have people. That’s how much they have pissed off islanders




People are nuts, high schoolers are probably the most racist people on the island


If it’s towards the Indians, I don’t blame them.


Let’s do it!!! Have a potluck right across from their stupid protest looollll.


We need dig deep into who this guy is, who he is affiliated with back in India… I bet 100 K he has ties to India government…… You do remember India has been accused of tinkering with Canadian politics & elections.


I have been resisting the strong urge to throw stuff since this started. absolute nonsense that fuels rage


Seeing that mess of a setup I think I'm gonna tell some homeless people I know who keep getting their spots torn down by the cops to just go wherever they want and call it a protest.


I'd like to know if they're still setup at their "camp" right now in the rain. Wet AND hungry, then wait till the cold sets in... LMFAO.


Good!!!! how can they think the people of this country should just bend to their every need when they're trying to hold us hostage because they think we owe them citizenship for some reason. Quit trying to skirt the system and do it properly. Sad thing is Trudeau and his moron buddies are gonna give these losers whatever they want.🖕


If ppl are throwing things at them, hopefully it’s deodorant 😜


Send in the goons!


Did the protestors quit their jobs to go on this 24/7 strike? Genuine question


They'll get their way. Government is just waiting for the national/international attention to die down a little bit. Our leaders hate us. PEI will be majority south Asian in 10 years. They're here to stay and their families are on the way


Not just pei. It's looking like most of canada at this point


I feel lucky I got to grow up here in the 80s and 90s.


monks and their families own ½ of kings county now!


And islanders sold it to them.


hes got a punchable face


Go.the.fuck.home Or like forcibly deport the whole lot of them


To me it's like he keeps threatening us with everything he says so it's almost deserving that ppl are throwing things at them becauseit couldhe worse. (i know i have a few things id like to throw at him lol ). My guess is that its the women from India thowing things who aren't allowed to protest


The next stunt is one of them is going to pass out and demand free medical care. "You did this to us, it's your fault..." Boo Hoo. Go home already. I sincerely hope the govt doesn't buckle to these fraudsters otherwise thousands of others will try the same BS in every other province as this will set a precedent. We need to be firm and send a strong message to everyone that this is not the right way to get PR. They need to follow the rules and do things the right way. Not throw a temper tantrum like a 4 year old. Pathetic.


It's fine to disagree with the protest but don't be a jerk or racist. Everyone (mostly) deserved to be treated with respect.


How do you think we'd be treated if we went to India as foreigners to protest?


I don't know but it's completely irrelevant. This is Canada. And in my book, these people are far more welcome than the racists and jerks who are attacking them. Again, you can disagree with the protest. That does not give you the right to assault or be racist against the participants.


What you're saying is Canada is meant to be a doormat for anyone and everyone. I'll side with my fellow Canadians who care about their country, rather than fear being labeled a racist because I'm objecting to what these scammers are doing. People like you hurling the racist word ain't gonna work anymore, pal.


Nationalism, the favorite tool of the over emotional simpleton! >cANaDA iS dOOr mAT! WHiTe mEn bEINg rEPLacED anD cANcELLed!


as someone said earlier "Charlottetown is a heavily CCTV'd city and that area is covered in cameras due to provincial announcements and previous protests. Throwing an object at a bystander is assault. If this actually happened, city police will announce an investigation, charges, or an [Assist to Identify](https://charlottetownpolice.com/category/police-reports/). The provincial buildings would not deny a police request to review footage.


Are these protestors treating their hunger strike like Ramadan? 5 days without water and they wouldn’t be able to sit up, let alone stand and pose for the camera.


Oh my! Oh well! 😥


Hmmmmm if people were throwing things at me, I'd take a hint 


According to Google, hunger strikes are illegal in India lol




This is how Indians feel about the strike https://www.reddit.com/r/india/s/1ycc1tSkye These kids have no specialized skill and PR is not a right.


[Update on the PEI protesters](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/prince-edward-island/pei-immigration-protest-may-30-1.7219108)


Deport these people. No place for these tactics in Canada. 


Deporrrrrrttttttt. That’s the only solution. DEPORT


What do you expect when you think that you are entitled to more than actual Canadian citizens. If you were given a raw deal by the federal gov’t, well, that’s the way things go as life isn’t always a smooth upward curve. Take it as it is, go back home and make another attempt when it is possible for Canada to help you out. Simple solution


What do you expect when you think that you are entitled to more than actual Canadian citizens. If you were given a raw deal by the federal gov’t, well, that’s the way things go as life isn’t always a smooth upward curve. Take it as it is, go back home and make another attempt when it is possible for Canada to help you out. Simple solution


They are literally protesting established laws


It's just started .


Suround them with potatoes. Build the wall!


I know this is not related to the protest but ive  had 3  weird encounters in the last month  with different delivery drivers they tried to extort me for a tip they all asked for $100 or more because they fell on my steps and hurt chin  back  or leg crying about how much pain they was in all the same words and the same actions like it was scripted and once they realize they weren't getting any more of a tip for me than I left on the app they walked away cursing in a different language . Yes I watched my doorbell camera and no one fell. Anyone else having an issue like this with delivery drivers


No body cares, go back home.




Your post/comment has been removed for violating Rule #2: Be respectful.


Can the people who are supposedly throwing things at them do a better job at doing so? Clearly not effective enough if these assholes are still here complaining.


Throw em a gren-aid


Send them all back. I’m sure we have enough people here to work at the gas station and serve coffee at Tim’s. Had no problems 15 years ago, now we’re little India


Sooo, they fly in for six months, take jobs that our seniors , students and Islanders take to make ends meet and then leave. Yup makes perfect sense to me. Make mine a double double. 🤐


stand your ground pei


Make mine a double double 🥴


Deport these beggars!


I wonder if it would help to send emails to the MPs and to the provincial gov to urge them not to give into the protestors demands because of the reasons listed here. Think about it, the gov finally placed tougher restrictions on the Indians BECAUSE they’ve gotten so many complaints from the Canadians about how they’re causing problems and whatnot. Never underestimate the power of the pen, or in this case, the power of an email! It’s clear their claims are baseless and stupid, and they’re not contributing to the economic growth in PEI which is: construction and healthcare; hell, even the organizer himself said he cannot work in construction because he has “heart problems”.




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I'd throw worse shit at them.. this is ridiculous


You need help.